12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. April 12,,1978 Section Two Bethany I Miss Barbara Wood is visiting relatives and friends in England for three weeks. Winners at the Cavan card party were High lady- Margaret White of Bethany, Low lady-Florence Brown of Janetville, High man-Norman Brown of Janetville, Low man-Leslie Pritchard of Cavan. Happy birtbdays to some "over eighties" this month. These three ladies live alone and enjoy good health. Mrs. Vercie Strong strnl plays an excellent hand of eucbre and arn sure we will soon see hier among her flowers in the spring. Mrs. Bertie Neals lias hands that are neyer stiil as she knits, crochets and quilts. Mrs. Irene MacDonald can out-walk many of us and plays a splendid bowling game with keen enthusiasm. No one need be besitant about aging when you see these three wonderful citizens of Bethany. May you enjoy many more happy healthy years! Mrs. Myra Leach of Peter- borough spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith and attended the euchre party and she said she attends the card parties at Mount Pleasant and Orange Corners toc. "Life doesn't begin at 40 any more, it begins at 80" , for Mrs. Leach is in bier 80's, as we also see so many elderly folk who are enjoying the fellowsbip and communicat- ing with others. It is wonderful that they can enjoy these privîleges! Several elderly parishioners were asked to what they attributed their longevity. "Wby do you thînk God bas allowed you to live to 94? " one old girl was asked. Without hesitation she shot back, "To test the patience cf my relatives." We are always complaining that we have tC lttl ime and acting as if there is no end to i. St. Pau's Bethany Rev. Sissmore began his sermon at the Communion Service on Sunday with "Deep down in every beart there is a hunger." Life can be more than it is and we must try and find a chue to tislilfe. In everyone there is a desire to be good, b~ut we must know the meaning of life and seek to be a conqueror, cf adversity, altbcugh ail seek it in different ways. Money is a goal but there is no answer found there. Even popularity doesn't anxswer the prcblem of the hun-ger for spiritual food, Jesus said, "ï arn the Bread of Life. " He broke bread, divided the fishes, but people followed because they wanted a miracle worker to give themn food. Material tbings cannot satisfy spiritual needs, but Jesus satisfies totall for all time. He pronmises an, immediate acceptance as, He will neyer turn anyone away. We accept a child into our church at baptism for God gave that cbild. He bas also promised eternal life. AUl have anxiety about deatb but a Christian shouldn't fear for a promise of no more torment or agony is givenus. Communion should be receiv ed with joy and thanksgiving by the believer. The L.E. Weldon band held a "band-a-thon" last week, when they played for twenty- two hours. Some of them wanted to play longer, but the principal feit they were too, tired to continue and would undermine their bealtb. The longest record for a band to play is thirty bours, s0 our students are to be congratu- lated on their perseverance. Randy Colp of Betbany was the drummer. Dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Driver were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Driver and daughters,' Charlene and Maureen, the occasion being Forgotten. The warmest word is Friendship. The coldest word is Indîfference. The most comforting word is Mrs. Vera Carr drove to Bethany to take Mr. and Mrs. Jake.man, M4r. and Mrs. Jordan and Mrs. Ina Palmer to a Vimy Ridge First World War Veteran's annual dinner at the Legio-n Hall i Millbrook on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Palmer treated Mis mother, Mrs.'Ina Palmier, to dinner on Sunday. - - - - - - WE PIC'"K ,THE EN A&P IS MANYSHOPS IN ONE! AsP is a Ceunàtry Furm Pork Shopl FRESH PORK ROAS-I Our Reg. Price lb 1.