14 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, April 26, 1978 Ca- or Sales* ~ Holid, Chevror Lar e selectio Camspoi Highways 115 Phonei PIRE FOR $80.00j Available a LawnC HWýy.2,? Phone, Shrurbs, El and "T Bagged ands Phone i Wl T.V.1 T. ower- Aeiai USED furnitu e iaces. Padý amnpton. 263-22 Jand M TIR Michelin tires, radial centre,' Oshawa .576-1241 LOCAL, SwIî Dealer has a ni inground pools prides 16' x 32 $4395 installed, comparably pr free. Delway PF 6362 ask for Op Iay anId 69 COUGAR, good condition. n Tra ilers Certifiod. Cail 623,6118. !on of truck caps 1- 0.0instalied. 70 BUJICK Le Sabre, good >rt Traiger condition. Hay 80 cents a bale. Phono 1-986-4896. 17-1IN a les &35, Newcastle 1977 IMPALA, 4 door, 10,000 miles, in warrantyma 987-5174 options includingair. Exceir 9-tf lent condition. $5600. Phono 623-3746. 17-1 N :WOOD 69 OLDS CMftiass, 350 auto, SALE p.s., p.b. Best offor. Phono A CORD 1-786-2274. 17-1 N fany quantity '68 PARISIENNE, 2 door Gardens hardtop, body excellent. Best Newcastle offer. C ail 623-9132. 17-1iN '9 4670 N 1976 CHEVETTE, 16,000 49fN miles. 'Rustproofed with vergrens uarantee, automnaflc, vinyl r rees. rear winidow defroster, etc. C topsoil Certif led. 623-5466. 17-1 N sand. 63 FORD. $600. As is. Phono 623-3412 987-4995. 17-1 N 16-7N G.T.O., A-i condition, $1500. Coul 623-2672 affer 6. 17-1 IITE'S J and M TIýRE- Service for TOWERC Michelin tires, y aur one-stop TOW Rà radial contre. 299 Dean Ave., s, UHF,VHF Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf is, Rotors e Repairs '76 FORD Van, 6 cylinder, Standard fully customizod, 576-5606 low mileage, musf soîl. Phono E. WHITE 623-5747 before 6p.mi.,,17-1IN COURTICE '67 CHEVE LLE, excellent condition, hardly no rust, ail iro and ap work done to if $450. Phono Idy's Marke. 987-4036. 17-1 241. 33-tf Zfor'75 GMC 1/2 ton,- 350-2, radio, EServicefo heavy suspension, near stop yur one-stop bume ihcp ienw '29 Dea n Ave., uie ihcp ienw !20. 46t Phono 1-786-2473. 17-1 N rnning Pool '76 MONTE CARLO, 30,000 lumber of steel miles, 350, 4 barrel, auto. sat new Iow matic, fully oquippod. Phono ' lnground, af 576-4040. 1'17-1 N - ter sizes iced. Coul tol boils. 1-800-261- erator 603. FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FRMSTOCK, MARGWILL PUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 MORGAN pinfo mare. 5 ye ars old. WeilI cared for. Gentie. $250. Phone 1-786-2613. 17-1iN ONE 'anny goat, one kld, female, 10 months. Reason- able. Phone 263-8443. 17-1iN LAYING hens,'H & N, layl ng 4 months. $2.25 each. Phone 623-7037. 17-1iN SALE 0F SCHOOLS BY TENDER The folowing closed school propert les are to be offerêd for sale by public tender: (1) Bethesda School Pt. Lot 10, Conc. 6, former Darlington Township. Town of Newcastle. Lot size 1.04 acres, one classroomn, brick veneer building, wlth washrooms and carport. (2)Bewdley School Pt. Lot 29 and 30, Conc, 7, Hamiton Township, Lot size 1.75 acres, 2 ciassrooms, cement block building plus framneportable. Conditionsof Sale 1. Depositof 10 percent of each tender by certif led cheque, paoyable to The Northumber- and and Newcastle Board of Education, f0 accompany, tender., 2. Succossful bidders must arrange topa y balance in cash within 60 days of tender clos ing. 3. The Board reserves the rlght 'to reject any or ail tenders. 