60' X 119' LOT 17W22 and a 5-room brick bungalow. Full basement, apple and pear trees, fenced yard. Asking $54,900. Olive Howe, 668-6171, or 668-5853. 4-BEDROOM EXECUTIVE 17W41 NORTH WEST WHITBY 17W36 Maintenance-free exterior, private front 5-room brick bungalow near school. 50' by courtyard, large kitchen nook with walkout 100' lot with birch trees. Asking $52,000. and, fireplace. Backyard backs onto Olive Howe, 668-6171, or 668-5853. Greenbelt. Whitby. $73,900. Garrett Dowker, 668-6171, or 668-0063. -bWIMMIN(i POOL - WMII1BÉY MIS WMITUJY - 24 SUITES IIP;j Great value at $69,900. 3 large bedrooms, In excellent condition and only $15,000 per finished rec room, great laundry area, unit. Close to everythingl landscaped. 1-4 pc, 1-2pc washroom. In Olive Howe, 668-6171, or 668-5853. desirable neighbourhood. Garrett Dowker, 668-6171, or 668-0063. IMMACULATE - $77,900 2W1650 is this 4-bedroom backsplit in N.W. Oshawa. Family 'room has fireplace and walkout. separate dining room, 20' kitchen, 2½/ baths, games room, intercom and much more. Merv Parchment, 668-6171, or 579-0569. A VALUE-PACKAGED HOME 17W26 Three-bedroom brick bungalow, large lot with fruit trees. Finished basementconsisting of rec room plus apartment. Asking $56,900. Kay Rogers, 668-6171, or 668-4592. BEAT THE HEAT - $64,900 2W1701 with central air conditioned comfort. N.W. Oshawa sidesplit boasts 5 bedrooms. Large kitchen and foyer, living, dining. ail nicely decorated, backing onto park. Merv Parchment, 668-6171, or 579-0569. LIVE RENT FREE - $65,900 17W25 Triplex showing good income from two-2- bedroom and on'e 1-bedroom apartment.. Fully rented to happy tenants. Appliances included. Attached garage also rented. Merv Parchment, 668-6171, or 579-0569. COUNTRY IN THE CITY 17W37 Beautifully kept 3-bedroom bungalow. country kitchen with cherry veneer cabinlets, air conditioning, free-standing fireplace, large rec room. September occupancy. Garrett Dowker, 668-6171, or 668-0063. PARK SETTING - 75' x 250' 17W27 These properties are few and far between. Brick rancher, 3 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, walk out from dining room, partially finished rec room. $74,900. Garrett Dowker, 668-6171, or 668-0063. WHITBY-Under Construction 17W38 New, spacious 3-bedroom split-level home large well located lot close to shops and schools. Attached garage, choice of broad- loom. Asking $68,900. Jeannie Moran, 688-6171, or 683-0918. RANCH BUNGALOW - WHITBY 17W34 3 bedrooms, large dining-living room entertainment area. Non-conforming basement apartment or rec room. Sewing room, lot 73' x 123'. Quiet area $60,900. Garrett Dowker, 668-6171, or 668-0063. 1F R q 3g FO-44 FC-44