PICKERING - MUST SELL 7W478 Transfer forces sale of this 3-bedroom luxury end-unit, backing onto park. Beautifully decorated, separate dining room, rec room, 2 baths, garage. Asking $53,900. Harry Hayes, 683-7777 or Brenda Junkin, 683-7777, 683-7094. PICKERING 1.78 ACRES 7W459 8-room spacious home plus 2 cabins located right in the village on Hwy. 2. This is a beautiul, treed property. Only $115,000. MADOC FAMILY BUSINESS 7P23 Gas bar/restaurant plus 3-bedrom living quarters on 4¼ acres on busy north eastern highway, near Belleville. Asking$69,000. plus stock. Caîl today. Wayne Ventry, 683-7777 or 668-7059. FLORIDA BUILDING LOT 17Y52 Escape winter foreverl Buy your place in the sun. 10,000 sq. ft., building lot in Port St. Lucie, Florida. Just $7,000. AJAX POTENTIAL 72 48.5 acres immediately south of hwy. 401,just east of down-town Ajax. Only $6,000/ac. Shad Spence, 683-7777. 10-STORE RETAIL SITE 7P26 238' frontage on Kingston Rd. in Scarborough. 10,000 sq. ft. building, 24,500 sq. ft. land. Asking $21 0,000. NEWCASTLE BUILDING LOT 1Y207 Lovely 3.7 acre rural building site in beautiful Kendal His. Good paved road, $35,900. PICKERING NEW HOMES 7W481 Spring occupancy. 4-bedroom backsplit double-garage, sunkqn dining, family room with fireplace and W/0, 3 baths, large lots. Choice of colours. $85,900. to $87,900. Marg Joyce, 683-7777 or 683-2775. PICKERING INDUSTRIAL 7Y47 Ail in ,prime location. 5 acres, 2 road frontages - $425,000. 3/4 acres zoned Mi M2 - $150,000. 1 acre Baily St. frontage - $79,900. Cheryl Stever, 683-7777, 649-59115 or Harry Hayes, 683-7777. Business Brokeýw%îriage Services W. Frank Real Estate Limited offers a professional -business brokerage ser- vice toavail its clients of the abun- dant opportunities which exist in the Toronto region and throughout the area served bythe company, ta invest in a wide variety of business enter- prises. Our extensive experience enables us ta provide you with excellent infor- mation relative ta a broad spectrum of investments rang ing from medium ta large. And complete con'fi!den- tiality is assured for those who sub- mit their businesses for sale. Each month presents exciting new prospects, so if you wish ta invest, merge or expand, look to the profes- sionals at- W. Frank Real Estate Limited. For furiher information cail: Walter Frank Business Brokerage Division Suite 4165, Commerce Court West Box 423, Toronto, Ontario Tel: (416) 362-7438 KEEP UP WITH THE JONES? 1425 2-bedroom home on the edge of town. Garage, on large lot, hill-top location. lnvest in your future with this one. Must be seen. Only $28,900. Marjorie Greatrix, (613) 476-2177 or 476- 6874. STARTER HOME 2-bedrooms, nice bathroom, garage, Asking $27,900. Marjorie Greratrix, 6874. large kitchen, 5-piece heats for $185. a year. (613) 476-2177 or 476- WATERFRONT RETREAT ~ .1480 Cape Cod style bungalow. Spaclous, redecorated interior with f ieldstone fi replace. Cathedralceilings in living room, 168 beach, nicely landscaped. Chuck SIik, (613) 476-6055 or 476-2177. HIGHWAY CORNER 1950 Six-room home with 30' x 20' barn. Taxes of only $186.37. Rossmore area in vicinity of new bridge. Commercial zoning potential. Only $41,900. Marjorie Greatrix, (613) 476-2177 or 576- 6874. HOME WITH SMALL ACREAGE 13T70 Workable 2-1/5 acres land, 15' x 25' barn, 4- bedroom ,home, large kitchen, double garage, must sel[, owner bought another property. Asking $36,900. Marorie Greatrix, (613) 476-2177 or 476- 6874. jFRgoK1 FC-27 1 Pickering