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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1978, p. 14

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1974 FORD van, sliding side door model with swivel captain's chair, fully carpet- ed, sleeping quarters, trailer hitch, luggage rack, outside spare lire, new automatlc transmissiôn, new exhaust system, mag wheeis. Can be obtained for $3990 with financing availabie. Cail 623- 6722 9a.m. - 5p.m. 6-1 N 73 MERCURY Montega. Asking $1095. Phone 623-3222. 6-1 N '70-NOVA, 2 door, 307 auto- matic, vinyl top, very good running order, $650., Phone 987-4390. 6-1 N 1973 FORD LTD. 9 passenger Country Squire Stationwagon. Gold colour,- almost new tires - certified and 1978 license. This is a good looking car, dlean and has been maintain- ed. Came on down. Look if over and make me an offer. Keth Canneli 623-5655. 6-1 N 1972 FORD, 3/ ton, Camper special, insuIated cap, good condition, many extras. 623- 2250. 6-1 N '65 RAMBLER, running condition, as is, $125. Also usedgarage door. Phone 263-2042. 6-1 N 1977 GMC window van, low miae, 21 options. Rugged, pnlld and insu ated interior. Make offer. Must seli. Oshawa 644-6766 days. Bowmanviile. 623-6615 evenings. 6-1 N 1977 PONTIAC Catalina, V-8, 305, power steering, power brakes, crulse, tilt wheel, air, tinted glass, and other options. Phone 623-4124 after 5 p.m. 6-1 J and M 'TIRE Service tar Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-ff '74 VOLVO, 142, AM-FM, radial. tires, 'hitch, AI condi- tion, Best offer. Orono 983-9404. 5-2N VITALIZING! Phoiïe 723-1155 for Rustproofin g on new or used vehic les. Wriften war- ranfy. Durham Vitaiizîng, phone 723-1155.47-t 19_68 GMC é 1 ag condition, standard rnm- sion, must seli, best ffer. Ci between 5 and 6 p.m. 983-2. We would be interested in a responsible proposai ta lease the snack bar building at the front of the Bowmanville Zoo for a year round food outiet, or if you have a franchise or re q uire a more modemn building of your own wehave good froni-age that couid be availabie for lease. This has ta be one of the hest knawn locations ln the area with over 1500 ft. of f rontage on King St. East - already paved parking lot and although the zoo is oniy open for 6 months weather permltting, iftwill aftract over 100,000 visitors. Phone 623-5655 after 6 p.m. for an appoint- ment. 6-1 N Opportunity for Business Minded' People Te secure a profitable Inde- edetfture wit h our own ~usiness. Write P.O. o 2252, Oshawa. 3-4N St Western Canada School of Auctioneering Lt. Canada's first, and the only- completeîy Canadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, el -1££ ,OSHAWA Obedience Associa- tion announces S pring Train- ing Classes for dog s. Novice and open classes starting March 2lst in Bowmanvilie. Novice classes starting March 29th in Oshawa. For further information please phone 623-5686 or 576-1167. 5-8N FREE to goad home in the country. Maie, neutered American water spaniel. Papers and shots and dog license. 11/2 years old. Phone 623-5644. 6-1 FIVE monthaid female Lab to be given away ta good home, preferabiy with chiidren. Phone 623-9506. 6-1 N La Joy's Poodie Clipping and Groom ing BY PROFESSIONALS Piease caîl: 623-6676 6-tf N PUREBRED blue ticK hound pups. Phone 1-277-2333. 6-1iN TO give away ta good home, 10 months aid spayed female cat. Phone 725-3947. 6-1tf 5/ MONTH aid female lab, ta be given away ta good home, p erferably with children. Phane 623-9506. 6-1 N POODLES, Tay silver g rey. Real littie b eau fies from champion bloodlines, choose yours now, w1ill be ready fa go at Easter. Registered and needies. 623-6676. 6-2N 2 BE DROCOMapartnent, $215- Furnished bachelar $160. Passession March 1. Aduifs. Heat, hydra. 623-7264. 6-1 OFFICE space an King St. in Bowmanville. 600 sq. ft., carpetted, immediafe accupancy, ieasee moving, assume sub-iease. Phone 623- 6555. 6-TFN SPACIOUS twa bedroom apar tment, upper ýduplex, diningraam, new carpet. $300- Phone 623-3924. 