4. Separate tenders to be submnitted for each propry 5. Tenders, inoae evel- opes clearly marked as f0 Ç content, wil11 be recei ved at theI Board Office, D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, Ontario not- lafer than 4:00 p.n¶. Monday, Ma y 15, 1978.1E 6. These properties may be u inspocted by arrangement wlth the Plant Department ofn the Board of Educat ion. k 7. AIl envelopes should be b addressed f0: C M. A. MacLeod, b, Business Administrator and F Treasurer The Northumberland and p Newcastle Board of Educat ion P, P.O. Box 470, D'Arcy Street- North, Cobourg, Ontario -K9A 4L2. Bi 17-2 4 c- TENDERS al Tenders will be recelved bY hý the undersigned untîl 4:00 pr m. Wednesday, April 26, - 1978 for the INSPECTION AND TESTING 0F FIRE CC EXTINGUISHERS, s Al Schools. Ci Specifications may be obtain- ed from the Office of:- ~M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and OF Treasurer, Bo The Northumberland and cai Newcastle Board of pai Education,Su BOX 470, COBOURG. K9A 4L2. s '77 PONTIAC Parisienne, 350, 14,000 miles, excellent condi- tion. Phone 623-6252. 17-1iN 1977 CH-EVETTE, only 5,000 miles. Asking $3395. Phone 623-2788. 14-4N '78 CHIEVY Sport Van, 3/ ton, fully equipped, low mileage. Phone 623-9209. 17-1 1972 PIONTIAC st ation wagon As is. $1000 or bes offer.* Phone 1-983-9578. 17-1 N ONE bedroom apartment ir Bowmanville. Avoulable Ma' 1sf. Phone 1-786-2039. 17-1ib CENTRALLY located largE house on King St. E. Bowmian. ville. Beautiful gardon. Avail. able May 15, $350. per month nef. Phono Orono 983-9171Ç a.. -fo5 p. m. or 623-2473 after 6. 17-1 N LARGE upper apartment, stove and fridge. Newly decorated and carpeted. $250. monthly - al utilities included. Phono 623-7363. 17-1 SPACIQUS one beçlnoom apartment, stove, fnidge, ail ufilities included, fuily carpefted. $225 per month. Write Advertiser 756 c-o Canadian Stafesman, Box 190, Bowmanviîîe, Ont. 17-2N 3 BEDROOM bungalow in west side of Bowmanville, fonceci yard, gardon anea. Available June 15. Caîl 623- 7838 betWeen 6:30 p-m. and 9 p.m.172 600 sq. ft. MAIN street. Downtown Bowmanville. Suifable for seamstress or tailorin g business. Ail utilifies included, $150. per month. Phono 623-2826. 17-1- BOWMANVILLE, 2 bedroom main f bon aparfment, $170. monfh. First and lasf month's nrequirod. Pay own utilîties. Available June 1, 1978. Phono 623-6942 for appoinfment and 723-1727 for funthen Information. 17-1iN BACHELOR apantment in pnivate house. Appliances and garage. Quiet, nref ined lady preferrod. Phono 623-4166 after six. 17-1iN BACH E LOR a partmenf, uPstairs in small, quiet apant- mont building, centraily locafed in Bowmanviile, one bodroom, kitchenette, lange llning area, living room and bath, heated. $175 monthly. Pay own hydro. Reforences 'bease. Phono 623-4805 affen 4 p.m. 17-1 BOWMANVI LLE apartment, irooms and bath, heated, :able TV, free parking. Avail- àbe now. Reasonabie plus lydro. Phono 623-7523, 15-TF 'MMERCIAL pnoperty with ilf contained apartment. ose fo downtown. $600. 16-TF N FICE spoco on King St. in îwmanville. 600 sq. ft., rpefted, imnfiediàte occu- ncy, ioasee moving, assume jb-bease. Phone 423-6555. 6-tf N RECEPTIONISI for dental offi!ce in Bowmanville. Mature, rosponsible, indi- vidual roquired f0 manage dental office. Duties includo fyping, appolntment booking, insurance form complefion, fee collection. Apply P.O. Box 24, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3 K8. '17-1 N SERVICE PARTS PERSON required for inside service to tag -and label imprinting machines and for invontony control of parts. Applicants should bo mechanically inclined with a background in machine nepaîr. Applications taken in person at DENNISON MANUFACTURING, 200 Base Lino Rd., Bowmanville. 17-1 N CAN YOU QUALIFY? AS A FASHION TWO TWENTY BEAUTY CONSULTANT and would you enjoy toaching other ladies Io care for thoîr skin and appîy cosmoetics correctly? Wouîd you like t0 earn high incomo, set your own hours (full or part timne)? If you qualify, we will toach you how. Contact: MRS. GREEN, Caîl Collect 1-986-5655. 