The Canadian Statesman: Rowmanville, February 8, 1978 Ci Inc elin L se n. Tc n.Fitniess. In your heart you know îsrgt qKingston Tem Wins Novice Consolation Trophy rnent here on Saturday, a team from Kingston blanked Oshawa in the tionsoation e Canadian Statesman trophy. The trophy was presented by Lloyd Heard at rear to second from right. Ail stars were i - r, Dave Sims of Oshawa (2nd), James Edwards ise (lst), both of Kingston. GrimsvWisChmios<piiNovice Toumamentf Grinisby and Bowmrranvilie met ini the championship final of the Novice tournament here on Saturday, bunt vére tied 1-ail at the end of the game. After five minutes overtime, the score was stili tied so the charnpionship was awarded to Grimsby who had scored the first goal of the game. The Canadian Tire tro>e1y was presented to Cap t. Piotrowsky of Grimsby, Second from left. Third Ail Star award went to GriÉsby's Ricky Kish at left, first Ail Star to Phillip Thomson, also of Grimsby, second from right, and secàrnd Ail Star to Chris Beck of Bowmanville, right. Greg Brunt and Lloyd Heard at rear, made the presentatiQns. -Photos by Rick James SBlast Co)bourg- 8-0 Cruess. Cruess scored the The Hardware squad assisted by Brad Cruess who On T1uescay evening, second goal of the period, applied tremendous pressure also had a good night. The Janïiary 3lst,' the Bowmari- assisted by Lorne Whitmarsh throughout the remainder 'of final goal of the contest was ville -Major Atom 'Toros, and Paul Robichaud. Four the game, picking up five picked Up by the hard-working spoùsored by MeGregor HIome seconds remained in the unanswered goals in the final Chris Drelossi, assisted by Hardware, resumed O.M.H.A. opening stanza whea Chris period. Jon Clieff scored his defenceman Glen Duncan. Lakeshore League action Dreossi put Bowmanville second of the game, unassist- Alan Ulrich was in goal for the aft*ri a lengthy layoff due to ahead 3-0. lHe was assisted by ed, after stealing the puck Toros and was full value for zlunerous tournamrents. The his right winger Tom from a Cobourg defender. the shutout. He was called Toros travelled to Cobourg McLaughlin. Brent Neill scored on a clever upon to make several key ý,rere they blasted the host The middle period featured' play -engineered by McLaugh- saves, particularly in the cýuIbto tl1 tune of 8-O. many end to end rushes by lin and defenceman Brian middle period when Cobourg ;The game was onl'y 44 both clubs and the goaltending Heard. Clieff scored again, applied tremendous pressure. seconds old when Bowman- had to be extremely sharp. unassisted, to complete his hat ville's Jon Clieff scored, Neither team was able to pick trick performance in one of bis Play to Scoreless Tie assisteçl by defenceman up any goals as the nietmind- best efforts of the season. Paul On Saturday, February 4th, Pierre St. Amnand and 3rad ers were equal to the task. Robichaud scbred a 2oal,- the Bowmanvifle McGregor DEPARTMENT 0F PA4RKS &RECREATION COR PORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Playgro und TraJliing course Sessions are held in room 141. MWi, March 6 Wed., March 8 Mon., March 13 W~ed., March 15 !Wed., March 29 Mon., April 3 'Wed, Apriî 5 6: 30 p. m. 7: 00 7:30 p. m. 6:30 p. m 7: 00 p. m 8:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7: 00 p.m. to 8; 15P. M. 6:30 p.m 7:30 p.m 8:00 P. M. 8:30 p. m. 6: 30 p.M. 7:30 p. m. to 8: 30 p.m 6:30, p.m. 7: 00 P.m 8:30 P. M. Playground Theory T. A. Fannirig Practice Teaching W. Brunt Behaviour & Sports W. Brunt on Playgrounds Leadership 1 W. Brunt Practlse Teaching W. Brunt ln the Gym T. A. Fanning Story Telling Nancy Arts & Crafts Matthews and Group Music & Drama Special E vents Publicity & Public J. P. Caruana Relations Programme J. P. Caruana Planning First Aid Alfred Brown Recap of T. A. Fannlng Playg round Course I ntergration of the Grant Mentally Southwell Retarded on Regular, Playgrounds Exam W. Brunt T. A. Fanning Hardware Toros travelled to Lindsay, where both clubs played to a scoreless fie. Lindsay and Bowmanville both started the game with a great deal of aggressiveness, and both clubs had excellent scoring chances, particularly the Toros. Chris Clifton was in the nets for Bowmanville and made some excellent stops to preserve the shutout for bis team. The Hardware crew sports a record of 17 wins, one tie and no losses this year ini O.M.H.A. Lakeshore League action and they are ail alone in first place with three league games remaining.,, NOR-MIAY ACRES TROUT F1S HIN G If you are looking for an enioyable spot to catch trout, then corne fo the ~ iate ponds at r-May Acres. Open ail year . Fish huts available. Ponds are stocked with Speckledc and Rainbow Trout. Take 401 t0 Oshawa, turn north at inter- change 72 i(Harmony Rd. -and drive north for 8 miles.