6-1 UPSTAIRS apartment, 11/2 eramfridge'and stove suppiied, garage, 2 miles east of Bow Manvilie on Highway 2. Availa ble March lst. Phone 987-4474. 6-1 BOWMANVILLE, 4 bedroom home in southwest section of town. 1 or 2 year lease. $350 monthly plus utilities. Cal Ron Hurst 623-3393. W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. Realtor.' 6-1 SEMI-detached house for rent. Three bedrooms, fully carpetted, finished family room, fenced in back yrd'. Available March 1Isf. Phone 623-3182 or atter 7 p.m. 1-983- 5426. 6-1iN STORE for rent, 19 Temper- ance St. (farmerly The Book Miii). Availabie March lst. Phone 623-7438. 6-1 TWO bedraom bungalow, 2 miles east of Newcastle on Hwy. 2. $250 a month. Phone 987-4759 after six. 6-1 N TWO bedraam apartment in aduit building. Availabie March sf. $200 includes heat and hydra. Phone 623-5888. 6-1N TWO bedroom apartment centraily iocated in Bowan vil le. Phone 623-3211. 6-1 BOWMANVILLE apartment, 4 roams and bath, heated, cable T.V., free parking. Availabie now, $225 mnonthly, plus hydro. Phone 623-7523. 50-tf M0ACRES, 2 barns with 10 box stalîs. Tyrone area. $60 monthly. Cati 623-7661. Ask for Donna. 6-iN LARGE furnished bed-sitting room. Kitchen and home priviieges. 40 Parkway Cres- cent, Bowmanvîile. 6-1 going ta Lance Burns and Brian Hughes. AI Junkin tied the score in the final period, Terry Baker and Boyd Knox assisting. Neither team could break the tie in the remaining 10 minutes with sound goal- tending by Don Sturrack and Mike Johnson. D&R 5 Hoopers 4 The second game was the battle for the basement, with Hoopers ending the season in soie possession of last place. D&R were neyer ahead by more than 1 goal in a clasely fought game. Steve Parker and Jahn Hughes lead D&R with 2 goals each while- Murray O'Brien taliied once. Martin Goldberg piayed a strong game with 2 assists, solos going ta Bruce Welsh and Steve Sumersford. Paul Farsey scored 2 goals far Hoopers with Joe Caruana and John Colwell scoring one each. Assists went ta Rick Shackel- ton, Dave Ormiston, John Woodcack and Jae Caruana. Firths 7 Cowans 1 The final game saw the Meat Machine grind Cowans into the ice lead by Sandy Brown who gathered up 3 goals and 2 assists. Bob Howes, Wray Rendeil, Steve Hogarth and Rick Hall each tallied goals. John Vance had 2 assists with Bob McLaughlin and Laurie Gay each picking up 1 assist. Rick Woolner scored Cowans only goal with Paul Siemon drawing the assist. OB-ITUARY' F. LLOYD WILLIAMS Retired since April 1977 as stare manager of, Beckers' Milk at Five Points Mail, F. Lloyd Williams died at Port Richey, Florida, Wednesday, February 1, 1978. He lived at 151 Oshawva BIvd. S. Born March '19, 1908, in Darlington Township, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cilas Williams. Hele ad been a resident of Oshawa since 1959. He is survived by his wife, the former Aima Milner Stickney, whom he married in June of 1959 in Aima, Ont. three sons, Gien and Ross, both of Burlington, Grant of Port Perry, a stepson, Val Priede of Caesarea, a daugh- ter, Mrs. Yvonne Cowle of Bowmanville; 20 grand- children and six great grand- children. Mr. Williams rested at, Mclntosh-Anderson Funeral Home, Oshawa. Complete service was held in the chapel on Monday at 1 p.m. Rev.U Victar'Parsans of Biackstock United Church officiated. Spring interment Hampton Cemetery. Memorial donations 'ta the Ontario Heart Fund wauld be gratefully appreciated. PRIME RIBROS CUT FROM GRADE A STEER BEEýF CHEF STYLE. TRIM E MW=. Saturday Evening FebruarylU atl7p.m. Auction sale at Pethick's Auction Barn,- Haydon, one mile east of Enniskillen. La rge quantlty of furniture and things, boxes of articles, some new clothlng. Terms cash. Cliff Pethick, auc- tioneer. 