14-tf N I eIeIJIIUI Ca nvassers in the following ar eas: ORONO, NEWTO NVILLE, BLACKSTOCK Choose your own hours and work from vour own home. Good remuneration. Bonuses. Phone 623-4595 and ask for B ETTY172 FREE room and board for lady in return for llght household duties. Phone 623- 3265. 16-2 BABYS ITTER required in m y home in Orono Estates for 2 girls, 4 and 7 years for shift work. Own, transportation required. Caîl 1-983-5398. 1- NANNIE required for two school aged children while- mother works. Duties to include light housekeeping. Live in or ouf. Phone 623-6078. 17-1 CLEANING lady, 3 f0 4 hours per week.. Cali evenings 623-2437. 17-1 EARN $200 - $400 per month part-tlme by acting as agent or calling on sports organîza- tions or variety stores and other retail otlets In your area. Phono Kitchener 743-6721 or 743-5771. 14-4 INSIDE SALES Two people required b y growing manufacturing company for inside sales positions. Must have pleasant personality, and be able f0 work well in customer relations. Sales experionce to wholosalers, a very definife asset. Please forward resumne indlcating past oxperlence and salary roquirements to: Advertiser 754, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. _________17-2N WANTED f0 buy, chickens, rabbits, ducks, pigeons, etc. Phone Port Hope 885-6661. -17-1 N 14 FOOT aluminum boat. Phone 623-3874 after 5 p.m. 17-1 N CASH for goid, silver, coins, Q uns, docks, lewellery, dishes, furnitluro, crocks, r antings, sealers, appliances. nioendiy Flea Market, 23 Kingi West, 725-9783. 9-tf MALE Peacock. Phone 987- 4430. 17-1 N WILL pay double face value for dimes, quarters, 50 cent pieces, silver dollars, before 1967. Also guns wanted. Phone 985-7057, F'ort Perry. 17-2N USED Furnifure and Ap- p liances. Paddy's Market, Ham pton 263-2241. 26-ff LADY'S 3 or 5 speed bicycle. Phone 623-4166 after six.- 17-1 N OLD lawnmow ers, popular mae.Also willlng to do repairs. Phone 623-5274. 16-2 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID Ya r Res! 0 . . DOBERMAN Pinscher puppies. Regisfered. Black and tan - red and tan. Phone 623-2805. 17-2N PUREBREID Corgi Pembroke, maie, 6 months old, ail shots, nof rogistered. $100. Phone 623-'3528. 17-1 N eêdvan 123 KIN STREET WEST NEWCASTLE,'ONTARIO (BOX 18 9), 'LOA HO Real Estate 92MI Sa lesperson U Join our efficient fast growing office serving the Bowman- ville, Orono, Newcastle area. AIl enquiries welcome and held in strict confidence. Cal Ed Vanhaverbeke, F. R. L, Broker. 623-4439. _________17-1 N Es=*- Peter Sutherland Aîuminum Prod. Bowmanville Siding - Sof fit Fascia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. NOW HANDLING VINYL SIDING 3-tf N Ron's Floor Ca re Commercial and household cleaning. Dry foam rua and carpe? shampooing. Wax ne- moval, waII washing. Ron Turcotte 623-796 Plaster Repairs a nd Dry Wall Taping.- Spray Stucco Celings Pa inting WALLY LUCYK Orono 983-5518 GEN ERAI REPAIRS and Maintenance Odd Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-9132 17-tf N Electric Welding Repairs Done Phone 623-9292 affer 4 p.m. T &C SMALL ENGINE REPAIR SERVICE Lawn Mowers, Roto Tillers, Mot f Mowers, Snowblowers, Garden Tractors R. R. 1 Hampton Phone 263-8469 17-5N T&C Grass Cutting By the Foot or By the Acre R.R.1, HAMPTON 263-8469 Caîl us for an estimate 17-5N WATCH REPAIRING HOOPERIS JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. E. Phone 623-5747 10-t fN INSTALL an Esso furnace, bouler, humidifier, hoater on air cleanon. Combination wood and ou. Financing avail- able. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service poîicy. Cali Harvey Partner, your Esso service dealer. F ree esti- mates. Orono 983-5206 'or Bowmanviile 623-2301. 24 hour service. 