4The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 12, 1978 Vterans and their Wives attend Annual Vimy Dinner at Legion Veterans of the first World War and their wives were present at the annual Vimy dinner at the Legion on Sunday night, including one who will be 90 years old in November. After a delicious meal served by the Ladies Auxiiary, entertainment w-as Drovided. Those at the head table were,- from left to right, almost 90-year-old Gladstone Graham and his wife in the separate pic ture, Poppy Chairman Art Sheehan and his wxife Nyhi who is President of the Ladies Auxiliary, Branch President Ron Richards and Mrs. Eleanor Kirtley who was substituting for Mrs. Richards who was iii, Mayor Garnet Rickard and, Mrs. Rickard, Le gion Events Chairman Bill Clarke and Mrs, Clarke, Mrs. Wilson and Lieut. Doug Wilson of the Salvation Army. The Annual Meeting of the -W.I1 was held Monday, April 10Ftat 8 pm mnCE.Hall and opened with the sînging of the Ode and the repeatîng of the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Roll Caîl was 'Name a faàvourîte painting or piece of music.' 2. Pay your fee. A resolution from Bowman- ville W.I. as regards so-called junk foods beîng served at our High Schools was read and discussed. It was agreed to donate $15 to Mental Health. , The delegates to the District Annual to be held on May 9th at Kendal are Mrs. A. Vander- gaast, Mrs. H. Bradley and alternate Mrs. G. Moffatt. 'The Good Neighbours' report was given by Mrs. H. Cryderman. The Senior Short Course 'Personalîze your Pattern' will be held at Maple Grove C.E. Hall on April 19th starting at 10 a.m. for a day. Ail ladies of the community welcomne. The following was the Annual Meeting Reports. Sect. Treas. - Mrs. H. Prescott, Auditors - Mrs. Wm. Laird, Public Relations - Mrs. W. Brown, Good Neighbours - Mrs. H. Cryderman, Member- ship- Mrs. G. Swailow, Curator - Mrs. C. Greenham, Resolutions - Mrs. S. Doyle. Standing Committee Convenors Agriculture and Canadian Industries - Mrs. Wm. Polak, Family and Consumer Affairs - Mrs. G. Moffat, Education and Cultural Activities - Mrs. G. Besse, Citizenship and World Affairs- Mrs. H. Eewes. Mrs. Verna Bryant, District President was in charge of the Election of Officers. Mrs. H. Cryderman gave the Report of the'Nominating Committee. 1The following are the Officers for 1978-79. Past President - Mrs. H. Bradley, President - Mrs. A. Vandergaast, ist Vice Presi- dent - Mrs, G. Moffatt, 2nd Vice President - Mrs. W. Brown, Secretary Treasurer - Mrs. H. Prescott, Assistant Secretary - Mrs. S. Doyle, District Director - Mrs. H. Bradley, Alternate District Director - Mrs, H. Prescott, Branch Directors - Mrs. H. Cryderman, Mrs. E. Burke, Mrs. S. Doyle, Public Relations Officer - Mrs. W. Brown, Pianist - Mrs. Wm. Laird, Auditors - Mrs. Wm. Laird, Mrs. S. Morton, Good Neighbours - Mrs. H. Cryder- man, Mrs. C. Swallow, Mrs. L.C. Snowden, Mrs. S. Jeffery, Mrs. E. Foley, Membership - Mrs. C. Greenham, Mrs. W. Smit, Mrs. E. Burke, Mrs. A. Gibson, Curator - Mrs. S. Morton, Resolutions - Mrs. A. Noordstra, Mrs. A. Vander- gaast, Mrs. S. Morton, Mrs. H. Prescott, Mrs. Wm. O'Neil. Press Reporter - Mrs. W. Brown. Standing Committee 1Convenors Agriculture and Canadian Industries - Mrs. E.' Burke, Family and Consumer Affairs - Mrs. G. Moffatt, Education and Cultural Activities - Mrs. H. Eewes, Citizensh1p and World Affairs - Mrs. Wm. Polak. Mrs. Bryant then conducted a short Installation Service. Mrs. G. Besse was in charge, ,4-the following programn on 'utural Activities.' Motto - "The heart is an organ. Keep it in time was commented on by Mrs. E. Burke. She said, she was not thnking of itin a medical way. We need to put our heart into our hobbies such as reading,, listening to records, painting, great orchestras and our various crafts. However if we are not feeling 100 per cent if we indulge in one of our hobbies with a prayer in our heart we are soon back in tune with life. Mrs. W. Brown commented on her hobbies which can be classed as Cultural Ativities. There were various knitted articles, crochet work which she has recently learnt, candle making, embroidery with threads and liquid embroidery. Mrs. Brown showed a recently stamped pair of pillow cases and demonstrated this art and some members tried their hand at this work. Mrs. H. Bradley resumed the chair in the absence of our new President, Mrs. A. Vandergaast who is on holiday. The new groups were read out and group meetings are to be held. Mrs. G. Moffatt will be in charge of the May meeting. Mrs. G. Besse and- group served -lunch of sandwiches T I o e,ýM Raspberry Jam with Pectin........ 24 fi1. Dz. Standard Cut Green Beans........ 19 fi1. DZ. Strawberry Jam with Pectin........ 24 fi. Dz. Standard Cream Style Corn....... 10 fi. oz. Vegetable Oit ......... ........ 32 fi. Dz. Ketchup ...... ............. 15 fi. Dz. Diii Pickles with Gariic ........... 32 fi1. oz. Salad Dressing................ 32 fi. oz. Bathroom Tissue White 1 ply ............ 8's Bathroom Tissue Yeliow 1 ply............... 8 Roll Pkg. Liquid Bleach ..:...... ........ 128 fi. Dz. Liquid Dish Detergent ...... .......1750 mi Powdered Detergent .............. 6 litre Liquid Fabric Softener ........... 128 fi. oz. Long Grai 1n Rice............... 5 lb. Pkg. Canned Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce ............ Standard Waxed Beans........ plus savmngs ..28 fi. oz. ..19 fi. oz. Standard Cream Style Corn........ 14 fi. oz. Standard Kernel Corn ........12 fi. oz. Standard Kernel Corn... ....... 19 fi. oz. Standard Peas ................ 10 fi. oz. Standard Peas ................ 14 fil.oz. Standard Peas ......... ...... 19 fi. oz. Standard Tomatoes............. 19 fi. oz. Canned Pop Orange ............ 24 xl10oz. Canned Pop Ginger Ale..... .... 24 xl10oz. Canned Pop Cola ............ 24 xl1OZ. Canned Pop Root Beer.....24 x 10 Dz. Tea Bags 100's ............ ...... 10 Dz. Reconstituted Apple Juice .........48 fi. oz. Instant Chocolate ............ .....2 IL F Irform a death-deMyin acte Exercise regularly. Give Heart Fund IA *Due ta tremendous consumer response ail items and ail sizes may flot be avadlable in ail stores