14 Teh Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 22, 1978 Section Two A slumben party, Sunday night, at ber home, helped Irene Brereton celebrate ber sixteenth bîrtbday. With ber on this special occasion wene Janis Bennett, Sharon DeJong, Debbie Pruner, and Nicola Schmiegelow. Mid March Music Tuesday evening, Hazel was among the many 4ttendants to enjoy this musical concert. Directed by Mrs. Shewchuk, the Bowmanville Higb School junior band opened the'Mid March Music programme on Mýrch 14 at the Bowmnanville High School. The stage was suitably decorated by Hobbs School, wbose choir of girls, directed by Mary Ruth Moore, followed the band with several pleasing choruses. Mr. Jon Leitb, band, and Mr. SearleFniedman, choir, lead the Bowmanville Senior Public School pupils in separate selections. Their final combined efforts were a delight in tone and barmony.' Our local cbildren fromn The Pines, under the direction of Mrs. Prole, added to 'the programme with several band and choir numbers, leading us to futher thougbts of spring and warm days ahead. The extra weekly practice made possible for the Monday g,W~ Night Band of Bowmanville, bas brought very evident results. This ambitious group completed the performance with excitîng and rousing music. 1 How fortunate the children of this area are, to be given the opportunity of vocal and band music training! These young people, along with their teachers produced a show of which we can reýally be proud!_ U.C.W. General Meet ing On Monday evening, Marcb 13, the Easter Tbank Offering Meeting of the United Cburcb Women was held in the Sunday School Hall. About fif ty were in attendance, some guests from Kendal, Orono and Kirby. Mrs. Lesle Campbell was pianist for the evening. President Eileen Allin welcomed everyone and read a short poem. Mrs. Kathleen Powell, assisted by Mrs. Bessie Dean and Hazel Crago, conducted the Easter Devo- tional. Mrs. Marjorie Caswell sang the solo Were You There. Mrs. Enla Jose introduced the speaker, Mrs. Bob Ann Dickson of Nortbminsten Churcb, Oshawa. Mns. Dickson spoke on Lent,ý remembering the blessings we have and- using time, talent, treasure, trash and tissue to advantage. She announced that the Presbyterial Annual Meeting will be held in Bowmanville of Wedriesday, Mardi 29., Mrs. Lesle Campbell thanked the speaker and the soloist. Mrs. Enla Jose sho)ved slides of Quin Mo Lac Camp. Af ter lunch was served, the meeting closed with the Friendship Circle and the Benediction. Anglican Church News Palms were distributed at the Services in St. George's Church on Sunday. The Sermon was about the reasons why in ail ages Jesus' name merits our b ornage. In addition to the regular choir, Mrs. Jenny Parks sang The Palms. The Fellowship Club met in the evening. Mrs. Bey. Anderson gave an interesting demonstration of flower arranging. Plans for the Beef Dinner on April 23rd were finalized. 1United Church News On Sunday, March 19th, the members of the Hi C Club presented From Hosannas to a Cross! Those takîng part in the Service were Gene Gray (Opening Prayer)>, Geoff Bowler, Jill Martin and Martha Stubbington (Scrip- tures), Brian Verbeek (Offertory Prayer), Calvin Allin, Jack Chard, Susan Wagar, Bill Selby and Faye Jose (voices from the crowd), Glen Schmid (Jesus), Brad Reid (Pilate), Gary Schmid and Ronnie Verbeek (Guards) and Nancy Allun, soloist. Greeting at the door were Ann Spivey and Carol Selby. Ushers were Susan Foster, Darlene Lesnick, Steve Mehring and Dennis Roger- son. After this meaningful pre- sentation, a Pot Luck dinner was enjoyed. The