an, ' Bowmanville, April 26. 1978 1 -~ ~ LLJ DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFUED. Tues., 12 noon 623-3303 CFINNEY - Gien and Jackie ~ ~Knght> are thrilled f0 announce the arrivai 0f their second chiid, in Barrie, a son, Bradley Gen, 7 lbs. 9/4ozs. born on daddy's birthday Apnil 1, 1978. A littîe brother for Angela. Proud gnandpan- ents are Mn. and Mrs. H. Knight and Mn. and Mrs. P. Finney. Proud great grand- p< aents are Mn. and Mrs. J. Knight. 17-1 VAN NEST - David ýand Donna (nee Scheel) are pleased f0 announce the birth of their first chiid, Benjamin Arnot, on March 30, 1978, weighing 7 lbs. 12 ozs. Proud grand parents are Mnr. and Mns. R.H. Scheel of Welland and Mns. E. Van Nest of Bowmanvilie. Special thanks f0 Dr. Nadkarni for ail his heip and fo Daddy for being there. Mn. and Mrs. John Paterson and Mn. and Mrs. Wicton Kuatczyk wish to announce the forthcoming marniage 0f their children, Judith Mary and Edward Victor on Satur- day, Apnil 29, 1978 in St. Paul's United Chunch at 4:30 p.m. BIRU - Johln. At Memorlal Hospital, Bowmanvîile,' on Wednesdiay, Apnil 19, 1978. John Bird of Newtonvîlle, in his 74th year. Beloved husband of Dora Wootton, dean tather of Mrs. L. Stewart (Doreen), John, Mrs. R. Anderson (Margaret) and William. Rested at the North- cutt Eliott Funeral Home, Bowmanville. Service and' com mittal in the chapel on Friday at 2:00 p.m. Sprinig interment Lakeview Cemetery, Newtanvîlîe. 1- BLACKBURN - Abert at Lakeland Fioida an Manday, Apnil 24, 1978 Abert Black- burn of Kirkfieid in his 74th y ea-. Beloved husband of Norah Pickering. Dean father of Mrs,. W. Paterson (Noreen) of R.R. 2 Bowmanville. Dean brather of Mns. L Aedy, (Gl dys), Elsie Backburn, bo hof Thunder Ba y, Mrs. J. Cooper (Doris) of Parksville, B.C. and the late Jack of Winnipeg. Loving grandfather of Michael, Scott, and Anne. Resting at the Nathcutt Eliiott F uneral Home tram 7 ta 9 p.m. Thursda y. Funenal service 1:30 o'clock, Friday, atternoon at St. John's Church. Interment Bawmani- ville Cemetery. 17-1 FRIEST - Frederick. At Mem orial Hospilai, Bowman- ville, on Thursday, Apnil 20, 197, Fred Friest of 28 Smart St. in his 74th year, husband of the late Flarence Murphy. Deanr fathen-of Donald, Mns. F. Fleetwood (Bennice) and Kenneth. Rested at the North- cutt, Elliott Funeral Home. Funeral service 1:30 o'clock Satunday attennoon. Crema- tian. 17-1 N REM Mr. and Mrs." Reg Brock, Bowmanville, Ontario are happy f0 announce the forth- coming marriage of their daug hter Brenda Darlene to Mr. Johnathan Jay Corden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Corden, Bowmanville, Ontario. The wedding to take place on Saturday, May 20, 1978 at 3 p.m. in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, Ontario. 17-1 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crago, Bowmanville and Dr. andý Mrs. William Grant, Solina, are very happy to announce that Cathryn Elizabeth Crago will become the bride of Fraser William Grant, on Saturday, June lth, 1978 at 3:00 p.m. in -Ebenezer United Church. 1- Mr. and Mrs. Andy Devries are happy to announce the forthcominà marriage of their daughter Tracy to David John Vernest, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Vernest of Pickering. The wedding ceremony will take placeD.V. May 13, 1978 at 4 o'clock in the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church at Bowmariville. 17-1 MITCHELL - Passed away p eacefull at Strathaven Nursing Homne, Thursday, April 20, 1978. Lillian Mitchell aged 92 years. Wife of the late Char les. Mitchell. Deanr mther of Helen (Mrs. Charles Burdett) and Doreen (Mns. Gardon Barrie). Dean grand- mothen of 10 grandchiidren, 10 great gnandchildren and seven great greaf grand- children. