COUNTRY SETTING - ORONO 1T166 8¾/% MORTGAGE 'TIL 2009 MLS5 Solid 2-bedroom home on country-sized lot. on this attractive 3-bedroom backsplit Beautifully Iandscaped and only 1/ mile from located on a quiet Bowmanville crescent. 115 Highway. Asking just $45,500. Family room with fireplace and buiît in-bar. Bill Morrison Jr., 623-3393 or 623-3048. Asking $48,900. terms. Joanne Swadron, 623-3393 or 987-5083, 923- 9174 (Toronto Line) 10 ACRES, BOWMANVILLE 1Tl63 Owner transferred to USA from this 10 year old brick home with a spectacular view of Lake Ontario. Fireplace, double garage, many extras. Asking $123,900, terms. Ron Hursi, 623-3393 or 983-5131, 923-9174 (Toronto Line) BOWMANVILLE BUNGiALOW itb Estate sale of this immaculate brick 3- bedroom home. Beautiful ly landscaped on 66' x 115' lot. Single detached garage, full basement. Asking $52,900. terms. Ron Hursi, 623-3393, 983-5131 or Phyllîs McRobbie, 923-9174, 623-7159. 2-STOREY, BOWMANVILLE lW646 Twin home with 32' x108', fully-fenced lot. 3- bedrooms, large, kitchen, 11/ baths, broadloomed, paved drive. Ali for $43,500. terms. Bill Turansky, 623-3393. NEWCASTLE VILLAGE By Plan Construction * 3 bedroomn backsplits * separate dining roomn * attached garage * full basemnent * 65' x 200' lots * priced at $51 ,900. Cail: Jan Oudshoorn, 623-3393, 623-2984 or 923-9174 (Toronto Line) 175 ACRE FARM - OSHAWA MLS4298 11-room brick home, large barns, stream, only 5 miles f rom Oshawa city limits. Terrif ic value at only $192,000. with easy terms. Pat Yeo, 623-3393 or 983-5725. BOWMANVILLE - 175 ACRES 1 G200 65 acres future residential. Adjoins town limits. Presently in4 separate parcels. Also2- storey brick house, ýbarn, steam. Must be sold! Asking $1,000,000, terms. Walter Frank, 623-3393 or623-2368, 923-9174 (Toronto Line) NORTHEAST 0F OSHAWA 1B125 98 acres with over45OO feet of road f rontage. 90 acres tile draied. Spring fed pond. Asking $150,000. with excellent terms. Ron Hurst, 623-3393, 983-5131 or Phyllis McRobbie, 923-9174, 823-7159. Hazelwood Estates "Compare wlth the finest nelghbourhood in Whitb y." Construction starts this spring. Quality construction by "D'Angelo Homes." 3 models - 2 storey and 3 models - sidesplit. Ali have: 2 car garage, family roomn with fireplace, super homes in Whitby's- North end. "Where sensible design is also luxurious" Book early and pick your own brick, shingles, kitchen cup boards, flooring, paint colours, etc. from builders' samples. Just like building your own home!!H!! For dletails: Ken Brown Oshawa: 728-7518 Bill Turansky Jan Oudshoorn Bill Morrison Sr. Bowmanville: 623-3393 ' Toronto: 923-9174 1> FRAN k anv41