BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, MAY 10, 1978 SECTION TP/O Mother's D ay Drawing -Contest Second prize, age 10 - 12, Robert Dykstra, R.R., Bowmanville. Second prize, age 3-6, Laura.Wilcock, R. R. 5. First prize, age 10 -12, Janet Bandstra, R.R., Bowmanville. I ê f. t 4 r t Third prize, age 7 -9, Claudia Zerseh, R. R., Ennisklllen. Third prize, age 3 -6, Adam Stephenson, Newcastle. First prize, age 7 -9, Christopher Baker, Bowmanville. First prize, age 3 -6, Nicole Zinn, Bowmanville. Announce Winners of Mother' s DayContest Third prize, age 10 -12, Betty-Jo Bromeil, Bowmanville. Here are the resuits you, have ail been waiting for - the winners of the Mother's Day Drawing Contest. There were a total of 57 entries, ranging frorn Newtonville, Campbell- crof t, Stouffville, and even as far away as Nova Scotia. The drawings were ail very well done. The judges, Mrs. Betty Marti andl Mrs. Margaret Killeen, had a difficuit tirne choosing the winners. Here is the lîst of successful entranits: Age 3, 4, 5 and 6 - First - Nicole Zinn, Bowmanville age 5; Second - Laura Wilcock, Bowmanville, age 5; Third - Adam James Stephenson, Newcastle, age 3. Age 7, 8 and 9 - First - Christopher Baker, -Bowman- ville, age 8; Second - Jacki- VanDoleweerd, Orono, age 9; Third - Claudia Zersch, Ennis- killen, age 9. Age 10, il and 12 - First - Janet Bandstra, Bowman- ville, age 12; Second - Robert Dykstra,.- Bowmanville, age il; Third - Betty-Jo Brornell, Bowmanville, age 11. 1The judges thought that there were many excellent entries not quite good enough for a prize. These drawings will receive an Honorable Mention: Carolyn Westerrnan,' Bowrnanville; Kim Maas, Newtonville; Jenny Lans- downe, Bowmanville; Caria and Andrea Marshall, Barton, Nova Scotia; Marilyn Wybenga, Newtonville; Gail Ann Seto, Bowmanville; Douglas Hartford, Bowrnan- ville; Jimmy Bandstra, Bow- manville; Elsa Burna, Bow- manville. Dear Mother Yesterday, when I showed you rny frog,_, You laughed and said he was neat; But I know you hate slimy, jurnpy things. Why did you hug me, and say he was sweet? Rernember the day it. was raining and wet? I wanted to go out and play. You said I ought not to get 1dirty or chilled But I went, and did it anyway. When I came back, I knew you were angry, But you just srniled and said to me, "Put on something dry, and I'11 prepare Something bot to warm you up quickly." Then, on your birthday, I made a card' That had flowers and bees aill around. You opened it up and cried a little Because'I wrote your name upsidedown. Every night when I go to bed, I stand in the doorway and say "Goodnight" Then after I'rn snug in under the covers You corne to kiss me and hug me tight. You neyer forget to corne to my room, No mnatter how tired or weary you are Because something tells you I want my kiss, And to see you smile and wink like a star.. Getting into dirt and heaps of trouble; And, I know that wherever your lo ve cornesfrom t will keep coming, because you are rny Mother. By Carolyn Mostert Second prize, age 7 -9, Jacki Van Doleweerd, Orono.