NELSON - John and Mary- Lou (nee Swinghammer) a re 5leased f0 announce the birth 0f their first chiid, Michael Kristian Louis, 8 ibs. 13 ozs. on June 1th, 1978. Proud grandarents are Mr. and rMaynard Nelson, Fenelon Falls, and first time gandparenfs Sgt.-Maîor and zrs. ouis Swinghammer, Niagara Faits. 25-1 NEWELL-CURWOOD -Jane and Peter NeweII are happy taý announce the birth of their' daug hter, Emily. Special thanKS to Dr. Murra yBryant, Dr. John Dreye and the staff of the Toron to East General Hospital for their skill and exceptionai kindness. 25-1 NORRISH - Randy and Linda (nee Henry) are happy fo announce the arrivai of Laura Charlene, 8 lbs. 103/4 ozs., on lune 19, 1978. Proud Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Merril Henry and Mrs. Vi Lambert and Mr. Stanley Norrish. Special thanks to Dr. A. Sylvester and maternity staff. 25-1 PASCOE - Rhonda is proud to announce the arrivai of her sister, Alison Lyn, 8 ibs. 2 ozs. on April 30, 1978 at Calgary General Hospital. Mom and Dlad are Bernice and Lyn. 25-1 WERESZCZYNSKI - Water and Lynne (nee Harrison) are pleased to announce the safe arrivai of their first chiid, a daughter, Shannon Nicole, 5 lbs. 12/ ozs. Saturday, June 10th, 1978 at 6:17 p.m. Proud grandiparents are Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Harrison and Mr. a nd Mrs. Mike Wereszczynski. Speciai thanks to Dr. Anfossi, Dr. Sylvester and Maternity staff. 25-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton are, happy to announce to forthcoming marriage of their daàughter, Barbara Jean f0 Kyle Leslie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham, ail of R.R. 1, Bowmanviiie, on July 22, 1978 at 3:30 in Enniskiilen United Church. 25-1 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Van De Bet wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their diaughter Katherine Ann to Peter L. Sutherland, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Suther- land, Sterling, Ont. On July 29, 1978 at 4p.m. Hampton United Church. 25-1ý Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vermeulen, Bowmanville, wish to announce the forth- comning marriage of their daughter, Marilyn Jane f0 William, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.W.J. Van Engen, Holland. The ceremony wili take place D.V . on July lst, 1978 at 3:30 ~ m. in St. Joseph's Church, 9uowjmanville. 25-1 The famiiy of Alice and Ray Brock will be pieased to recelve friends, and relatives on the occasion of their Sth Wedding Anniversary at their home, 97 Queen St., Bowman- ville, Saturday, June 24 from 2 - 5p.m. Best wishes only. 2- Grace and Vern Off invite friends to celebrate with themn their Sth Wedding Annivers- ary on June 25th in the Banting Roomn, Guild Inn, Scarboro, f rom 2-4 p.m. Best wishes oniy please. 25-1 The families of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sta pleton extend an invitation t o relatives, friends and nei ghbours on the occasion o f their Sth wedding anniversary at Newtonviiie Church Hall, Sunday, June 25, 1978 1-5 p.m. Best wshes oniy. 23-3 On the occasion of the 4th "F Iowers Say it %WallBest" VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery f ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area -Phone 623-4441 COOPER - Chartes V. At Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowmanviiie on Thursday, June 15, 1978. Chartes Cooper of Orono, in his 88fh year, dear father of Mrs. J. Stapleton (Lenora), Vance, Mrs. J. McKee (Audrey) and Grant. Rested at the Northcutf Eli oft Funerai Home. inferment Orono Cemietery. 