6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 8,1978 Editors: Hazel and Jac Mrs. Grace Gaines and Mrs. Edna Paeden spent last Wed- nesday in Bowmanville and were dinner guests of Mrs. Jean Britton in the Hendry Apartment. We are sorry to report that Bill McCullough is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital, the resuit of a car accident. Bill was a passenger in a car, going to work at G.M., when it was in collision with a car transport. We pray that the broken leg will mend! Mr. Stanley Bowen who is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital with a broken arm is progressing. His many friends wish him well. Birthday greetings to Mrs. Edna Howden, Sammy Glan- ville and Anne Stephenson. We extend congratulations to Mr. and . Mrs. Gordon Garrod Jr. who celebrate their twenty-third k wedding anni- versary this week and to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Visser who celebrate their twenty-fourth wedding anniversary. Visitors recently with Mr. Herb Paeden and Edna were his cousin Mr. Orme Falls, Bowmanville and Mr. Leland Payne, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Selby returned Sunday from two sun-filled weeks in Hawaii. Unit Two of the UCW met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. George Allin. Mrs. Eva' Smith, Betty Dubeau and Eva's sister, Mrs. Maud Leppard, Listowel, have returned from a two week bus tour to Florida. On their way down, they enjoyed a visit with Susan Dubeau in Carters- ville, Georgia. On their return, as a result of the big storm, the bus and its occupants were stranded in Sidney, Ohio, for three days, but everyoie made the best of this situation. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Garrod Jr. have returned from a two week Caribbean Cruise. Mr. and Mrs. Tracey Embley enjoyed one week of the same cruise, boarding the vessel at Jamaica. Miss Candy Storks, Scarbor- ough, spent the weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chiswell, Cambridge, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mrs. Harvey Atwood, Whitby and Mrs. Stan Mc- Murter, Bowmanville, were Sunday evening dinner guests of the Wade's. Mr. and Mrs. George Buck- ley enjoyed Sunday in Toronto with Mrs. Doris White. Miss Judy Powell, Stayner and Miss Barbara Bowman, Sarnia, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Montgom- ery and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell, attended the 26th Charter Anniversary party of the Lions in Norwood on Saturday night. A small turn-out of Senior Citizens enjoyed the lovely party sponsored for them by the Pine Ridge Kinettes and Kinsmen. After Bingo and Euchre, a delicious luncheon was served. The next regular meeting of the Newcastle Senior Citizens is Thursday, February 16. Friday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Kimball were Mrs. Wanda Kimball, Port Granby, Mr. and Mrs. Va<ice Cooper, Oshawa, and Ne0 tIE k3ibtpatttg ~Crago ie Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wood, Bowmanville, were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood. Sunday supper visitors with Mr. Herb Paeden and Edna were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lennard, Wesleyville. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mcllroy and family, Kings- ton, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell. On Sunday all enjoyed a Jack and Jill party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Heard, Bowmanville, in honour of newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Powell. Mr. and Mrs. David Milton, Ottawa, were weekend visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson. Sympathy is extended to friends and relatives of Mr. Ellsworth Caswell, who passed away on Sunday, February 5th. Mrs. Gladys Pacey flew from Toronto International Airport on Saturday morning to Calgary to visit her son, Mr. Arthur Wilson. Mrs. Olive Howson, Toronto, spent the weekend with .her sister-in-law, Mrs. Irene Byers. Newcastle Bantam B Team sponsored by Stedman's enjoyed a tournament in Grafton son the weekend, losing one game on Saturday and winning one and losing another on Sunday. Anglican Church News Vestry Meeting Mr. Dennis Schmiegelow was appointed Rector's Warden and Mr. Samuel Brereton was re-elected People's Warden at the annual Vestry meeting of St. George's Anglican Church on Monday evening. High tribute was paid to Mr. Alex Hendry, retiring Rector's Warden and Mr. Brereton and other officers for the past year. Handling changes at Rectors, major repairs and rising costs, they had been able to close the books successfully. Len Palin and Phil Hayman were elected Deputy Wardens, Mr. Palin's work as Treasurer is invaluable. Other officers are Envelope Secretary, Margaret Tait; Auditors, Dorothy Trenwith and Ivor Brawley, Head of Sidesmen, Ron Locke, On the Advisory Board, Harold Gibson, Wayne Linton, David Gibson and William Clarke; Outreach Co-ordinator, Nell Yates; Stewardship Chairman, Warren Tait; Parochial