Youth Bowlera Hold Annual Awards Banquet The Youth Bowling League held their wind-up banquet on Friday, June 9th at the Legion Hall. Bowlers from ages 9 to 14, were honored for their bowling achievements of the past year. The members of the overaîl winning junior girls team are, from left to right, Shelley Mutch, Krista Sawler, Bonnie Seto (captain), Kim Desousa, Brenda Smith and Deidre Lobb. Members of the winning junior boys team'hre Scott Bate, Marty Erwin, Sebold Wesselius,(captain), Wayne Mutton and KevinHayes. The Bantam winnlIg girls team are Anthea Hehoît, Kathy Jaques, Cathy Connelly (captain), Terri Burns and Kim Partridge. 299-DEAN JI~I -AVE. lI~J OSHAWA ir~iuw~576-1220 A new trophy was presented to the winning Bantam 'boys team this year., Mrs. Marion Wiseman presented the Wiseman trophy to captain Shawn Woolley. The other team members are, from lef t to right, Shawn Little, Simon Buma and Christian Goemans. PONTYPOOL1L qrw"«I « 2nd Manvers Girl Guides On Monday, June 12th, the second Manvers Girl Guides closed their season witb a Pot Luck Supper in the Pontypool Commuity Centre. They -had their niothers as guests as well as Mrs. Millicent Neal (Rusty) wbo had been a very popular leader at the Guide camp held earlier at Camp Samac, Oshawa. The following badges were presented: Anna Slute received Pet 'Keeper's, Baker's, Knitter's and Hostess; Susan Stacey, Pet Keeper's, Baker's; Dianna Smith, Cook's, Baker' s, Theresa Kish, Kimi Medd and Renee Singerling, Hostess. Service Stars were presented to Anna Slute and Theresa Kish, 5 years; Kim Medd and Renee Singerling, 3 years. Prize for selling most cookies was awarded to Anna Slute for selling 67 boxes. Guide leader, Margaret Murphy, taugbt the Chinese Prayer to the mothers, The Guide Squeeze and Taps closed the evening. Ballyduff Presbyterian Cburcb was filled on Sunday for the Annual Decoration Service. Rev. C.J. MacKay of Fenelon Falls delivered the message. Special music was provided by soloist,' Keith Dewar, wbo sang "O Mighty God" and "In the Garden" with Yvonne Fallis ati the organ. Mrs. Winnifred Strong and Mrs. Margaret Wright returned home on Thursday from the west. Tbey travelled by train and enjoyed their means of travel very much. Winnie visited witb bier son, Keith, in Nortb Battleford, Saskatchewan. Margaret visited relatives in Regina, Bredenbury and called at a nursing home in Yorkton to see an 89 year old great-aunt. Margaret bad corneborne earlier for bier motber's funeral but had returned to the west. Sunday visitors following the Decoration Service witb Margaret and Stanley Wright were Mrs. Frances Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bogart, Mr. and Mrs. Randy Merchant and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson and family, Neil Wright, aIl of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Watson of Peterborougb. Mrs. Norma Burns, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong, is a patient in Sunnybroo k Hosp ital, Toronto, with bone infection. Belated congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weatberilt of Bethany on their, silver wedding a nnîversary. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark were in Peterbor- ough and called on relatives - Mrs. Norma Lowes and Cathy, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Connell (celebrating their l3th wedding anniversary), Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lowes, Mrs. Doris Lowes and Wallace Lowes. On Tuesday the Clarks visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Armstrong in Lindsay and on Wednesday Lloyd and Derena celebrated their thirty-fourth wedding anniversary by having dinner with the Nelson Lowes' of Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Pingle were recent guests at the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sidier of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Sidier are Chris' parents. Doug Pingle celebrated bis ?birtbday on Saturday by entertainîng several friends at a barbeque dinner. The' Manvers Figure Skating Club held a garage, craft and bake sale on Saturday in the new Manvers Arena and the Manvers Auxiliary held a Penny Sale in the new Cornrunity Centre with proceeds to go for kitchen supplies. The latter raised approximately $350-00 and the Figure Skating Club realized over $300.00 as well. Terry Slack is in Brockville for a couple of days. His visit there is pertaining to bis employment with Fina., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ellîott of Dunsford were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fallis. Congra tulations to the Grandview bail tearns - girls and boys - who both made the finals in the Victoria County Elementary School Softball Tournarnent held at Marîposa School on Saturday. In the final gamnes of the day the Grandview Girls were defeat- ed by Woodville and the Grandview Boys by Mariposa (ii 10 innings). Local bail games this past week were: Pontypool Generals defeating Bell Tel. of Oshawa on Tuesday night, but losing to Nestleton on Sunday; Richardson Farms tîed with Fraserville during the week but lost on Sunday to Omemee's Coombes and Ferguson; Bantarn Boys lost to Cavan 6-2 on Sunday; Pontypool PeeWees have won ail games so far - defeating Janetville, Millbrook and Bethany twice; the Senior Ladies defeated Nestleton on Tbursday; the Junior Ladies defeated Betbany Jr. Ladies and Pontypool Girls lost to Bethany and to Cavan. The Bantami Boys are holding a benefit dance this Saturday night. (See Coming Events). We are sorry to bear tbat Mrs. Jirn McMullen's condition bas not improved. She is still a patient in Civic Hospital. We hope to bear tbat you are soon on the rnend, Lucille. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Halfyard and girls of Iroquois Falls were weekend visitors witb the C. Fallis family. 1Tbe Kinsmen Club of Manvers closed their meetings for tbe summer witb a social evening in the Pontypool Cornrunity Centre on Saturday nigbt. 'When meetings resume in tbe faîl, the newly elected President, Ken Lee, will be in charge. The former President, Vern Hamilton, the new President and their wives recently attended a Kin convention held in Freeport in tbe Babamas. 1The Kinsmen Club held a Soap Box Derby in tbe village on Saturday witb twenty-eight entrants in the various classes. The winners were: Senior-Angela Lanz, Howard Strong, David Groskopf; Intermédiate-Christine Lanz, Kevin Bryant, Lisa McGill; Junior-Marcus Lanz, Tamrny Cail, Susan Neal. Over-all winners-Ten, speed bike- Angela Lanz, Skateboard - Kevin Bryant, Baîl glove - Tamrny Cail. Winner of the open race- Dieter Lanz. The gift fo r al . seasons... Elizabethville The Garden Hill Sunday Scbool held their anniversary service on Sunday. Mrs. M. Davis tbe superintendent con- ducted the services. Mrs.' Kennedy had the announce- ments. Several others assisted. The children filled the choir and the steps at the altar. They sang several numbers. Miss Krista McHolm spoke on "Hands". The Sunday school pins were given out to the winners. Miss P. Gray and two Davis girls won attendance awards. After the service the Sunday Scbool served coffee, freshie and muffins. In the afternoon, Mrs. B. Wheeler, Mrs. H. Muldrew and Mrs. H. Tbickson attended the United Church Wornen's Service at Shiloh. A trio sang a couple of numbers and Mrs. Marilyn Martin was the guest speaker. The executive of the Women's Institute are to meet June 26 at Mrs. Wbeeler's to plan progranis and attend the bits of businesÉ. The Fowler's bad a picnic at Coîborne at Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yarrow's on Sunday afternoon wben most of'the Fowler farnily were in attend- ance. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer had Mr. and Mrs. J. Fajt and family, Pontypool, 'Mr. and Mrs. Ron Prevost and family, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mercer on Sunday celebrating Fatber's Day. Mr. and Mrs. B. Burton entertaîned Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty, Mr., and Mrs. Ross Beatty and Diane, Mr. and Mrs. J. Varerna and Betb, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Austin on Sunday evening celebrating Fatber's Day. 3owmanville, June 21, 1978 9 Mrs. à. Westheuser and girls were with Mr. and Mrs H. Thickson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill had Mr. and Mrs. J. Currier and family, Port Hope on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Quantrili and family were also there. Mrs. H. Muldrew and Mrs. B. Wheeier visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty, Sunday. Mr. Roy Beatty, Toronto, called at Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer's on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mercer were at the car races on Saturday where Ron raced. Mr. and Mrs. R. Crombie and boys, Bowmanville, were withMr. and Mrs. C. Mercer on Saturday. Mr.,Ross Beatty and Diane were iniPeterborough visîting Mr. A. Trew and also was at Mrs. Trew's at Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. R. Mercer attended the decoration services at Grafton on Sunday. 'Mr. V. Peacock and Mr. H. White attended the orange walk at the services at Kendal on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mercer and Brian, Mr. and Mrs. V. Terbenche and family, Port Hope, and Mr. Pbilip Mercer celebrated Father's Day"at Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crombies' Bowmanville, on Sunday. When To Take Your Medication Foods can make the stomacb contents more acidic or aikaline, influence its secretions and affect its activity. These factors can influence how fast a drug dissolves and how long it stays in the stomach or intestine. That's why labels tell you when to take medication in relation to mealtimes. For example, sulfonamides and tetracycline should be taken on an empty stomach (one hour before meals, or three hours after meals) as food delays their absorption. 1On the other hand, aspirin and iron compounds should be taken just before, with or just after eating (or at least with milk). These drugs can be very irritating on an empty stomach. The list of possible interac- tions is extensive. But don't panic if you can't remember ahl the Do's and Don'ts mentioned here. Ca mspori Tra iter Sales Hwy. 115 ana 35 Newcastle 987-5174 1977Zand 1978 CHEVRON and HOLIDAY TRAILER Large setection of TRUC K-CAPS in stock SOLO CROSS COUNTRY SKI'Son Sale BOWMAN VILLE BOW MANVILLE WEEK, CANOE RACE Date: Monday, JuIy 3, 1978 Time: 6 p.m. Events: Aduit race, Junior race, Blind race, Log rolling, Where: Port Darlington Marina Prizes: Trophy, Cash prizes, Keeper trophies Rules: Must be at leasta 14 ft. canoe 16 years of age or over unless you have parents consent Two people to a canoe Must have ifejackets Blind race must have two adultsand one child, aduits are blind fotded and must sit with the- child between them. The child gives them the direction to go. You may pick up your entry forms at BARRY'S VARIETY on Wavertey Roud or at AUDIO VISION on King St. Cati Wade Coburn 623-5720 if you have any questions. Sponsored by Bowmanville Audio-Vision and Port Darlington Marina Hotel EVERY WEDNESDAY JuIy and August at Mfinis tIre MEADOW,, Ages 12 and Under Haif-price par'game -50 Located at Hwy. 2 on Maple Grove Road Telephone 623-4294 SOCCER SHOES b Pony for Kids sizes 10 - 13 Reg. N 1OW $9.095 Now thut the biking seoson liin, get your bike reudy for the summer. Sales and service, including wheel straightening ut D &K Sports and Ski Shop, 85 King st. Wet, Bowmanville 623-3421