12 The Canadian Statesnian, Bowmanville, April 26, 1978 Section Two YELVERTON (Intended for last week) United Church Rev. Gordon Montgornery was welcorned by Mr. Grabami. He baptized the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Randy Baker, giving ber the narne Orystal Lee Baby.' Chrystal 18 the great grand- daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Pete Borrow. Rev. Montgomery choseas bis text "The Eternal Meanîng of Jesus." He expressed pleasure at being able to, worship with the Pontypool and Bethany congregatien. He explained he was "Minister on Cal" for the presbytery after baving retîred three times. In Isaiah 53:1il the prophet says, "He shall see the fruit of the travail of bis- soul and be satisfied." The prophet tells us of the agony in Gethsernane. Jesus was satisfîecj because He bore and atoned our sins. Jesus today is the meaningfullest person in in -the world. Jesus bhad meaning for every condition or experience cf life.,If it is true, wby are we having se much sin and troubles? But on the other side cf the coin, what about ahl the beauties of the earth?, the rainbow, the sunrise and sunset, the facé cf a srnall child?, In Jesus, the meaning cf, life is clear - His purpose is real and insures that men 'shall bave Part cf the love cf God. In erder te increase in us tbe desire te be a better builder, te some Jesus is the saviour cf our seul - He is God!1 Te others He is our saviour because He is sbowing the way te tbe Father. We receive courage, poise and power from Hm. Tbrougbout His rinistry Jesus gave us strength and love. Some tbink cf Jesus as tbe actuality cf God. Sorne ,tbink Jesus is somnething cf bistory, but whatever we tbink, He is the light cf the werld, the Son cf God, the Savior cf us ahl and we corne te the Holy Table te renew our vows te God. We corne thankfully, we coe humbly and pleading for patience and love, so we could see tbe light' cf the world - Jesus. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil White of Bancroft called on Mr. and Mrls. Frank White, wbile enreute fromn Niagara Falls. Mrs. Arnold Williams (H1elen Neals) from Cold Lake, Alberta is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Neals, and aise gave great pleasure to hergrandmotber, Mrs. Bertie, Neals, wben she was able te attend the 90th birthday celebration. G'et welI wishes are ex- tended to Tom Waý,-rd, who bas bad te go te the bospital again. extended te hefamýilies cf Mr-s. Ada Braitbwaite and MIr. Reg Fallîs, who passed away this week. Bethany U.C.Wi. The president, Mrs. Addison Scott, welcorned everyene and thanked Mrs. Vince&~ Jackson for ha ving the meeting in ber boDrn-e. Sbe read "Spring Song" by Helen Steiner - 'Rice, praising the new season, Cards of tbanks were read frorm Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan and Mrs. Fîcko. An application from Camp Quin- Mo0-Lac and an invitation frorn Rev. Buchanan te a meeting oni April 26tb at St. Mattbews, Peterborough were received. The "graný-ny squares" bave been cornpleted. An invitation was received fromi Springville United Churcb to a Spring Rally on May .3rd anid Bethany, would be responsible fer tbe rmusic. It was decided to cater te Mir. and Mrs. Jakernan's 7tb wveddingç anniversary on June 3rd.. Conveners will be Mrs. V. Jackson and Mrs. . Capeli. Mrs. Violet Carr gave the rnontbly book report on "a y rs._E. Mbi l-oendy h past or the 'future. Positive tbinking is the product of mind concentrating- on the Here and the Now. A delicîcus lunch was served by Mrs. Thoradyke and Mrs. E. Beer's group. Freak accidents do happen 80 easily and quickly! Morgan Bigelow was unfastenîng a chain on a pile