Prayen for the week is: Save me, O Lord, fromn the hypocrisy that shouts, 'Hosanna' in the temple and 'crucify' in the marketplace: the sham that praises with the lips and betrays in deed. Amen. On Good Fniday evening the United Choirs of Brooklin and Newcastle prese nt Stainen's Crucifixion. Youth 125 and Over S. Crockett 148, B. Cnockett 148-230, K. Pierik 130, M. Malette 144-156, W. Couch 125-120, L. Kozak 156, B. Smith 143, P. Hole 150, K. O'Boyle 127, S. Stere 184, S. Stere 160-208, R. Pierik 135, J. Wind 126, W. Rowley 122, J. Beam 127, K. Martin 168, C. McLuhan 157-155, R. Wanna- maker 146, S. Fellows 144-133, A. Rowe 194-226, C. Luke 134-201, W. Luke 259-255, M. Tryon 196-224, J. Wind 208-153, M. Tnyon 128-154, S. Reicheld 131, P. Johnson 130-149, S. Webb 163-131, K. Jenkins 198-183, J. Boyd 142-159, L. Wind 140-131, D. Burns 144-158, P. Bromley 144, ýT. Oke laluIN First to Skate on Ice in New Arena These three gentlemen have good reason to look pleased about the activity they are partakling in. The occasion is the first skate on the ice of the new arena in Newcastle village, and some of the m en responsible for the accomplishmenit are from the left: Ev Jenkins, Building Chairman; Councillor Aif Gray; and Finance Chairman Ed Majer. Witb the winter (or is it spring?) break, many village residents are off to wanmen climates. We don't believe it could be sunnier than here. Although our weatberis cold,, it certainly bas been brigbt thnough February and March. Miss Doris Spencer is borne from tbree weeks' hoiday in Floida w'î itb bersister apd brother-in-iaw, Mnj. and 3Mïs. Art Tuson. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brunton and girls bave also returned from a Florida vacation., Mn. James Murray bas returned home from Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt, Pontypool, were weekend gues ts of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. Saturday evening dinner guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell were Mn. and Mrs. Seldon Parker, Oakwood and Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Wright. The Lions' St. Patnick's Dance beld in the Newcastle Community Hall on Saturday nigbt was well attended. Mrs. Nora Colwill is borne from Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto. Even thougb he is wearing a cast on is leg, it is good to see Bill McCullougb, out enjoying the sunshine. Sympatby is, extended to the friends and relatives of Mr. Victor Schneider, R.R. 3 Newcastle,, whose deatb occurred on Sunday, March 19.1 Mrs. Bessie Dean entertain- ed the ladies of the Eucbre Club last Monday. Mrs. Alma Bell, Oshawa, visited necently witb ber friends, Mn. and Mrs. James Murray. Sympatby is extended to Mrs. Doreen Dryden, son Stephen, friends and relatives of Cpi. Francis Dryden, wbose death occurred, Monday, Manch 13. Mn. R.B. Rickard& is en- joying a week's holiday at Myrtie Beach. Mrs. Janice Milis, Ottawa, is spending ber school holiday with ber family, the R.B. Rickard's. The Editors and ber sister, Miss Dorrene Powell, spent Sunday v~.rgwîth Mn. and Mr.Gë0rge 'Seiby,' Courtenay, British Coumbia as the Sehby's were on a stop-oven at Torontlo Airpont on thei a to Havana, Cuba. The wethr on Vancouver Island was colden than usual this winter but George planted bis sweet peas before bis departure. Miss Candy Storks, Scarbor- ougb, spent the weekend witb ber, parents, Mn. and Mrs. William Stonks. ,Mrs. Aima Farrow passed away at Marnwood Nursing Home last Tuesday, March 14. Sympatby is extended to relatives and fiends. Miss Charhotte Haldenby, Sauht Ste. Marie, is spending ber vacation witb ber parents, Rev. and Mrs. Ahan Haldenby at the Rectory. Birthday greetings to Newton Sehby, Christena Sehby, Douglas Wright, Tom Spencer, Mary Waterbury, Keitb Aluin, Jack Pruner and Margaret Brereton and Corey Cali. Mrs Alice Quînney visited on Sunday with ber grand- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mercer and family, Orono. