BUSINESS & HOME 14Y96 BALSAM LAKE 14Tl94 WATERFRONT WITHae. VIEW 1ms4itTh Ail under one roof, could be operated as 88' of sand shoreifle bath, lagiingterizedt fielae pliece snack bar & store. Excellent 2-bedroom cottage with maintairielce-free aumfmbahlrglvngrm thfepceSidg home, 4-piece bath, living room. 011 heating. siding, a firep5lace and much more for only glass doors to deck, boathouse, treed lot. Access to Sturgeon Lake. $39,900, terms. $53,500. Askiflg $64,900, terms. Murray Splan, 366-6377 (Toronto Uine), (705) Gary Plumnmer, (705) 887-2512, 366-6377 Murray Spian, 366-6377 (Toronto Uine), (705) 887-2512, or (705) 877-2482. (Toronto Line). 887-2512, or (705) 887-2482. -E - 14T73 WATRFRNT OME14T205 TRENT ACCESS Immaulae, treebedr, home only New three-bedroomn cottage.n Utliroom, 4- minues rom own 90of waterfront with an piece bath, quality kitchenbralmd exceptional lot overlooking the entire length throughout.Tre an lndced ot of Cameron Lake. $57,900. Asking $46,900. Gary plummer, (705) 887-2512, or 366-6377 Irwifl CruîksIlafks, (705) 887-2512, 366-6377 (Toronto Line). (Toronto Uine). CAMERON LAKE 141£10 Fels Bay. Large th ree-bedroom cottage with sunporch, partially furnished. Boat house with marine railroad, sandy beach. $54,900. Irwin Cruikshaflks, (705) 887-2512, 366-6377 (Toronto Line). 0 b.. .4~ :~ 4W18 FSCIATIG SIDE SPLIT 14W1IO FOUR SEASON COTTAGE 14Wl89 DISTINCTIVE TASTES 1W9 ACNTNte oe.2bdom,1ý Lovely, treed lot. 100,O f rontage on river. Main Immaculate 3-bedroom home. 2 baths, 1 onle of the bete hoes 2eroomdi11/2 building has 2 bedrooms, living & dining ensuite. Attractive stone fireplace in living baths, step-saver kitchen, living ( mdnn roomis, kitchen, 2-piece bath. Ouest cabin & room, sliding doors to deck, roughed-in room-family room with stone fireplace. Many workshoP included. Asking $53,900. fireplace in basement. Ali for $67,900. extras. Asking $64,900, terms. Murray Spian, 366-6377 (Toronto LUne), (705) Susan Sumiler, 366-6377 (Toronto Line), Murray Splan, 366-6377 (Toronito Line), (705) 887-2512, or (705) 877-2482. (705) 887-2512. 887-2512, or (705) 877-2482. ý11 '- - - l - 14T1 19 COUNTRY ~~gâg6w ESAE$6,0 1427OE0 I14T204 HANDY HOUSE 2.28 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1T21 acres OF mie frmFnln aîEtr- ya-o ndwaerOthoe nCmrn Close to Fenelon Falls, yet with good access larg ta il icen, m bu in alafices, 2 Laewt 8 fpiewtrrn. Sleeping to Sturgeon Lake. Immaculate three- btse,4large b edroOm3 Brltick frpl ac accommodation above the boathouse. MSn bedroom hm ih soe frpae a ba rs in , rge ro ro Bic f, a e xrsfro l $6 0 0 Aluminum sided. Asking $48 900. San barinîer 66637 Gary Plummer, (705) 887-2512, 366-6377 Ray Pum r,(0)8721 SsnSrir36-37(Toronto Line), TrnoLn) 366-6377,(Toronto LUne). (705) 887-3711.(TrtoLe) )FRh!~FC-1 9