Trib- unal, Audrey Gogerty, Marg Brereton, Lay Member of Synod, Nell Yates, alternate E. Richard Lovekin; Head Server, Wayne Linton, Organ- ist-Joan Cashin; Choir Direct- or, Jenny Park; Altar Guild Director Jean Cochrane; Church School Superintendent Margaret Brereton, ACW President Jenny Park. The Wardens were installed at the Sunday morning service. On Saturday, February 4th, Wayne and Lyn Linton assisted by Pippa Schmiege- low and Warren Tait took the Servers and Directors to Enniskillen Conservation Area for sleigh-riding, skating and outdoor fun. Pizza was served after at the Schmiege- low's. Twenty attended and they never did get the Rector on the toboggan. Lenten Services will begin on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Church. The Thursday Hymn Sing and Bible Study will be held at the Rectory at 8 p.m. The Confirmation Class meets Thursday at 7 p.m. United Church News On Sunday, February 5, at Newcastle United Church, Rev. David Spivey titled his sermon, A Blind Man's Per- sistance Pays Off. Following the theme through the service, the closing Hymn O Love that wilt not let me go was written by George Matheson who was blind. The Prayer for the week is: Father, open my eyes to see your glory and your promise. Weekly Bible Studies during Lent will be held at the Manse on Wednesday mornings at ten o'clock. On Sunday morning between eight and ten o'clock members of the Hi-C and leaders Jack and Dorella Chard served pancakes and sausage to about one hundred and fifty hungry persons. The young people are to be commended on their morning work. The annual pot luck dinner and congregational meeting was held on Sunday evening. About fifty people were in attendance. While the Hi-C members entertained the children, the business meeting was conducted. Chairman elected was Mr. Harry Wade, Reports of the various depart- ments were given - Hi C, Sunday School, Tadpoles, UCW, Camp Pretoria, Alco- holism Anonymous, Take A Break, Nursing Home Services, Summaries of the Mission and Service Fund and the Treasurers' Report. From the memorial fund for Miss Mabel Oldfield and Mrs. Edna Selby, Good News Bibles were purchased and placed in the pews. From the Wilton memorial fund a typewriter has been bought and more Bibles and a bulletin board will be secured. Mr. Francis Jose expressed the appreciation of all to Treasurer Christeen Selby. He also moved that Mr. Charles Cowan be apppointed a life member of the Session. Mr. Alfred Perrin gave the report of the Nominating Committe and thanked Rev. David and Ann Spivey for their leadership. Throughout the evening due appreciation was expressed to all leaders, officers and members who help in many ways. Newcastle Community Bowling Youth 125 and Over L. Kozak 143, B. Smith 140, S. Stere 134-127, A. Stere 155, B. Rowe 149, J. Burns 153, D. Martin 142, T. Abbott 135, R. Pierik 127, D. Osborne 200, J. Pierik 144, T. Wilson 138, M. Malette 141, J. Osborne 134, R. Hoogkamp 125, W. Couch 191, R. Cox 150-155, K. Martin 133-141, C. McLuhan 144-135, W. Luke 145-215, C. Luke 154-166, S. Robinson 139-174, M. Tryon 134-161, J. Wind Telephone 987-4201 154-160, W. Johnson 144, P. Johnson 133-141, S. Reicheld 156-141, J. Boyd 181-139, M. Tufford 171-149, J. Walker 167-155, L. Wind 139, D. Burns 204-285, P. Bromley 303, G. Martin 201-152, P. Willems 145-205, T. Oke 207-175, K. Gilmer 131-165, D. Chard 163-146, R. Ibbotson 128. 200 and Over Ladies E. Meadows 257, L. Crockett 211, M. Pierik 218, S. Foster 201, D. Mercer 231, D. Neal 209-214, H. Couroux 240, K. Mercer 218, T. Langstaff 203, M. Burley 208, G. Henry 200, M. Garrod 212, . Brown 231-217, M. Wade 215, B. Dickson 228, E. Perrin 200, M. Major 276, S. Williams 214, P. Wind 258. Men S. Powell 216-210, B. Forget 201-210, P. Gardner 249, W. Flintoff 258, K. Cowling 221- 243, M. Henry 219-211, G. Cowling 292, H. Clark 246, E. Taylor'249, J. Forrester 255, J. Clapdorp 215, B. Lewis 210-211, T. Embley 296. Thursday Mixed F. Lewis 261-219, W. Forget 238, J. Forget 236, Bob Forget 268-233-242, R. Forget 213, B. Forget 209, C. Tennant 223, L. Schmid 251, G. Glanville 217-204, M. Henry 212-242. Friday Mixed T. Sluymers 286-216-206, L. Pearce 209, S. Nickolson 265, M. MacDonald 271, G. Henry 216-250, M. Henry 265, A. Pearce 311-210, J. Holmes 212, R. Good 215-202-305, M. Good 204, E. Embley 254, T. Embley 214-282, V./Gray 216. Solina's 4-H Homemaking Club The first meeting of the Solina 4-H group opened with the 4-H pledge on January 30th, 1978 at seven o'clock in Solina Hall. The members picked up their members pamphlets and other related papers. Numbers were then drawn to determine who was to do the write, ups for our group's notebook and for publication 'in The Canadian Statesman. We then held election of officers. Joyce Hancock was voted in as President and Shelly Kossatz will be our Treasurer. Our former treasurer reported that we have a total of $18.46 in the treasury. Solina Cute Cuts was chosen for our club name amidst other favorites