25-1 N MACDONALD -- Robert Donald. Suddeniy on Thursda y, June 15, 1978. Robert Donald MacDonald belaved husband of Mame McPhie. Dear father of Robin and Jamie. Rested at the Ogden Funeral Hame 4164 Sheppard Ave. E. Agincourt (near Midland Ave.) Funerai service was held in the chapel on Saturday, Cremation. In lieu of f lowers, donations ta the Heart Fund wouid be appreciateti. 25-1iN TANNER - Darothy Aberta (Marris) Tanner. At Oshawa General Hospital, June 13, 1978. Dorothy Alberta Dervent in her 67th year. Dear mather of Walter Morris, Dareen (Mrs. Cyril Quinney) and Delores (Mrs. John Walkey) ait of Bowmanviile. Sister of Fred, Lorne and Herb Der- vent of Oshawa. Alsa rememn- bered by nine grand- children and nine great grand- children. Services were held on Thursday, June 15, 1978 at Mc:Intosh-Anderson Funerai Hame. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. 25-1 FOWLER -In loving memory of a dear son Rabert Kari, who passed away June 22, 1969. To me his name wilt ever be, The key that unilocks memory, Of a dear one gone, but cherished yef, A beloved face, l'il neyer forget. - Ever remembered by mother Annie. 25-1 HALLMAN - Russell. In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, who pas sed away June 22, 1977. here's a daughter Who misses you sadiy And finds time long sînce you wenf i think of you daily, and hourly But try ta be brave and content. -1 Tears I shed are in silence And t breath a sigh of regret For you were my dad and i loved you Though everyone else may forget There is nothing sa treasured Or nothing so rare As the ove that a father and daughter can share Through joy and laughter, sorrow and tears They deveiop a ctoseness, that grows though the years, This love that we shared Didn't need to be spoken 'Twas a wonderfui bond thaf neyer can be broken. - Sadiy missed by daughter Diane, son-in-law Bruce and grandsons, Bradley, Kevin and Jeffery. 25-1 HILLS - In toving memory of our dear Mother and Grand- mother, Stella (Couch), who ý as sed away Juiy 3, 1967. rasured thoughts of one so dear, Often bring a sulent tear, Thoughts return fa scenes long pasf, Years roll on but memaries iast. - tovingly remembered by the famiily. 25-1 McPHEE - In loving memory of aur dear litile granddaughter, Tanya Marie who was kiiied on June 21, 1975. if oniy takesa ittie space To write how much we miss her But if wili take the resf of aur lives Ta forget the day we lost her. A sulent thoughf, a secret tear Keeps her memory ever dear Time fakes away the edge of grief. . McPHEE - In lovlng me- mary of a dear daughter, Tanya Marie, who passed away, June 21, 1974. Mmories are treasures No one can steat, Death a heartache No one can heal. It happened so suddeniy, And you were gone, But we will remember you No matter how long. Just when your lfe was tbr'g htest Just when your years were best You were catied fram this world of sorrow To a home of eternal resf. She left the ones she ioved the besf Wifhout a last goodbye, And in aur sad and lonely hea rts, We keep on asking why. The reason hidden somewhere ln the paffern'God has plan ned We must believe and trust Him Someday we'll understand. - Lovingi remembered by Momm y, Daddy, Todd and Tasha. 25-1 PARK- In ioving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Helen Mae, whn passed away suddeniy, June 20, 1971. Our hearts are like a memory 1book, t's pages, Mother dear, Hat d ai the ioving thoughts of you Recorded year by year. A book of golden yesterdays, Bound wlth lave and care, A rare ediftion, Mther dear, Because yau're treasured there. - - Sadi y missed and ioving Iy remem bered by daughfer Glenna, son-in-law Ray, and grandchildren Andrea, David and Daria. 