Pegboard Perforated pegboard is th perfect way te keep track c work tools. ldeal for garage utility building, basemeni Useful in the kitchen tee fo hanging cooking utensils Really sturdy and economi cal. 4' x 8' x '/a" Fie MUpSrhome at agn * ffMnuatue'ssugstdletprc BuildSn 14yusl eoe aîrwenyuhv ypl ewo 4~~~~~~~~~~~~ th"'M aeias lwo s n ftems . poplar ad veratil builing poduot. Ithas 101 Sei TrnspaentSti r ~~~~~~ ~ ~ onak ussaondtehme i lyodshacn pUrOeaan*WahOmZy W wihef off Manufacturer' ugse fist prce Buildn esit yourl obaseect eapoer plenyoohav Fh ih aras Plywood Isoeo h ot lmi ew usesinsd ar udthe home. Easit pl'x' h es P o ercoa. Ifhncs etearic lo rate, fini h tt asr makesit p rfec forjobsneedng srengh an ms t an face n ces lu ha rer sthce * Shathingwo lwodsetigi delfr wo.Acnt odsntrl ri n euy tufongu and h ave wtrro le N ilhl -o esiae hrjb n elc h poetpyod Sae .0of....tre' ugetdlstpi 5add.Go one 4'X8'X11029................ .......cA..... 1atexSta panel 4'x 8'x%/" .......... . . I .be .obie th chrc.itc of sem trnsarnt01 ne woodore paeneusl staîne wood Easy t» 2 applycie work with too~~~quckl. Choose from Whitee for Os ve x for antad rown. Oeca 4'xp8xg'a"ec Sprucete Lrckumberndwo 13Sheathi9fr alsflorad rming.O Sae $4.00 off manufacturer's suggested lst pric. Chos ststdare f/8r mor ext2io thickn s orhitslec otection4 8nx se. .. . .. . . asy iane xf r B o n.... .............. .......allon 4arl adiin Nomna si/2zes....... . 9 99______________________ then coated te resist moisture absorption. Perfect for home, garage or utility buildings. Uight-weight cornes in 2 handy sizes- 4'x 9'x 7/16" - - -di Prlced per 8' plece 1~~ 5Yx25 '.... :30< 2x 3"......7 2 9 x 4 , ......136 Polyethylene This modern material bas so many uses, you'Il constaritly be thinking of new ones! Choose the 2 mil thickness ta protect lawn furniture from weathering: as a drop cloth' when painting; as a vapeur berrier on insulation. The 4 mil thiclness is ideal under patio stones or <tecks te stop weed growth. For home, farmn or cottage. ) Sach roil has 500 sq. fil. 2 milroll 4mil roll 49 3%76 quiciy witn flammler anu nails orglue. 4' bundle *9 Covers apprexîmately . 32 square feet ................«....2 9unl Waferboard The multi-purpose panel Low-cost use for intdoors or out. Resists weather, war-ping. 'Takes paint or staîi beautifully. Ideai for patio privacy wals, pool enclosures, fencing, cot- tages, barnis, garages. 4' X8" x 1/4w' On Sale 19 sheet