OSHAWA - CELINA ST. 17W4 $46,900. Immaculate three-bedroom home close ta downtown shopping, transportation and schools. Ail new plumbing, wiring and quality broadloom. Must seil! Tony Zakarow, 576-4111, 725-4366 or Carol Stadnyk, 668-6171. OSHAWA - WILSON RD. S 2Wl550 $36,9l00. 2-bedroom, i ¼2-storey home. Maintenance free, sluminium siding,forced air ail heat. Large lot, 136' deep. Low taxes, only $342. This home mupt be sold. Bill Spry, 576-4111 or 579-1608. OSHAWA - SUBIJRBAN 2T85 $135,000. Scenic 2 acre lot With shade trees - ideal hobby farm, close to city. Barn, 2 wells, completely fenced. 3-bedroom bungalow, double attached garage. Colin Cairns, 576-4111, 579-3195 or Lynn Seikes, 576-4111, 728-7022. OSHAWA - PHILLIP MURRAY 2W1453 OSHAWA - STONE ST. 2W1479 $55,500. 3-bedroom bungalow, 20' x 40' in- $51,900. 3-bedroom, beautifully decorated ground vinyl pool, finished rec room with home. Brick fireplace in rec room, drapes, walkout, dining room, patio.at rear. Vendor fridge, stove, dishwasher, gas BBQ included. purchased another home. Must sel Broadloom throughou 1t. Walter Kranzl, 576-4111, 723-0393 or Christa Mary Franssen, 576-4111 or 723-6127. Winterhelt, 623-3393, 983-5465. OSHAWA - JONES AVE. 2W1551 OSHAWA - TOWNLINE RD. S 2T80 $57,500. Immaculate3-bedroom home. Built- $85,000. Ranch bungalow on 2 acres over- in stove & oýen in the Hollywood-style looking Lake Ontario. 3-bedrooms, plaster kitchen. Paved drive and carport. Excellent walls & ceilings, double attached garage. 35' north end location. See it now! well, apple and pear trees. Mary Franssen, 576-4111 or 723-6127. Martin Chizen, 576-4111 or 668-3030. OSHAWA - BANTING AVE. 2Wl530 OSHAWA - SUBURBAN 2T90 $28,900. Nicely decorated two-bedroom $170,000. Country living minutes trom bungalow. Close shopping. Hardwood and downtown for the busy executive. Complete carpet floors. Taxes are $231. per year. Early work shop, large pool, fully air-conditioned, occupancy here. plus 10 acres for roaming. Colin Cairns, 576-4111 or 579-3195. John Johnston, 576-4111, 728-6023 or Clare, McCullough, 623-3393, 576-3030. 1 R FC-24 OSHAWA - SUBURBAN 2T811 $114,900. Ranch bungalow, 2000 sq. ft., 2 fireplaces, 4 large bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, formai dining room, 19' living room. Large country lot. Must be sold! Joe Jeronimo, 576-4111 or 623-6920. OSHAWA - INDUSTRIAL PK 2P159 $400. per month. 237.70 sq. meters of floor space, suitable for light industrial. Loading docks, overhead door, parking. Brand-new 1- storey building. George Milosh, 576-4111 or 576-4543. OSHAWA - INDUSTRIAL PARK 2P95 $875,000. lnvestment property, 59,000 sq. ft. on 4 acres. Modemn buildings presently leased. Exceptional terms, showing an excellent return! Bill Spry, 576-4111 or 579-1608.