CAMBRIDGE ST. NORTH 5W399 5-bedroom home with fireplace in living room, large dining room, wood stovein family kitchen and ail services fuily updated. Asking $42,000. Libby Colterjohn, (705) 324-9126. 200 ACRES LDD 6 miles south of Lindsay. 140 acres of good land & some hardwood bush. Large f rame 4- bedroom home, kitchen remodelled, also doing upstairs. Asking $75,000. Glenn Williams, (705) 324-9126 or 324-0737, (416) 324-9941 (Toronto Line) ECONOMICAL LIVING 5W390 4-bedroomn frame and aluminium home. Good deep garden, double garage. Taxes, $171. 6 blocks from downtown. Asking $30,000. with terms. Bert James, (705) 324-9126 or 324-4770. CaENTLEMAN'Z: 1-AIMM uu 60 acres, 55 workable. Beautiful four- bedroom home, modern kitchen, big living room with fireplace, rec room with bar. 11/2 miles north of Hwy. 115. $92.500. Albert M.ý Wheldon, (705) 324-9126, 944-5630 or Libby Colterjohn, (705) 324-9126, 799- 5601. 6 ACRES 0F CEDARS Provide the setting. 4,000 sq. ft. brick home wlth 20'x 50' indoor pool and many beautiful features to please the most discriminating, buyer. Asking $1 25,000. Libby Colterjohn, (705) 324-9126. With 20 offices to serve you throughout South Central Ontario. ONE BLOCK FROM DOWNTOWN 5W388 At 67 William St. North in perfect condition, kitchen, dining room, living room & 3 good- sized bedrooms. Asking $29,900. Max Kennedy, (705) 324-9126 or 793-25,45. COUNTRY LIVING LBB Large 4-bedroom brick. Family room 30' x 15'. 3 acres good garden, 9 apple, 2 pear, 1 plum tree. 3 miles from Lindsay. Asking $51,900. with terms. Bert James, (705) 324-9126 or 324-4770. No»7 l-twy. COUNTRY LIVING 5B 14 93 acres in Omemee area. Some hardwood bush, year-rou nd access. Exceptionally good grazing land, rolling and very scenic. Excellent building site, $37,500. Bruce Bagshaw, (705) 324-9126, 324-2847. POTTINGER STREET 5W400 Well-designed home with 3 bedrooms, 11/ baths, separate dining room, panelled rec room and insulated garage. Large lot close to river and park. $45.500. Libby Colterjohn, (705) 324-9126. BACK SPLIT LCC KEEP SNUG 5W404 Just north of Port Perry. Full basement, 3- And costs dlown in this 29 Queen St. home. It bedrooms, "L" shaped living & dining room, has forced-air gas, new 150 amp. wiring. broadloom and cushion floor. View and make Bealistically priced at $33.500. 3 bedrooms, offer. Must be sold! Asking $47.900. large living room. Glen Williams (705) 324-9126 or 324-0727, Wyn McNabb, (705) 324-9126 or 324-2619. (416) 364-9941 (Toronto Line) > FRAC-1 -I