The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 12, 1978 Section Two Hold Pancake Supper at Salvation Army OCMA's Spring Concert Presented on, Saturday By Coby Veenstra On Saturday, April 8, the Ontario Christian -Music Assembly performed its, annual spring concert under the direction of Mr. Leeadert Kooy, .ARCT. Presideat, Mr. Chris Nobels, conducted the opening devotional and all joined i singing, "Abide Witb Me". Then the choir sang a joyous gospel byma "Saved. " The orchestra performed two movements of "Schubert Suite." The orchestra bas a wide age range beginning as youag as Il. There are quite a few youngsters including six young Kooys. It is iadeed -1a thrill to hear such lovely music coming from the instruments of such young musicians. The entire orchestra has corne a very long way in the past few years. The il voice children's choir sang several songs and consideriag their small number, did very well. Five year old Benjamin Kooy on more than one occasion stole the show with his big-eyed earnestness in singing interspersed with beart-felt yawas. The choir performed a beautiful arrangement of an old Genevan Psalm tune, followed by another sing-a- long, "O Lord of Hosts How Lovely." Then, the orchestra sailed smoothly through some rather difficuit passages of an Overture by Eugen Fullen. Bill Kooy played excellent solo on his trumpet. A choir performance of en excerpt from Beethoven's "Mount of Olives" began beautifully. -Soprano soloist, Mrs. Rie Schoute, effortlessly oversangl the eatire choir. Unfortunately the choir experienced some difficulty with pitch, la the middle, but it is to their credit that they were able to rally -and finish with a beautiful, typically Beethoven ending. Kooy himself played an organ solo, "Cuckooý and the Nightingale" by Handel. Rehoboth Chdrch members were pleasantly surprised by the sounds coming fromtheir new pipe organ. Thea the orchestra bouaced into an all time favorite, "Stars and Stripes Forever."l one of the choir members inadvertently provided a minor strobelight effect when the light caught bis glasses energetically tapping along. Kooy himself was so caught up in the enthusiasm of tbe moment that he almost flew beadlong into the aearest tuba. A beautiful Ambrosian "Song of Praise" by Gebhart was followed by another sing-along, then a very popular Dutch march by the orchestra and again the front row almost came under air attack by flying conductor. Eric Wild is a master of re-arranging familiar songs into new and exciting music. "Go Down Moses" is typical of bis work. La a beautiful performance of this spiritual, the choirs and baritone soloist, John De Cloe, sang. the traditional words andi melody w ith aew, often startling harmony. Tbe orcbestra played a 'two-note theme which gave listeners the sensation of actually hearing the slave chants as the slaves labored under Pharaoh. The final number was, Cantata Ï7 on the hyma "Lead on O King Eternal" by Leendert, Kooy. The unusual and very busy harmoay gave an impression of the confusion of the battlefield. This' was offset by a quieter, prayerful interlude and coacludéd by a sing-along. The closing words were a beautiful message to carry one home. The cross is lifted o'er us, We journey in its light. The crown awaits the conquest, Lead on O God of might. Hr'rA YDO«N Mr. Ken- Millar, Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black- burn and family, Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs, WiIbur Blackburn and family on Sunday., Allan Ashton spent the weekend with the Youth Parliament, Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Susan and Fred were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor, Enniskillen. Club 21 meeting April loth, Margaret Jones will be guest at the meeting and wil show her needie work. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts are visiting relatives at Collmng- wood. On t. Schools to Receive Wildlife Information Kits The Ministry of Natural Resources will distribute more than 30,000 wildlife educational kits to Ontario public and secondary schools during National Wildlife. Week, April 10 through 16. The theme of this year's program is "Wildlife Protection." The educational package includes two wildlife pro- tection puzzles for students to p ut together, an information. booklet coataiaing feature articles on wildlife habitat protection, ea.dangered species and the work of conservation officers. Material was.comnpiled by federal and provincial wildlife agencies and was produced by the Canadian Wildllfe Federa- tion. "My Ministry is pleased' to support the Canadian Wildlîfe Federation ia focussing attention on National Wildllfe Week," Natural Resources Minister Frank S. Miller said today. "I hope that the material we are sending out to Oatario students will help develop a real appreciation of both wildlife and the need to p reserve wildlife habitat for future generations." National Wildlife Week serves to commemorate Jack Miner who established the interaationally known bird sanctuary at Kingsville, Ontario, southeast of Windsor. Following bis death in 1944, the Jack Miner Migratory Bird Foundation, lac., founded ini 1931 to administer the Kingsville sanctuary, continues ta operate under family direction. Jack Miner (1865-1944) was Obio-boru but came ta Ki ngs- ville with bis family whea he was 13. As a young man, he launched the first Oatario game protection association, gradually establishied a haven for ducks and geese until it became widely known, and was a pioneer in thebanding of birds to establlsh their migration patterns. Ia 1947, by unanimous vote of the Canadia parliameat, National Wildlife Week was established by the National Wildlife Act to dedicate a special week to remind Canadians of the infinite value of wildllfe. Significaatly, the week always