6-1iN Auction Sale 3 Private Estates Property of Avco Finance Co., Mr.Pan a, King St. E., Oshawa, plus Mr. Johns, Port Perry fa be held at Stirtevants Auction Hall, 27 Hall St., Oshawa on Thursday, February 9 at 6 p.m. Al furni- ture and appliances in perfect condition. Admirai harvest ?oaidside by side refri gerator, les than 2 years old), lng lis side by side refricgerator (6 months old), white model Royale 100), Westinghouse electric stove with self- cleaning oven, (6 mo. old>, portable harvest gold dish- washer (2 years oId), Sklar rust chesterfield suite with wood arms, (new price over $1000), 6 piece pine bedroom suite consisting of men's chest of drawers, large hutch-type dresser, cannonball bed, 2 nighttables, box spring and mattress, (over $1800 new), À x 8 pool table, complete, less than 6 months old, desk, solidi oak coffee and end tables with spooi legs and brass corners, 2 f lowered-type glass end table lamps, Victorian ovai centre table with white casters (antique), antique Victorian bed, complete, chest of drawers, vanity, chrome suite, color T.V., compiete lune of hand tools. Terms cash. No reserve. Myles King, auctioneer and cartage. 725-5751. 6-1 CASH for gId, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jewellery, dish- es, furniture, cracks, paint- ings, sealers,, Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West. 725-9783. 9-tf Franks 2 Spencers 2 The first game saw the 2 top teams battle ta, a 2 ail tie in the race for first place. After a scoreless first period Spencers scored bath their goals in the second period. Bob Prentice scored first with Glen Rice drawing the assist. Rice then scored again with Rick Rademaker assisting. Pete Albrecht scored for Franks in the second period with assists Friday, Feb. il, 1: 15 p.m. At Bannister's Auction Hall, n 'Bewdley. Cansisting, of chests of drawers, vanity, rocking chair, reftnished a d chairs, tables, portable TV., dishes, gtassware, ail lampSs, 2 baseboard heaters, smaIt appliances, books and ther items sf111 being consigned. Rager Bannister, auctioneer, 416-797-2651. 6-1iN USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 1 26-tf Cars, Trucks,, Tractors, Motorcyc les Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS IGHESÎT PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf MAI URE high school stud ent wauld lîke ta babysît. Phone 623-2318. 6-1 WILL babysit in my home on Hwy. No. 2. between Bowman- ville and Oshawa. Cali 623- 7727. 6-2 iLSS BiII's GASand MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 7t DARLINGION MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf LEAVING your home for a business or vacation? Contact my wife of I for live-in maintenance during your absence. Caîl 623-6652. 6-2N Cornei's Auction Barn Friday, February 10, 7 p.m. 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay - Little Britain Road. The estate of the late Lionel Drew of Epsom. Findîay ovat cook stove (good condition), 8 H.P. Canadiana combination Iawn mower and snowblower, air compressor, rota tiller, bench saw, chain saws, Beaver Planer, Skil saws, igsaws, power drills, Quebec heater, freezer, rock- ing chairs, quantity of wooden decays, extension aidders, tan back chairs, quantity of hand toals, large q uantity of goad carpenter tools, 19e,9 Fargo ,'/2 ton truck (not cerifiedc) also consigned 1970 Nordic skîdoo, 1971 Olympic skidoa, 1970 Arîen's snowmobile, 1972 Snow Prince, (ail in warking condition) plus many more antiques, furniture and house- hold items. Don Corneil, auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183. 6-1 N C & C JAN ITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholsery Professionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE 45-tf REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Free pcku pand delivery. FREE E STIMATES PHON E 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton 48-tf Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Bowmanville Sîding'- Soff it Fa scia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREEEsTriMATE. NOW HANDLING VINYL SIDING Trown of Newcastîe SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD requimed for Downtown Bowmanvilîe location. Duties ta commence Mamch lst, 1978. j ~ 'c lIroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk 40 Temperance Street Bowýnanvllle, Ontario. S * e, M. Brooks CAR PENTRY R EMOD ELLI NG CUPBO0ARDS - VANITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-tf AIl1 kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanvi lie 623-2756 13-tf WATER Wells bored, 30 fie. Ward's Weii Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- ive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531 16-tf Ron's Floor Care Commerci 1I and househoîd cIeaning. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax me- moval, wall washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 3t Durham Masonry Contractors Lt. Bricks - Logs Field Stonework Specializing in Fimeplaces Phone 839-2431 49-tf Don Brooks & Son General Contractor and Customn Builder -Phone 723-6176 New homes, additions, altera- tions, rec rooms, garages, repa irs of ail1 types, etc. 25-tf INSTALL an Essa furnace, baller, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Combination wood and ail. Financing avail- able. Furnaces cieaned. Parts and service poiicy. Cali Harvey Partner, y ur Essa service dealer. F ree esti- mates. Orona 983-5206 or Bowmanville 623-2301. 24 haur service. 35-tf Professional Carpet Cleaing AT REASONABLE RATES FREE ESTIMATES Phone Bob Days 723-5729 Evenings 623-2383 1 ,-47-tf Friends were shocked ta hear of the sudden death of Mrs. Jim Fowler, of Caesarea an Friday. Funeral service was Monday fram McDermott -Panabaker Funeral Parlours, Port Perry. Sincere sympathy is extended ta hier husband and three sans and also ta hier mother and their relatives. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams attended the funeral of Mr. Frank Tobin of Greenbank at the McDermott -Panabaker Funeral Parlours, Port Perry. 1Mr. and Mrs. Victar Bannis- ter and family, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leishman and boys, Reaboro visited for Saturday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish in honour of Mr.. and Mrs. Bannisters' birthdays. Con- gratulations. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Scott, Charles and Jenni- fer, Corbyville, spent the day with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Grandel and Andrew were hasts on Sunday, January 29 for a birthday dinner. Guests were hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Kellett of Janetville, hier brother, Mr. Bruce Kel- lett, Part Perry and his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Grandel, Nestieton. Guests of honour were Mr. Kellett, senior and Perry. Congratula- tions, gentlemen! Mrs. Helen Corneli is spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Grandel. On Saturday, in spite of sub zero weather, several Cart- wright members of the Dynos' Snowmobiie Club enjoyed the fifty mile drive ta the Ganar- aska Forest. They had dinner at Noons Restaurant an fHighway 115 and snacks at the Chalet in the forest. It was a good run and with the bright sunshine the weather warmed up considerably. Leaving Nestieton Recreation Centre at 9 a.m. they arrived back at 3 p.m. (record time). Several Nestleton folk attended the Snowmobile GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Ref igertionandPainfing Refrgertionand Paperhanging Appliance Service Carpentry Commercial and Domestic Remodeling, Refrigemation -MiIk Coolers PHONE SERT SYER General Repairs Days........ ...-623-5774 lnterior Exterior Nights...... .... ...62,1-3177 '14-tf Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC G. VAN LONDEN 2-tf OXFORD Bricklayers and Stonemasons Ltd. (Our fireplaces do not smoke) Orono 983-5606 Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry, Renovating Al Gneral Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-f D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repa irs of ail1 types. phone 623-2263 20-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED, PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs ta ail makes. Harvey Partner, Orona 983-5206, Bowmanville tf 623-2301. 35-tf PART time babysitter, WaverIey area, aider woman preferred. Phone 623-3648. 