6 The Canadian Çtatesman. Bown Tjnsolicited donation of $50.00 came to Splash from the "Cross Country Ski Group" of St. John's Anglican Church An unheard of group, thanks to whoever you are. Saturdây,-April 15, Kick off every home canvass for Splash at Flying Dutchman at 10:30 a.m. Free donuts and coffee will be served thanks to Jim Bourke and Walter Hammond. AIl canvassers welcome. Thursday, May 4th Swim Wear Fashion Show. Cindy Nichols (Canadian Athlete of the Year) will draw "Tnrp of the Month" lottery. The Good News and The Bad News1 "e're going to give you the gond news and the bad news", sid Bowmanville plant manager Jack Taylor during bis introductory speech at a recent employee meeting. This was the fourth in a series of meetings designed to enlghtn mployees on company practices and decisions and allow the employees to question the plant's top management. "These meetings", explain- ed Taylor, "are not manage- ment-labor meetings. They are for alI eniployees. We i management need to pull up Our socks too at times." . The plant's program will see all employees attend the meetings, 30 at a time. There they are shown an employee induction slde presentation and hear talks from the plant >manager, the production and develpment managers and the safety coordinator before a qyestion-and-answer session which ends the meeting. The managers lay it on the line, Taylor said. "When Dave King (production manager) talks, hie tells what the competition is up to and how we have to work a little harder and a little smarter to beat it."l King also outlines the projects the plant has going or in planning, Taylor added. "Wle get some good questions to," Taylor said, ,land we always answer thein as best e can." "Tees definitely a better atmosphere in the plant since the meetings started,"' King said. "I beieve t bat the employees feel we're interest- ed in them knowing what's going on and that we're interested in them as people ton. It has improved two-way communications." King says hie doesn't pull any punches. "I tell them that even an extended coffee break is WastefUj and that we can't expec t to compete if we waste any time. But I also believe in telling emp loyees wben a job bas been done, wel." At the ast meeting, Taylor, King, personnel manager Norm Webb, development manager Ralph McIntyre and safety coordinator Gord Schissler fielded questions on plant' overhead, unused plant or s pace, budget approvals, stock defeets, energy conser- vation and safety. Keith Steadman, of tbe machine shop, likes the idea of the meetings. "lIt gives management a chance to explain some of its methods and decisions", h le said, £4because sometimes we Wonder why something is done a certain way.", Fern Covert, of material control, said the meetings provide a forum, for emphoyees. "If somebody bas an idea, this is the place to bring it up", she commented, adding that the meetings allow em ployees and loe 0oko how each think aboydut issues. Del Rudman, of production control, believes in the meeting himself 'and hopes others are of the saine mind.1 Employees who are critical bave an opportunity to make their' opinions known. "Before, thè?r had nobody to comiplamn to', Rudman said.. However, lie hopes more than criticism wilh come out of the meetings. "If anything concrete is done as a result of what happens in the meetings, then they can be considered succesaful," lie said. Eulma Philhips, of the time office, said she appreciated knowing more about the planxt's operation, adding that a recently inaugurated weekly production newsletter from Kn ep the emphoyees informed ,to, the minute. "Letting us know what's goin<g Ail Purpose Grnd SANBORN COFFEE; 1 IL bag 'NO FRIo'LL' PRICE STEIN BERG FABRIC SOFTENER 128 fi1. oz. jug M 'NO FRILL' PRICE Choice Whole CLARK'S KERNEL CORN 12 fi1. oz. tin 'NO FRuIILL' PRICE Strawberry MRFS. LUKE'S JAM With pectmn, 24 fi. oz. jar 'NO FO"RILI' PRICEj VaIian IN NSTANT HOT CHOCOLATE 1 2 lb. bag i -- - ~ f.w,*iu i uu~ I ~~lrILL riUt4, R.Hayhoe2CupTea Bags TEA FOR TWO HUNDRED pkg. of 100 I -~- I 'NO FRILL' PRICE I 4 ______ I 'NO FRILL' PRICE Reconstituted MARTI N'S APPLE JUICE 4i0. î tin 5oiiyn llr Raspberry MmRS. LUKE'S JAM' Wth pectin, 24 fi. oz. jar c 'NO FRILL' PRICE i - I~~~~~~ ~ 'NMRLI RC NOFIL R@C Pink, White, Yelow MIRA MART BATH ROOM 1-Py pkg. of 8 roils MIRA MART LIQUID BLEACH 128 1l ozjug FEATURE POWDERED DETERG ENT1 5 6 litre bag 1 5 'NO FRILL' PRICE FEATURE LIQUID DETERGENTl s 64 f 1. oz. btl.1 I3 Orchard Ki"^% FANdY TMATO JUICE 48 fl. oz. tin 'NO FRtIlLL'PRICE AIL PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 19-25, 1918 IN BOWMAN VILLE AT BOWMA IL AL 4 IGS.E ERSRETERGTT LIMIT QUANTITI ES. MNIL AL,4 IGS.E ERSREÏERGTT Check eut forlUsasI White or Rainbow SQTEI NBERG PAPER NAPKINSli Pkg.of1400 An ail Canadian Company 1 'NO FRILUPRICF 1 1 - 1 1 6NO FRILL'PRICE IL m gmý Ma Ar imul PpIr-P là a,&% ý mm, y v% v% NU FKILL MMICE