35-tf N DAN'Sý PLASTERING DRYWALL PLASTERING STUCCO TEXTURED CEILINGS SPECIALIZING IN REPAIR WORK DANIEL CRIPPS 623-6899 Bowmanvi île174 MIN ER'S EXCAVATI NG FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTLE No Sunday Calîs M. Brooks CARPE NTRY R EMOD ELLI NG' CUPBOARDS - VAN ITIES GENERAL REPAIRS, Phone 623-5566 10-tf AIl kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanvi île 623-2756 13-tf WATER Wells bored, 30 file. Ward's Weil Boring. Telo- phono 342-2030. Ropresenta- five Harry L. Wade. Tee- phono 987-4531. 16-tf Don Brooks & Son Genera I Contra ctor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 New homos, additions, altera- fions, roec rooms, garages, rep irs Of al types, etc. 25-f DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf ALL-TYPE ROOPING Shinglos now or Reroof ing F lats hot or colId process. Al roof and chimney repairs. FREE ESTIMATES 623-5038 15-tf THREE ton truck and driver available for small moving jobs, dlean-up, pick-up and dolivory, etc. Reasonable. Phono anyfi me 576-3691. 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton 48-t f N CARL BRINK B'UILDER Custom Homes, Additions Renovations (formerly with Glenn Reynolds Ltd.) Phone 623-2365 13-tf Steve**s, Furniture Shop Furniture Refinishing Dining sets to occasional piecos. We do Mpolstery. FREE ESTIMATES R. R. 1, Orono 983-9630 Steve Johnson 8-tf SPRING CLEAN-UPS Bob's Grass Maintenance and Lan ds capi ng- Commercial - Residontial Pruning, Sod Laying, Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry, Renovating AIit General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288' 7t D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovatlng Rec Rooms Repairs of aIl types. PHONE 20-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Boxk 43 Bowmanville 130-tf CUSTOM FENCING Lq - 1 Poneo rono 983-5005 or 983-9627 A Memblers ofi-f Landscape Ontario Rbr anD eI Rosident of Anea36 Years Rbr a eBI PAINTING Newtonvilîe Oshawa (Interior and Extenior) 786-2308 723-0726 ODD JOBS' 14-tf N 263-2113 Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonville, Apnii 28th, Friday, 7:00o p.m. Pyreco oul furnace complote (80,000 BTU), fishing gear, gas iantern, exerciser, quanfify of new bifold doors, bikes, wrought mron spiral plant stand, wringer washen, portable sewer, electnic brooms, T.V., 'vacuums, carpets, lange bird apart ment house, trunks, mant le dlock, chests of dnawers, youth bed, 5 dnawer nursery chest, roll away, old writing desk and Windsor type chair, troadie sewer, giass dishes, 2 mnaple side chairs, 5 pc. matching set of table lamps, f bon lamp, and smioker with 3 figure bases (and numerous other articles' and antiques.) Tenms cash. Auctioneers: Stapleton Bros. 786-2244. 17-1 N Equipnment A»ction Saturday, April 29fh, 12: 00 noon Selling the farm equipment o? Claude Hanness, R.R. 1 Newtonville 1 mile east of Newtonville on Hwy. 2 and 1 mile North (watch for signs). 780 David Brown diesel fractor (46 H.P. 1800 hns.), 35 MF diesel tracton (3 cylinder rebvilt), John Deere crawler. loador (good), 1975 Dodge 1/2 ton pick up truck (cortifiod), 1964 Dodge 3 ton stake truck with hois, J D3-14 inch plow (3 pt. hifch), MF 3-12 inch plow (3 pt.) 8 foot and 10 foot narnow tooth cutivatons (3 Pt.), 8 ft. International disc (3 Pt.), 3 MF 7 ff. mowers (l dynamic balance), JD balen modol 336 01 year old), J D side delivery nake on rubben (3 veans old), hay conditioner (PTO), 2 White hay wagons (; ton 20 ft. rack), 2 JD hay wagons (5 ton 30 ft. rack), 7 ft. MF combine pick-up, AC combine modol 72, New Idea rotary mower (3 pt.), Danusor post hole diggor 14 in. 4 ft. auqen, Case 30 ff. Elevaoi and moton (pro-elocfnic), smaii box trouler, land roller, hannows, Stale chain saw, Stone boat and other items. Plan to attend this sale of good equipment. Terms cash. Auctioneers: Stapieton -Bros. 786-2244. 