6-1 BEAUTY consultants, full time or part time or manage- ment. No investment, no experience necessary. Will train. No restricted area. Phone Mrs. Green, 1-986-5655. 6-1 N RESPONSIBLE persan wanted for cooking and waitress lob in snack bar. CaîlI ,6-1 263-2201. 6-1iN Dining Room WAITRESS, WEEKENDS INVOLVED- EXCELLENT GRATUITIES SHORT HOURS RELIABLE Part-time BARTENDER WEEKENDS INVOLVED CAN BE TRAINED Weekend BUSBOYS GRADE 12 APPLICANTS For interviews phone: 623-3373 FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR IPN MASONRY, BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIRE-PLACES. Phone 623-5114. 28-52x MIDDLE aged marner would like babysiti ing in own home, Parkway Ave., close ta separate school. Phone f623-9228. 6-2 LADY wili babysit in your ELIZABETHVILLE hom. Pon 62-575. 6-i Church services were held at Garden Hill. Rev. Melville A-i ARPE TRY Buttars was our guest A-1CAR ENTRY speaker. The choir sang. Rev. SpeciaIizing in finishlng and Buttars spoke to the children remodeling on the starm of last week and. 28 Years Carpentry some incidents cancerning the Experience tr.Hsmsaew Yo FREE ESTIMATES astr.hslmessae Wasd"Yo PHONE JAMIEartesatothWri. VOLLENHOVEN Our U.C.W. unit 2 is 623-6358February l4th. 623-658 1 On Wednesday, Mrs. M. af ter 6 p. m. tfMeAllister, Mrs. K. Trew, SMrs. B. Wheeler, and Mrs. H. Thickson attended the l6th Gedde E letric annuai meeting of the Cobourg Gedde Eletric Presbyterial United Church Custom Homes, Women at Cobourg. About 150 Additions - Altemations attended. In the marning Rewiring president's remarks, FREE ESTIMATES literature flashes, and 623-4174, business was conducted. 40-tf N Welcome charge put on an ______________________ excellent skit on "-Welcoming WANT YOURthe new Minister. " After lunch WANT OU Rdevotions were by Baltimore Bathroom or ladies and our guest speaker Kitchen was Mrs. Clifford Campbell REMODELLED?' who spent many years i Jamaica.,She had slides as For Free Quotations well as a question period. The Phone 623-7363 new officers were installed at 4-5 the close of the programf. ~ Mr. anid Mrs. W. Terbenche and family, Port Hope, Mr. ___________________ and Mrs. R. Crombie and m m % boys, Bowmanville were with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer PURE B RED Tamworth Sunday afternoon. boar ready for service, weighs Mr n r.V ecc appraximateîy 275 1lbs. r n r.V ecc 986-4881 or 986-5088. visited in Lindsay on Saturday 5-1 Nf with Mr. M. White and Mrs. Z. White. Menl'S Major BoWling Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott, ,gOsawa were witb Mr. and Top Ten Averages Mrs. H. -Quantrill an Sunday. Larry Piper 246, Mike Little Randy, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds 245, Bernice Buday Eiliott's grandson was also 229, Don Bagneil 226, Jim aiong. Murphy 223, Joan Sutcliffe Mrs. B. Wheeler was with 222, Peggy Haynes 221, Jack Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook on Heffron 220, Albert Saman 219, Saturday. Ron Haynes 219. The United Church Official Team Standings Board Meeting was held at Peggy Haynes 12, 15,349, Canton on January 3th with Brenda Heffron ii, 14,902, a good representation attend- Helen Reynolds I0, 15,061, irg. Virginia Fairey 9, 14,822 An accident on Garden Hill Marie Brooks 8, 14,886, Pai Pond involved three skidoas Bagnell 8, 14,886, Joan Sut- on Saturdayevening. Three cliffe 7, 15,823, Vickie Terry 7, men were hospitalized. Two 15,308, Wendy Maynard 7, came home yesterday, but the 14,463, Anne Emmett 5, 13,910, other one is in Oshawa Bernice Buday 3, 15,038, General Hospital. Two live in Shirley Bickell 3, 13,978.' Garden Hill and one was from Oshawa. Bill O'Neill 254, John Luff- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wakely, man 260, 250, Brenda Heffron Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Ross 259, Peggy Haynes 252, Paul Longyear arrived home last Jackman 319 (high triple 748), week after two weeks spent n Wendy Maynard 296, Albert Hawaii. Mr. and Mrs. W. Saman 265, Joan Sutcliffe 305. Longyear kept home for them. races in Port Perry on Sunday. Zoe Rahrer placed first in 250 and 340 races and Warren Rohrer was first in 250 S.S. race. On Wednesday evening Mayor and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm attended the Scugog Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner meeting heid at Part Tavern, Port Perry. On Friday evening they were guests of the Part Perry, Agricuitural Saciety at their annual banquet held 'at the Immaculate Conception Church Hall, Port Perrv. