a I LAKE ST. PETER 4T201 FuIly insulated and furnish-ed 3-bedroom cottage with 350' good lake frontage. Asking $35,000. with terms. Caîl to-day for inspection. Tom Buckley, (613) 962-9248 or 338-2317. BUILDING LOT 44234 1 acre site near Marmora, priced at $6,500. HOBBY FARM 4G68 Fine solid brick home. Good barn, 97 acres. House has 4-bedrooms, ½/ bath, large kitchen. Priced at $59,500. with terms. Elvin Carr, (613) 962-9248 or 966-1805. FARMS - YOUR CHOICE! We have large and small farms, dairy, beef, c ash crop, hobby, retirement. Prices are right. Caîl for detailed information we can supply your desires. Bill Sutherland (613) 962-9248 or 395-3050. BOBCAYGEON VILLAGE 16WB6 Cozy 3-bedroom bungalow. Electrically heated, 4-piece bath, utility room. Landscaped lot. Asking $33,900. GerrTew, (705) 738-2327 or738-2181,(4l6) 368-4392 (Toronto Line) 1 BOBCAYGEON VILLAGE 16W91 New 3-bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage and full basement. Centrally located on quiet residential street. Qnly $53,500. WIb Mark, (705) 738-2327 or 738-3812, (416) 368-4392 (Toronto Line) BOBCAYGEON 16W97 Roomy two-bedroom bungalow with attrached garage, sunken living room, large utility,colourlok siding. Large lot on edge of village. Asking $47,900. Sue Lambert, (705), 738-2327 or 738-3675, (416) 368-4392 (Toronto Line) SPACIOUS SPLIT-LEVEL 16W1011 3-bedrooms, cozy family room with franklin fireplace. Large lot, walking distance to shopping and churches. Good value at $49,900. Dick Taylor, (705) 738-2327 or 738-2147, (416) 368-4392 (Toronto Line) BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL BOBCAYGEON VILLAGE We usually have a good selection of area businesses for sale. Although this is primarily a tourist area, there are both year round and seasonal operations. 0f course, those businesses that are seasonal by nature, allow the owners to vacation in the south or 'enjoy the winters by pursuinig their own interests. If you have been considering becoming self- employed, we invite you to investigate this area and allow us to assist you in your purchase. Please feel f ree f0 contact me at any time. Caîl Norma Long, Manager, (705) 73 8-2327 or 738-2438, (416) 368-4392 (Toronto Line) BOBCAYGEON AREA " 16T84 Tastefully decorated 3-bedroom side-spi t with finished family room. Huge lot, just 2 miles from village. Priced at $54,900. MLS. Dick Taylor, (705) 738ý 2327 or 738-2147, (416) 368-4392 (Toronto Line) BOBCAYGEON 1 6W99 Qlder4-bedroom 2-storey home with estate- type setting. Modemn kitchen, 2 baths, stone fi replace,, garage. Asking $65,900. MLS. GerryTew, (705) 738-2327 or 738-2181, (416) 368-4392 (Toronto Line) *FRA~jjFC-7 FRANK FOTO Hl Guarantees' maximnum exposure for feature property listings. m