25-1 PARK - ln laving memory bf Helen Mae who passed away suddeniy June 25, 1971. Your end was very sudden You made us weep and dry, But the saddest part of ait You neyer said goodbye Each time we see your picture You seem ta smite and say Don' cyl'm only sleeping We'ii meet again some day. - Lavingly remembered by David. 25-1 PARK - ln loving memary of a beloved mother and grand- mother Helen Mae Park, who passed away, s-iddenlI', on June 25, 1971. As time unfoids another year, Memaries keepy ou ever near, Sulent thoughts of times together Hold memories that wililiasf forever. - Lovinqiv remembered bv Ruth, Tomn, Alan and Adrienne. 2- THOMPSON - Donald K. In ioving memory of my dear husband, Don, who passed away June 21, 1976., No one wit11 know you suffered long Then came the time for you to go The good Lord knew that it was best When he took oau home with him f0 res - Two years have passed since you have gone Though we were ieft to carry on i miss you, Don More than words can say But i know we wiii meet again some day To y ur resting place i visit And place the f Iawers with care But no one knows the hearfache When i turn and leave you there. - Sadty missed and atways loved by wife, Benny Thompson and family. 25-1 RUITER- ln Ioving memory of a dear husband and father Waity who passed away June 27, 1977. There is a road we cali remembrance, Where thoughfs and wishes meet, We take thaf road in fhought THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Concern for the demands upon you . .. our f irst consideration. To ensure you the helpfulness you need. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 ,VIrris Fune rai Chape ESTABLISHED 1881, 4 DIVISION ST. 2 î5 8 BOVUMANVILLE62358 TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS The family of the ate Ora Gardiner wish to express their sincere appreciat ion to relatives, friends and neigh- bours for ail their kind expressions of sympathy and ladies of Perrytown A.C.W. for their assistance, also our thanks f0 the Ross Funeral Home and Rev. William Rainey who conducted the service.-Spediai thanks f0 Dr. Van Loon and doctors and nurses of the Civic Hospital for kindness eIxtendec us during the briet illness and loss ot a ioving mother, grandmother and great grandmother. 25-1 A sincere fhank you ta al the ladies of the Satina Community for their suport and help n making aur big sale such asuccess. God bless you ail. Eldad U.C.W. 25-1 N We would like ta fhank f riends and relatives for cards flowers and aifts nn nur T wenty -fi f th Wedding Anniversary. A very special thanks ta Linda, Ken, Billy and ail who heiped ta give us a surprise party at The Lions Centre. Bruce and Elenor Reid 25-1 Bowmanville's First and Fifth Bay Scout Troups wish ta thank the citizens of Bowman- vitle for their contributian and co-operaf ion on their recent paper drive.' Next drive September (tentatively). 