such as Meat- heads, Mighty Meats, Broilin Butchers and Butchered Beef. BOWMANVILLE BOOK BEAT By D.M. Dineen, Chief Librarian, Newcastle Public Library System It has long been accepted that a book could become a movie, but a new trend is for the book to become a "made- for TV-movie". Rich Man, Poor Man is the example which will come to the minds of many, but there, are numerous others. Is the movie as good as the book, in what ways are they different? Here are a few that will appear on your screen this season. The Godfather - Mario Puzo, I, Claudius - Robert Graves, Blind Ambition - John Dean, First You Cry - Betty Rollin, The Pirate - Harold Robbins, The Scarlet Letter - Hawthorne, Anna Karenina - Tolstoy, Wheels - Arthur Hailey, Brave New World - Huxley, Centennial - James Michener, Changing - Liv Ullman, Passages - Gail Sheehy, Aspen - Burt Hirsch- feld. All these and many more "TV books" are available free of charge at your local library and often the books in even better than the movie. For, this club we are required to have a recipe file and senior members may do a special essay and presenta- tion. In the kitchen we discussed setting things up for preparing food and Francine, Katherine, Susan, Joyce and Barb assist- ed in preparing Beef Loaf Cups. Mrs. Hills then showed us different types of ground beef. We saw the difference be- tween Hamburger, Ground Chuck and Ground Round. We learned that as the percentage of fat decreased the price increased. While the meat was baking we turned our attention to Canada's Food Guide and looked at the Meat and Meat Alternatives section. The food guide recommends that we have at least two servings a day. We learned that meat is a very important part of our eating style and that a large part of the food budget goes do towards the purchase of meat. Our daily menu is built around meat or meat alternatives and it is therefore the backbone of our meals. In our Member's Phamphlet we read and learned about the food value of meat and the structure of meat itself. Each member then proceed- ed to fill out the Nutrition Check-Out (p. 8) in our Members's Pamphlet. The date for our Achieve- ment Day has not yet been finalized however, we defin- ately will be doing a skit, entitled, "Chicken is Champ", on that day. The next club offered will be The Third Meal. In the kitchen we tested the Beef Loaf Cups and found them much to our liking. There was only one complaint about the Loaf Cups, the sauce was too sweet. Sue, Joyce, Annette and Valerie helped to clean up in the kitchen and the meeting was dismissed. Church Agency Sends $64,500 to India r a Washing, I.- Seventh-day Adventist World Service (SAWS) announced today it has sent $64,500 in cash and 60 tons of relief materials to victims of the recent cyclon e in India. Howard 1). Burbank, SAWS', manager, made the announce ment in Washington. le was in the Indian state of Tamiln- adu, just south of the major devastation in Andhra Pradesh, when the cyclone struck. He met with with the chief minister of Tamilnadu immediately after the storm and began arranging for the shipments at that time. The cash allotment comes from a matching fund between SAWS in Washington and the Southern Asia Division of Seventh-Day Adventists, headquartered in Poona, India. The relief shipment consisted of clothing (already bailed by size, sex and season), blankets and medicines. The material was I and Save You'Il SAVE 10% on any Cash and Carry purchase of $100.00 or more sent from SAWS' West Coast warehouse in Watsonville,, California. Officials estimate at least 10,000 persons perished in the cyclone, which J. Vengal Rao, chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, called a "national calamity." Seventh-day Adventists in North America collect clothes and other relief supplies through the church's Com- munity Services program in each local church. Supplies are stocked in local ¢ommun- ities in case of disaster, and in two coastal warehouses for shipment overseas in cases like this one. The East Coast SAWS facility is in New York City. join the Canadian minority group The Fit. between the period of February 1st to Feb. 15th. If you require delivery services ... add $5.00. IncidentaIy ... we're now open Fridays until 9:00 p.m. and Saturdays until 5:00 p.m. - Credit Cards Not Accepted During this Sale Newcastle 361 King St. East 987-423 Lumber 4 987-5050 Ntewcastle TIC (416) 987-5021 ',TALISMAN EMPORIUM Hwy. 115 and North St. P.O. Box 521, Newcastle Open Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10°.. W. Grant Brooks, Michael C. J. Harrison, Charles M. Jones and J. Douglas Mann, carrying on the practise of law as BROOKS, HARRISON, JONES & MANN 114 WaIton St., Port Hope, Ontario are pleased to announce the opening of an office In Newcastle, Ontario (over the new Treasures n' Pastimes Shop) on February,15,1978 BROOKS, HARRISON, JONES & MANN 39A King Street, East, P.O. Box 277, Newcastle, Ontario. LOA 1 HO Telephone: 987-4714 or Port Hope 885-2451 Ltd. 'l