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel,. Bowmanviiie on Saturday attennoon. Spring interment Nestiefon Cemefery. 17-1iN MURDOCH - Af Memarial Hospital Bawmanvilie, Sunday, April 23, 1978. Sidney Murdoch, aged 64 years. Beloved husband of Grace Welsh. Dean fatherof Barbara (Mns . Murray Abbott), Port Penny, Gwen (Mns. Thomas Gouid), Brenda (Mes. Danny Jones) and Wendy Lau al of Bowmanville. Laving grand- fathen of seven grandchildren. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel Bowrnanville on Tuesday atternoan. Inter- ment Bowmanviiie Cemetery. 17-1 N VISSER - Abert. Suddenly on Manday, Apni 24, 1978 at Toronto. AIbent Visser. Beloved husband of Minnie Evelyn (Pegg )Pearce. Fnedmayci at the chapel of Bates an dDodds, 931 Queen Street West, Toronto. Funenal service at Parkdaie United Chunch, Wednesday, 1 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery at appnoximafely 2:30. 17-1 Nor*nEraut E3hxuu THOUGHTFULNESS- CONCERN - SERVICE Concerned people often inquire about pre-arrangement of funeral details. Infor- mation can be simply and thoughtfully obtained upon request. This is part of our service to the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 7Morris Fune rai Chapel ESTABLISI- 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMANVI LLE HED 1881 6,11>5480 I TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS SIMPSON MEMORIALS Monumnents -Markers - Inscriptions s 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope M. 885-6434 HOME APPOINTMENTS M ~GLADLY ARRANGED 4- RUTTER GRANITECOMPANY, LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario WORKMANSHIP Q UALITY Li A3W3 High OQua lity at L Reasonable Prices Phoofel885-5216 Home 88$-5222' 2-t Maurice and Sis Conway, Scugog St. wish to thank their family, relatives and friends for the most delightful "surprise" 4th wedding anniversaryparty at the Legion Hall on Saturday, April 15. What a fun night! Thank you for ail your love, warm wishes, cards and purse of money. 17-1 We wish to express our sincere appreciation to friends, relatives and neigh- bours for their many cards, flowers and letters during our time of nlef. The Barlow Funeral lomne and organist Helen Wood for their kindness, Rev. Tizzard for his kind words. Ron, JiIlI, Debbie, Murray and Charles Hancock. 17-1 We wish to express our sincere thank you to relatives, friends and neighbours and Enniskillen Community for the cards, gifts, f lowers and phone calîs during my recent stay in Oshawa Genera I Hospital. A very special thank c u to Dr. Winnett and Dr. immons, nurses on 7 main and .C.U. The special care and concern by s0 many Seople is deeply appreciated AIlan and Jackie Scott 17-1 We wish to express our sincere thanks to our relatives, friends and Rebekahs for cards, f lowers, gifts and good wishes on the occasion of our 55th wedding anniversary which was held at the home of our son Joe and Mari Piper. Many thanks f0 our family for-the lovely gift and for making our anniversary such a happy occasion. Sincerely, Gladys and Frank Piper Sr. 17-1 I would like to thank ail my friends of Base Line Community for their thought- fulness. I enioyed the evening together, and will treasure theG gift. Sincerely, Norman Metcalf 17-1 I wish to extend a very special thank you to Dr. Frimner and Dr. Long. Nurses in emergency, special care unit and first floor. Thanks to my relatives, friends and neighbours for their cards, flowers, gifts and visits while in hospital. (Mrs.) Dunwreath Stephens 17-1 I wîsh to express my sinc( thanks to my fam ilya triends for gifts, cardsa -visits while i n hospital. AIS, thank you to H. B. Rundlea nurses on first floor. Helene Rundle The family of the late Jc Bird, Newtonville, wish