17-1 N Antique Auction Wednesda y, May 3 6:30 p. m. Preview4:0Op.M. At Fiying Dutchman Motor nn, Bowmanvlle. 3 original :oloured flat-to-walls, hooded cradie, orange spinining whee, stencilled chairs, 6 foot table, cloll's hooded cradle, 171 stoneware f lowen pots with - itegnal saucens, 2 miniature r redware pictures, blue F Iowered crocks, decoys, ( Noodenware incudes a cow - butter press, glass, china, amps, etc., silver and gold, Dtc., paintings and folk art, ooks and textiles, 250 excel- ent items and the majority of temrs are from a privatef Dliect ion and wil be sold withs absolutely no resorve. uctioneen Norm Marpe. 519- E 0-2611. 17-2N Antique Auct ion Corneil's Auct ion Barn Frida y, April128 7 p.m. 3 miles east of Little Bnitain r7 miles west of Lindsay on oe Lindsay-Littlo Bnitain Zoad. Hanging lamps, pine lests of dra-wers, antique ock, china cabinet, Duncan V 4fe table, wicker fenn stand, Yr vai top trunk, wash stands, Dston rockers, wickor h trolien, quantity of press f ack chairs, Captain's chairs, a ine high chair, quantity of' ai oul lamps, stained glassA ndows, antique drossers, if o eaf tables, oak libnary ib e, platform rocker, brass ndinieres, cnocks, Ianterns, S 'quan'it of good china R a glS. plus many more T od antique pieces Don nne!l, a uctioneen af R R. 1, j( iftle Bnitain. 705-786-2183. ci 17-1iN 10O-tf Ref rigeration and Appi ance Service commercial and Domestic Relrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 6235774 Nights............. 623-3177 Lander Hardware 2-tf ODD JOBS YARD and BASEMENT CLEANUP RUBBAGE REMOVAL LIGHT MOVING PAINTING Have truck wîIl movo. Phone AndY 623-9379 13-tf Tim's Janitorial COMPL ET E JANITOR SERVICE Includes: HOMÉS, OFFICES, etc. RUG and CARPET SHAMPOOING WINDOW WASHING 263-2752 TIM GILKES 16-4 G. VAN LONDEN MASONRY- BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-5114. 28-52 GORD SIMPSON Phono 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry Re'modelling' General Repairs Intorior Exterior 14-tf KAREN'S KLEANING VACUUMI NG SPRING CLEANING DUSTING - FLOORS OFFICE CLEANING Covering Bowmanville and shawa Area' KAREN SLACK Phone 623-2438 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tue., 12 noon Phone 623-3303 POLICE AUCTION Durham Regional Police Force 77 Contre St. North, Oshawa, Ontario SATU RDAY, MAY 6th, 1977 Sale Starts 10:00 a.m. By Public AUction .horeas no dlaims have been made by the ownen of the proporfy ipossession 0f the Durham Regionai Police Fonce, by reason of iaving been stoen from isonn n ynao ?hav ing been ound abandonod in a public place and the Force is unable té 3scortain ifs ni ghtful owner. Funther that these articles have, >een heid more t han the 3months requirod. nticles for auction are as follows: Bicycles and miscellaneous oems. ;aIe fo be held on the namp on the south side of the Durham egionai Police Hoadquarters. rERMS: CASH In M. Jenkins, 'hef o? Police. 17-1 N REYNOLDS OXFORD UPHOLSTERING Bricklayers and Modern, Traditional and Stonemasons Mt. Antique. (Our fireplaces do not moite) Free picku p and deîivery. Orono FREE E STIMAT ES PHON E 983-5606 ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS d 623-5756 idence 623-7112 _____43-ff H 1G H school boy wil11 do grass cutting, etc. Phone 623-2861. 17-1 STUDENT requires summei employment - farm or factory. Has farm experience. Car start immediately. Phone 579- 9772. 16-2N~ MUTTON MASON RY AI1 Ty pes of Cement Work - Brick, B locks, Chimney, etc. SPECIALIZING I N CONCRETE FLOORS 623-5981 14-tf N NEED a pressure sysfem? Water Soffeners? Repairs to aIl makes. Harvey Partner, Orono 983-5206, Bowmanville, 623-2301. 