6 Car Care Supplement of The Canadian Statesnian, April 12, 1978 Environmenital agency officiai reports' Emisiontests c-anisave $0$5aeri a Pro per maintenance of engine, as indicated by inspections, called key to bene lits By ROGER STRELOW' U. ïS. Environmllental Protection Ageney - Assistant Adminitrator for Air and Waste Management Motorists could save between $20 and $25 in gasoline costs each year by having their auto emission control equlpment regularly inspected and maintained. Some motonists are already realizing these kinds of savîngs. Since 1972, New Jersey has operated an inspec- tion and maintenance (I/M) program in cosinection with an annual safety inspection. Chicago; Cincinnati and Hamilton Counity, Ohio; Portland, Oregon, and Riyersîde and Los Angeles, Cal- ifornia are also now conducting somne type of I/M program. These la.st several programis, were or- dered by-the U.S. Environmiental Pro-'.' tection Agency as part of larger airs dlean-up plans for these seriously pl luted areas. IM can have ben'iefits beyond gasoline(.ý savings. It resuits in more efficient run- ning vehicles. In somne areas, it could mean numnerous employmient opportuni- ties for qualifled miechanics. Most imi-31r. Sirelmow ought to have this pro- gram in1 effect) need the additional amount of air cleanup provided simiply to protect publie health fromn the grossest hazards: respiratory alilments, the aggravation of heart dis- ease, and increased death rates. What studies show Studies have shown that ail other controls- in these areas - industrial, munic- ipal and new cars replac- ing old cars - are by, themselves flot enough to achieve health protecting levels. I/M does provide clean- er air. New Jersey esti- mates that its carbon mon- oxide pollution' has de- clined 13 percent since its progrm began. Other au- to related pollutants in the state are also decreas- ing., For the other areas af- fected by I/M, this kind of improvement cannot be as easily cited since their programs have not been in effect as long as New Jersey's. iThe annual cost to the motorist of an I/M pro- gram now varies between $1 and $5 per year either in additional registration fees or payments, at the inspection site. At this time, four out of five caris have been passing the NeW Jersey test, and repair costs for those that have- n't have averaged between $30 and $35. Tailored to needs A large amount of lee- way is provided states and localities by EPA in setting up I/M programs tallored to their particular needs and resources. For example, I/M may be run separately or along with a safety inspection; state-owned, contractor operated, or commercial inspection sites may be used; maintenance of emission controls may be initially introduced as a voluntary mneasure; pass- fail standards may Vary somewhat, and two basic testing methods may be EPA does insist that I/M be done at least annually and that, regardless of specific program, the over- ali objective must be ac- compiished of most vehi- dles meeting the emission standards for their partic- ular model year. The quality of mechan- ical work, done in I/M is obviously critical to con- sumer acceptance of the programi. In this regard, EPA and the U.â. Depart- ment of Hlealth, Education and Weif are have avail- able $100,000 in matching grants for five states (New York, Pennsylvania, Cal- ifornia, Oregon and Ani- zona) to train instructors who1 wil then train me-, chanics in the proper maintenance and repair of emission control hard- ware. These states were select- ed on the basis of their readiness to implernent I/M. More to parlicipate With Federal and local cooperation, the future should see more motorists obtaining a regular I/M checkup. It wili benefit their, car, in most cases their pocketboolç, an( above ail their health. Other regions under an EPA requirement to insti- tute I/M programis are: Boston and Springfield, Massachusetts; New York; Philadeiphia; Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C.; Balti- more; Indianapolis; Hous- ton; San Antonio, Denver; Sait Lake City; Phoenix; Tucson; San Fx'ancisco; San Diego; Sacyamento: 'Fresno (Califoria);SJ tie; Spokane: and Fair- banks, Aiaskis portantly, from EPA's