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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1978, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 22, 1978 13 -s --------- --------- BENTLEY - Gary and \ireinia are very happy ta inounce the arriva! of a son, ý-.regory Andrew, born at Memarial Hospital, Bowman- ville, an Wednesdlay, March 15, 1978 and weighing in at 8' lbs. 1/2 oz. A baby brother for Mark. Proud grandparenfs are Mr. and Mrs.1 Arthur Bentloy 0of Scarborough and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis of Weymouth, Nova, Scotia. Thanks to a!! maternity nurses and a speciai thank you ta Dr. A. Westgarth. LEACH - Harold and Sherri (Conners) are happy ta an- npunce the safe arrivai of thoîr second child Hollie Mouissa, 5Slias. 12 ozs. on March 8, 1978. A',sister for Ieidi. Proud _randparonts Mr. and Mrs Frank Leach, I-amtn, Mrs. Lillian Qenners, E ng land, and Mr. ly Conners, Bowmanvilie. Many thanks to Dr. Milier and r4aternity staff 0f, Oshawa General Hospital, 12-1iN QAuVuuDuri - Rtn. ,At Wellesley Hospital on Satur- cpy, March 11, 1978, Ruth a>nwden, beloved wife ofi W illam Davidson of Weston. ùar mother of Paul and Robert. Be!oved daughter of IPorothy Snowden and tho late Alan Snowden. Dear sister ofi arry, Sam, David, Jim,1 Sdna- (Mrs. Howardj Hjagedorn), Alva (Mrs. Ron. Ragers), Margaret (Mrs. Len1 Qoodmurphy), Sandra (Mrs. Bob Goodmurphy and Mary, _predecoased .De)a r niece if Kaye Grose, and the lato Whitney Grose. Funeral sérvico was held at Humber- \îàle United Church. Inter- rr > int Park Lawn Cemotery. Fi-EYES- - At Memorial Ho~spital, Bowmanvilie, Fjpday, March l7th, 1978, Lloyd Hayeos, in his 47th year, beloved h usband of Dorene Âlin, iovedi father of Gary (Aïfe Wendy), Randy and E>rbara Ann, dear son of Llew aidt~ the liate Eva Hayes, blptýjher of Harloy and Gerald. Sfrrvicwas hld in the Morris F;nie ra 1 Chape!, i--wvmanville, 6on Tuesday ernoon. Interment Bow- n_!jrvilie Cemtery. 12-1 FRGUSON - Doris W-nlifred. At Ennîskilieni on~ Wjd rnesda y, March 15, 1978, Doris McCoilom, wife of Carl Fé ' uson, in her 57th year. Ift,,her of Mrs. Gerald Brooks (Sparon) of" London, Mrs. Jamos Walsh (Aria) of London, Mrs. John Burton ([ýarlene) of Oshawa, Lynn Tpussier of Manitoba, John Sechs of Toronto, Stevon, Se£ks of London, Kevin Sacks, Cobourg and Clarence Sacks of, Enniskillen. Sister ofMiss Molirose McCol lom of Oshawa, Mr i. Gerald Champagne (WýJoreen) of Wawa, Laurie MCollom of Novar, Clarence KMý'Collomn of Sundridge, and Marvin McCollom af Oshawa. 'Also survived by thirtoon grandchildren. Rested at the Ai-mstrong Funeral Homo, Oshawa, whero funera! ser- vice was heid in the chape!, Saturday, March l8th, 1978 at 3 p.m. Inrment was held il a.m. Monday in Woodland Cemetery, London, Ontario. SCHNEIDER - At Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville, Suriday, March l9th, 1978, Vctor Schneider, R.R. 3, Newcastle, in his 68th year, beftoved husband of Ella, dear tather of Ralph, Liliy (Mrs. Gord Peters), Viki (Mrs. Rick Bates), and Sylvia, oving grandfather of 5 grand- chiîdren. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chape!, Bowmanville, on Wednesday afternoon. Intrment Bow- ýmanville Cemetery. PARKER - Doug and- Denise are pieasod fa announce the arrivai of Laura Christine in Memoria! Hospital, Bowman- ville, Sunday, March 19, 1978. Proud grandiparents are Bort and Betty Hutton, Wiibow- dale,. Ron and Eleanar Parker, Bowmanviîbe. Great rýandparents are MAr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith, Simcoe, Ontario and Mrs. Violet Jen- nings, Wiliowdale. Spocial thanks ta Dr. Sylvester and maternity staff. 