thank ail their triendsz neighbours for the many fIo tributes, cancer contributio deeds of kindness and worc! sympathy during their re<, bereavement. Special thar to Reverend Tizzard and staff of Bowmanville Mer li Hospital. Dora Bird and family Frederick Tipp ris, forme of Frederick's Pharmacyi Top Druq Mart Bowmanv would like to extend sincere thanks f0 customers, associates2 friends for their loyal supp over the past several year I wish to extend a Smn thank you fa familyi friends for cards, gi flowers and visits during stay in Memorial Hospi Bowmanville. Also a i you to Dr. Sylvesteri nurses on first floor. Beryl Martin I wish f0 express my sinc thanks to friends, neighbct Bethany U.C.W., St. Jarr U.C.W., Peterborough,i the teachers of TraItal Pre-School class for cai flowers, visits and enqui following my recent surg in Civic Hospital and dur my convalescence at hoi Special thanks f0 Dr. Hamt and nurses and Staff of FOL Floor East. Wesley McMahon FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Look for this sea It's your R E\guarantee of <)STAFF-ORD BRE . LTD. ene and and sa a and 17-1 ohn Ita and oral crns, Is of cent i nks the ,non- 17-1 ierly and e e B INGO Every Thursday Early Bird Game starts atl7:30 p.m. Jubilee Pavillon OSHAWA $550 Jackpot - Must Go FREE ADMISSION 16-tf N SWINGING 80W5 SQUARE DANCE RE UNION April129, 1978 St. George's Parish Hall Newcastle POT LUCK SUPPER 6:30 p.m. A Cards and Fun Night, Pontypoo Community Centre, Friîday,ý April 28th, 8:00 p.m. - 1:00ep.m. Games of Chance, Euchr Tournament, etc. Gentlemen $5.00, Ladies free. S ponsored by Pontypool Cha mber of Commerce. 17-1 Rummaae sale, April 28, 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Knox thristian School- Auditorium, Scugog ,Rd N. Bowmanville. Somethn g for everyone. Bring the whole fami ly. 17-1iN Prepa ration for Re- E mploymnent Clarke Hi gh School is con- sidering offering a new night school programn (Preparation for Re-employment) f0 run thîs faîl if enough persons are interested. This is an oppor- tunity to brush up on your t ing, dictaphone, reception cuies and office procedures. To qualify, one must have' typing and a knowledge of the business office, For more information please contact MRS. DERRICK - 786-2607 17-2N RED CROSS BLOOD DONC CLINIC LIONS CENTRE Beech Ave., Bowmanvi Wednesday, Ma, 1: 00 -8:30 p. ii CONCERN FOR LIF bas available the fil ")Life Before Birl (slide presentat ion wil cassette tapes) To be used by schools gnaups fnree of charge For information:, Mrs. G. Jaspers-Faye 623-2634 RUMMAGE SAI Friday, April 28 10Oa.m. to 2p.rr Library BasemE TOPS no. ON 162 GARAGE SALI Saturd.ay, April' 28 Liberty Street BOWMAN VILLE 10Oa. m. 'tii1 soîdc0 Sponsored by B. & P Cl y3 I.. 17-1 N rn ith" BOTTLE DRIVE The WOLF CUBS of the BOY SCOUTS of CANADA, Bow-, manville anea wiIl be cari- vassing the town from door ta door Sat., April 29, 1978 For Ail Retunnable POP BOTTLES, MILK JUGS, and BEER BOTTLES to make money ton thein group ton bus trips, camping etc. Please have baffles neady if you are missed please phone 623-7208 on 623-2929. THANK YOU. 17-1 BAKE SALE Friday, April 29 10Oa.m. - 2p.m. Bowmanviîîe Mail 3rd Bowmanville CUb Mothers 17-1 "A Lesson From A Bridge". Free Christian Science lecture Monday, Ma y8, 8:15 p.m. at Durham Coi iege, Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. 