Homnes and Gardens, Suppjement of Thé~ Chnadian Statesman, April 26,1i978 -9 of the 13P LANT PRe"OTECTION C#ENTRES11 IBELLE QADE CENTRES MDAY -SATURDAY, APRIL 27 -28 -)29.o Corne and have a coffeel!! -.,'eatures........................................... ive have our comnplete stock of the fine Ortho plant protection products ins tock ready to help you to us many of our fine nursery products such as evergreens, trees, roses, shrubs, perennialIs and of VAN BELLE ction of-fruit trees and berry bushes. APPLE ARESSPARAGUS. HARDY MUMS. LITTLE LEAF 'rapes Tende aspaagu Pln a -t fcoo- Makes a perfect Iawn wn in for the back ear aprgsPln ito oo specimien, deep bakyad any from your garden. for the fali season- ,ree leaves and rieties va r et ies, even Plant now for next ess ta grwy rnounee aM id varieties such as-. ersrp many i feren heýad. O TOMATO RHOR.Mkt TABLE DUST. HOME ORCHARD OTOG. ake temn ORTHO ISOTOX. The ail 4ti purpose dust ta SPRAY. A multi purpose SVNDT.An ex- grw heaithier with much favorite spray for most most însects an orchard spray, bath fr M cellent ail purpose garden betriooms with scigîscs îd vegetabies. - insects and diseases. - dust. Ortho-Gro. HOW TO LANT TTIEHwith an THIEH Sprayer %A- anApayhmis LAT frend, t e 4 ta llo b act, a u a eauiy can give the flowers ta your wife fram your own 1PRVEDBLAZE CLIMBER%à xbeautif ul red climblng rose, the best in the cilimbing rose famniiy. Now Reg. $3.99 lie gardien. ORTHO ROSE ORTIlO ISOTOX. ADFLORAL OUST. WiII contrai ait a sm squeeze on sucking and the b=he wili eating insects, control Most plus it wiIl stay in insects. the leaf ceýIs.