CUT FROM CANADA GRADE 'A' BEEF BONELESS PULL CUT STEAK SAEn LB..3 8 CUT PROM CANADA GRADE 'A' BEEF PRIME RIB ROASTS LB. 1*48 FROZEN EVISCERATED 18T24 LB. AVERAGE POWER PRICED SPECIAL! CANADA GRAD)E'A GOLDEN BIRD -DELIJXE TURKEYS LB. 76c DE VON, POWER'PRICED SPECIAL! RINDLESS SLICEDBACON PKG.1.39 MAPLE LEAF, FROZEN POWER PRICEIJ SPECIAL! GOLDEN FRY SAUSAGE PKG.1 .37 MAPLE L EAP POWER PRICED SPECIAL! WIENERS i LB 88. VACUUM PACKED, BRISKET CORNED BEEF ORANGE PEKOE RED ROSE TEA BAGS WAS 2.19 ORD E N T N O E R C D S E I L MOT CH~oOAEz. z 9 BODSISTAN POWER PRICED SPECIAL! LYNN VALLEY WAS 450 PEACHES 14 FL. OZ. TIN 3/$1i POWER PRICED SPECIAL! BRIGHT'S FANCY WAS 430 APPLE SAUCE Z. 35N SKIPPY POWER PRICED SPECIAL! PEANUT WAS 1.99 470 BUTTER 2 LB. JAR 1.7V KRAFT PROCESS POWER PRICED SPECIAL! S ING LE CHEESE SICES 1.49 rnuivrnhDircu OrrLiALi T PARKAY SOFT F LB. 1.69 MARG~ARINE POWER PRICED SPECIALI MAPLE LEAF, WAXEDc BOLOGNA CHUBS LB99. t-LUNCHEON LOAF. MAPLE [FAF 1 Z COOKED MEATS 1P,% 98 MAPLE LEAF, POWER PRICED SPECIALi BON ELESS6OZ 13 HAMSTASPKG. S3 SHOPSYS POWER PRICED SPECIAL! CORNED BEEF OR PASTRAMI .x 20Z 1*48 ~M-.. hEM U~ POWER PRICED SPECIAL! 16 OZ. KENT FROZEN CONCENTRATEDc ORANGE JUICE C60O T-79~ DOMINION COOKIES POWER PRICED SPECIAL! COCONUT WAS 1.09 MACAROIONS 16 OZ. BAG 8 CHOICE WHOLE POWER PRICED SPECIAL! OR SLICED 10 FL. OZ. TIN7 MA LING MUSHROOMS 3 DOMINION POWER PRICED SPECIAL! CHOICE $ TOMATES -ZFLI 2 $ Open Wednesday until 10 p.m. Thursdacy and Friday until 'Il p. ..:::::. . . . . ............. .u l . .~ ~.~. ASSORTED COLOURS POWER PRICED SPECIAL! KLEENEX 55* FACIAL TISSU E PKG. OF 200 FEMININE NAPKINS PWE PRICED SPECIAL! KOTEX MAXI PADS NEW FREEDOM OF12791# DENTURE POWER PRICED SPECIAL! TABLETS POLIDENT OF48 1.19 REGULAR. SUPER DRY OR POWER PRICED SPECIAL! 791.79 PISNFECTSOL TL. 1.75 ALL PURPOSE 5 LB. MONARCH FLOURc BAG c ASSORTED COLOURS POWER PRICED SPECIAL!, BOUTIQUE KLEENEX * TOWELS 2 ROLL PKG 99 POWDERED POWER PRICE!J SPECIAL! TIDE WAS 3.129f l DETERGENT* 6 litre BOX2 9 . POWER PRICED SPECIAL! RAISINLL$BREAD LOAF5 POWER PRICED SPECIAL! RKDHMELLROLLS 0F12 5 1OLL 5 8 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. March 8. 1978 ,5 SAVER fromf rËi'IEGJIE ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE POTATOES ONTARI GROWN CANADA FN. iGRADE ê c ARROS 86, P RODUCE T0F CLI6 SEEDLESS LB. GRAPES PRODUCE 0F U.S.A.. READY TO USE 2/1 c S PI&NA CH BAG I7 VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TUES., MARCH 14,1978. More buyîng power for you W L i l.lE h]10 IOMI] ANIIS TO NOR MAL AMI Y EQUREMENTS.DOMNON STORES LtMITED. FANCY WHOLE KERNEL CORN GDREEN GIANT NIBLETS WAS 88C L12 F L OZ. TIN LIMIT 6 PER CUSTOMER. DRINKING DRIVING DON'T MIX Safe driving is a family affair. YELVERTON Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. James-Gray on a brand, new granddaughter, via daughter Linda and hubby Randy Langfield of Bramp- ton. Also to Mr. and Mrs. Case GlIasbergen of Ajax on the arrivai of their second daughter. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Shea of Flee-t- wood who will be observing their 60th wedding annivers- ary next Saturday evening, March 11, with a gathering in Nestieton Community Hall. Their many friends in this area wish themn the best on this notable accomplishmient. A mutual birthday celebra- tion was observedlast Sunday by Ray Robinson and his sister Edna at the Bert Visee's of Cavan Twsp. In attendance were the Ray Robinsons, the Visee's, Mr. Ken Lemar,,and Mrs. Etta Robinson. EININI1SI L1,E N A sunny day brought forth a large congregation to our service on Sunday. The nînre voiced senior choir and director Ulah Chambers gave a message in music for Lent by their Anthem "The Dogwood Cross." Our minister's -children's story was "Which Is Prettier?'" in which he employed a puzle t decide the prettier but ail have something to make them pretty. The Prayer and Children's Hymn followed and children, went to Sunday School roomn with teachers for Suvnday School Session. In the sermoni our minister explained "The Door of Opportunity" as a missionary door available for each of us to use in many wa Ys and it is -neyer closed as is Jesus himself andý we enter through Him. This week's notices were Monday, 7: ,00 p.m. En'niskillen Youth Group met in the Church Hall. 2. Wednesday, 4:00 p.m. The Confirmation Class met in the Manse. Those interested who ýhave not already done so, please contact the mýinister promptly. 1 Advance notices a re: March 14, 6: 00 p.m. Oshawa Presby- terywil meet in Simcoe St. United Church, Oshawa. 2. Wednesday, MarchlSth, 1:30 p.m. Enniskillen U.C.W, will meet in the Church.' The ladies are reminded to bring the-ir bibles, pencils and paper. 3I. Goo)d Friday, Mardi 24th, 11:We a.xn. a special servîçe, Chureb. MarchA 26th, Easiçv, Sunday, the Sacr.ament o Hqoly communion wili be celebrated at the regular service time. The Junior 4-H Club speýnt, the sixth meeting visîting Miracle Mart in Bowmanville. We had partners and went around looking at meat, writing down different cuts, differnt types of meat and the most expensive kinds. We then went to the head of the meat department. Themanager showed us the processing machines and talked a bit about them and the meat that. was hanging up. Afterwards we went to a restaurant. Youth Group News: -The Youth Group Guys and Dolls entertained their Secret Pals and otherguests àt a euchre and crokinole party in the Sunday School room' on Satur- day evening. Cold weather, and illness detained several folk. The generosity of our local Avon ladies Ruby Trewin- and Velmng Griffin and storekeeper JesÉie Slemon contributed largely to the prizes. The Youth Grou~p appreciate their kind support as well as mnany gifts fromn r 26 FL. OZ. RETURNABLE BOTTLE WILSONS GINGE aLEa WAS 45" 011 .................