point of vlew, I/M makes city air more breathable. The areas now affected by I/M (and there are 21 other regions that' also .Make sure windshield wipers are in shape f or use ini bad weather As with so many other vital comnponents on your car, your windshield wip- ers are mnost li1kely to f ail just when you need themi the most - like during the next storm,. In the summer, heat, smog, and even your serv- ice station attendant's windshield washer spray are working together to reduce the eff'iciency of your wiper system. It's no wonder, af ter sitting quiet- Iy on your windshield and deteriorating day-in and day-out, that they often f ail to do their job. Check whien raining The best time to check your windshield wiper sys- tem is duning a rainstorm. Or you cani check it the next time you go through a car wash. You can also performn a good check while someone sprays your windshieid with a garden hose. However you choose to ,heck your wipers, you should check them on both the fast and slow speeds. If any trouble symptoms are present, you should replace as mnuch of your wiper systemi as is neces- sary to eliminate the prob- lem. In many cases, al that is needed are new squeegees (the rubber ptsthat contact the windshield)., e R FREE - Planned mnap routes throughout North America to your destination by the most direct route or the scenic route, with additional Provincial, State and City maps, along with 'Points of Interest Books', Ferry Schedules, Camping Guides and Motel Guides - Ail FREE and expertly selected as a guide for you while holidaying on the coast. ONTAR 10 MOTOR LEAGU E Protection Offers You.. PERSONAL TRIP PLANNING We'II ive you road maps and op-to date touir books and plot your route personally onl Dur Famious "Trip- Tiks." TRAVELLERS CHEQUES .M.L. provides travellers choques mîithout the usual 1%v handling charge. EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE Just a- phone call awvay! Whefher you're at home or travelling acros the Continent. 1 Wth each, nem master membershîip CM.L. mîlI givO pou free a Deluxe Visor Kit mode of leather textured wvýJele vinyl- complote mth comb, mîrror, miritîng pad and pencil, sunglats holder andi zippered pouIch for roa-d mapo. FREE GIFT OFFER VALIO UNTIL MAY lst, 1978. BAIL BOND Your O M. Membership Card i, a Cet Ouf 0f Jail Free Ca-]d wheýn, travelling iii the USA. S200 Guar anteed arrest bond and S5,00(JBail Bond. LEGAL ADVICE & DEFENSE Members' summoned for violationsg under the Ontario Hîghwvay Ptafic Acf may be reîmbursod for avc or defenoe as parf of-theîr member- ship. TRIP GUARANTF.E SERVICE For accidents 100) miles or more amvay 'from home, the O.ML. wtilI pay vp to Si150. for return trans- portation home or, hotol expenses mvhilo mvatîng for pour car tenbe repai red. EMERGENCY CASHl C A.A and A.A.A. Clubs mîlI cash pour persona[ check up to $50.00 mî th your C.M. L. Membership Card, CR EDIT CA RD REG ISTRATION O MJ L. mîlI record ail creif cards, drivePr and car licpnsý, *and upion notification of loss, me mvil[[ notify aIl issuers by double regîstered mail. ONCE YOU BECOME A MEMBER YOU ARE ENTITLED TO ALL THE INFORMATION, SERVICES AND BENEFITS THE CLUB OFFE RS. VOUA MEMBERSHIP IS PERSONAL. JUST RETURN THIS FORM WITH VOUR CHEOUE, CHARGEX OR MASTE.$f CHARGE ACCOUPJT NIJMBER Membership Enroilment Form Yes I1 vish te rake advantage of vour -Special Offor.' Please issue me 12 moiths of Ontario Molor League membership. NAME ... .... ....... ..... . AODRESS ....... CITY ....... ....... POSTAL CODE ........ PHONE NUMBER As Master Member ($23.O0 + $5.00t Entrance Feel $28.00 E And My Fariy Associate Meerbers af S1500 each [] N A M E S _ _. .. . . . . . . ... . . . ... .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENCLOSED IS MY CHEGUE FOR $ _.................. CHARGE TO MY CHARGEX ACCOUNT NUMBER EXPIRY DATE lli]D i MASTER CHARGE ACCOUNT NUMBER r] Royal Bank of Canada [ Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce LJBank of Nova Scot a E Toronto-Dominion Bank SIGNATURE .......... ...... ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE UPBOWMAN VILLE, 12 SILVER STREET, BOX 133, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC 3C3 e- (416) 623-4200 à".