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm and Laurie were Barry Malcolm, Simcoe, Dennis Malcolm, Scarborough and Gail Malcolm, Blackstock. Sunday dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Malcolm and Heather. Sunday visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee and Cliffard were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Weston, Todd and Mark of Burketon. Sîncere sympathy is extend- ed ta Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rohrer and family on the death of Mrs. Rohrer's mother, Mrs. Ivan Long of Tillsonburg on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rohrer accompanied his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rohrer ta Tillsonburg on Monday for the funeral service of Mrs. Long an Tûesday. Mr. and Mrs. Delton Fisher and Scott, West Hill, were Saturday overnight and Sunday guests of hus mother, Mrs. Milton Fisher, Caesarea. Mrs. Lawrence Cooledge is having the pleasure of baby- sîtting her great granddaugh- ter Jennifer Manley, of Peter- borough today (Monday). On Thursday, Mrs. Milton Fisher and Mrs. W. G. Bowles were mid-day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Magili, Shirley and Brian of Columbus were Sunday visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Magill. On Sunday, Mr. and Grahame Fish had ev, dinner with his sister husband, Mr. and Mrs. F Munroe, Sonya. Birds are seeking shelter of trees in this weather. On Monday mo a number of bluejays basking in the sunshinec south side of the spruce Signs of spring and growing season arf evidence. Petatoes areç in a 34 degree F'ahr( garage but some of the t have sprouts measurin, inches. Sunday Service - Presbyt In the Presbyterian CI Reverend Stuart McEnt, Part Perry was the speaker. Choo Revelations 22 verse 21 Grace of our Lord Christ be with you ail" theme of his talk he, del! a timely and insp message. He also presidi the commemaration of Tue.,12 no 'Phone 623-3303 Mrs. Comimunion. Miss Dorathy 7ening Bulmer, Deaconess, was in rand, charge of the services at Part ýergie Perry and Ashburn. United Church the In the United Churchk 3zero Reverend Victor Parsons- orning chose "Keys af Life" as the were theme for his message on the 'reading I Kingsý 3:1-14 and s. Luke 12:32-34. There are many d the keys and each ý key has a ,e in special significance ta unlock stored the numerous doors of if e. -enheit There are keys of knowledge, ubers of understanding, a f compas- ig 2½/ sian, of lave, and of wisdam to name a few. I Kings 3:9 "Give, terian therefore thy servant -an ,hurch understanding heart ta judge ýyre of thy people". When Saloman guest was talking ta God in a dream s i n g he was unselfish and asked for "The wîsdom and God also gave his Jesus riches and honour and long as the life. He received ail these keys vered and became one of the piring greatest rulers of ail time. led for Miss Gail Malcolm sang Holy "Shepherd of Love." LB. STORE SLICED SWIFT PREMIUM BAONLB. BACONB. MAPLE LEAF $ 4 KOLBASSA£ LB TOASTMASTER CRUSTY 3$ 0 WHITE BREAD f CHAMPMANS$ 9 ICECRAI 2It >PECIALS FRESH CR1SP CELERY SIZE 24 BANAN4AS ALWAYS A SPECIAL AT 191B EACH 9 Coffee l*u on the, houa.e forshppr Thiurs., Fr1. and Saturday's at DELICfA TESSEN FOOD MA4RKET 73-77 KING ST. WEST 623-3541 FREE PARKINC OFF QUE EN' STR E ET NESTLETON Commercial 'Hockey $hop CT. FOn-DMARKET THE QUALITY FOOD STORE WITH LOW PRICES ON MANY ITEMS

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