12-i- ROBINSON -David' and Nancy (nee Moore) are happy ta announce the arrivai of their daughter Tanya Joy, 6 lbs. 15 ozs Born Sunday, March 12, 1978 at Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrile. Proud grandparonts are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson, Bowmanviile and Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore, Nestle- ton. 12-i SIMPSON- At Hilsdaie Manor, Oshawa, Thursday, March l6th, 1978, Mary Jane (Mamie) Simpson, former! y of Enniskiiien i n heor 88th Sea3r, wife of the late Lorne impson, dear mother of Marlon (Mrs. Morvyn Allin), Columbus, Donald, Ennis- killen, James, Trenton, Maude (Mrs. Dave Arbuckle), Joliet, Illinois, Rod, Enniskii- Ion, Betty (Mrs. Wm. Taylor), St. Catharines, Alice (Mrs. Maria Cendese), Niagara Falls, 9randmother of 20 grandchidren and 15 great q randchildron, dear sistor of Cassie (Mrs. McBeth), California. Service was heid in the Morris Funeral Chape!, Bowmanvi!Ie, n Monday afternoon. Spring interment Hampton Cemetery. 12-1 TSICHLAS- Suddenly at Bowmanviie, Monday, March l3th, 1978, Katherine Tsichlas in her 64th year, wife of the late Antony Tsichlas, bloved mother of Nitsa (Mrs. John Renios), Victoria, B.C., Julie (Mrs. Mikg Kariamis), Belle- ville, Manuel, Bowmanville and Mary (Mrs. Vern Patti- son), Vancouver, sister' of Sam Psoras, Bawmanvillo, .Kostas Psoras, N4ew York, Desp ina, Veronia and George, al0f Greece. Service was heid in the Morris Funeral Chape!, Bowmanville, on Monday afternoon. Informent Belle- vil le Cemetery. 12-1 CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanville 623-7141 HOSPITAL and V~ SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS ~4 Flowering Plants and Cut F Iowers 12-f 1Begv's FloraolCrestios "Flowers with Feeling" For a ny Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Holidays Bey. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 "THOUGHTFULNESS-- CONCERN SERV;CI ServiCe ta your needs . ..aur first ConCern Sa 'that yau wiII be relieved framn worr) and detail. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 [rÙorris Fune rai Chape BOVVNMANVI L62 W34480 TWQ OFF STREET PARKING AREAS Rutter Granitê Company Limited ANNUAL WINTER DISCOUNT We resectfully wish ta announce a eePEC IAL REDUCT ION on ail cemetery MEMORlALS and MARKERS ordered and paid for between now and April lst for Spring erection. Thi s offer is made annua lly. We have an excellent selection of doinestic and foreign granites in many colours and designs from -wh ich ta choose your Monument or Marker. If ýve can be of service to you in any way, pleaso do flot hesitate to visit aur indoor display a? 73 Ontario Street, Port 'Hope, or telephone us a 885-5216. 6-8 19s WOTTEN - Arnot Jr. and Beverley (nee Pascae) wish ta announce the arrivai of their first child, a daughter, Marlene Mary, weigh ing in at 8 ibs. 71/2 ozs. on February 10, 1978 at Oshawa Generai Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. W.G.Y. Grant and hospitai s ta f f . 