2- 1978 Heart Fund Campalgn' Clarke Townshi p residents once again contri buted gener- ousiy d uring this year's Heart Fund Campaign. A total of $1,408.49 was colecfed and sent through the Canadian Bank of Commerce in New- castle ta Headquarters. Last r ear's total was $1,169.00. h iry-seven dedicated volun- teers made this passible. My sincere thanks. Canvass Captailn Mrs. Murray Payne 25-1 We would ike ta thank our fami'y, relatives and friends for the surprise party on the occasion of aur 25th wedding anniversary. Speciat than k -you to Gordon andi Caro!yn. Ran and Barbara 25-1 We wish f0 thank our family, relatives and friends for the wonerful reception given us on our 5th weddiing annîversary. A special thank ya u fa our sister Rebekahs for the lavely lunch. Hattie and Virtie Wilson 25-1 i would like to thank Dr. Spear, Dr. J. Rundle, nurses an the 3rd flbar for their kindness to me during my stay in the Memorial Hospital. I also thank my relatives, friends and neighbours for f owers, g ,ifts and cards and their visi ts. Betty Leaman "F iowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Holidays Bey. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 s e nt POTTERY SHOW a nd DEMONSTRATION By Anne and Ed Emerson June 24th - 25th, la.m.-5 P.m. KENDAL HiLLS ARTS, CRAFTS and ANTIQUES on Durham Road 9, 2.8 miles east of Krby (Hwy. 115 and 35) Phone 983-9339 25-1 N FLEA MARKET To be held in the DARLI NGTON SPORTS ARENA HAMPTON, ONTARIO Arts, Crafts, Antiques, Bric-a- Brac 7a.m.-9p. Spaces stiIli ava!iabie PHONE 263-2906 or 263-2113 25-3N Kendal U.C.W. annuai Salad Sup per wiiI be- heid Wednesday, June 28. Setttngs at5 pm. and6 p.m.Admission aduifs. $3.75, ch lidren $2.00. 25-1 Dance - Paritypoot Commun- ity Centre, Saturday, June 21th 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Bert Grant, D.J., Doar proceeds for Pontypool Bantam Boys bail team. 25-1iN Sharon Brittain invites you to a sale and show at 126 Wel 1ington St., Bowmanvi île Friday, 3 p.m. - 6 p.m., June 23 Saturday, 3 p.m. - 10 p.m., June24 earth water f ire these in Happy Balance bring yau Stoneware Pottery 25-1 N Mofor City Car Club p resents ifs 1sf Annuai Auto Swap Meet, Sunday, June 25 at the Fiying Dutchman Motor Inn. Open to public at 11:00 a.m . For information 723-0407. 24-2N Rummage Sale at the 6aàlvationArmy, Frîday, June zi3 ,0 a.m. 10 Y p.m. anai Saturday June 24, 9 a.m. ta 12 noon. :-25-1 TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE DANCE ,, 4111 Saturday in each month March 25 - June 24 D.J. CARMEN SHIRK Tickets availabie at door. BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB Annual Pancake Breakfast Sunday, June 25fh, 8:30 to lla.m. Motor City Car Club wif h their antique and Modified cars wiii be there. Come and look and visif. Bring a friend. Adu ifs $1.50 Kids 75 cenfs 24-2N HAYDON SALAD SUPPER July 1sf Af the Communify Centre Saiads, meats, homemade pies and cakes. Serving starts at 4:30 p.m. unfil ait are served. Aduits $3.50, chiidren, 1l2 and under $1.50. ALL ARE WELCOME Bring your chairs and visit 25-2N RESER VE November 3-4-11 for St. Paulis Players' ""SHOWTIME '78" 25-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NEWCASTLE ,',White Line," Fr. and Saf. J une 23-24 Dancing 9-1 25-1iN Jendon Ceramics Children's Classes Time - Month of Juiy, Tuesday or Wednesday mornings or affernoens. 9:30- 11:30a.m. 1:30- 3:30p.m. Price: $12.00 (4l classes - this includes greenware, firings, and glazes). TOOLS ARE EXTRA Limni ted openings, sign up now 623-3868 -ar- a- SPLASH Garage Sale Saturday, June 24 38 Centre Sftreet 10 a.m. -4 p.m. Cribs, procelain snks, doors, shutters and kids' centre, etc. Donations of saleable items gratefuliy received, For pickup, phone 623-6364 or 623-7233. 25-1 N ',Were Moving" YARD SALE Saturday, June 24th 9 a.m. untit dusk Corner of Prospect and Second Sftreet <Off Scugog St.) 1967 Mini stationwagon, $100, large tent, oidtabies, dishes, quilts and things. 