BALSAM LAKE HOME 14T165 Beautiful 4-seasan 3-bedroom bungalow. 95' waterfront lot. 200 amp hydra.,$53,900. CAMERON LAKE HOME 14T167 Winterized home an 119' waterfront lot. Fireplace, furnished. Be fast! $43,900. WATERFRONT COTTAGE 14T156 3-bedroams 3-piece bath, insulated. 120' an water. 100 amp hydro, well. $24,900. John Worsley, (705) 887-2512 or 359-1131, (41 ,6) 366-6377 (Toronto Line) BEEF FARM 14Gl6 99 acres on Hwy. 35, ail working. 7-room modemn brick home plus 7-raom aider brick home. Gaod barns, silo. $129,000. Terms. 200 ACRES STREAM 14B57 Excellent hunting, snowmabiling. Joins 1000 acres Crawn Land. Good stream fiows into Bass Lake, weli treed. $23,000. SALERNO LAKE CABIN 14T1 63 On lavely waaded wate rf ront 1lot. Sand beac h, hydra. Excellent value! $10,500. John Worsley, (705) 887-2512 or (416) 366- 6377 (Toronto Line) CAMERON LAKE 14T141 125' of excellent sandy shoreline. Gentiy sloping lot. $34,900. BUILO YOUR DREAM HOME 14Y1'09 $9,000. Building lot, well treed, 11½ miles ta Fenelon Fall~s. Lake access! PICTURESOUE ACREAGE 14B44 33 acres of evergreens and rolling land. Just4- miles from Fenelan Falls. Frontage on 4 roads, with possibility, of severances. Excellent building sites. $33,000. Susan Sumier, (705) 887-2512 or (416) 366- 6377 (Toronto Line) NINE UNIT MOTEL 14P27 Situated on a beautif ul landscaped 6 acre lot. 481 ft. frontage on Hwy. 35 and 700 ft. deep. In excellent condition with immaculate 3 bedroom owner's living quarters. A large roomn can easily be converted ta a dining room, snack bar, novelty store etc. Township has approved the lot for a Trailer Park. Plans are available for 35 sites. Being close ta Balsam Lake and on a main tourist highway make this an excellent potential for a thriving, business. Price $125,000. Terms. John Worsley, (705) 887-2512 or (416) 366- 6377 (Toronto Line) COMPLETE PRIVACY 12T165 Yet only 10 minutes from town, north an Sydenham Road and ana 200'x 200'treed lot. This custom-built 3-bedroom beauty has an in-ground pool. $72,500. Margaret Woolf rey ,(613) 544-4111, or -376- 3141. FENELON FALLS AREA 14T180 90 beautifuliy treed acres with small log cabin. Creek and beaver pond, good road access. Asking $36,900. BALSAM LAKE AREA 14B59 52 acres fronting on two roads. Access ta Balsam Lake. Recently reforested. Asking $35,900. Ray Plummer, (705) 887-2512 or (416) 366- 6377 (Toronto Line) WATERFRONT COTTAGE 14T168 $16,500. 260' on water, Iovely trees. 4 rooms, 100 amp hydra, year round road. HOBBY FARM 14G15 61 acres., Recently renovated 9-room home. Firepiade, oil furnace, 2 baths. Good barn, small bush, pond site. $74,900. SCENIC RETREAT FARM 14G17 100 ralling acres pasture and bush. Spring, stream, private. 4-year aid brick bungalow, rec room, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, double garage. Horse barn. $74,500. John Worsley, (705) 887-2512 or 359-1131, (416) 366-6377 (Toronto Line) IN SYDENHAM VILLAGE 12T164 This aider 4-bedroom home is in great shape. It has a large tamily kitche 'n & a room which could become a workshop or family raom. Lot is 204 ft. deep. $35,900. Margaret Wooltrey, (613) 546-4111 or 376- 3141. A REAL CITY BARGAIN 12W263 Would you believe, $19,900? With $1,500. down the vendor will hold a lst m.ortgage at 10%. Presently duplexed, producing $320. a monrth. Try an offer today. Berni e SmIthi (613) 544-4111 or 549-0077. LOVELY COUNTRY ACRE 12T151 This 6-year aid has a full basement, a recreation room, a paved drive and is locted 10 miles from Kingston at Joyceville. An excellent buy at $43,900. Arthur Ackerman, (613) 544-4111 or 549- 4186. INCOME PROPERTY 12W264 Central downtown location. Monthly income of $670. Four 2-bedroom houses. Down payment of $7,000. ta $10,000. required. Vendar will assist in financing. $58,500. Bernie Smith, (613) 544-4111 or 549-0077. 1 1AN~ FC-1 3 Kingmstonmm Tel: (613) 544-4111 Yarker M- _cyce,ile 41il 1 Gan 21 Ode- Ki ion eeM, ~Colle-s Bay I , Ki gsto sý 14 1696 ~Steli s' ./95 'yagvec r "il 1