CUT FROM CANADA GRADE AW BEEF SPECIAL! BONELESS STEWING BEEF LB. 98C RINDLESS SLICEDMARY MILES OR SPECIALI MAPLE LEAF 1L. ý3 BACON PKLB 'MARY MILES SEIL DINNER HAMS LB. 19 CHIOKEN, MAC & CHEESE OR LUNCHEON SPECIAL! LOAF SCHNEIDER'S 6 oz. c COOKED MEATS PKG. 55 SPECIAL! CANADIAN QUEEN LIAflA 60oz. X COOKED HAM PKG. SPEC'IAL! SCHNEIDERS MINI DELICHUBS 'oz- 99C SPECIALT BITTNER'S SMOKED PICNICS LB. 1.49 SLICED SCHNEIDER'S ROLO N A SEALTEST POWER PRICED SPECIAL! 5009g COTrTAG E ,C HE E SE CONT. APPLE OR GRAPE, POWER PRICED SPECIAL! RECONSTITUTED 36 FL. OZ. PKG ML FR1 flP DINKS 0F6 %l LONG GRAIN POWER PRICED SPECIAL! GEM 5 LB. RICE BAG 1.419 CORONATION PICKLES, POWER PRICED SPECIAL! WHOLE DILLS OR1 32 FL. POLSKI OGORKI OZ. JAR 8l POWER PRICED SPECIALI GENERAL MILLS SNACKS6OZc BUGLES K.7 ASSORTED VARIETIES, POWER PRICED SPECIAL! PAMPER 6OZ. 1 9 CAT F000TI GUSTO FROZEN. POWER PRICED SPECIAL! ALL DRESSED 13 oZ 1 MINI PIZZA PKG. SrP..IAL! ASSORTED VARIETIES ruvvcn rniutu brtti.nL 1L.'9C POTATO CHIP 225 g &% c PK( , 8C HUMPTY DUMPTY K.19 swiFTS OVEN ROASTING SEIL CORNED BEEF BRISKET LB. 1.78 DIGESTIVE, SHORTCAKE OR NICE SPECIAL! PEAK FREAN15o. .0 BISCUITS PKG 1>LIAIN LABEILS AT VERY FANCY SAVINGS ,,-:IlîTh tLA11E'L PRODIJCTS ..priced Up ta below 400/o name brands! *Our WHITE LABEL Pro- ducts offer you exceptional value -a money-saving alternative to name brands -wif h quality that's en trely suifable for moatftam- iy and household needs. " No frilis or fancy pack- aging- with the savngs passed on to you. " As always at Dominion, your satisfaction is guar- anteed. SUNNY FROZEN POWER PRICED SPECIAL! CONCENTRATED 12.5 FL OZ. GRAPE JUICE CONT. REGULAR, LIVER OR 2 kg CHEESE FLAVOUR PKG. KENL RATION BURGER 2.e39 Open Wednesday until 10p.m. Thursday and Friday unil il p.m., The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 12,1978 5 A. PONTYPO"OL POWDERED E . Cliff Richardson of Nel-Gor mm Castle Nursing Home in m SU N LILG afl Newcastle called on friends in, the village on Wednesday. Km Cliff had pneumnonia recently DETE.RG ENT and spent two weeks in Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. 6 litre There was a very good BOX attendance at church on Truy ndaym morning when were administered by Rev. Ca nad ian Gordon Montgomery ofPeter- boog.*hs bpMedwr l ia Grant Ronald Dunford, SRonald Christopher Dunford, LIMI: 2PER USTMERMelissa Jean Dunford, Erin LIMI: 2PER USTMER ~ ~Tara Irene Slack and Amanda Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Dunford became new members of Pontypool United Church. During the service the choir sang "Children of J er us ale m." Rev. S Montgomery chose "The Eternal Meaning of Jesus" as, S the subject of bis sermon., Barry Challice and Chris Dunford distributed the orders of service and took up the offering. Eleven tables of euchre S were played in Ballyduff on Friday night. Winners were Mary Finney, Lila Kerr, Mildred Britton, Richard Woods, Bruce MeGill and SAlvin Mitchell.' S Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark attended the 9tb birthday celebration for Mrs. Ruby Vaugban beld in the Sr. Citizens' Home in Omemee on y . Sunday. While in the village S tbey visited witb Mrs. Effie ~ . Bent and Mrs. Raffan. V<:.