12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 8, 1978 Section Two BETHANL'IY NEWS The Vestry meeting for St. Paul's, Bethany on'January 29 was apened by Rev. Chatter- ton witb scripture reading and prayer. Debbie Wood was appointed as vestry clerk who read the minutes of the last vestry meeting and a special meeting. "The encumbent's report on the progress, condition and needs of the combined parisb- es of Cavan and Manvers was read as well as a special report of the present condition, progress and needs of tbe cburcb of St. Paul's, an excerpt framn the report was "If we are serious about tbe ministry of St. Paul's, there is no reason wby we cannot build on the small but firm founda- tion we bave at present. The worst tbing we can do is ta do notbing and just hope for the best. Sips that drift witbaut a sense of direction flounders on rocks and sink!, We must put our full trust in God and let Hm guide us." Tbe parish Treasurer's financial report and the Cburchwarden's financial report were adopted, seconded and carried. The adapted budget was proposed and carried with St. Paul's budget for 1978 being $4,012.00. The envelope secretary, Gloria Johnston, stated nine- teen members bad taken envelopes for 1978. Chris Wood and Frank Fry were reappointed Mlinister's warden and People's warden witb Loraine Smith as deputy warden. Sidesmen appointed were Noel Wood and Bruce Smith witb lay member ta Synod was Rene Smelt. Gloria Johnston is Envelope Secre- tary and advisory board elected were the two wardens, Rene Smelt, Noel Wood, Marion Wood and Belle Smith with two members serving on the Parisb Executive Commit- tee. Elected Auditors were Jim Klaepfer and David Steadmnan. Otreacb co-ard- inator is Belle Smith. The A.C.W. report by Loraine Smith was accepted and Debbie Wood and Helen Fry were appointed as sîgning afficers for the Guild and Sunday Scbool. Chancel executive is Rene Smelt and Gloria Johnston. The Parish Executive Committee will meet in St. Paul's on February 7. Other members were invited ta attend but only two members can, vote as delegates fromn each parish. Debbie Wood bas been disappointed at the response from the Sunday Schaol parents' co-operation, s0 is asking for special belp and consideration from them, as she hopes to have more Sunday School pupils. Helen Fry has offered ta, help ber. A resolution was passed that the Parish Executive Commit- tee take over the administra- tion of the rectary, for witbin the next six months a minister is ta occupy the rectory in Manvers. With hydro and ail prices increasing it was decided ta raise the rent of the Parish Hall, except to envelope cantributors ta St. Paul's and the Senior Citizen's group. The Senior Citizens h ave offered to bhelp finance the need ta, bring the hall up to fire protection standards, so the wardens are calling a meeting with delegates fromn the Senior Citizens, the firemen and the Atbletic Society to decide what is necessary and arrangements for wark to be done. The insulatian in the hall is to be repaired ta prevent ceiling leakage. A motion was passed ta send a letter of appreciatian ta, Allan Smith for blowing out the cburch yard and also ta David Steadman and Jim Kloepfer for auditing the books. Bruce Smith was given a vote of tbanks for jobs be had done around the hall and church and he bas offered ta put eaves trougbing on the church in the spring. The meeting was adjourned. St. Pau's Rev. Cbatterton chose Praberbs 19:13-23 and Matt. 18: 1-7 as bis scripture reading and he taught the children, the sang: Jesus died for ail the children, Ail the cbildren of the world, Red and yellow, black and white, Ail are preciaus in His sight, Jesus died for ail the'children of the world. He then took as bis text "Cbildren in the Bible", and said how children affect aur lives. Tbey are a joy and yet are life's greatest problems., Picture an ideal child by subtracting bis faults and adding bis virtues and be referred ta Gen. 30:1 - a child was and is a gift of God. Happy family situations are necessary, but each child must be treatedas an indivi- dual Ps. 32:11 says "Comne cbildren, listen ta me!" Jesus used a child as an example for grown-ups. Three circum- stances he discussed 1. Ambi- tion, 2. Apathy, 3. Anger. 1. Ambitian-the disciples wanted to be first but Jesus referred to a cblld and spoke of haw a cbild must b)e brougbit inito a famnily or group with lave and learn ta share the problemns and the joys. 2. Apathy is the necessity of changing ta conform ta the teachings of Jesus. We must learn to be humble and receive the truth of tbe gospel, but most of ail to have faith. 