1 2 -1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burdett would be very pleased ta see their friend s and relatives at a reception in honor of their SOth wedding anniversary ta be he!d f rom 2 ta 5 p.m. on March 25, 1978 at Memorial Park Clubhouse. Please best wishes on!y. 11-2 FARROW -- In ioving memory of my sister-in-law Grace Farrow who passod away March 19, 1977. Tender!y we treasure the past With memries that wili aiwvays last. - Ever remembered by Doreen, James and famiiy. - 12-1 MERRILL - In lov!ing memory of dear mother and brother Nettie and Ivan on March 23, 1968 and April 6, 1965. Treasured thoughts of one Sa dea r, ý Offen brings a silent toar, Thoughts return ta things long past, Yoars roI! on but memories last. - Aiways rememberod by Russel and J une, Norman and Ruth and famly. 12-1 McKEE - In laving memory of a dear father Samuel McKee who passed away February l2th, 1950. S,,omoday we hope ta meet yau, Someday we know not when, We shal! me et in a botter land, And nover part again. - Lovingly remembered by sons and daughters. 12-1 NORRISH - In ioving mem- or>' of aur dear grand mnother Olive A. who passed away March 28, 1977. Though hor smiie is gonie And her hand we canno oc Stili we have 50 many mem- ories 0f the one we !ovod Sa much. Hor momory is for keepsake With which we'il nover part. God has hor in His, kooping, Wo have her in aur heart. - Sadly missed by Linda and Randy. 12-lx PORTEOUS -In ioving memory of a dear friend Harold wha passed away March 17, 1977. Wonderful memrios woven in goid, This is the picture I tenderiy hold, Deep in my heart your memory is kept,, To love and cherish, and nover forget. f- Lavingl remembered by Minnie and ail his friends of the Sunshine Club. 12-1 WELSH - Marg. In iavîng memory of*a doar friend who oassed away March 28, 1977. Your Ipresence wo miss Yaur memory we treasure Forgetting you nover. - Sadiy missed by NyhI and Shinor. 12-1 I wish ta express a sincero "thank you" ta my famiiy and friends for cards and visits i-f while a patient in Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanviiie. - Fia Shaw 12-i We wouid like ta thank aur many friends and relatives for the many cards, gifts and besf- wishes, which madeoaur day E very s 1ca. EGeorgean Anne Stephenson 12-1iN y The family of the lato Aima Farrow wish ta express sincere thanks for the many expressions of sympathy at the time of the'death of a doar mother and grandmothor.. 12-1 The family of the lato Thomas (Tom) Carter wlsh ta thank doctors, nurses and staff at Memoriai Hospital. Thanks alsa ta Rev . Shamor- horn, Morris Funerai Chape! and friends, nei ghbours, oraoiatos whodhaveibess sogaiatiwonsad business thoughtful. 12-i I wish ta express rniy sincoro thanks ta my relatives and frionds for f lowors, cards, ifts and visits whiie I was in Bowmanville and Sunnybrook hospitals.KoaCli1 The famiiy of the late Ernest McDonald want ta thank friends, neighbors and relatives, nurses and staff on the first floor , Memorial Hosital, for1 kindnoss shown f0 them at the timoe of their ,recent beroavement. Marg, Linda and Bob 12-1 1 wish ta extend a sincero 'thank you'tafamiiy and friends foÔr cards and visits during my sta y in Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital. Flo Shaw MOVIE ""Escape to Witch Mountain," BOWMANVILLE LIBRARY Saturday, March 25 3 p.m. Admission $1.00 Pre-schoolers .75 12-1 OPPORTUN ITY SALE - St. PauI's United Church Thursday Evening Ma rch 30th 6:0-9:00 Friday morning March 3lst 9:00 - 12:30 MANY BARGAINS COFFEE AVAILABLE 12-1 TREWIN FARM EQUIPMENT Allis Chalmers 1978 Farm Machinery Screen Presentation Thursday, Mar. 30 at 7:30 p.m. sharp Hosted by Trewin Farm Equi pment B LA CKSTOCK RECREATIONAL CENTRE REF RES HME NTS EVERYONE WELCOME 986-4283 12-1iN IT'S STILL