17-1iN TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE - DANCE-/ 4th Saturday in each month March 25 -June 24 D.J. CARMEN SHIRK Tickets availabie af door. 8-19 N Sunday, May lth is "S UN- DAY," at DARLINGTON PROVINCIAL PARK Celebrate a non-nuclear future. Safe energy sources dispi ay ed, speakers, music, work- shop, picknickincg. FAMI LY FUN! Everyone lnvited 17-1 N Acquire a COMMUN ITY GARDEN PLOT Corne to Registration Night THURSDAY, APRIL 27 Newcastle (Comnirty Conservation Centre 26 King Sf. E., Bowmanville Phone 623-6600 17-1 APPEARING AT sand The Queen's Hotel e. NEWCASTLE er "Gary Peters and Wiîdwood" 171N Fr1. and Sat. April128 -29 LE Dancing 9- 1 17-1iN Bth ni. St. Andnew's Presbyterian ent c'hurch. li4th Anniversary. 16-2N N OId Tymne Dancing IN OLD TYRONE HALL 29 Sat., April 29, 1978 t N. 1MuscbyBO Ut Admission $2.50 per persan Dut DANCING 9-1 Iub Sponsoned by L.O.A. 17-1. 17-1 vili COMING TO his ail BOWMANVILLE'S BARGAI-N BARN and (south-west cornen of Mantin Rd. and Hwy. 2) pont MAY 11, 12,13, 16-2 TRACTOR-TRAILER LOAD 0F NEW BRAND-NAME - BOX SPRINGS and MATTRESSES cere -To save y au $ these box s prings and maffresses will be sold and dinectly tram the trailen. Don't miss these sensationai prices. ifts, MY IN THE BARN, SEE OUR îak NEW Pine and Colonial and FURNITURE and LAMPS "Fancy stores mean fancy-prices. The only thing fancy about 17-1 ounbannisthe LOW, LOW PRICESI" - Whiie on the premises, pneview aur used funniture, applianices, ýcene antiques, misc. for aur mes, GIGANTIC SPRING AUCTION and Saturday, May l3th at 12 noon igar rds, Free Draws nies 17-3 gery ring mre. HADASSAH JEANS and UPHOLSTERY )urt SALE BRAND NAME JEANS AIl Sizes MATE RIAL by the yard Reasonable Prices Large selection of nearîy new cîothing. Tuesday, May 2 1 ý. - 19 a.m. -9 p.m. a i. DedkAri~ Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Du ndas St. E.- Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 1144 King St. E. Floral Cres fionsç "Flowers with Feelinlg" For a ny Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Holidays Bey, 579-5021, Ruth 623-7259 -1lW- "F BE A BIG SISTER! Volunteers are needed in this area to be a friend to girls aged 7 - 17, who are need of supportive relationships. Call Simncoe Hall Settiement House at 728-7525 16-4 E LECTROLYSIS (Permanent Hair Removal) Evening app. acce ted. ROBER TA McCA Ný C.E. 19 Burk Court Bowmanville 623-6214 5-ff EAR PIERCING $8.00/ (no appointmnent necessary) Plus 10 per cent off first purchase of earrings with release slip. I BLUE SPRUCE SALE NURSERY GROWN, DUG and POTTED. 15",1- 1811- $5.99 18"' - 241" - $9.99 Open 7 Days a Week Pontypool - Sam Manette 705-277-2715 17-4N BOAT 2'3' MASON'WEEKENDER with TANDEM TRAILER 8' beamn 21/2 draft. Hardfop an camper top - sleeps 4. Sink anc VaIley with icebax - 170 h.p. Volvo 1.0. FuIly equip ed and predyitago.H uil an engine profesonally maintaîned anc in excellent condition. TE LE PHON E 987-4833 17-IN~ Hooper's Jeweîîers Week-End Special 29 Kîng St. E. FOLIAGE Bowmanville PLANTS 623 -5747 Reg ula r 99c 1-tfN 3 for $1.29 CARNATION e FLOWER SHOP zý 33 Divisan St. Pivafe guifar ,~ lessans, BawmanviiIe, Ontario lassicai, folk and rock. Alsa 623-7141 or 623-5577 i sfring, banjo .instruction 17-1 a va lab61e. 'Fon tunînen information please cail 623- 6139 and evenings 623-9103. 16-TF N Western Canada School 0f Auctioneerin.g Lt. Canada's 'first, and the aniy compiefely'Canadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Acf, R.S.A. 1970, C.366 For particul ans of the next course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215. 15-9 - La Joy-s Poodle Clipping and Grooming (Also Small Breeds) BY PROFESSIONALS Please cal: 623-6676 16-ff N B.M.H.A. $1000. draw winner, Mrs. L. Watts, il Lawrence Cnes. Ticket number 2590. Seller Ralph Watts. 