25-1 FAR DIFDrib $8.00 (no appolntment Necess Plus 10 per cent off CARNATION purchase of earrings FLOWER SHOP release slip. 33 Division Sf., Bowmanviile Hooper's Jewell 623-7141Ltd. 623-714129 King St. E. Bowmanvi le HOSPUTAL623-5747 SYMPATHY AR RANG EM ENTS Flowering Plants and Cuf Flowers 12-tf FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Malil 623-3365 PROMPT, COU RTEOUS SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL N E EDS TENDER HEATING 01 For Blackstock Unifed C Approximafeiy 2,200 Ga Yearîy. Keep fuît conti Commence Sept. 1sf,1 Submlt tenders to: DENZIL MOORE, R.R. 2, Btackstock, 0 Tel. 416-986-5018 Ciosinq date: Juiy 15,1 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANYV LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 Ogr 73 Ontario Street h. - e-m Port Hope, Ontario WOiKMANSHIP * QUAUTY LiA 3M High Quaîify af Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 J Home 88!1-5222 NG sary) f first ;with lers 25-2N YARD SALE 152 Martin Road S. Saturday, June 24 (In case of ram - Sunday, June 25) 25-1 N YARD SALE J une 24, 1978 MAPLE GROVE ROAD N. 3rd house east side. Service station stock and equipmenf, wheel balancer, AVR machine, autométic gas nozzies, eiectric advertisîng signis, wiper biades, oit, etc. Movie camera and ight bar, tent, lamps, etc. 2- YARD SALE 34 Sil1ver Street June 23-24 AlilDay CCM 26" framne bicycle. Hunt Street area. Phone 623-3656. 25-1 In s1tuâ OSý Piano tessons, register now for Fait term. Courtice area. Phone 728-8695. 25-1 N Dealer Enquiries. 23-ff N Everyone i stai1king about1 Carpef manufacturers ari ______ recommending If. The new revotutioni "Rofoi-Sfatic Car pet Cleani Systemn". Assoclafed Dea req uired for your area. Patent Pendlng Sysfem, competition with tht s sysi, 1 L ln vour protected area. :hurch Write us now for mi allons -Information, for our progr, ract. willi enabie you f0 er 1978 success and a bet fer lite st) Robbin Industrie, :)nt. Mt. 1978. 55 Milîs Rd., Ajax, Onfari Ll52H42 Phone 683-0520 The Paperman LI We have agent's rot available that consist of c very of advertislng mate to our carriers and supe sian of the area assignec r ou. This is an ideai apporl Ity for a housewife Who he car avaitabie during daytime and a safe drypl ta store the m aterial w making your deliveries. If are interested in an agenta in Bowmanviiie, please ca 630-1132 24-tf in Toronto WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, V HF Aeriais, Rotors& Repairs -576-5606 FRESH GARDEN PEAS Sheiied, washed, blanched and flash f rozen. A special variety of young tender reas for your freezer. Availabe in 10lb boxes at $4.75 or 50 l b. bags at $21.25 by mid-July. ORDER 140W MacMillan Orcha rds Hwy. 2 between Whitby and Ajax TELEPHONE WHITBY 668-5031 25-3N MEN'S bicycle. Phone 623- 5706. 25-1 91/2 JOHNSON ouf board motor. Complefely rebuiit, $500, aiso 2½/ h.p. Evinrude, 11ike new, $150. Phone 623-4754. 25-1 ELECTROHOME air condit- lonier, 6000 BTU,_one-year-old, $135. Phone 623-6431 after 5. Fenden 6-strlng guitar, $150. 25-1 N KELVI NATOR refrigerator, white, large frostless freezer, go codition, $100. Phone 263-2517. 2- FOUR ma wheeis, six sfuds, $125 or beJ offer. On e camper top, $125 or besf offer. Phone 623-3870 a fter 6 p. m. 25-1 N BENCH saw $150, elecfric sander (wood) $25, jigsaw $25, electricpaint sprayer $100. Ail items lIke new. Phone 623- 2358. 25-1 TWO 1/2 h.p. submersible pumps, two upright water storage tanks, spotf welder and cables, gear red ucers, eiectric motors, and eiectric switches. Phone 987-4707. 