12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 12, 1978 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Travis, Toronto, were Friday dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Morris and Ronnie and other, friends, Toronto made a surprise visit to her mother, Mrs. Lawrence Cooiedge. They had a lovely drive to Curve Lake and visited the Craft Shop there. The Indian folk have exquisite work and that is one store where ail goods are marked "Made in Canada.' Friends regret that Adam Vivian, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vivian, was in Oshawa Hospital with an attack of croup. Adam return- ed home on Monday. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Jack Hanna and family of Janetville on the death of her husband. The late Mr. Hanna was born in Cartwright Township and received his early education here. Mrs, Clara Schmid of New- castle visited on. Sunday afternoon wîth Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm and remained for evening dinner. Severai fromn the Nestleton area attended the Mothers' Auxiliary Bazaar for the Scouts and Guides in the Town Hall, Blackstock on Saturday night. On Friday evening Mayor and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm attended the Annual Family y C.A andsocial evening Mayor and Mrs. Malcolm attended the Big Game PRIVATE SALE Three year old, four bedroomn bungalow with attached garage. Large famiiy roomn with tire- p lace. Paved drive. Broadloomned fhrough- out. Compietety 'e- decorated inside. Fenc- ed in back yard. One block from shopping centre. Phone 623-7852. S No agents please. Hunters' Annual Dance if Oshawa on Saturday evening. Sunday evenin g dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore were her brothers, Mr. Jack Sedman and Mr. Clifford Sedman of Whitby and Mr. and Mrs. Oram Moore, David and Lynne of R.R. Nestleton. On Sunday, Miss Lorrie McKee was guest of honour at a bidal shower at the home of Mrs. Roy Bowens, Oshawa. Local guests who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McKee, Mrs. Lorne McKee, Mrs. Bert Shea, Mrs. Dave Frew, Mrs. John McMillen. Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish werè Saturday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bannister and family, Lindsay and evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leishman and boys, Reaboro. Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, Oshawa, hàd Sunday evening dinner with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McColl and Cindy. Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Abernethy, Bowmanville for a belated birthday celebration. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Bowers called on Mr. Wallace Trick if the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay and visited Mr. Henry Trick at his home. They were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Zack Adams in Bowmanville. Congratulations to Mr.-and Mrs. George Heaslip whose wedding anniversary was Saturday, April 7. They observed it by attending the Executive style f ive level side split, fMatures a family room with fireplace, Hollywood sty le kitchen, large living room and dining area, wa lk-out to fenced yard, with inground'fui- lyequifPed pool. Very desirable location in Bowmanville. Three large bedrooms, corn- plete with air condition- ed units. Cal R.M.R. Real Estate Limnited RealItor, 728-9414. PRIVATE SALE Bowma nvillie 3 bedroom backsplit with extra bedroom in basement. Large living room and separate dining room. Broadloom throughout. Sunny kitchen with an abundance of cupboard space. Waik-out from rec. room to an exceptional 175 foot ravine lot. Just $59,900. Cali 623-4517 or 623-4603 affer 6 p.m. Banner Passant Real Estate Limited 10ffaverley