contains April 10, Jack Miner's birthdate. On Saturday evening, the Salvation Army citadel on Division Street was a busy spot as their 5th Bowmanvilie Scouts and Cubs held their annual Pancake Suppler. T-hese photos show some of the action with seven-yéar-old Jili Brooks digging into a huge pile of flapjacks while in the lower photo the kitchen staff is hard at work mixing batter and cleaning up., SHAWS Vincent Bisschop and David Williams were among those from kthe Grades 5 and 6 classes at Vincent Massey School wbo enjoyed a three day field trip and stay at Camp Tawingo recently. Their activities included cross country skiing, snow >shoeing, toboganaiag, mountain elimbing aaid rocketry. Keith and Deanna Tregunna, Oshawa, Orville and Isabelle Challice; Albert and Barbara Munneke and boys of Orono, John, Margaret and John David Killeen of Shaw's, attended the lOOtih birtbday celebrations beld ln Garden Hill for their uncle last Sunday. Mr. J.W. Aiken, baving been born and raised at Oak Hill, had many local residents asvisitors that day and he was well and able to chat and remiaisce with each and everyone. Mr. and Mrs. Aiken, their PADDY'S MARKET New and Usod Furnifure and Appiîances Trade-Ins Aceepted on Appiances - Easy Credit Terms Available - Telephone 263-2241 Hampton, son and four daugbters received the more than 150 guests who considered tbe occasion a truly remarkable one. Relatives were also present from Brock, Rosetown and Watrous Saskatchewan, as well as Gananoque, Peterbor- ough, Port Hope, Millbrook and Poatypool. James and Barbara Lane, Honour and Rosslyn spent the weekend with bis parents Ross and Thelma Lane. Sunday callers included Wes and Doreen Lane of Pickering and Phîl and Margaret Eldridge of Richmond Hill Annual Card Party There were 10 tables of Eucbre and 500 at the scbool last Friday evening with the following winners. In 500-Mrs. Stella Carson was High Lady with ber husband George taking the High Men's prize. The Low Lady was Ethel Wigbt with Garnet Riekard as Low Man. Lloyd Ayre won the prize for most 8 bearts. La euchre Miss Pearl Leach was High Lady and Stan Lane was High Man. Low Lady was Mrs. Winnifred Cameron and Don Riekard was Low Man. Pearl Leach also bad the most lone haads la euchre. t was a very enjoyable evening which concluded with a social haîf hour and lunch. Coavenors were Tom and Sally Barrie with assistance from Terry and Phyllis Price, Gardon and Doreen Barrie, Calvin and Dorothy Crago and Leland and Betty Baîl. t was announced that the Kinsmen intend to give up their lease on the Sebool i the near future and local residents were asked to consider its future use. Those present decided that the rest of the planned activities would be discontinued. Gardeners la the area are reminded of the special Spring planting meeting of the Durhiam Region Gladiolus Society, to 'be beld at the Canadian Legion on Friday evening, April 2lst at 8 p.m. Visitors, and interested gardeners are all weicome. Among those who travelled with the Bqowmxanvile Higb School Band fto)Oblo ilast weekend were, Janet Bragg, Janet and Bruce Browni, Dale Hendrikx, Rosemary Killeen and Nora Simpson. Wheel-Bearing Grease ju1 B. Premium quality. S ounce tube.N 2-Ton Scissors Jack 1'â295 C. 4to15l/s"malximur1hiift . M... Dual Load-A-Matic Grease Gun D. For cartridge or bulk gresse Spring-prima fead won't quit on 649 you. 10,000-ib pressure or more.. Apply for your 'Charge-lt' - CANADIAN TIRE CARD Wheel Bearing Kit1 Wiring Harness 549 Fend er- M ount~ M. Rugged Steel Custorn-Fit Hitches wah E. Compiete for single H. 4-paie plugs, etc, wheei. Includes seais, 795 ctancdafr 4ge e rw fbai/boit. S bearings, etc- Electrical ConnectorsW Mi r r stnad16.Seblwfral/o. J.Tow Mr-oIedrroe 1ruSteel BaII-and-BoIt Hitch Unit 18 IIub Assembly wred weatha -proof.N.1/7bi ih5jbi . 8 F. Tough 4-boit type 19195 Poiarized. 4-poe 99 Extends to Economnical Plas tc Balil. CoVer A9 hub with> bearings, ih dpe the widest 9 95O. Fit most 17ý to 2- diameter. 2 Ligh Adater 1195 legal lmit TaieCopr(Isbil 59 COMpete Wiring Kit K . Most foreign cars Traile oes ler0 ft 2' tnaue) G. 2 t is/Stop/turn 5uc l9mu t9n e t or r g t signais, 4 retector 1795ns on lf r ih. P.D sg edt i 2 o g e .. . 1ihsadwrn . Fiat 4-poie plugs ...bright chromed mirror assembly. 44" Maimu r fenthain20Cr rn ed I ihajsabaîmuke n " ~b 629 Extra Savungs! Cash and Carry BONUS COUPONS i Ig The Mitchell 300 Spinning Reel Saving -Great catch for novice or axperienced angiers. Features smooth bsII-bearing action with au- tomatîc bail; push-button spool for quîck change-over, durable tungsten carbîde guida. Super Spring Special! Fan-Type Lawn Rake Buy two -one for the home and one for cottage and reaiiy cdean-up on the savings!, Features flexible spring-stael tines with smootfl, fard- wood handie. Overati length is about 541/2". We're open allday Wednesday, Thursday 1 and Friday nights until 9mo 160 Church Street- Bowmanvillle Telephone 623-2518 - Service Dept. 623-4601 A: Neither: An auto policy covers only motorized vehicles. Your bomeowners policy will cover the bike against certain perils, but usually' with a high deduýctible like $100. But for just $12 a year you can buy an all-risk pollcy that has no deductible, if damage exceeds $5. SAFECO'bas a good pollcy designed to protect everytbinig from golf carts to skiis. And you can count on getting paid quickly. It's just one of, the answers to insuirance that I give you. Because I'm a SAFECO agent, and that means professional. So give me a eall. OSBORNE &SHANK INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 108 Liberty StEN, Bomanville, P.O. Box 277 623-2527 See the B LUE JAYS! SERVICE CENTRE DRAW WINNER Martin Van Dyk - Bowmahville STORE DRAW Trevor Hamiton - Bowmanville 'Be sure to drap in and get your entry in for this week's draw. Mil