17-1 Harry Voermnan Insurance 181 Church Sf., BoWmanvil le, Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RANC E 28-tf CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanvilie - 623-7141 SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS Flowening Plants and Cut F owers FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Malt 623-3365 PROM PT, COU RT EOUS SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL N E EDS E VE RGR E E Flowering Shrubs, Hed Shade Trees. Ail Reasonably Prici Brunt's Nursei South side of 401 at Liberty St. Exil Ph. 623-3971 15-3 N Oshawa CERTIFIED 17-1iN SEED GRAIN OATS BARLEY BEANS CORN Treated neady f0 sow. CERESMORE FARMS LTD. 623-3552 and 623-7233, P: Inprc.10-12N Say it VAN BELLE DAI LY Del ivery ta ... Oshawa - Bawmanville Anea Phone 623-4441 POTATO ES: Suoerion (earlv) and Kennebec ton seed and table use. Cali Bruce Taylor - 263-2 41.1 4-4N TEAKWOOD and Rosewood Scandinaviail turnifure, bed- roorm suife, - 8 pc., dining roomn suife - 9 pc., chesterfield and chair, efc. Ali Brand new, tf reasonable. 1-247-4377. 3-tf ONE large incubator. Affer 6 p.m. 786-2261. 1 17-1iN FOUR Goodyear tires, G70-14, mounted on Keystone chrome rim. Excellent condition. Used less than 1000 miles. 16 Lambs Lane. 623-5968. 17-1 FOR SALE Seed G ra in, Oa ts, Bartey Cleaned - Treated Phone 263-2023 Wesley J. Yellowlees 15-3N COLLECTOR'S Items - limited quantities of Queen Elizabeth Jubilee China, hand blown weather glass, and pewter. Byford's G ift Shoppe, King St.--Newcasf le. ,phone- 987-5426. 116-TF N EIGHT piece chesterfield suite, Moffat electric stove (30"), standard boys bike (new), girls 10 speed bike, two antique tables, antique dresser, f loor polisher, combination record player, radio, 8 track with speakers, Normende cabinet radio with record player. Phone 987-4589 affer 5. 17-2N HAND iawn mower. Super Clipper 22 with bali bearings. Used twice. Phone 623-3246. 17-1 KENMORE 30" electric range, with glass oven door and electric oven timer. $50. Phone 987-5474. 17-iN CI USED, new idea corn picker e sheller, narrow row. Caîl after CI 7, 263-8245. 17-1 N 1975 HONDA CB336OT, excellent condition, 2000 miles. Phone 1-986-4842 after 5. 17-1iN TH E GANARASKA GAMBLE by eminent financier RICHARD WHITNEY at sel ected bookstores $1.00 THE BOOK MILL 31 King St., Bowmanville RaH BOOKS 12 Queen, Port Hope COST PLUS DISTRI BUTORS 101-341 MacLaren St., Ottawa (1 17-1N FERGUSON tractor, rebuilt motor with mower and front- end loader. $1250. Phone 987-5165. 17-1 N 46 SQ. YARDS ofý wool twist carpet. Maroon. In good condition. Ideal for cottage or rec. room. Phone 623-3893 af ter 6p. m. 17-1iN 14 tt. MOHAWK canoe, conditiân, 2 h.p. Evinrud new, new 1/2 h.p. McDE jet pump. 623-4116. VITALIZINGI Phone 7 for Rustproofingon nr used vehicies. Wnifteî ranty. Durham Vita phône 723-1155., SANDY LOAM TOP SOIL Load your car ....................$s Smalltrailer ..........***.........$U BRING YOUR OWN COrýTAI NERS ALSO LARGE SELECTION 0F PANSIES AND VIOLAS PLANT THEM TODAY ORONO GARDEN CENTRE 1 KM. WEST 0F HWY. 115 ON TAUNTON RD. ,,983-9308 ACORN POOLS Kits or InstalIled FREE automatic chiorinator with each installed pool. Solar Blankets, Chemicals, 1Water Delivery FREE ESTIMA TES Taylor Sand and Grave I Excavating Orono 983-5003 0OSHAWA SCREENED SAND GRAVEL &STONE LIME STON E PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOI L &DI RT FILL Phone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. SAND & GRAVEL SUPPL' li e North ofHwy.2 ~ --1 ~ r SWAIN SEED CLEANERS &DEALI LTD. R. R. 2 BLACKST( Estabîished 1947 We- have Registened, Certif ied and Canada No. 1 Oat Bariey in stock, along wifh hay, pastune, saya-bean and seed - ail at neasonable pnices. (Lange ordens are eligil discount) Logane three miles south of Blackstock on the aid Scugag ,ed ry 416-986-4331 POOLS INSTALLE'D by INTEGRITY INSTALLATIONS A DIVISION 0F OSHAWA POOL SALES LTD. 5 YEARS EXPERIENCE We 1instal11 any kit a nywhere. Cai11571-1766 f or f ree esti mates. ATTENTION FARMERS! Spring is here. Now is the timne ta think of your fencing needs for the comm ng year. FARM FENCING - OU R SPECIALTY - 10 Years Experience - A fuli1 line of fencing su pplies and cedar posts available. Cal now for FREE ESTIMATES Orono Customn Fencing 983-5530 Certif ied Seed Potatoes Aiso Excellent Table Patatoes $4 ton 75 Ibs. - medium site $3.50 for 75 Ibs. JOE BOUMA 623-2847 17-2N YARD sale, Safunday, May 6th, 10 - 4 p.m. at 85 Waverley Rd., Bowmanvilie. 