Road, Bowmanville 623-6121 WHY PAY RENT? - $1500 down and move into this 2 bedroom soîid brick bungalow in a smal village. Asking $31,500.00. Bowmnanville- 623-3911 BWAVILLE - new 3 bedroom brick bungalow n bing, compteted with Hollywood kitchen, broadtoomn and cushion f loors, north area close f0 school, asking $54,900. BOWANV ILL E - 2 storey brick duplex on lot 80' x 107'. Each have 3 bedrooms, dining room, 3 pc. bath and separafe meters. Close to school and shopping, asking 569,900. BOWMANVILLE - 2 storey 3 bedroom house wlfh separate dining room and atuminum siding. North area close to school, asking $42,000. MAPLE GROVE AREA - 3 bedroom brick and aluminum home on lot,99' X 159', nicely landscaped. Rec room, Franklin fireptace, dining room, covered patio and compietely finished basement. Close fo school and bus service. CatI for more information. ORONO - 5.18 acres with 11/2 storey frame house and small barn. Property has future development pot enfil of 15 lots, asklng $79,000. BOWMANVILLE - 2 bedroom brick semni on main street, zoned commercial, asking $37,000. NESTLETON Malcolm, Branch Directors- Mrs. R.W. Jackson, Mrs. M. Fisher, Curator-Mrs, Ben DeJong. Standing Committee, Conveners Agriculture and Canadian Industries-Mrs. Fred Dayes, Citizenship and Worid Affairs- Mrs. Allan Beacock, Family and Consumer Affairs-Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, Education and Cultural Affairs-Mrs. Richard Davison, Resolutions- Miss Gail Malcolm, Sunshine Committee-Mrs. George Bowers, Mrs. L. Malcolm, Mrs. A. Earnshaw, Pianist- Mrs. L. Malcolm, Social Committee-Mrs. Fred Dayes, Mrs. J. Wygerde, Auditors- Mrs. H. McLaughlin, Mrs. G. Thompson, Group Leaders- Mrs. G. Bowers, Mrs. S. McNeely, Miss R. Proutt, Mrs. C. Earnshaw. Mrs. L. Malcolm invited the members to meet at her home to plan the programmes on April 26, at 7:30 p.m. The meeting adjourned after "O Canada" and "Institute Grace'. Following a delicious lunch Mrs. F. Dayes expressed appreciation to the president and officers for their efforts during the past year and to the lunch committee. Sunday Services In the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning Miss Dorothy Buimer, Deaconess, read the Scripture passage Matthew 19:16-26. Read over this passage in Matthew and ask yourself what titie you would attach to it. God speaks afresh to each one and to each generation. This rich young man obeyed ail the command- ments of the Old Testament. Jesus tells him that is not enough. We can do ail but we must do ail in love. That means love your neighbour and love your enemy. Love ruies all our thoughts and ahl our actions. United Church In the United Church Reverend Victor Parson read I Corinthians, 13:1-13. John 21:15-19 from the Holy Scripture. His timely message was based on "The Strength that Sustains". Miss Laurie Malcolm sang "Lonely People" which was very appropriate to the message fromn Mr. Parsons' talk. 58th wedding anniversary party forMr. and Mrs. Ginn. Mr. ,and 'Mrs. Bob Youngman, Pontypool were Saturday afternoon visïtors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Marlow, Oshawa, were afternoon callers. Fifty-eighth Wedding Anniversary More than fifty friends, relatives and neighbours attended a delightful anniversary party to honour Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn for the unique occasion of their fifty-eighth wedding anniversary. The bride and groom of yesteryear hosted this reunion in the Presbyter- ian Church. It was a joyous occasion when old and new friends were happy to congrat- ulate them and extend best wishes for a few more years of health and happiness. As Mrs. Ginn remarked, "I enjoyed every minute of it. Lt was a beautiful party. " Mr. Stan .McNeely, as Master of Ceremonies, led