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Mihler, Susan and Frank, visited on Sunday with ber sisten and brother-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Cronin and famihy, Oshawa. Mr. an d Mns. Ewart Robin- son, Starkville, were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. George Kimbahi. Miss i'ina Naylor and twin brothers Stanley and Robent, Kingston, are spending tnein holiday with grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. Albert Naylor. The Easter Bake Sale spon- sored by the Ladies' Auxiliary of Fire Station No. 2 was very successful. The bornhe-baked pies and goodies were soon al sold and the decorated cake was won by Mrs. Michael Whltîe. Mn. Jeff Gilmen, Port Hope, was a recent visitor witb bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown. Mn. and Mrs. Milton Downs and Pat, Toronto, visited Friday nigbt and Saturday witb ber sister, Mn. and Mrs. William Call. To ceebrate son Corey Cll's 2lst birtbday, Bill and Hilda hosted a buffet supper on Saturday night witb twenty-four attenidants fromn Toronto, - Bowmanville, New- tonville and Newcastle. Sisten Joan Stopher telepboned ber greetings fromn Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Saturday visitors witb Mn. and Mrs. Samuel Powell were Mn. and Mrs. Harley Sherman, Lisa and Donald, Beeton, and Mrs. Don Couter. On Thursday evening, March 16, the Senior Citizens held their regular meeting in the Lions' Room of the Newcastle Community Hall. President Queenie Fletcher conducted a short business period. Due to lack of accom- modations the proposed bus trip to Holland, Michigan, bas been cancelled. Ten tables of Euchre were played with pnizes awarded to winners, after wbich lunch was enjoyed. Newcastle ladies who attended the W . meeting last Wednesday at Mrs. Mary, Jones' home were Mrs. Gladys Brown, Mrs. Rachel Dennis, Mrs. Alice Quinney, Mrs. Florence Ferguson, Mns. Bessie Stephenson, Mrs. Madeleine Buckley, Mns. Ellen Duxbury and Mrs. May Burley. Mr. and Mns. Robin Aldred were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Aldred, Oshawa. Tbey also visited Mn. and Mrs. J.S. Burnett, Oshawa. Mrs. Olive Howson, Toronto, was a Fniday oven- night guest of ber sister-in- law, Mrs. Irene Byers. Mrs. Marlon Richards, Fenelon Falls, spent a few days with ber sister, Mn. and Mrs. Don Parker and family. Mrs. Sam Brereton and Irene were two of the New- castle folks wbo travelled by bus, with parents and members of the Orono Figure Skating Club to attend the competitions of the Wonhd's Figure Skating Champion- sbips hehd in Ottawa last week. The competition was keen, the performances superb and entbusiasticalhy enjoyed by ahi. Others from the village and area joining the bus trip were Denise and Cathy Tufford, Wendy Coucb, Mrs. Rose Tisnovsky, Nancy and Lori, and Shelley Brown. While in Ottawa, Rose and Margaret spent a couple of bours witb former village residents, Mn. and Mrs. David Mloir aýnd famihy. Barb, David and faily are welh and happy and ask to be remembered to ahi thein Newcastle friends. when' With just a littie "know-h for yourself when yousi most, at the very. startl Bsuilding c GREAT FALLS 24' X 24' (576 