NOT TOO LATE TO HELP KEEP BOWMANVILLE GREEN CALL DON McGREGOR 623-5194 or ART EVANS 987-4273 for your KINSMEN FERTILIZER 12-1 COMMUNITY CENTRE DANCE 4th Saturday in each month March 25 -June 24 D.J. CARMEN SHIRK Tickets availablo at door., 8-19N APPEARING AT The Queen'*s Hotel NEWCASTLE ',White Line" Sat., March 25 Dancing 9 - 1 1- SOL INA COMMUJNITY HALL DANCE Saturday, March 25 Ray Avery's Orchestra EVERYONE WELCOME 12-1 N BINGO N EWCASTL E COMMUNITY HALL Tues., Mar. 28, 1978 Early Bird Games 7: 30 Rogular Bingo 8:00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Spýonsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 12-1iN Annual Vimy Night Dinner. A cordial invitation is extend- ed toalal World-War 1 vterans and thoir ladies, by the members of Branch 178 Royai Canadian Legion, ta attendth Annual Vimy Dinner ta be held in the Banquet Room of Branch 178 - Bowmanville an Sunday, April ,9th, 1978 at 4: 30 p. Non-members of Br. 178, pease cal! for further in- formation. Bill Carke (Chmn) Newtonville 786-2240, Phil Hayman (Co-Chmn) New- castle 987-4993 or Br. 178 Bowmanville 623-9032. 12-2 HADASSAH JEANS and UPHOLSTERY SALE BRAND NAME JEANS - ALL SIZES MATERIAL BY THE YARD REASONABLE PRICES Large Selection of Nearly New Clothing -Tuesday, Marchl'2-8, 9 a.m. -9 p.m. 144 Kina St. E.1 Oshawa 12-1iN M- G * EAR PIERCING $8.00 (no appointmont nocossary) Plus 10 per cent* off f irst purchase of earrings with release slip. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. 29 King St. E. Bowma nvi le 623-5747 1t- E LECT ROLYSIS (Permanent Hair Removal) Evening ap .accepted. ROBER TA McCANN C.E. 19 Burk Court Bowmanville 623-6214 "FI( UB VAN BELLE lowers ay it 3est" DAI LY Deivery ta... - Oshawa - BowmanviilIe Area Phone 623-4441 43-ti FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mal 623-3365 PROMPT, COU RT EOU S, SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL NEEDS i w '1*, MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Look for this sea-L ok It's your guaranteeof Permanence. rr)STAFF-ORD ÏgýBRO0S. LTD. Stafford Brothers Mo nu m enrts LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundlas St. E. - Whitby Phono Whitby 668-3552 GROW YOUR OWN If you are interested in ronting a gardon p lot contact PEGGY CLARK of the Newcastle Community Conservation Centre at 623-6600.' 12-1 March iSth Log ion Laftory Draw. Winners - 1sf. $750. No. 1668 Gerald Wright, Bowman- /ville, 2nd $150. No. 1932 Robt. S. Alexander, Whitby. 3rd $100. No. 2125 WaiIy Lucyk, Orono. 12-i MARCH is f RED CROSS MONTH Durham East Branch The Canadian Red Cross Society serving the people of the Region of Newcastle WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU PLEASE CALL 623-3115 11-2N Harry Voerman Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanvi Ile, Ont. Phono 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE 28-tf 3-9M. FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 LANDSCAPE MAINTE NANC E Quotations are now being accepted for Grounds- Landscape Maintenance for Condominium Corporat ions !ocated in Bowmanviile. Interested companies shouid contact AlI condo Management at 723-4883 in Oshawa or write ta: AI lcondo Management 101lDuncan Milli Rd. Suite No. G9 Don Milîs, Ont. M3B 1Z3. FIREWOOD Clean Barkless Hardwood Only $70 a bush cord LIMI TED QUANTITY ORDER NOW Phone 983-5795 \ %12-1 N 1965 RAMBLER traloer, 13 ft., sîoeps four, gaod 'condition, $900. Phono 623-3153. 