the group in singing a number of old favourite songs and hie and Mrs. Henry Visser sang, "How Great Thou Art", "Ivory Palaces and "The Old Rugged Cross". Betty Fielding, grand- daughter of the honoured couple, played a number of selections on the accordian, Mr. Gerald Stinson, their son-in-law gave several numbers on the violin. Foliow-- ing, this, Mr. Fred Dayes, a long-time friend who had made his home with Mr.and Mrs. Ginn for nine years, showed beautiful coloured pictures of their recent trip to England. Several pictures were taken, one of Mr. and Mrs., Ginn cutting the anniversary cake, aiso family pictures. Mrs. George Heaslip, president of the Ladies' Aid presented the couple with a mauve muni as tangible reminder of this happy occasion. They also received a bouquet of red roses and other potted plants. Mr. and Mrs. Ginn have two daughters, Lyda, (Mrs. L. Stinson) of Seagrave, Nora (Mrs. G. Stinson) of R.R. Oshawa, and one son, Ronald of Manchester. They are also blessed by nine grandchildren and twelve great- grandchildren. The Ladies' Aid served a delicious lunch and ail enjoyed the social time of visiting, reminiscing, and talking to uld friends. Guests attended from New Carlow, Lotus, Port Perry, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Sea- grave, Biackstock, and Nestleton. Annual Meeting Nestleton Women's Institute met in the Communîty Centre on Wednesday, April 5, at 1: 30 p.mn. The president, Mrs. George Heaslip, welcomed ahl and opened the meeting with the "Ode" and "Mary Stewart sreryread the minutes, fnnilreport and corres- pondence. Several invitations were received. The 4H Achievement Day on "Major in Meat" will be held in Grandview, Public School, April 15 and Clarke Hligh School April 22. The Port Perry Hospital Auxiliary Spring Fair is May 27 and the, Social Planning Council Annual meeting is April, 12 in Port Perry. One resolution, re junk foods, in schools, was read. This is to be voted on at the District Annual in Kendal, May 9. Mrs. J. Wygerde brought the report from the District. Nestieton is respons- ible for the Memorial Service-- at the District Annual. During the business period it was decided that since winter weather is unpredict- I Oshawa IP.O. Box, 516 52 King St. West Bowmanville, 623-2453 FARM-93 acres witth lovely 7 roomhome, large barn and drive shed. Productive soit. West of Bowmanville. Cati for detaits. 5 ROOM - 11/2 storey home in commercial zone suitable for smalt store or office or just a plain home. Asking $36,900. TWIN HOME - on Carl isle Ave. 3 bedrooms, 4 plece bath, modemn kitchen, sun deck. Broaditeom in living room, halls and stairs. Asking $36,000., TWO - attached 6 room homes in nice condition on one deed. 2 car garage. Poperfy is wetl maintained. Estate sale. Asking $60,500. Try an offer. AFTE R HOU RS JA. BartOn .................... ....... 23-3098-- Samn Annis..................... 623-7664 P. Kowaî J r.......... .......... 623-5868 R. "6B-UD"Gvirtu 118 King Street East, Bowmanvil le 623-2967 9.2 ACRES - Minutes from town, 4 bedroom !home, separate garage, barn for ivestock. Has creek,,bush and clear fiat workabte land. Owner anxious. Try an offer. Asking $67,500. BOWMANVILLE - Older 3 bedroom twin home ln immaculate shape, carpet floors, large veranda, garage, north area on quiet street. Asking ontly 537,500. Must be seen. ORONO - 4 bedroom, 2 storey brick, original owner, separate dining room, fireplace in living room, attached garage, lot landscaped with trees and cedar rail fence. Close to everything. Asking $53,900. See it now.* $31,000 - for 2 bedroom brick close to downtown. 