~< Several visited witb Mrs. S Bertie Neals in Betbany '~United Churcb on Saturday when she celebrated ber 9otb ,~ .. birtbday. Mrs. Neals is a real Sgoing concern and it is our ~,sincere wisb that sbe bas Scontinued good bealtb to enjoy Sall the activities that bring ber ~>so much happiness. Mrs. Neals' actual birthdate is April lith. ?2~ Sunday guests of Mr. and . Mrs. Terry Slack were Mr. and Mrs. Borden Slack, Oshawa, Mr. anidMrs. Earl McNair, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Locky McNair, Toronto .and Mr. and Mrs. Drew Alîman,--Oshawa. Mr.' and Mrs. Alîman were godparenits at the christening of Erin Tara Irene Slack. Mrs. Clayton Saunders, Richard and Jimmy of Spring- ~,dale, Newfoundland, are visiting witb relatives in the ~» village. She will be staying for a montb or so, and will be bere MARTIN'S RECONSTITUTED ~ to attend ber brotber's, Jamnie Willis' marriage to Miss Kathy Gallagher on Friday, IRT A PgPLE JUICEtirp May l2tb in St. Aiphonsus Cburcb, Peterborough. At a recent Meeting of the Pontypool Chamnber o Commerce it was unaimou.s tbat, similarly to last year, âl 1 ~5 local ball teams will be .48 FL. OZ permitted to have the hall TIN . rent-free once a year for Ç# fund-raising. Pontypool Generals have booked the WAS 75CN . Community Centre for Saturday, Aprîl 22nd for a benefit'dance. (See Coming Events next, week). YELLW, HIT ORPaul Ricardson and Steveni YEL' LOWWER 2 «LYMcGill returned home on ARTSN FLWER 2 PY ~Sunday following a week's ~ftT .,, ..~ vacation in the Babamas. TflIAIEI Mr. and Mrs. Dave Masters, Reg Masters and friend endl Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curtis -- attended the wedding of Murray Perkins in London on ______Saturday. Murray is the son &f 2ROLL - Mr. and Mrs. Howard Perkins "~(formerly Olive McGillY, PKG. mvWbile in London over the c, weekend tbey also helped the N Perkins' celebrate their silver N ~WAS 1.09 vn< wedding anniversary. S Reg Masters is home op Av ~s leave from bis work in the Nortbwest Territories. Higb bowlers. on Monday in 100 mi IfL the Ladies Bowling League TUBE rC IS wr Gri lark witb 320 and1 ..~ Hilda Bigelow with 239. RPRICED SPECIAL! VSUPER £1r_1 Manvers Township Arts and PKG. â3C(liF AVER from Craîts Show S ~» Think onf anv kind of 16 r ~WAS 2.99 l stration attheManvers Arts L6OAF................................and Crafts Show will prove tif __________9___ great interest to fôlks w ho :FECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TUES., APRIL 18, 1978. enjoy watching an expert àt work and to anyone wbo likes examining or collecting hanêt- Morebuyng, owe foryoucrafted articles. The Manveps More buyng owerforyouArts and Crafts Show is being beld June 3rd and 4th from 1 to 9 p.m. each day at the new Manvers Arena, Hwy. 7A judst a few hundred yards east pf Hwy. 35. WE ~h4 ~ GT ~ (~A ONORMAAL AIYO 0[MENT DOMNON SRLIMITED. ariparnJ : The C-~O-a oeeio esnims Pn wrn Pnirçn qpçriAi i j F'K(-i. ff ý 1