12-1 N SEVEN piles of 4 x 8 kindling woad; waii gas heater, one and haîf years aid. Phono 263-2786. 12-i WOODEN starago bins or shelves, 4 ft. wido, 8 ft. long, 6 ft. high. $50 oach. Phono 263-8395. 12-1 N CHESTERFIELDS, table and chairs, quantity of books, spoed junior bicycle, sterea sets, one wardrobe, eîectric stoves, refrigerator, womon's and chiidron's clofhing (mostiy new),' picturos and frames, aven sots and many other items. Phono 1-983-5478. 12-1N Durham Window and Door Co. SPRING SALE Of STORM DOORS STORM WINDOWS REPLACEMENT WINDOWS PATIO STORM DOORS SIDING and SOFFITT FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-6828 or 623-5181 12-i FIRE PLACE WOOD ALL HARDWOOD (applewood and mnaple)- Ail CUt Ready for- Fire place FREE DELI V ERY R EASONAB LE Phone 623-4550 12-1 N FIVE pressod back chairs. Good condition. Phono 623- 2761. 12-1 N GOOD hay for sale. Phono 263-2735. 112-1 ONE blue trim threo fier wedding cake; onesize soven, white wodding dress -nover been used, also matching double bedsproad and-drapes 100", x 95". Bost- offor. Phono 623-6342. 12-1 STRAW for sale 75 cents a baie. Phono Orono 983-5177. 12-1 N RANGE, G.E. 24", gaod condition. $30. Phono 623-4642 or 666-1716. 12-1iN Clint's Dog Grooming -; , SORRY - No pets or supplies soîd so that my attention is devoted exclusivoly ta bathing and clipping your pet. Athaugh thore are more dog groomers and salons in the area iateIy - I regret that for some reason, advance appointments are stilî required -? Thank Yau. Now 14 Yoars in Oshawa OWNER - GROOMER NO TRAINEES Taunton Rd. near Wilson, Oshawa 728-5723 12-4N CoId Storage APPLES MACS and DELICIOUS Also Frank Hiemstra 263-2260 LEO eiectric guitar with amplifier; two western stylo guitars; one solid ôak enton- sion table; ail excellent condition. Phono 623-7494. 12-1 N APPLES for sale, Spy and Doudcous, reasonabie pricos. Phono Roy Orchards 263-8430. 12-2N 1500 BALES good hay, mostly Timothy, suitablo for horses or cattle. 200 bales straw. Phono 987-4865. 10-4 N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial contre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf FIREWOOD FOR SA LE $8000 A CORD Avai lable at any quantity Lawn Gardens Hwy. 2, Newcastle Phono 987-4670 49-tf N FOR SALE Seed Grain, Oats, Barley Cleaned - Treated Phone 263-2023 Wesey J. Yelîowees 1- Holiday and - WHITE'S Chevron Trailers TVTow ER Large selection of truck caps Ters, UHF,VHF Camnsport Trailer Aerials, Rotors & Repairs- Sa les Highways 115 & 35, Newcastle' 576-6 Phone 987-57 CORN, oats or barlov $5.00 per 100 ibs., straw 90c; extra charge for do!ivory. Evonings 623-5466 or 987-4091. 7-tf N CERTI FiE SEED GRAIN OATS BARLEY BEANS CORN Treated ready ta saw. CERESMORE FARMS LTD. 623-3552 and 623-7233 10-12N CASH IN YOUR OLD WINTARIO TICKETS Save up ta $2 per book on tho Haif-Back Program. Chooso from aur largo selection of Canadian boaoks for ai!1 ages. KENDAL HILLS ANTIQUE AND BOOK SHOPý Hwy. l5Sand 3sat Kirby Open 10 - 5 daily, Sunday 12 - 4 Closed Tuesday Phono 983-5476 (Wintario Pragram ends April 12) 11-3N PADDY'S Market now has new furnitu re,. appliancos, T.V.'s and steroos and also usod furniture and appliances. Wiii accopt trade-ins. Paddy'S Market, Hamptan, phono 263- 2241. 33-tf TEAKWOOD and Rosewood Scandinavian furniture, bed- room suite, - g pc., dining raom suite - 9 pc., chestorfield, and chair, etc. AI!1 Brand now, reasonable. 1-247-4377. 3t UJSEID furnituro and ap- li!ancos. Paddy's Market. Samp ton. 263-2241. ý33-tf INGL IS ref riqerator, 2 rnonths aid. Makfn an offer. Phono 263-2633. 