2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 24, 1978 Horticultural Society's Pllant Sale Attracts Buyers There was a good crowd of eager buyers at the Bowmanville Horticultural Society's annual plant sale last Wednesday outside the library and a fine selection of colorful plants was available. This photo shows some of the customners and the merchandise.- Mr'. and Mrs. George Lead- .beater and childi'en, Oshawa, Miss Janet Parsen, Black- stock were Sunday callers of ,Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeater and Ross. Mr'. and Mrs. Vic Agnew, Mi'. and Mrs. Danny Heard, Mr*. and Mrs. Joe Sweet and Jay were Sunday night party guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henderson and family. Mr'. and Mrs. Dominic Gorgerat, Mr'. and Mrs. Wally Griffin were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Lou Griffrn. Mr. Cory Sweet spent the long weekend with his grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sweet, Newcastle. Mr'. and Mrs. Laurie Thompson, Angela and Nicole, Hampton were Sunday even- ing caliers of Mi'. and Mrs. Sheldon Pethick. Miss Winnifi'ed Cole, Wil- lowdale, Miss Wilma Werry, Whitby, Mr'. and Mrs. Mere- dith Moffat, Mr'. and Mrs. Gary Hanewich, Oshawa were Sunday Anniversary evenîng supper guests of Mr'. and Mrs. E. A. Werry. Mr'. and Mrs. Ervan Rainey, Orono were Friday visitors of Mi'. and Mrs. E. Taylor. Mr'. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, Nestieton, Mrs. C. E. Horn were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mi'. and Mi's. Earl Trewin. Mr'. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Susan and Fred, Mr'. and Mrs. Allan Taylor, Enterprise were Sunday supper guests of Mr'. and -Mrs. E. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ax- ford, Melanie, Stephanie and Julie, Mrs. Ron Clemens, Brent, Brad and Brooke and Stephen Taylor, Hampton, Mr'. and' Mrs. Laurence Wright and Jeffrey, Ponty- pool, Mrs. Jim Muller and Darryl were Sundav suDver guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. Mr. Donald Trewin, Miss Dee Fagan, Oshawa spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dittbui'ner at their cot- tage, Centennial Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Good- rich, Mîssissauga were Sun- day visitors with Mr'. and Mrs. Fred Draper. Mr. and Mrs. Mfark Schoon- over, Palmyera, Penn. were over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and boys. Mr'. and Mrs. Reg. Weaving, Miii Rate to be'Announeed From Page One the next two weeks. " 1Mayor Riekard stated that the assessment department has the work for market value assessment completed, but it cannot implement the changes until the province introduces tax reformt. "Market, Value assessmentis- the best.thing tat anhaprn to this municipality," said the Mayor. "If it is implemented, the whole of Newcastle will be a winner and each ward, particularly Bowmanville, will be a winner. I can prove we'll win. Until someone can comfe and disprove the figures or provide a fairer method of taxation, 1'l support market value assessment, " While commenting on his desire to see market value assessment in effect, the mayor praised the new -budget the town passed for the coming year. The budget provides for a 4.9 per cent increase, down considerably from the original proposaI. Mayor Riekard said that the paring of the budget was a long hard process but that the town eut out almost no programs. "We made better use of the money that Was available by adminiîrsterin'g our finances better," he said. He claimed that the town had increased the size of the fire budget, expanded library services, expand- ed the communityý services depart- ment and the services beîng offered in the west end. One of this year's projects is to establish a library branch in the Courtice area. Public works has also expanded over last year because of increased grants from the province after a road's needs study, which provided evidence to support the town's request. Committee Criticizes Town Employees' Mleag hre Last, month, four municipal employees billed the town more than $200 for mileage and travel expenses and council's finance committee is concerned about the general in- crease in mileage costs noted lately. Councillor Jasper Holliday said he was extremely concerned over what appeared to be excessive mileage charges and questioned whether department heads were exercising the proper controls. "At $200 a month; you'd have to travel 200 miles a day on the average to reach that figure if your car got 20 miles to the gallon," said Mr. Holliday. "This concerns me, I don't know about the rest of you. That's 200 miles a day on the