35-tf N SAV E $$$ VER WEY'S CAR PET CLEANING 576-2639 15-4N PauI's Home Improvement SPECIALIZING IN ALUMINUM SIDING, SOFFIT, FASCIA, SEAMLESS EAVESTROUGH and STORM DOORS anid WINDOWS 623-6296 14-tf N BiII's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanviîîe, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon- Fri. 8:00 - : 0 Sat.9 -12 noon Shoot and Float Glass Sealed Un ifs - Storm Windows Store Fronts - F loat Mimrons Potterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 9-tf N AN DERSON INSU LATION 623-5181 or 579-2060 Blown Cellulose 'Fibre for, Attaic and RAPCO FOAM for .Walls. CITY and COUNTRY HOMES 7-tf N Imm= Saturday, April 29, 12:-30 Farm Machinery Furniture and Antiques Car-Trucks Auction sale including M-F 165 diesel tractor complete with multi-power - only --00 hours (excellent), B414 diesel tra ctor and loader, M-M Model U tractor, Cockshutt W il1R diesel tractor, Ford 8N tractor, A-C D17 gas tractor, Int. 3 furrow mounted plow, Case 5 furrow semi-mountod piow, 2 N-H 510 manure spreadors, J-D N spreader, M-F stiff tooth cultivator, A-C baler, rubber tired wagon, plus other machinery, 50 ,cedar posts, 100 good cedar rails, large number chicken feeders, chicken waterers, water bowls, il heat lam ps, 26 heat bulbs. Car - 1973 Oldsmo- bile 4 door car fully equipped with power and air - certif ied - excellent condition. 1973 Ford 1 ton truck with 10' stake platform - low racks - corti- fied, 1968 GMC 1/2 ton truck - certified, 1966 Ford truck 1/2 ton 43,000 'miles (as . Furniture and Antiques;- Victorian couch, 2 dressers, bed, small cookstove, refrig- erator, sewing machine, 12 x 15 gold rug, 7 x 7 gold rug (both excellent), antique school dlock, spinning wheel, 24" ga stove, pool table compote with cues etc.,, antique dishes, linons and china, etc. from the homo of Mrs. F. W. Elliott, many other items. Sale wilI be held -at the Lloyd Wilson Auction Yard - go north of Uxbridge on Con. 7 - 11/2 miles' f0 Beaver Road thon oast to first farm. Sale at 12:30. Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd ., Ux- bridge. 416-852-3524 17-1 FridaytArril.28,1p.mn. Dairy Equipmont Auction sale of, Pine Hopes Hoîsteins for Percy Robet- son, R. R. 1, Dunsford. From Hwy. 7 at Lindsay take Hwy. 36 north through Dunsford to Scotchline Rd., turn left l'mile to farm, at Lot 9, Con. 6 Verulam Twp. 40 ,milking cows, 12 Reg iste red, 28 Grades, 3 Junior 4-H Regis- tered caives. This is a completely homebred herd for 50 years. Manyyoungq cows with beautiful udders .A fancy daughter of "'Perseus Mark due in Jul y (a 'Very Good' candidate). 10 f resh cows and 7 spniiging. AH lood tested.- Also Mueli er 400 bulk tank (remote unit). Delaval 75 Pump, 4 Delaval magnetic milkers, Delaval Dumping Station and uine. 10 vials of Agro Acres Marquis Ned Semen. Sale at 1 p.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Ltd. , Ux- bridge, 416-852-3524 17-1 Thursday Evening, May 4 7 p.m. Farm Machinery Furniture and Antiques Auction sale of tractors, farmn machinery, baskets, 1 furniture, etc. The proporty of F Ms. Leslie Rutledge in i MAyrtle, 1/2 mile east o? Hwy.7 and 12 on Myrtle Rd. E. across from fine hall). M-F 1 235 diesel tractor (like now - i 30 hours) with AlIied hy- 1 draullc loader, large snow c bucket, Int. cub tractor with scuff lors (excellent), Cock- t shutt No. 1 transplanter, c trai1ler - 6 x 12 bed, trai1ler 6 x 8 ed, 3 scufflers, set harrows, 1 4-F 110 manure spreader 1 liko new). Carnot washer, 4 orks, hoos, iadders, hand c àeeder, 1100 bushel baskets v (some new), 750 6 q t. baskets, P awn mowr. Furni ture: set of A antique arrow back chairs, a -hesterf ield and chair, a Iressing table, dishes, gatoleg m 'ble, quiIt f rames. Note: This u san excellent quality sale, c ;le wili