12-2N QUILTS - twa newly made crib size. Phono 263-8283 anytimo. 12-1iN QUANTITY ofsiiage, unload- or in silo. Phone 1-786-2512. il-tf N Private guitar lossans ciassical, folk and rock, aiso 5-string banjo instruction avaiîab le. For further inform- ation please'-cal! 623-6139 or evenings 623-9103. 12-1 N Western Canada SSchool of Auctioneering Ltd. Canada's first, and the onîy compiotely Canadian course offered anywhere. Liconseçi under the Trade Schools Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, C.366. For particulars of the noxt course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Aberta or Phono 782-6215. 5-9 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F ANTHONY HICKEY, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipaiity of Dur- ham, (his residence being 285 Lberty Street North, Bow- manvi le, Ontario), Retired Carpenter, whodcied at said Town of Newcastle, on the l2th day of January, 1978. Croditars and ailiers having dlaims against, the said Deceased or his Estate are roquired ta send fui! particu-, lars and full proof to the undersigned on or bofore the 4th day of May, 1978 atter which date the assots of the Estato wiil be distributed having regard ta the claims thon recoived. Dated at Town of Newcastle, this i3fh day oaf March, 1978. L. C. Mason, Q.C., 135 Wellington Street, P.O. Bax 129, Bowmanviîle, Ontario, LiC 3K9. Solicitor for the Executor said Executor being William Hamilton Morrison, R. R. 1, Orono, Ontario. EASTER bunnies, nice colours. Phono 987-4948. 12-1iN FR EE ta gaod home, 16 week aid, maie pup, wiii be medium sized when fui! grown. Phono 263-8884. 12-1 EASTER Bunnies. Smal pet rabbits, 5 weeks aId, variaus colours, $5 each. Phono 623- 5610. 12-1iN TWO adult Dutch rabbits, one maie and one female, plus cages and food, $20. Phono 623-5610. 12-1iN La Joy's Poodie Clipping and Groom ing BY PROFESSIONAILS Plea se calîl: 623-6676 6-tf N OSHAWA Obedionco Associa- tion announcos S pring Train- ing Classes for dog s. Novice and open classes starting March 2lst in Bowmanviile. Novice classes starting March 29th in Oshawa. For further information pleaso phono 623 5686 or 576-1167. 58 '74 MERCURY s;tationwaqon, laaded, witlh air conditionîng. Perfect family car. 1-986-5107. 12-4N 1970 CHEV, Impala, 2 doar hardtop, Ai ai round condi- tion. Certif led $795. Phono 623-5074. 12-1 N 1971 FORD 350, duais, 360 motor, stake, stock racks, three dividers, iaading chute, solii roof, hoist, radio, 69,000 mi les. Phono 263-2060. 12-iN 1970 BU!JCK estate wagon, new robuit motor, good body, rubber and intorior. Certifiod $850. Phono 623-5074. 12-1 N '76 FORD Econoline, crew cab, with 10 ft. camper and 7 ft.* ovorhead. Wired for 12 volts, 110 amps. Licence XMH291. $5495. '77 Ford, 1 ton, with 10 x 7 dlump box, Li-.cence A54375, $5995. '72 Dodige van,1 to-n, H279,D2, $15 hn Nestieton 986-5517. 12-7iN 1978 BLACK Chevy short box pick-up. 3,800 miles. Show- room condition. Many extras. Forced ta sel!. $5,700 or best offer. Phono Brookiin 655-4198. 12-1iN 1968 PONTIAC Tom pest, 4 door, new paint, realI dean lîttie carjust certifiod, $895. Phono 623 5pQ74. 12-1 1976 FORD van, fuliy cus- tomized, iow miloage, excel- lent condition. Asking $5,500. Phono 623-5747 until 6 p.m. 12-1 N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf VITALIZINGI Phono 723-1155 for Rustproofin g on now or used vehicles. Writton w ar- ranty. Durham Vitalizing, phone 723-1155. 