17-2 REESE frailen hitch, camplete, $100. Phone 623-7387. 17-1iN 1977 KAWASAKI 1000; alsp Suzuki 500. Bath veny 10w mileage. Reasonable offen. Ca Il 1-786-2665. 17-1 BUCKWHEAT,' appraximate- 1y bushel. Gaad for seed. Western yeliaw nape seed. Gaod for bee-pastune. Caîl 1-786-2211. 17-1 LARGE steneafireplaceaonly 4 monfhs aid. $650. 45 volume Bitannia encyclopedia, aniy one yean aid, neyer used. $800. Phone 623-7926. 17-1 N VIKING refigenator and stave. Phone 623-3735. 17-1 PIANO, aider Baldwin up- right. Phone 623-6230. 17-1 N ADDING machines. Smith Conona cnank adding machine with tape, $25. Manual adding machine with tape and cas h drawer, $25, and electric Remnington 208, $50. Please calil 623-5901. 17-1iN FOUR nangettes, one propane stove, one smali refnigeraton. Reasonable. Phone 623-7448. 17-1 CARPET - The famous Harding Hawthonn twist, Acnilan and nylon. Reg. $14.95 sq. yd. - Sale $10.95. Colour iimifed, no nepeats. F. A. Kramp Ltd., 37 - 41 King St. E., Bowmanviiie. 17-tf N ,good.... 1- de, like KINDLING waad, ail yau can :)ougai laad on 1/2 ton. $10. Also barný 17-1 boards and timbers. 623-3231. 17-1 N 23-1155 WATER truck, 2000 gal. tank. new or Phone 623-2469 an 263-8066. ,n war- 17-1 GOOD afiaand fimothy ____hay, 800 ta 1000 bales. Ca Il affen 5 p.m. - 728-6128. 17-1 N ;1.00 COUCH, chair and ottoman, 2.0 $175. Kitchen table and four ;.0 chairs, $30. Canpetting 10' x 15', $80. 12' x 8' drapes, $40. Two end fables, $40. Two lamps, $25. Na reasonabie offer nef used. 623-659 1. 17-1 N' SHEEP manure, weIllntted. Any quantity. Laad yaur awn. 623-5817. 117-3 TOP sali, dlean. Weed and 17.1 N stane free, no sods. 623-5817. 17-3 A BEATTY pump and water tank. Telephone 987-4201. 17-1iN CEDAR pasfs for sale, al sizes, affer 6 p.m. 786-2261. 17-4 N 1975, 16' FI1BREGLAS boat, tri, huli1, 40 hanse Evinrude motor, bench seats, walk fhrough windshîeld,- convertible top 13N and tarp. Cail affer 6, 987-4356. 15-3N17-2N 22 ELECTRIC stove, good - condition. Phone 623-2365. 17-1 CEDAR pasts for sale. Phone 987-4327 affen 7 p.m. 17-1 N I SIX Piece bednoam suite, 6 manths aid, $650. Whinlpoi * portable washer and dnyer, 2 years aid. $400. Phone 623-4596. 17-1 PADDY'S Market naw has t new- furniture, appliances, T. V.'s and steneos and alsa -~used furnifure and appliances. WiIl accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf ,ERS HOUSE trailer, $13,400. Two castle Trailer Park. Financ- )CK ing available. Phone 725-6969 fas and BARLEY $5.00 per 100 ibs., îd lawn stnaw 90 cents extra change Ible fan for deiiveny. Evenings 623- 5466 or 987-4091. 1e-TF N nation. Road. STRAWBERRY plants, (Red- coat), Rhubarb roots, Forsythia, Bieeding, Heant, Tiger Lily, Iris, Peony Roats 16-4 (pink), Chnysanthemums (bronze, yellow), Penenniai Phlox (fail) and Dwanf Asters. 623-7490. 17-3 NORTHERN Spy apples. Roy Orchards. Phone 263-8430. 17-2N TABLES and chairs, speed junior bicycle, sterea sets, one 17-1iN wardnabe, eiectnic stoves, refrigerafor, wamen's and chiidnen's clathing (mostly new), electric guitar, pictures and trames, books, aven sets, cameras, Ford Van Camper. Phone 1-983-5478. 17-1iN BROWN egg laying hens, weiI rotfed goat manure. J. GoId 623-2730. 17-]iN 17-1 N TRUCK platform, IV long, 71/2' wide. Phone 725-6966. 17-1iN a 1