be held in largo g torage shed and will start a f 7 s m. Lunch available. Sale a ianaged and sold by Lloyd F 1ilson Auctions. Ltd.,. v Jxbridge, 416-852-3524. cý 17-2 d ry Auction Sale b Saturday, May 6 at 1 p.m. d a? Burketon F For Mr. and Mrs. Alex J. ýrtons, their farm stock, n- im machiner ,-somo house- Il Auction Sale Saturday, April 29 10: 00a.m. Due to the tire of the Pro. Hardware Store of Lindsay,: the remaining contents will be sod by auction in the Old Fee Building behind the Victoria" and Grey Trust Com pan on-, 1Cambridge St. S., LndSay,, Wood burning stoves,, McDougal pressure pump, quantity of lawn chairs, quantity of pots and pans,- quantity of dishes, 2 - 10 x 5 steel gardon sheds, electrc hedge clippers, Remington ,electric chain saw, electrical a pinces, propane camping s= vs q uantity of cabinet hardware, quan tity of shovels, forks and hoes, etc. Large q uantity of builders hardware, pumbinq supplies, plus a housand and one useful hardware items. Don Corneil, auctioneer at R.R. 1 Little Britaîn, 705-786-2183. 17-1 N Saturday, April 29 \Il a.m. Prince Albert Hall 2 miles south of Port Perry.- Partial list - Wrought ron: kitchen suite, antique 5-plece f ire set, oak twin beds, cabinet, bake table, hi-fi radio- combination, Codspot freezer- chest, Frigidaire refrigerator,, sump pump, electric motors, new vanity sink, complete foulet (tank and seat), bicycle, new carvod duck decoys, 12 x 14 gold carpet, dishes, garden tools, Wales adding machine, 1970 Ford car and many more interesting items. Johàn Pearce, Aucrion Service.' 416-985-7492. 17-1 Antique Auction Saturday,May6atl1:00p.m. Complete dispersai auction. of al antiques, for "Now & Thon"' Antique Shop, located' in Brpoklin (north end) on Hwy. 12. Partial list includes: ornate china cabinets, oak roll top desk,isecrefary desk, drop front desks, pine fat fo wal . cupboard, pine sideboard', pine sailmakers table, large, selection of chairs, tables, dressers. "Guelph" pump- organ ( 1894-excel lent), elegant 6 pc. wash set, Mary Gregory tumbler and pitcher, art glass signed "Hawkes", stueben caf in ooaline, chinese porcelain water pot (C. 1796- 850 w-authentic ity papers), cruet signed 'J Hoa ro"'--ý (1853), selection of carnival, Bristol, Limoge, Royal Douton, etc. various oui amps inciuding bullseyes, antique dlocks consists of O.Gs' Engiish fusee, schoolhouseO etc. (aill docks in good condition), sleigh belîs, swords, wooden ware, primi- tives, and dozens of other ,items. Terms cash or good cheque. No reserve. Giving up business. Lunch availa ble. Kahn Auction Services 985- 8161. 17-2 Wednesday, May 3rd. Farm machinery and househoid furniture. The roperty of George Coolidge, and Sons. Lot 1, Con. 4, Eldon rwp. 1 mile east of Woodvillé or 9 miles west of Lindsay oný -lwy. No. 7 to Hwy. No. 46 and 6miles north fo Woodville, 975 M.F. 1505 diesel tractor, luals, air cab, 174 H.P. À vheel drive, M.F. 1100 diesel ractor with duals, M.F. 16$ diesel tractor, cab, auxiliary hydraulics, M.F. 30 diesel ndustriai tractor with 200 Industrial loader, 1972 M.F., 40- 12' disc, 1972 Kongskilde 20 cultîvator with hydraulic ings, 1976 Hydrun 8 - -181s lough automatic re-set. 1977 M.F. 260 2 row corn harvester nd snapper hoad. 6 Dion hay nd corn self-unloading 'agons, 10 to 12 ton Dion~ ndercarriaged, Cockshutt 545 combine 4 row corn head, 13' rain head. 1974 McKee 750, sowblower, M.F. No. 12 baler and No. 22. thrower, New olland, 461 hay bine, M.F., Nheel rake, John Deere 4 row :rn planter, M.F. 33 seeci nuil, Farm Hand 312 bus ianuro spreader, Dion 'forage )lower, withK 354 Perkins iesel engine on wheels, 1969 =ord 1/2 ton truck, 1974 Jvelin V8 304 car, fuil line of iodern power machinery, 164 De Lavai 5400 lb. Bulk