3. Anger - there were many orphans in Jerusalemn and Jesus said ta feed the cbild, care for them. God will avenge the harmn that is done ta a cbild and He emplores us to teacb cbildren Jesus' life, for God gave us His Son to live and die for us. A pot, luck dinner was enjoyed in the Parish Hall after the -service and before the vestry meeting. We are pleased to report that Edwin Challice was unhurt in an accident on higbway 35 during Tbursday's buge blizzard. Evidently bis car was badiy damaged and those ln the other car received minor injuries. Mrs. Miargaret Beer, Mrs. Anne Graham, Mrs. Georgina Scott, Mrs. Viola Thorndyke, Mrs. Mary CapelI, Mrs. Ruth Jennings, Mrs. Nelly Michel, Mrs. Bertie Neals and Mrs. Jeanne McMahon attended the afternoon and evening sessions of tbe Annual Meet- Peterborough County Court and assistant minister at St. Albiani's Anglican Church. Duiring' the evening two speakers addressed the assemibled ladies. Miss Edna Clysdale, Warsaw, a mission- ary nurse home on furlough from Nepal, spoke briefly on ber work there and showed a most interesting film, "Living Water for Nepal." Mr. Robert Johnston, Director of Family Counselling Services far, Peterborough area since 1970, took as his topic "What can Christian women do ta strengthen family life in the community? " A more detailed'report af the meeting and the speakers' messages ýwill appear in next week's issue. Road superintendent for Cavan township, Harry Tully, received the Queen's Silver Jubilee medal recently. He has worked for the township since 1942 and was awarded the medal for 35 years' dedicated service. Millbrook's zaning by-law bas been approved by the ininistry of housing, sa now applications for amendments can now be accepted. At the Golden Star Senior Citizens' bowling the hIgh score far ladies went ta Gertie Clark with score of 427, with Belle Smith as runner-up wîtb a score of 335 for two gamies. High man's score was 291 won by Earl Parrott and runner-up was George E. Clark with 284 as bis score for two games. Florida doesn't agree with ail Canadian taurists, as we' re sorry ta say Charlie Smith bas bad a severe attack of the flu since returning home. We wish him a speedy recovery. C'ouncil MIet Ibrary Delegates A delegation of Georgie Scott, Margaret Jarvest, Janet Spenceley, Margaret Beer, Viola Thorndyke, Belle Smith, Ruth Jennings, Linda Pfoh, Ruth Skuce and Yvonne Fallis met with the council on Wednesday to discuss the possibility of having a hibrary in Bethany. Mrs. Janice Ferguson, chairman of Pine Ridge Union Library Board and Mr. Luther Olan, reeve of Cavan township, were also present. George Neals, reeve of Manvers, introduced the ladies and the councillors and asked Mrs. Scott ta present the situation. She ably presented a lîbrary set-up for council's cansideration. She outlined the steps that had ta be taken ta legally begina library in union with the Pine Ridge Library Board. 1. Council will have to read a by-law ta be used three times ta be either accepted or rejected. 2. A temporary library board would be set up known as the township board and would consist of the reeve and two other people. 3. They wauld apply ta another library board now in operation which could be the, Pine Ridge Library Board. 4. The clerk would apply for ministerial grant money, which allows $1.80 per persan from the provincial govern- ment. 5. The lîbrary board would set up a demanstration library and a suitable building with ed. A building has been considered with an alternate idea, but it must be passed by the council. A regional library would be sçt up with from 800 ta 1200 books and over 3000 books will be provided when it is completed. When the books are read out they will be interchanged with o ther library books. Films itemized in the catalogue may be ordered as requested. Books will be delivered within six weeks of application from the Pine Ridge Regional system and a catalogue will also be provided as well as a librarian trained. Mrs. Ferguson said a librarian needs "a friendly face and must be a lover of books." Mrs. Skuce and Mrs. Ernestine Robinson have offered ta help a librarian as they are trained school librarians. Requirements are that the library must be open ten hours each week and minimum wages will be paid. Also the regional system will instail and pay the monthly' cast for a telephone. This is a township commun- ity project and letters from twelve citizens expressed their desire to have a pilot library started in Bethany with the prospects of twa other libraries, one in Pontypool and one in Janetville. 