average! " The rest of the committee said that they were also concerned about the problem and moved that the matter be investigated and dis- cussed with the department heads. Ma yor Garnet Rickard said he usually looked over the figures but that he had not had the time this month. He suggested that before council condemn the figures, some- one should find out if perhaps there were conventions that were some distance away that had to be attended. He noted that while his expenses were not on the statement, he would' be travelling to Toronto three times this, week and that the' same situation may be true for other staff members. The total for mileage expenses for April was $2,113.24., FLOWERS DRIED FRESH TROPICAL .GREEN PLANTS 3 STORES: Highway No. 2 King St. E., Oshawa .Simcoe St. N., Ancaster, spent the weekenïd with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett and attended the Anniversary Service. Mr. and Mrs. Louis John- ston, Lindsay, Mr. and Mi's. Frank Dorland, Bowmanviile, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and children, Newcastle, Miss Debbie Pollard were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery. Scott and Lisa Rekker spent the night with their grandipar- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, Bowmanvîlle, Mi'. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Oshawa were Sunday visitors with Mi'. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Mrs. Raymond Davie, Mr'. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue and Laurie, Mr. Ken Graham wei'e Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill. Miss LeeAnn Werry was a over night guest of Mr'. and Mrs. Don Smith and family, Thursday. Miss Elva Orchard, Mrs. Dave Bothwell, 'Bowmanville were weekend guests of Mr'. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton. Weekend company at Mr'. and Mrs. Len Stainton's were Mr. and Mrs. David Stainton and family, Cobourg, Mr. C. Mill, Bowmanville and Mrs. Lmnda Cryderman, Zion. Mrs. G. Lyons was a Sunday evening dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pollard. Saturday evening dinner guests of Ted and Joy Werry were Ivan and Marie Sharp and Linda. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith and family, Bowman- ville were callers. Mi'. and Mrs. Tom Sobil, Mr. Arthur Stainton and Diane Werry spent the weekend in Lake Muskoka. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Grills, Peterborough, Mr. Loney Brown, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Preece and Jennifer were supper guests of Mr'. and Mrs. Allan Werry celebrating Sandra's birth- day. Many happy returns of the day Sandra. Mr'. and Mrs. Clifford Swal- low, Maple Grove, were Sun-' day dinner guests of Mr. Russel Ormiston. Mrs. W. Piggott and child- ren were Wednesday supper g uests of Mr. and'Mrs. Weir Swain, they also visited with Lyn= sser Ina Beryl Dud- e adNeil, Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ashton, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Arth- ur Jackson, Markham, Mrs. Louelia Brown, Kendal, Mrs. Clarence Vide, Eldad, Mrs. Verna Forsyth, Scarborough, were Sunday visitors to the village. Glad toreport Mrs. Wallace Pascoe is home from the hospital. This year oui' Sunday School Anniversary Sunday service seemed to be a good reason for ail roads fromn every direction to lead to oui' littie church. The congregation literaily overflowed the sanctuary as chairs were piaced in the aisies to accomodate the worshippers whoD came from near and far. Vases of lovely spring flowers added beauty to the Sanctuary. The S.S. town was looking down the road about five years before attempting any work on the road. Majo_ reasons for the delay er the p.aned sewers for the area and a lack of funds available from the province. The committee informed the chamber that the roads needs study, carried out by the municipality showed that the street was not deficient and, therefore, the province would probably be unwil- ling to fund any work on it. Bob Willsher, president of the chamber, told the committee that he believed the conditions of the sidewalk and the road constituted a hazard to public safety and that during the winter it was worse. "Conditions on that area are tolerable at best," Mr. Willshersaid. "There could be, lawsuits in the future if someone is injured-on those sidewalks. They are an, embar- rassment to the merchants. We're encouraging business people to give their.properties, a face lift and we'd like the town to take a positive step towards improving the sidewalks." The chamber had three specifie requests of the works committee: fix the road, repair the sidewalks, and paint