4 The Ca nadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 26, 1978 To elebrate First Birthday Program Convener, Barbara Howe thanked Rev. Lougheed and gave him a gift as a tangible expression of our appreciation. Shirley Pollard closed an evening, filled with food for body and mmnd, with a Gaelic Blessing. Church News A gloriously sunny Sunday morning enticed 76 folks to attend the Sunday morning services. The Sr. Choir, though fewer in numbers, excelled in the musical message as they were directed by Organist Ulah Chambers in the Anthem, "Jesus Is Lord of All", with a trio leading by Bass Allan Ashton, Altos Marie Sharp and Joyce Chambers. The Mînister's Chldren's Story was "Stay Alive" which he advised them in order to do so was to stay in school to keep their minds alive just as ballet dancers keep their bodies alive by constant daily p ractice. The children had their litanny prayer and pro- ceeded to the S.S. Room for the S.S. session. Hev. Kempling's sermon topic was "Utility Vessels" e.g. flower pots and we are God's utility vessels, though useful yet fragile God entrusts His treasures to us as He did Augustine and John Bunyan and like them it is our duty to carry God's treasures to all the world. Ushers were Keith McGill and Wilbur Blackburn. A letter of appreciation was from the family of the late Mrs. Lorne Simpson. Music practice for the S.S. Annivers- ary followed the Church service. This week's notices were Monday, 7 p.m. Y.G. practice for its concert. Monday, 8 p.m. Dr. McClure, guest speaker at St. Paul's U.C., Bowmanville. Thursday, 8 p.m. Bowmanville Unit of Cancer Society " Open Forum"~ in Trinity U.C., Bowmanville. Advance notices are Tuesday, April 25, 7:30 p.m. Bible Society Rally in Trinity U.C. Port Perry. Friday - Sunday April 28-30 Bay of Quinte Conference Young Adults, Trinity U.C, Bowmanville. Thursday, April 29 7:30 p.m. Open House at M .J. Hobbs School. Tuesday, May 2, 7:30 p.m. Meeting of Session in Tyrone U.C. Monday, May 8, Scout Group Parents meeting in S.S. Room Thursday, May il 5 p.m. Scouts Bottie Drive. Saturday, May 13, 8 p.m. Youth Group Entertainment Night in Community Hall. Sunday, May 14 Christian Family Sunday, (Mother's Day) Baptism and Confirmation Ceremonies. One of our native daughters, Courtice Secondary School English Specialist, Kathryn, (Slemon) Coverly has chalked up on her score sheet another superb job of directing C.S.S. Drama Club's nresentation of Peter Pan, with pianist and vocal coach, Douglas Dewell and Dwight Bronson on per- cussion instruments, for 4 performances last week in Bowmanville High School Auditorium. It was the kind of, live show to be thoroughly enjoyed by the very young in years equally as well as by every age to Senior Citizens. Fewer than usual of our local students appeared on stage but several worked "behind the scenes" to make a very successful production. We are happy to write that our neighbourinig communities supplied many of the excellent performers with the hero, or wàs it a heroine, in this famous Greek legend played by Susan Woodley in the role of Peter Pan to whom we extend hearty congratula- tions. Many of our folks attended and are glad they did. 49 Years Ago Thursday, April 4th, 1929 Form 1B presented an interesting program at the B. H. S. Literary Society meeting on Wednesday after- noon. The program consisted of a piano solo by Phyllis Challis, Highland Flîng, Marie Staîker, a poem composed by Phyllis Challis and read by Garnet Rickard, and a cornet solo by Charlie Cawker. Reserve Friday, April 26th for a comedy drama, "Red Acre Farm". to be nrf-PéntpEl by Orono Talent in the Opera House. Town council has appointed W.G. Corden to the fire brigade in place of Percy Williamswho has resigned. Mr. James Kennedy, Hespeler, was appointed superintendent of waterworks at a salary of $1600, effective Aprîl 8th. Keep Wednesday, April lOth aub free for Robert W. Walfon's Concert Recifal ut Newcastle Community Hall. Af Orono Lodge, A.F. and AMone candidate was initiated, the work being taken by W.M. Gordon Power, assisfed by P.W J.W. Berry, J.J. Gilfillan and E.J. Hamm. Mr. Adolph Henry gave the lecture in the south. Hampton School report for Easfer. IV - Elias Green away, E. Moore, Merwin Cryderman, and Elwood Shackelton. 