SOUARE FE *e 2 Storey 'A' framne style * Large upstairs bedroomn * 2 bedrooms, bath and lving * wNalk out Sun deck acrossf Build IngUa We have plans ani lists for single, one and double garages or deluxe models materials except siding and stain. Prices start as 10w as 072 Building a Choose from 11 StYl<E rail or solid in heigh, Drop in and choose1 YOU itmostA how" or "how-to", you can save e 1ven more when you do-it-yourself. See shop Buildai - start right at Bulidaill We cari give help when you need à of your build and save job. a Cottïage? >See Buildaili First! Choose from 12 popular designs.. from 336 square feet to 928 square i feet. ET) Wroom on main f loor f ront I UPPER BEDROOM Il 4'c 23* BATH LIVIN BED- R4OOM ROONM 14'> 2 3 Compete, ' Ïncludes ail materials except inside wall panelling, sidings and foundation. Great FalIls 576 square feet $41 32.00 Other models price from $s141800 to $43 54.00 Ga urage? See Buildali First! d material1 ?and a haif s. Economy S.Al slab, 1~ e building a Sun'dei Sele'Buildail Firstl Choose your deck size then pick plan that shows you, how to bui Sizes f rom 8'* x 12 to 16" x 40,' and between sizes. Sample price deck 12" x 16' spruce on264*.00 Ail materials 'included, ex cepi cup a ýild î. 1ail in t. stain FREl!! Instruction course in How to Build: ICottages,, cabins, garages, sundecks from foun2ation to roofing andl finishing,, March 28, IApril 4 and April 25th. Registerý now by calling or dropping in to your nearest Henry Buildali Store., -Mj COURTICE Bloor St. E. of OSHAWA, Mon. to Wed.ý to 6:00 Thurs. & Fr1. to 9.0 Sat. to 5:30 PORT HOPE 116 Peter St. Mon. to Fr!. to 5:30 Sat. to 4.00 ls of wood fences, vertical or horizontal, pi it to suit. Free "How To"' instructions. your design.$ As low as$1 5 [HENYBII ASSOCIATE STORE Four Convenient Self-Serve Locations Shop in Complete'Indoor Comfort Use your Chargex or Master Charge or open a comvment revolving charge accounit wivacy, Iouvred and running foot, OSHAWA 100 Bond St. West Mon. to Fri. 9:00 Sat. to 5:30 WHITBY 223 Brock St. N.> Mon. to Wed. to 6:00 Thurs. & Fri. to 9.00 Sat. to 5:30 174-198,, K. Gilmer 285, P. Willems 172-222, G. Martini 143-221. 200 and Over Ladies A. Langstaff 201, 1. Patton 208-203, T. Langstaff ?27-210, D. Gregg 212, E. Meadows '232, D. Kelly 215, B. Petherick 222, L. Crockett 204,'J. Jones 220, M. Pierik 236-246, S. Fosten 209-214, D. Mercer 205-217, H. Couroux 212, T. Wind 231, B. Sandercock 207, B. Dick-son 202, M. Burley 260-228, M. Garrod 210, 1. Brown 208-241, B. Major 203-277, M. Majo 227, P. Wind 215. Men R. Clapdonp 225, G. Watsoi' 230, J. Clapdonp 201-201, B. Forget 206, T. Embley 226-204-. 209, J. Graham 220, B. Farrow; 275, R. Sutcliff 202-208, K- Cowling 311-240,' M. Henryî 211-217, G. Cowling 243-234-20u' H. Clark 220, G. Kimbal229, -1. Fanis 22b, W. Flintoff 215, G, Calder 241. Friday Mixed R. Burley 207, G. Dunlo9p 209, T.. Embley 247-212, T. Sluymiens 232, L. Pearcýe 223-207, S. Nickolson 242-20--, H.* Nickolson 229, R. Good 326- 230, M. Good 228-239-204, A., Pearce 206, R. Pearce 212, M. MacDonald 202, T. MacDonald, 225, G. Henry 281-217, M. Heni-, ry 216, M. Pearce 209-204-238, N.Madill 208, B. Caîl 218-224- 211, M. Skinner 212, A. Vogels 211, P. Wilems 204, S. Webb 300, L. Willems 203, B. Glan-ý ville 211-206. L i , I-.., , - a-W 1-v Telephone 987-4201j %%,ý,Eitors: Ilazel and Jack Crago THE (416) 987-5021 Hwy. 115 and North St. P.O. Box 521, Newcastle Antiquàs, Crats, Collectibles, etc. Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday Easter Weekend iFence?0 See Buildali First! 'l