a centre white line and parking spots. The _painting of" the parking stals would maximize parking, according to the chamber. No GoTri From P public transportation could have an extra $150,000 to $500,000 in deficits 'Durham Region officials were toîd yesterday. Lee Sims, a director in the IBI Grup explained thait public trans- praion operating between Bowmanville and Toronto had deficits estimated at $730,000 'per year. Go Transit's deficit was estimated at $700,000, Mr. Sims said. The area between Whitby and Oshawa was, singled out as one of the areas where improvements in service could be made, acéording to the report. "There is a need to provide better equipment to increase the frequen- cies betweeni Oshawa and Whitby ,and to provide a transit service which penetrates the Whitby area more effectively if the transit market share is to be brought to a level consistent with that achieved in other communities within the corridor, " the *eport noted. Charterways is the carrier, presently operating bus services along Highway Two between Oshawa and Whitby and under present licensing arrangements, it is the only carrier entitled-to do so. Negotiations with Charterways to provide bus services in the Whitby, Oshawa area were suggested in the transit report. It was also suggested that Go Transit could negotiate with Charterways to operate some Hleading for Le banon Captain Roger Bonner, 41, of Hampton, Ont. was promoted to1 major May 15 and appointed Commander of the Canadian Signal Unit assigned to the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). He replaces Major Francois Turgeon, 36, of Montreal, Que., who has returned to lst Canadian Signal Regiment in Kingston, Ont., after setting up the United Nations Forces signal network in southern Lebanon. Captain Bonner has been serving as operations office with lst Canadian Signal Regimfent in Kingston., staff, pupils and musical director Ulah Chambers should be justifiably pi'oud of their part in the service which was opened with a saxaphone solo by Susan Nielson accom- panied by Ulah Chambers and a piano prelude by Darla Lamb. Rev. Kempiing led in the order of service also weicomed everyone and intro- duced the guest minister Rev. Ed. Schamerhorn, St. PaulTs U.C., Bowmanviiie. The S.S. pupils occupied the choir alcove and Chancel and sang three delightful anthems viz: I canTt Spin a Web, by 13 tiny juniors, "A New Song I Must SingT' and "I'm Gonna Buîld a MountainT' by the entire S.S. with a Bass Solo part by Allen Ashton. Ushers were Ross Ashton, Keith McGill, Ralph Virtue and Clarence Stainton. Allan Ashton announced the offering and gave the, dedica- tion prayer. Rev. Schamer- hornTs message to the young held their ecstatic attention as he used a touch of magic with some volunteered assistance from James Avery, Keith McGill and Diane Rekker's ring. His sermon was timely and apt as he based it on Jesus' answer to His Disciples fromthe N.T. Book of Mathew to become as a chîld to enter the Kingdom and he ui'ged aduits to have the vision of a child and really become the children of God. Rev. Scham- erhorn suggested ail join ini the applause for the musical contribution by the childi'en and also expressed his pleas- ui'e in being at the special S.S. Gyraduate Margaret Skinner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner of R.R. 5,, Bowmanville, recently graduated from C entralia College of Agricul- tu ral Technology in the Animal Health Technology program. Margaret plans to work for Veterinary Office, Wilson Rd., Oshawa. "We're tryinig to attract people to this town and this is our front door," said Mr. Willsher, "How can you attract them when it looks like that? P'm tired of people ýcomning to me and saying what a lovrely front street ýNorwood has. I don't think we can wait or can tolerate a four or five year wait." The icommi ,ttee exp lainod thatits main concern was that if it repaired the road and sidewalk now, four years from flOW when a water or sewer line had to be put in, the road would have to be tomn up and the money would have been wasted. There was some talk at the meeting that'perhaps a makeshift resurfacing and repair job could be done without incurring a major expense, but no decision was taken on this, The chamber was invited to the next public works meeting on, June 6 and informed that, perhaps, the subject could be brought up when the regional public works committee meets in the village in two weeks. Ma yor Garnet Riekard told the chamber that the municipality hoped to initiate a storm sewer study with a view to reconstructing the road in 1979. lHe suggested that perhaps the best place to start before