532,000 -4Abedroom home on Lake Otarlo. $39,900 - Solid 3 bedroom brick semi on Division St. with fireptace and large rear yard. lnspect them ail and make your choice. want a h ome? get a mortgage. boan!1 Monday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00Op.m. Fridays 9:00 a.mn. to 6:00 p.m. lain Maciver, Manager V!CTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Veltri Co M.plex 68 King Sre East, Bowmanvijle Te lephone 623.2504 Phone 576-3430 REALTOR S623-4428 181 Church Street REAL ESTATE LIMITED B w ani POST CARD> SETTING - in Orono. 13/ storey 3 bedroom bungalow on lot 103 x 173 with many tait sline trees. Attached sunporch and garage. Separate dining room. A must t0 see. $47,900.00. LARGE LOT- Ont y $55,000.00 and about 10 min. f rom Bowmanvit le, this attractive 4 bedroomn bungatow wlth attached garage sits on 72 x 238 sized lot. Yý,rd is fenced, there's a dog run and lots of room for that iarge vegietabte garden. Act fast on this one. ZON ED COMME RCIAL -On King St. in Bowmaniviilte with many business possibilities. Now uspd as a duplex, renting out for $505.00 monthly total. Listed at $44,900.00. N EWCASTLE - 7 yr. otd brick bungalow on treed and fenced lot 60 x 150. You'tl find a ntcetly finished rec room, 3 becdrooms, living and dining room and attached garage. AIl for $55,900.00, HOME SHOWS TO PERFECTION - and offers so much incl uding 3 bedrooms, separate dining room, heated sunroom, fireplace in living room. On huge lot in Bowmanvîlle. Priced at $52,900.00. OVERLOOKING THE LAKE - Permanent home or cottage with access to Rice Lake. Only 21/2 yrs. old, this 3 bedroom altuminum home shows ver>' well., Main floor laundryroom plus separafe diningroom are of fered at the asking price of $39,500.00. 73 ACRE FARM -JustlIisted. A-one ag ricultural land, stream. Excellent 9 room 2 storey home, triple garage, facitities and -e quipment for meat cutti ng ncluding smoke house. Outskirts cf Newcastle. Fuit price: $139,900.00. Terms. lut BOWMANVI LLE $62,500 .00 Come and see this attractive sidesplit in new area of town. Four bedrooms, large Iivnl, dnn room and main floor family room with fieplace. Fni shed rec room and attached garage. Cati Ann DeVos for appointments at 623-6622 or 623-6562. SP ACIOUS MODERN TWO STOREY 4 bedrooms, beautiful bulit in dining room table. Fireptace in family room, with wa k -ouf to large fneinyardl. A safe piayground amea for chidrn This home is iocafed on a very quiet court. Price $59,900.00. Cai Cliff Purdy 623-6622 or 623-3714. OPEN HOUSE 108 Roser Crescent, Bowmanvîlle Saturday, April l5th and Sunday, April l6th 1:O00to 4:O00p. m. Main f loor famiiy room with fi!replace - 3 bedrooms - fenced yard, niceiy landscaped - large eat in kitchen -extra tamrge lot - 1iîsted at $59,900.00. Come and have a coffee with Jean Driscoîl. DIRECTIONS: Waveriey Rd. North from 401 - Watch for signs af Base Line. "F.AR PROM THE MADDENING CRZOWD" in a prime area between Oshawa and Bowmanville, a fouch of country tranquilîty near the city. This sprawting rancher on an acre of picturesque woods, is whaf the discrîmînating buyer has been waiting for. If outlike wood, you'Ililove t he speciai touches of this 4 edroom executive. A fietdstone fimeplace enhanees the sunken living room. With a Floricla room, games room, main floor laundmy, famil y room wifh fireplace. and built-in cupboards galore, pilus a 31 x 51 concrete heafed pool, the value is heme! Just iisted exclusively at $98,500.00. Cati Gail Churchill 623-6622 or 986-5618 ~ for your personat tour. THIS COULD BE THE ONE Good financing, large lot, cent rai location and a house that is fmuly a home. Price $52,'900.00. For more details phone Merna Vella 623-6622 or 623-9521. Dunwoody and Associates Limited Management Consultants 146 Simcoe St. N. CUSTOM BUILT 3 bedroom side-sptit, separate dinfing room, family room has fuît watt fireplace, close to schools, in Newcastle. $59,900. COUNTRY PRIVACY Surrounded by trees, is this one and one-third clear acres with 3 bedroom home, fuît basement, 36 x 18 new foundation area, ideat for workshop. Asking $45,900. ORONO COMMERCIAL Large older home in centre of. town, oak trim, uns poiled attic area, rec room has fireplace, inground pool, ideal for antiques. Listed $55,000. Try an offer. 