25-1 N 1970 MAVERICK hardtop traiter, with, table, canopy, storage and ice compartment, sleeps 5, in _good conditicin. Asking $875. Phone 1-986-4877. 25-1 N 1977 HONDA 350 XL, street and dirt bike, low mileage, mint condition. Only $1175 or best offer. Must seli. Phone' 987-4472. 25-1 N THE perfect gift for your loved ones - a portrait of you! Framed pencil portrait $25. Oit portrait $50. Cati now 623-2687. 25-2 18 FT. CORSAIR traiter, sleeps 6, fridge and stove, excellent condition, with extras. Phone 1-786-2079. 25-1 N VINYL roll-up shade, natural colour, size 108 x 72, neyer used. Phone 1-786-2079. 25-1 N DINING tent, size 8 x 10, com plete with potes and peq 3, usedi one season. Phone 1-786- 2079. 25-1iN EXTRA large fîrepiace,, screen and basket. Small cabin sait boat with motor. Phone 623-5097. 25-1 N TENT trailer, 1971, Iroquois, canvass top, sieeps 4, mattresses, spare wheel and license included, $350. Phone 623-3528. 25-1 N GAS stove, availabie Juiy 3rd. Best offer. Phone 1-983-5379. 25-1 N GOOD used stove. Asking $100. Admirai air conditioner, 6,000 BTU's. $150. and two homemade captain's beds $75 each. Phone 623-6232. 25-1 N CROWN soft top traiter with large add on room. Best offer. Phone 987-5259. 25-1 N 13 FT. PYRAMIDh trailer, fully equipped. reasonable offer. Phone 6089 between 5anid6. 25 EVERGREEN Fiowering Shrubs, Hedç Shade Trees Ait Reasonably Price, Brunt's Nurser South sideof 401 at Liberty St. Exit Ph. 623-3971 CAST iron Franklin, 26" fire box, B.B.Q. and bean pot, screen; 2 brass balis; 3-2 ff. black pipe, 1 elbow. 1-983-9237. 2b- 1 N GOING out of business. Selling ouf com pressors, p ower tools, roto fil lers, post hoie diggers, generators, etc. Open Safurday on Iy. 9 a.m. - 9 p .m. Ace Machinery ' 859 Nel son St. Oshawa. 25-1 N GI1R L'S 10 speed bicycle, good condition. Phone 728-3711. 25-1 N WOODS tent trailer, sof t top, sleeps six. Phone 623-2886. 25-1 N STALL ION pony, good dis- position. $75. Phone 987-5266. 25-1 BARN boards. Phone 987-5266. 25-1 IROQUOIS tenf trailer, 10 x 12 canopy, spare tire, excellent shape. Phone987-4397.. 25-iN RUG, 9 x 12 red,g ood condition, antique arm c hair. Phone 623-3970. 25-1 APARTMENT sized brown range. Needs fwo top elements, otherwise excellent condition. Mirror 4' x 2'. Telephone 263-2192. 25-1 N ASSORTMENT of bicycles, boys and girls, various sizes, good shape. $20, each. 107 Liberty St. N. 25-1 VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofin g on new or used vehicles . Writfen war- ranfy. Durham Vitaiizing phone 723-1155., 47-t STOVE, Kenmore 36", contin- uous cdean, dock, timer, white. Phone 623-4530. 25-1 N BROWN leather western saddte, bianket and bridie. Good condition. $50. phone 263-8832. 25-1 N BOAT, 15', Larson with 65 h.p. Johnson, aiso 283 motor. Phone 623-2913. 25-1 15' TRAVEL traiter, 3 burner stove, refrigerator. Phone 623-5726. 25-1 N DUNE Buggy, 1500 engine. CalChuckaf 623-4181. 25-1iN Shrubs, Evergreens and Trees. Bagged topsoil and sa nd. Phone 623-3412 23-4N NEW three gun rack, patio fable, round and long picnic tables, reasonably priced. Phone 623-5837. 25-1 N ROTO tiller, 4 h.p., A-i' condition. Phone 728-2834. 25-1 N LADY'S 3 speed bicycle, manual typewriter with case, Rloy ai1 Doulton (Rondelay) dishes antique students' desk, nurses uniorm, size 18-20, Electrohome 20" colour T.V., one year old. Alil in good condition. Cali 623-2687. 25-2 TEAKWOOD and Rosewood Scandinavian furniture, bed- room suite,- 8 pc., dinfing room suite - 9 pc., chesterf ieid and chair, etc. Alil Brand new, reasonable. 