doing anything was to complete an engineering study to. get an idea of costs and other factors involved. Pinsit Here 1age One services. Other recommendations from the report released yesterday included. a common ticketing arrangement whîch would allow, transfers be- tween local, regional bus and train services. Need Information A common information service was also suggested in order to help the public understand local trans- portation facilities. "There's a continuing need to coordinate ahl of these transit services," Mr. Catton said. "It's difficult for a passenger to, decide which bus he's going to take, " he said. In addition, it was suggested that the construction of a new bus station located close to Highway 401 should be investigated. The consultants said that a bus station close to Highway 401 would provide improv- ed.services from. the long distance busses operated by Voyageur Colonial. Commenting on,,ý the report, Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard said he believed the document had revealed a lot of, facts and problemns connected with transit. "I would like to see a Go service of some kind connected to, the Bowmanville area," Mayor Riekard said. He noted that at present manv Bowmanville area residents drive fo Pickering or Oshawa in order to use tite Go Transit facilities. service and he commented on the faithful attendanlce at church of go many, on a beautiful Sunday holiday weekend. His interesting and enlightening sermon had many illustrative stories and was spiced with personal touchies. 1This week's events were: Wed. 4:30 p.m. S.S. Annual Salad Supper in the S.S.,room. >Commng Events are: 1. Sat., May 27 - 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. A Beaveree will be held ini Enniskillen Conservation Park, with ouri st. Enniskilien Beavers enjoying the competi- tion. 2. Monday, May 29th ; 7 p.m. -,Youth Group meeting in Community Hall. Weekend guests of Orville andý Margaret Ashton were Alice and Gordon, Beech, Bowmanville, Larry Coville, Timmins, Lois and Keith Worden, Richard and Elisa- beth, Bowmanvile, R.R. 2, Karen and Charles and Tara Jane Ashton, Oshawa. ENNISKILLEN Delay Street Repairs Village From Page One TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE TO RESIDENTS 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Notice of a Public Meeting Thursday, May 25th, 1978 7: 00 p. m. Council Chambers 132 Church Street, Bowmanville OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS The Council of the Town of Newcastle at a Special Meing ta be held on Thursday, May2th178wl cosder amendments to the OficaiPlan of the Reg ion of Durham. The applications ta be considered are as follows:- 1. To permit the use of the land indicated on the attached map for Commercial develoDment. The applicant is proposing the development of a take-out restaurant and a valiety store ontlhe site. LOT ?b 24 1 2 2D 19,, LOT COUR ICC Propot JI7 LO Y -51 14 13 ' SuIéi- A.T mt the usetin f h and ni e eted s sulc qusioanswertedafached map for intteRsdeta DevelopmentM.The apltsproposing a.T fortyive lt estt emen Streeti o the site. Onari Rol CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Sealed tenders clearly marked as to content will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. EDST Wednesday, June 7, 1978 Specification No. 78-56 2 - 1/2 Ton Trucks Specification No. 78-59 2 - 35,000 GVW Cabs and Chassis Ail tenders must be submitted on forms supplied by the town which may be obtained from the office of the undersigned. Late tenders flot accepted. J. DUNHAM, Director of Public Works, Municipal Building, Hampton, Ontario. TOWN 0F NEWCA6TLE NOTICE TO PROPIITY OWNERS TO DESTROY NOXOUS WEEDS Under the provisions of the Weed Catrol Act 'of the Province of Ontario Public Notice is hereby giveno a Il owners and occupants of subdivided lands within the TOWN 0O!NEWCASTLE that unless the noxious weeds or weed seeds on an sucli subdivided lands inthe TOWN 0F N EWCASTL E are destreed by Friday, June .9, 1978 and throughout the season, the Council f the TOWN 0F N EWCASTLE lias directed the Weed 1Inspectors f( the Region of Durham to cause said noxious weeds orweed seeds'o be destroyed in sucli a manner ad they may deem proper, and tat the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspectors in the discerge of their'dufies shall be placed on the Collector's Roll of the TOVN 0F NEWCASTLE against the respective parcels concerned ind thaf such amounts shali be collected in the same manner afaXes under the Municipal Act. The co-operation of ail citizens; earnestly solicited. J. M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvijle, Ontario.