1.25 Years Ago Thursday, March 26, 1953 Affer nearly a haîf century in the employ of Canadian General Electric 'Company, Toront o, Byron, Haddy, treasurer of the company recently retired. On March l8fh, Newtonville W.I. ladies held a successful St. Patrick's tea and sale of home cooking in the basement of the church. President Mrs. H. Wade was in charge. Mrs. M. Jones sang two lovely solos, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. F. Gifford. R.C.M.P. Constable S. . GatchelI will star with his dog "Tiny" on T.V. at the Toronto Sportsmnen's Dog Show, which was televised Iast Thursday from the Coliseum at the C. N.E. Bowmranville's third publice school will be lkcated east of Liberty St. on Church Street. The board bas purchased four acres from the Brookdale- ~ Kingsway property for Lt. Col. John F. Fox of "The Cove" has been named- to the' newly created position of ' General Sales ManaLipr of thé Minneapolis - Honieywell< Itegulator Co. Ltd. Leaside. ' The initial effort of the Tartan Club, the MacKenzie - Tea and Bazaar held last Saturday at the Legion -Hall was moGst successful. The~ homtecooking booth was in charge of Mrs. A.G. Brooks, Mrs. Mel Hawley, Mrs. Walter Thertell and Mrs. Harold Thertell. the gift of life Be a RED CRUS S BloodDuonor Susan Leslie Wright will celebrate her first birthday on Tuesday, May 9th. Her arntsare Ear and RuthWrgt of Tyrone, a;nd she has two brothers, Dav d, aged 8 , and Markage 4. Proud randpaent are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wright, Pickering and Mr. and Mrs. Jhn Brown, West Hill. Her great randmohri r.Elain Bringham, esHil ENNISKLLEN Our local correspondent is out of town for a few days 50 her "pinch-hifter" is doing a bit o f news for her. If will not have the vTisif ors or visifing as time does nof permit. UI.C.W. News The, April U.C.W. meeting last Wý,ednesday evening, whch\as their annual "Gents Nighf" when 70 or more gathered in the S.S. Boom uat 6 p.m. for the Pot Luck Supper which "fhey say" was a real banquet and was hosfed byElsie Beckeft and Margaret Stainfon. chaitred by Shirley PIlai'. Mr. E.R. Taylor ga &ve an, nprigWorsh;ip which he enf'ý'ied an Adivenfure in Faifh. The Hymn "AMl the Wag My Saviourý Leads Me" was sung by Ail wif h pianisf May McG-ill. The Scripfure Read- ing was Prov. 2: 1-10 and as a MWditation, an -excerpf from June Scoft's book, "Adven- tures with God" and Mr. Taylor'reminded his audience to make God our Guide and relax, have faifh and enjoy life and others and not dissipaf e our energy with worry. Our local guýifarisf Eric Bowman accompanied his singing as he sang two 'John Denver songs and led in a lively sing-song affer apologizing for his lack of practice since the arrivaI of bis- wee daughter. Presiding Shirley Pollard requested Ella Bowman to infroduce the Ruesf speaker Rev. John Lougheed. English Specialist at Durham College. John Lougheed's speech was food for deep though on this wonderful Dominion of ours and the urgent necessity for a concentrated effort f0 keep it so for future generations. He said this is a terrible dLay, yet it is an ecigchiallengirg day. Rev. Loughee fold how his grandfather anid father came as ,earJy seftlers to this country, a country fo which a majority of the world's people would gladlly come now. He said (and I continue to quote him) our Canada is in peril bof h from without and within. We arebeing submerged in a sea of American media and if we aîren't careful we'll. end up illegitimaf e Americans. We must know Our, country, ifs literature, its history, its roofs. We owe if to our rMANAGEc-M ENT SEN a crsh MÀ FEDZ SUSIA DEt'2 grandchildren to preserve our Canadian heritage and not sell it for a mess of potage to the Americans. Our great threat from within is the danger of separation and it is our responsibility f0 prevent if. In thîs era of mobilify and fravel he doesn't wanf his children f0 suffer -from a uni-lingual grandfather and a poorly spoken bi-lingual father e.g. "C'est un grand plaiser d'avoir 'opportunif e de parle avec vous." The Frencl4 language should bd imperative in ouir schools. Wé' musf rememiber we are all brother,-- i Christ and the Frenlch Canadianswn' folerate cnesesinfday. He once considered Rene Levesque, a man of integrity but is opposed f0 hlm now because he will desfroy this one Dominion of ours - a fractured country is like a fracfured boue, painful and inept. Quebec needs a new deal and we need a new\and *better Confederation. May we each be equal f0 today's challenge and may God preserve our Canada. In a few well chosen words our INES$' EZOPMEN T BA NK A n introduction to bookkeeping techniques. How to set' up jour- nais, record transactions, post the Generai Ledger and perform the preliminary steps for preparation of the Financial Statemnents. It's a must for every small business operator! AtThe Elmhurst Hotel in Newcastle, Ontario On Wed., May 3rd, 1978 from,8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Registration fee of $20 per person, luncheon included. For further information, please contact Management Servi ces'Depa rt ment tel.: 576-6800 __ Compete this coupon, and mail it along with your cheque to the followi.ng address: Management Seminar, Federai Business Development Bank, ______---------,_Postal Co eTel.: _ _ _ _ _ _ bookkeej ---Mmb