-18 Shouder 1lb s 4 Lean lb, Our Reg. Price lb 1.32 Pmi or hp HOULDER OR BUTT lb 10 FRSHf, WHOLU O Pork Shouldersl,,,OÏ-..E MAPLE EAF, MOKED COOKD, PINW R STYLE lbRGPRC12 I Pork Shouuldersi9I A&P is a Poultry Shop! Canada Grade ""A", Eviscerated F RESH 6 to 10-LBSAVRG TURKEY Brestslb 1.59 Whole Lamb Wieners 'D98 Whole Legs lb 99< Leg g .w Z Frozen, l".àkd lb1.37 .MAPLE LEAF REGULAR OR ALL BEEF 11b Vac Pac 1.08 Maple Luaf 1 I Sîiced BoRegna AIl B.d16-oz Vac Fac Sie oo n arlc, Thick M1,08 Piepperoni Maple Leaf lo-ozstick 12 PEVIOUSLY 1l58 Sîiced Beef Liver PRROZEN 5 MAPLI LEAF, SLICED, LUNCHEON, MAC & CIIEBSE, CHICKEN, -PICKLE & PIMENTO Cooked Meats 12.oz Vac Pac 1.08 'with duis Coupon OUIy ONE .5-F-OZ AR O NE4-LOZJR0 I~~~~ GebrBbood l a Strained - Meatless Varieties uAIINI MPI 5h 98ÔL m AI NI PI Sh 98OL MEMMUmmm muE*mu*maMM MaUmnMEsaleUlq m PcM n R a OLooko! A&P, Assorted Flavours (PA&P Reg. Prîke 59c) FRUIT48-FL-OZ FRUIT TIN JANE PARKER - SNOWFLAICE OR ACTION PRICEDI Twn olis pkg of 259< JNE PARKER - FROSTED ACTION PRICEDI Bal0ontspkg of 66 WELCIS, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED ACTION PRICEDI urapeJuic 16foz tin99< GY LUA T"IN PACK OF 2,8-OZ TUBS Sof t Mar6r a"rme 79W "UPERt MOIST" - WHITE, LEMeON, GOLDEN, F000, GRMAN CIIOCOLATE ACTION PRICEDI 510 g PKG tetty Crocl ,,âMIXES 89< TWIN PACK 0F 2-4-OZ TUBS Borden's Yogurt 217'9</ BANQUET BRAND FROZEN Meat Pies 8ozpie for lcOO GRADE A LARGE EGGS LIMIT 3 DOZ. PER CUSTOJ AT BOWMANVI LLE A &P Oh A&P Brand Action Pricodi uCHO1CE FOR PEASJ TOMATO OR VEGETABLE ACTION PRICEDI Hieinz Soups 5 IN TOMATO SAUCE OR RED KIDNEY BEA Hieinz BeanS 2-lo INSTANT CHOCOLAT! AI Nlesties VQuikl-bc NATURE VALLEY Granola Bars IN TOMATO SAUCE Libby's Spaghetti LIBBY'S - WINE FLA VOURED Saiuerkraut 3-io HOSTESS - REGULAR OR OlP A( Potato-Chipslgr NABiSCO CEREAL 450 g PKG TEA BAGS A Shredded , eaýct 69? Tetley Tea kof7 A&P, FROZEN, FANCY SO French FrieS 3Y-b pkg 99< Lachine Peas,41 A&P - Flavoured pkg o>f 2 - 7-oz envs A&P - Whole Kernel ORPIÉFANCY 3FR Sm ai B No. 1 Grade, Lqi Our Reg. [cSm Pr i] BORDPEN"'S ICE CREAM 2 LITRE CTN11 MER NLY 10-z urtn 100 Decorator - GoId, Orange, Green PKG 0FO 2 ROLISQ IOur Reg. Price 1:.23] Ann Oage (AUP Reg. Price 1.19) Action Pricedi SALAD32FL-OZ DRESSING9,9i 1O=FL"OZ TIN ACTION PRICEDI for â9 REUL.AR OR UNSCENTED NAIR SPRAY <NON ANROSOL) fo9<Final îNet 8-oz plastic bt239 is ALL VARIETIES INCWUDING SPAGHETTI AND READY-CUT 65 ACARONI ACTION PRICEDI LCIN RCEIPrimo Pastas 2-bpk g69< :tn u3 9 LUXURY - 12 VARIETIES ACTION PRICEDI 6OZ TIN '~'~'Pamper Cat Food 4fQr99< A&P BRAND PURE ACTION PRICEDI 1-19 Apple Juice 48-fIoz n69 28-FLOZ- TIN FAgRIC SOFTENER 65< Fleec PKG. 0F 30 SHEETS2 5 GLiAD, PLASTIC ACTION PRICEDI Garbae B119 ja65< g Ba ,a gs oF :TION PRICEDI BATIIROOM TISSUE - BLUJE, GREEN, PINK, WHIITE, pkg 9ý"YELLOW ACTION PRICEDI PKG 0F: 4 ROLLS pkg9<Swans Down Tissue 99<ý :TIO PRICEDI 8 Varieties cf Vegetaîâles includîng Peas & Cor. 12-fl-ortin '2.99 G ,reen Giant 2îr79< 19-.FLOZ TIN JS, 100% RECONSTITUTEI)D%9 fr99< OrangeJuice TZ99t i 2-f-oz tin A&P - Fancy (AUP Reg, Prioe 65c) I - **U(~ 48-FL-OZ M JUIC.iL.TIN#5 MF - wncj Canada, Choice ÀA&P TO0'MATO ES 28-FL-OZ TIN Price .35Our Reg. Price 1.89 '~ ~ Our Rje. Prie 631] "Îk ELL, HOUSE PALMO'LIVE LIQUI ISTANT COFFEE,,, DETERGENT 10-OZ JAR 9 24-FL-OZ PLASTIC BOTTLE 89<r a-,, AMS GARDE No. 1 Grade, Imported, Sweet, New Crop ~ PT eror Grpe9l ACTION PRICEDI LRMSETJIC Straiaud - Metas VarleLRDAWET UC GEÈRBER Valencia Orangei BABY F00OODRI, E rrts5Large Bhaches 4.5-FLOZ1FODA MILD, EXCELLENT IN SA JAR 16-ozc Our Reg. Prie 23e' 5-LB BAG MEXICAN i 1. 5 9 Pineapples Lmre sine ach89 .-INCH POT 2 for 79 English Ivy ol rellis 3.99 ALADS NO.( 1 GRADE, IMPORTED cello pkg 39< On"ions spanisitType pkg of 29l =1 FAMOUS mmmnai rý Lý ;7o; ave! Nj F À FN SPOT! ý And that, ' 1 includes our Own fine brands. If saving money at the supermarket is just as im- portant asfine quality, try our own A&P brands. They're every bit as good or better than theother famous brands. And you pay Iess. 'OU c rmmý - - F