147 ACRES This classic brick home has Il rooms with unspoiled h igh ceitings and etegant woodwork. Most windows have been replaced with thermopane and a new rustic pine kitchen and dining room have been installed. On 147 acres of productive land with large modern barns. Just off 401 at Newtonville. Asking $149,000, LOTS and ACREAGES 371/2 ACRES - 401 at Newtonville, $2,700 down payment, balance 9 per cent - $49,900. KENDAL - il acres, att workable, $32,900. ELIZABETHVILLE - 27 acres, wooded, $32,500. ELIZABETHVILLE - 27 acres, part wooded with view, $35,000. NEWTONVILLE - 10 acres, wooded, paved road, $31,900. Ma ke an offer. KIRBY - 62 acres >4 OLD lb. Panoramic view, paved C'-,P091500. COLBORNE - 140 acres, wooded, streams, $48,000. PONTYPOOL - 98 acres, good farm land, $65,000. Pemmits guaranteed on ail lots above. A low down payment will hoid most untit you build., BOWMANVILLE ORONO 623-3393 983-9547 NORTH BOWMANVILLE Work saver contemporary bungalow. 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, plaster watts. Asking $53,900. See if today and try youroffer. Cati Mary Pike. OPEN HOUSE Sunday, April 16, 1978 1- 4p.m. 128 ROSER CRESCENT, BOWMANVILLE This toveiy sidesplit features 3 bedrooms, family room with firepiace and walkout, 2 baths, ground floor laundry, 193' yard and much more. Don't miss this one. Priced to seit at $61,900. Vendors anxious. Directions: Take Waverley Rd. N. to Base LUne W. one road, N. to 1sf righf. Joanne Swadron wiii be there to greet you. 105 YR. OLD HOME - ORONO 11/ ACRES This lovely home has centre hall plan, 4 bedrooms, famity room, separate dining rooni, large art studio, pine f loors throughout, storage shed for antiques, private paved drive, zoned semi-commercial. O ver 3400 sq. ft. Asking $130,000. Terms. Catil Charlie Reid. BLACKSTOCK AREA - $38,000 Soliçi 3 bedroom home on quiet country settîng. Good terms, Cati Bill Morrison J r.. BOWMANVILLE 5 mins.' from downtown wil take you f0 this- immaculate 2 bedroom brick veneer bungalow. Landscaped, mature trees, garage, fuit basement and loveîy view - ail for the as king pri ce of $52,500. Cati -BilI Whyte._ NEW HOME - AVAILABLE NOW Lovely 3 bedroom brick sidesplit with fuit basement, walkouf, carpets, good cupboards, plus lots more. Al locafed in Bowmanville on good sized lot and priced to seti at $55,500 with excellent terms. Cati Albert Kerekes. NORTHEND - BOWMANVILLE - 3.38 ACRES Wifh an 8 room home. This is a $158,000 invesfment thaf you shouid not overtook. Cati Bill Whyte for appointmenf. COURTiCE AREA - $45,500 3 bedroom bungalow wifh large kitchen, living room with Franklin fireplace, double garage. Lot 90' x 167' Good road. Ask for Bill Turansky. NORTHEAST 0F BOWMANVILLE - 114 ACRES 4 bedmoom brick bungalow on nlceiy landscaped propemty. Mature trees and stream wifh ideai pondsife. L.ar ge rec room. Aftached garage and breezeway. -Askîng $76,900. Cal i Ron Hurst for deta ils. KENDAL HILLS -31/2 ACRE LOT Panoramic view. Mature. trees. Southern exposure overlooking Lake, Ontario. Ail this for only $35,900. Terms. Cati Bill Turansky. ORONO - 1.6 ACRES Loveiy 3 bedroom brick bungalow wifh new main level family room with fireplace, built in bar, walkout patio doors, ec oomn in basement plus mnuch more. Ait on large lot in one of the prestige areas of Omono. Priced at $78,900. This one won't last. Cati Albert Kerekes, Coast go COasi Real ESu«le Service