1This library, if approved, will, be financed solely from the grant, as the township bas approximately 3,138 rate payers, whicb means a grant of $5,648, which should more than operate one brancb. Council is asked to pay $100 a year as a token of good faith. There will be no charge for bnrrowing a book and resi- dents near Manvers, but not in the township, may use the library. Wintario will send $2000 ta purchase Canadian books once the application is approved. Pine Ridge Library Union decides on a budget and it is proportioned, according ta need. Questions were -asked of Mrs. Ferguson by the council, who readily answered themn from the experience they have bad' i n setting, up three libraries, one in Millbrook, another in Bailieboro ana- another in Mount Pleasant. George Neals thanked the ladies for their splendid pre- sentation with special apprec- iation given ta Mrs. Fergusan and Mr. Olan. Mrs. Scott thanked the council for the special meeting and the council was left to consider the library suggestion. This is the reply the library delegates received fromn the council: "Re meeting of delegation of February 1 requesting a library outlet ta be established in the hamiet of Bethany. After the delegation had been received the municipal board discussed the above matter and passed the follawing resolution: that a meeting be held in Janetville on February 23, 1978 at 8 p.m. and a meeting in Pontypoal, on March 2, 1978 at 8 p.m. for the purpose of ascertaining as to whether the residents of these areas would like a library ta be established in their dis- trict. "' Manvers Community Centre and Arena The nnmtractnrc and huilA.. ing committee of the Manvers Community Centre and Arena met with the council and al were satisfied with the progress made at the arena. The cement pad for ice is laid and the arena will be ready for skating on February 15. The community centre area will be available for the Monte Carlo Nigbt on February 19 at 7:30 p.m., wben there wili be fun for all and prizes for the lucky .winners. Lunch will be served and a special invitation is extended ta young and old. SThe formal opening date bas not been set, but several requests for hockey tourna- ments and activities are being considered by the' arena manager, Jack Snyder. Mr. Snyder bas the dressing rooms painted in attractive colours and muich of the indoor work is c ompleted. Come out and bring the ladies and win prizes of hams, chickens, turkeys, etc. Admission, is free and everyone is welcome! The First Manvers Girl Guides will hold a Valentine Tea and Bake Sale this Saturday in the Commnunity Centre, Janetville. A guide enrolment ceremony will take place during the tea. This is always an interesting fete for the girls, their relatives and friends, se the guide and leaders, will appreciate your co-operatian. Congratulations to Rut 'h and Tom Jennings who won a free weekend at the Westbury Hotel in Toronto. Have a gaod time,- folks! Ruth bas stary writing added to ber many other talents! Paul McGiynn and Bill Palmer of Peterborough, after a strenuous skiing day wer glad ta enjoy a hearty meaý with their grandmother, Mrs, Ina Palmer of Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. W. McMahon spent the weekend la the Royal York, Hotel, Toronto, and enjoyed seeing the "Irish Ravers" in concert there in the limperial Raomri. At the Legion Speaking Contest in Lindsay, Susan Jarvest of Grandview was awarded a prize for her Remembrance Day paem. Sehool Energy Costs Dro4ýp Costs of operating North- umyïberland and Newcastle scbools bave shown*a slight decrease as a resuit of efforts ta conserve energy, board of education accounts show. Director of Education Frank Thom said, that this year's expenditures for elect- ricity, fuel ail, gas and water bave been lower than previous years' totals. Reports from the board's plaint deinrtmiant indicate that among factors respons- ible for the reduction were cutbacks in the operating hours of equipment and the use of fewer elements ta beat water tanks in schoals. Bowmanville High School bas been operating more efficiently than ever before and bas marked a significant drap in expenses tbrougb tbe energy conservation pragrama, a member of the plant ST- JO"SEP.H'S PARISH LENTEN MISSION Sunday Feb. l2th f0 Thursdoy Feb. 231rd A CALL TO RENEWAL IN CHRISTIAN LIFE, Conducted by the Redemptorisi Father's Rev. C. Moreau, C. Ss. R. Sat., Feb. llth (7 p.m. Sunday Mass) Sun., Feb. 12th Mission Sermon at regular Masses 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.rn. Mission Starts Sun. Evening 7:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday; Service, consisting of Mass and Mission Instruction, repeated twice each day to accommodate shift workers: 10:00 a. m. 7:30 p.-M. EVERYONE WELCOME "Let us examine aur path, let us ponder it and return to the Lord. Let us stretch out aur hearts and hands taGad ini heaven". Lamentation 3:40-41 Go to the bank with the flex ible rate on bans, If you're in the market for a boan, the first place you should go lis to the Royal Ban k. Our Loans Officers would really like to help you with your particular plans. And there are a lot of different ways we can be of help. We have Personal Loans for almost any worthwhile purpose. And'for maàjor purchases Special Purpose Loans up to $25,000 and longer terms are.available., The rates are flexible too. So before you go anywhere, go to the Royal Bank where borrowing is comfort- able. We'd really like to help. ROYAL BANK i... for a lot of reasons.,