of legs when bis leg becorne jarnred between twe large poles wbich caused hîrn te twist it, 'and serieusiy pulled the ligarnents. This is9 a painfujl accident and trusùthte discornfort may net be te severe. Misfortune seerns- to bave struck that farniiy as Hilda tbrough an unfortunate accident had te bave several stitchles in ber head. i I cogne on dowil. Save nioe,. Save oWdriUr Ail Prices Shown in this Ad Guaranteed Effective Through Saturday, April 29th, 1978 Il tyour chance to stock uP On AMOUS BRANDS anid ave!, Vanilla or Butterscotch Ripple A Superb Blend Large, lusclous heaping boxes of Califomia ESGATE 8~~~ic in Braxlian CoffeesSTRA BERRIES O'CLOCK 'AittructivlyPriced" CO FFEEFlorida, White, Seedless, Excellent Source of Vit'amnin C 2 litre À'b_ _ G A E R I bag 5-lb Our Regular b99 k. l' READY - CUT MACARtONI, SPAGHETIr Pri Mo 2-LB PKG 59Kl Our Reg. Price 89< ACTION PRICIEDI 8 VAREfTIES Puddings PKG 0F 4 - 5-OZ TINS Our Reg. Price 1.17 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL PAMILY REQUIREMENTS! e pickthe bsi fo Decor - White, Pink, YelIow Farmhoute - Lemon, Coconut Crnm, Banana, Chocolt. BAHRO'OMFROZEN 12-oz pie f TISSUE pkgeof 4rolls 89ý CR EAM PIES 79 Nabisco Cereal Action Pricodi Kraft SaladDreauing Actio PricedI BRAN 500 gpkg7f MIRACLE 16-fl-oz £ ft <Preprlced) Regular (Plus 20c per boulie depoit) Action Priced! 69iPEPSbi3fojQQo 9 x 750-ml Returnable Bt13 Frito Lay - Laya or Ruffles POTATO CeH1 IS pkg TE DUItýI1oEK SèOHOP J WNith Supermarket Prices. 0rRg A&P is a Fresh Beef Shop1!1- :Cut Fromn Canada Grade "A"* Beef l 19ÏM Mâe ONELSS. LAD ô SHOT RIBor l SHOUDER OÀR'STE 1ST RIS OLY ROZE, IPORED WIFTPREIUM VA PM WHOL OR HANKHAM WHOLE1/OR S31AN-b aAerag 1b riPICE ~ble9 7 ~218 M MAY MLESHOTOR lbETPREVIOUSLY RZNMEY Itali n Style Sausage 198lPrkHoks0%58 MARY MILES, SLICED, CHICKEN, AMBSSDO lb TN8% SMAC g CHEESE, BOLOGNA &-OZ VAC C AM SSDR1LTI j ooked Meats 49ý,,Canned rHams '2.19i l MARY MILES, SLICEDM C ooked Ha mvcA 6 1.1 Frozen Seafoods! *A&P, SLICED HIGHLINER, FROZEN, BOSTON BLUE ide Bacon î:bvacpc±D6oj Fish ruuets 88<b *PRIEVIOUSLY FROZEN, SKINLESS, SLICED FROZEN iBeef Liver lb668 Cod Fish Cakes lb63 I M WITH THIS COUPON!M ,A SUPERB BLEND, RICH IN BRAZILIAN COFFEES M f IT ONU~E CUONPR UMOE VALI UNIL bAçj REGULAR2thPR1978. 1N.594 No. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, ENGLISH TYPE, Cucumbers sels each 79< FLORIDA, SUN ORENCHED, VALENCIA, O ranges Full of juice 5-lb bag 1.-6901 No. 1 GRADE, TEXAS, FIRM, GREEN, C abbage Best vegetable buy eacli4 PACKED FRESI< DAILY Chop Suey ij1~zbg9 TROPICANA, FLORIDA'S FINEST, 100% PURE, VACUUM PACKED Orang"e Juice 64-f-oz btl 69 ASSORTED VARIETIES 41/2-INCA POT Hanging Btaskets 2.39 Noé 1 Grade, Creamed tiou WPicodi B"%E E MA ID H ON EY 2-lb ctnr 19 Pure Grape JolIy or Action Pflcedl W E LCH'SI JAM 24--oz jarlM1 Assorted Flavours Case of 24 - 10-fi-oz 1 tins Carlton Club 99 Beverages2- ASSORTED FLAVOURS (PLUS 1 Oc PER OTL DEPOSIT) Cott's BeVerages IR O 99< Marvel Brand, Sliced NHI TE BREAD 24-oz loaf Action PricedLA 1oo, Lotion Detergent pkg of 2 - 24-fl-oz plastic botties GENTLE FELSI LIQUID 1101 Maple Leaf - Pure Action Priced! LARD~~-l-b pkg 59- 7 VARIETIES 14-FL-DZ TIN York Vegetables 3f-,.0 i Primo - PMain Action Pricodi SPAGHETTI o SAUCEti'zi 10 Primo Ato Pricedi 5.5-f l-ozti TOMATOA PASTE 0 4or.oo Irish, Beef, Turkey-Chicken Action Pricedi CLARK 24-fi-oýz STEWStin Macaroni & Ch"es 7.5-oz IEGULARI mke) C IPRICEI WITH THIS COUPON! *A SUPERB BLEND, RICH IN BRAZILIAN COFFEES E (o eE-,, URRGLRPIE35 bag ON CUO'E UR ROULAR IE35 VALID UNTIL SAT., APRIL 29th, 1978. No. 646 ~ I ====r.4 Il 1 1 - nays El Mid ww- 1 11 l' ý' mm. me r 1