47-tf '69 OLDS Delta 88, convertible good running condition. As is. Phono 623-7078. 12-1iN 1977 IMPALA, 4 door, many extrais, air, cruise etc. 9,000 miles. Balance of warranty. Excellent condition. $5800,. Phono 623-3746. 12-1 N '76 COUGAR XR7, fuliy loaded, best offor. Phono 623-7463. 12-1iN '72 FORD, 1/2 ton with cap, $1850. or best offer. Phono 623-2283. 12-1 N 1974 GREMLIN X. $500 as is. Cal! 623-4728 affer 6. 12-1 '71 CHEV 1/2 tan, V-8 automatic, power brakes, power steering and tilt stoering. Phono 623-4853 attor 6 p.m. 12-1 N HOW TO EARN, MORE MONEY MEN and WOMEN i need a fuil or part-tlme person ta help meot the demand for a much needed service for motorists.- Pleasant, dignifled, goad pay- ing work. No experienco necessary buta car is. For full information write to Mrs. Elizabeth J. Parm, 605 Bond Street, East, Oshawa, Ontario. Please give your phono n umber. 11-3 SALES PERSON Required immediately for Industrial Metal Producis Com pany. Experionce an asset, but flot ossential as we wiII train. Minimum Grade 12 or oquivalent preferred. Successful applicant wiIi be an aggressive, self starter, who will beain on the inside and progress to some outside sales. Good fringe benefits proided. eplIy in confidence with resumne ta Advertiser 747, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3K9'. FULL time, part time, your time. Beauty consultant, full training. No invest4ment. Cali Mrs. Green 1-986-5655 collect betweerr 10 and 6. 10-tf N FREE room and board for lady pensioner in return for light duties. Phono 623-3265. 12-f FULL and part time to cal! on Fuller customers, Town of Bowmanville. Hours flexible, Spring Sales are now here. For information cal! 416-372- 9969 or write P. Wiebe, 416 Walton St., Cobourg. 12-4 PART time h'elp. Clerical and teiler. Banking experience preferred. Apply Henry Wong 623-4471. 12-1iN If _y ou enioy meeting the pulblIic, are responsiblo, and I ooking for, a challengin position, we need you ta 1fi l our open ingfor a. T ELL E R Phone 623-4411 for appointmnent. BANK of MONTREAL Bowmanville 12-1l v. HOUSEKEEPER wanted one day peor week . Waverley Rd. North area. Phono, 623-2896 after 6. 12-i RECEPTIONIST-typist. Con- struction company roquires an experienced mature prson ta handle a varioty of office duties incîuding typing, costing and payroll. Transportation required. Send fui! resumo ta advertiser 751 c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 12-i N Fuil or Part Time Couples and Individua Is for business of yaur awn. Amway distributor trains you for splendid opporfunity. Send, name and telephone number ta: Advertiser 750, c-o The Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario, Li C 3K9. 12-1 N ,s~. -~s-~ :'1 . -s s . INSTANT CASH FOR USED Furniture and Ap- New and Used' FURNITURE No article tosmall or estate tao large. CaIl 623-2431 CASH1 for gaîd, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jevwelory, dishes, furnituro. cracks, aintings, seaers, appliancs. FriendIy Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf ý ia nces. Paddy's Market, ampton 263-2241. 26-tf HOLSTEINS - Purebred and rade hefers. S pringing a nd shortbred. Phono Neil Malcolm, Blackstack, 986- 4246. 12-2N BED chostorfield, brawr or beige, good condition. Reason- abe. Phono 623-4912. 1 - 12if Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO'WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tff 1 1-tf N Mm. Allin

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