COUNTRY LIVING 12T180 8 miles north from the city, a charming 3- bedroom home with a fireplace in the recreation room. Brand new, with an asking price of only $49,500. Bep Fransman, (613) 544-4111 or 546-5907. MODERN LIVING - 5 MILES FROM CITY 12TT-84 Four bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a built-in kitchen, recreation roomn with fireplace and wet bar, fridge and bar stools. Many, many extras. Large lot. $79,500. Margaret Woolfrey, (613) 544-4111 or 376- 3141. ISLAND IN THE STREAM 12T1 87 Lovely Sampson Island in the St. Lawrence River just off shore at Gananoque. Complete with furnished summer home, boat, motor& trailer. Reduced to $54,900. Bep Fransman, (613) 544-4111 or 546-5907. IN GANANOQUE 12T185 A fine older 6-unit property in a prime location bordering on a lovely park. Gross income is $975. a month. In fine condition with parking. Price $80,000. Carl Clements, (613) 544-4111 or 382-7670. 5TORAGE OR FACTORY 12P72 With in excess of 7,000 sq. ft. including a 1000 ýýq. if. cold room, boller plant and a 5-room apartment. Located outside the city about 15 miles. $34,500. ICE BUSINESS - PLUS! 1t2P60 Large ice making plant with 108 vendor outiets, supermarket and other properties included in this central city location. A one- of-a-kind opportunity. A LICENSED TAVERN 12P61 n a growth area near Kingston on a 41/2 acre highway lot. Good income f rom restaurant and liquor sales. Live entertainment. Ideal location for a motel, $225,000. Arthur Ackerman, (613) 544-4111 or 549- 4186. MORE SPACE THAN USUAL 5W393 TENDER, LOVING CARE 5W401 3-bedroom brick, 1150 sq. ft. of living area. Has been given this home through the years. Large lot, good basement. A good home in a It has separate dining room and is on good area. Priced te sel at $44,600. residential, tree-lined street. Park and Bruce Bagshaw, (705) 324-2916 or 324-2847. downtown 5 blocks. $39,900. Wyn McNabb, (705) 324-9126 or 324-2619. SNUG HARBOUR 5T911 Cozy 3-bedroom bungalow. Eat-in kitchen, electric heat, family room with fireplace. Lot 200' x 150' irregular. Access te lake across road. Asking $36,500. MLS. Peter Bakogeorge, (705) 324-9126, 324-5101 or Lois Nessel, (705) 324-9126, 324-7770. A REAL FAMILY HOME 5W360 4-bedroom, 2-storey home with 1'/2 baths, finished rec room and swimming pool. Large secluded backyard in Lindsay's best residential area. $49,900. MLS. Lois Nessel, (705) 324-9126 or 324-7770. MINI FARM 5T171 3 acre horse farm on main rd. west of Fenelon Falls. 3-bedroom brick bungalow, fireplace. Barn 24' x 32'. Good view. $65,000. MLS. Ab Wheîdon, (705) 324-9126. FC-1 5 With 20 offices to serve you throughout South Central Ontario. I - Kînds1ýq 9