1-247-4377. 3-tf FRE E Stirling Silver, Hampton or Bowmanville charm <House of Amber's own design) with every purchase of $30 (before fax) or over, from June 1sf to 3th.' House of Amber Antique and Gift Shop (3/2blocks north of Hampton Villaae church) Hours: Tues. - Saf. 9 a.m. - 5 'p*m Sun. and chance HAMPTON 263-2981 house 22-4N Best Holiday and ie 623- 5-TFN Chevron Trailers - Large selection of truck caps YS from $25 9.00 instalied. ging Ca msport Trailer ed Highways 115 & 35, Newcastle ry Phone 987-5174 9f J and M, TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radiai centre, 299 Dean Ave., 23-4N Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf - OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY rd. SCREENED SAND utes GRAVEL &STONE ~eii LIMESTONE milPRODUCTS 21% t< ~riALL SIZES FOR 0 R d ta DRIVEWAYS & tun- PARKING LOTS as a TOPSO L & DlRT the FILL ace PoeOh area 311: 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. HIGHWAY 2 25-2 1 Mile North of Hwy. 2 - ' r-- -i - ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS for t he, "Hair," or "Wear"' KUT 'N'KURL 71 King Sf. E., Bowmanville 623-5019 25-1 FIREWOOD FOR SALE $80.00 A CORD Available af any quanfity Lawn Gardens Hwy. 2, Newcastle Phone 987-4670 49-f f N PADDY'S Market now has new furnifure, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and aiso used f urniture and, applilances. Will accept frade-ins. Paddy's Market, H ampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-ff USED furniture and ap- pliances. Paddy's Market. Hampton. 263-2241. 33-tf 1968 DODGE wdier truck, complete. 1700Q gallon sfainiess steel tank. Good working condition. Also 1700 galion steel tank and racks mounted on older truck. Phone 725-0302. 22-4N Dr. Kenf's office wil. be closed for holidays, Monday, June 19 - Monday, June 26, inclusive. 25-1 N Winners of the June 7th drawof Br.,178 Legion Lottery are as shown hereunder: 1sf prize $750 - Everetf Harness, Bowmanville; 2nd prize $150 - Louis Whafmough, Bowman- ville; 3rd prize $100 - Harry Kipafrick, Bowmanvii1ie. (Tickets No. 1199, 1281 and 1685 respectivel y). Winners of the June 1 4th draw made af fthe Ladies' Auxiiiary Bingo are: 1sf prize $750 - Norma and Tom Rivers, R.R. 6, Bowmanviiie Ticket No. 1445; 2nd prize $150 - Roy Ciowes, 1291 Minden St., Oshawa wif h Ticket No. 2394; 3rd prize $100 - Lloyd Hooper, 603 Gibbons St., Oshawa with Ticket No. 1835. 25-1 To al unattached aduifs in Town of Newfcastie, if you wouid like fo have an un- attached aduits club in the area and are wiiling to heîp form a club for singles, separated, divorced , wicdows or widowers, men and women age 21 and over. People living Common iaw are nof weicome. Please Contact MR. WILLIAM EARL MALL EY Apt. 7, 63 Kmn Street West Bowmanville, Onta rie Phone 623-4175 -25-1 Ontario Hydrols DarI ington Generating Station Informat ion Centre is open Tuesda ys f rom 9 a. m. ta 1 p. m. and Thursdays f rom noon ta 5 p.m. Telephone 623-7122. The Centre is af fthe corner of Hoit Rd. and the South Service Rd. 23-7N Business of L. A. Parker Piumbing wiii be dlosed for hoiidays tram June 17 - 30 inclusive. SMALL house in village of Newcastle for responsibie married couple, non drinkers or smokers. Phone 579-8019 evenings or 987-4773 days. 25-1 N UNIVERSITY student (fe- maie) desires room in Bow- manvilie. Phone 623-3613 affer 5. Ask for Marion. 25-1 M ITED It f MuTyEnt Box 133 j 318 Dundas Sf. E. - Whifby jPhone Whifby 668-3552