4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 21, 1978 Section Two Djurham 'Agriculture Calendar By Rod Stork, Assoc. Agricultural Representatîve Cattlemen's Field Day A Cattlemen's Field Day, especîally designed for pure- bred beef breeders and cow- cai1f operators will be held on Wednesday, -July 12 at the Elora Research Station - north of Guelph. The Program which is- organized by the Ontario Beef Cattle Perform- ance Association, The Ontario Agricultural College, the Ontario Cattlemen's Associa- tion, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, will begin at 10 a.m. Producers will have a chance to hear of the research trials going on at the Beef Research Station. The trials include cow size and milk yield, straight versus cross-bred cows in confine- ment, pasture renovation and suspension fencing. There will be a lunch available at 12 noon, and in the afternoon, the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Beef Cattle Performance ,Association will be held. At 1: 30 p.m. prodtucers will move to the Arkell Bull Testîng Station south of Guelph to view bulîs coming off test and to see the facilities that are available for performance testing. They will, also, have anopportumity to check the >rations, meet breed association representatives and possibly buy buils on private treaty. This looks like an excellent pr.ogram, for cow-calf operatoËls and with the upswing in market prices of calves, would appear that we are out of the low part of the beef cycle and that who might be lookii bulîs would b opportunity to cl performance teste the Field Day. A pc in mind in the beefj that today's deciç tomorrow's perf ori equal future profitý Crops Managi Tour '78 The Durham Soi' Improvement As sponsoring a bus toi and agricultural fî Hastings and Le Addington Coui Wed nesday, Jul: notice has gone oui and Crop Member: tour, and we would you, if you are i return your appi soon as possible. A top farms wilI be which good soil management techi used and then t. converted into IiVE duction in many cý The cost of the t( per person and cordially invited a] trip. The bus will the Orono Durhar Co-op at 7 a.m.; t] Growers Cold S Newcastle at 7: 05 farm of Lloyd Kg Welcome at 7:20 looks like an excel tunity for soul members to view other areas ani up-to-date informai and crop ma techniques. Party On June Marks Clos'ing( School at Salem Salem Public School bas been an integral part of the. community of Salem for many generations but on Tuesday, dJune 27, 1978, it will close its doors to students for the very last time. .The littie two-noomf school, which is located on the fourth concession, has been the object of much speculation in the past sevenal year, however, it is now officiaI that dean old Salem, like many other small schools, has succumbed to that monster called declining enroiment. To mark this inauspicious occasion, local residenfs have, planned a farewell to Salem on the last day of sehool, dunie 27, 1978. The eveming wil commence at 5:30 p.m. with a musical program pnesented by present students of the school. At 6:00 p.m. a pot luck -buffet supper will 'be served outdoors if the weather is favourable and indoons if it is flot. Plates, cutleny and bevenage wîll be provided and, each family is asked to bring first course and des, buffet. Later, the young at heart who ha' along basebal g participate in a b Spectatons are ask( lawn chairs to comfortabie cheeri or to spend a s' visiting with old fi Mn. Doug Reynol Bowmanville,m n1lpieQpi tn hpar fr( teachers or studentý fond memories ofç can be include comemoration boal is being compiled fo tion in the faîl. 0 oldest photognaphs display at the scho to Mn. LawrenceS was taen in 1897 wt just a lad. AIl past and nesidents of the c present and formei and students ai familles are invitec and say farewell to dune 27. tproducers Lawii Cane for the Summer ýng for good With the recent spell of dry have the weather, many of our lush ,heck over green lawns have suffened due d bulîs at to lack of moisture. Maintain- oint to keep ing a good, green lawn is a full îndustny, is time summer job. Turf sions, plus fertilizens, proper cutting, -mance will ground covers for shaded ts. areas and treatment for chinch bugs can make your ýement lawn healthier. June is a good 3 month to apply turf fertilizen, i and Crop so that the grass will be ssoc., are vigorous enough to withstand )ur to farms hot weather laten on in the fcilities in summer. For a healthy lawn, ennox and you should also mow inties on regulanly, but do not ovendo y' l2th. A cutting as hotten weather it to all Soil approaches. As summen -s about the progresses, you should set I encourage your lawn mower at 11/2 inches erested, to and then further in the ication as summer raise it to 2 inches. number of Use youn judgment when visited on adjusting height during the and crop hot summer months, iniques are depending or not whether you' he results -are putting water on youn ,estock pro- lawn and whethen or not we ases. are getting sufficient rainfali. lour is $6.50 Whiie you may succeed in wives are caring for the open spaces of long on the your lawn, many homeowners be leaving become frustrated with their rn Farmers lawn in shaded areas. Ground ,he Durham cover such as Japanese torage at Spurge, Vinca, or one of the ; and the prostrate Cotoneasters as :ellogg's at remedies. Any of these wili a.m. This thrive in modenate shade, and lent oppor- provide an attractive cover and cnop where turf grasses fail to vfarms in grow. ýd to get Beware of the Chinch bug on tion on soil your front lawn, this small, nagement nusty coloured insect with a bright stripe on its back feeds on the crowns of lawn grasses and injury is usually noticed in 7 late dune when the first dead 2 7 patches appear. Spray youn lawn thoroughly with Sevin or Diazinon to penetrate to the crowns of the turf grass. If injury has been noticed in previous years, treat the lawn in early dune and repeat the -' procedure every three weeks if necessary. With these hints sert for the in mmnd you should have little trouble caring for youn lawn in and young summer. ve brought Home Economics Footnotes gloves can By Linda Caldwell, Home bail gamne. Economist ed to bring Provincial Girls' Confenence )formn a 1978 ing section The Home Economics ocial hour Branch of the Ministry of iends. Agriculture and Food is lds, R.R. 5, holding a Confenence at the would be University, of Guelph from om former dune 20-23, 1978. This ts who have Conference will be attended Salem that by 200 4-H Homemaking Club ed in a members nepnesenting every 'Mlet which county in Ontario. !o distnibu- Delegates this year ane: )ne of the Durham County -, Annette sto be on Taylor, R.R. 1, Enniskillen, )ol belongs Anne-Marie Kristensen, Squair and Blackstock, Vaierie Taylor, 7hen he was Hampton. Northumberland 1present community ar teachers nd their u ýd to come hsra A U oSalem on James Insurance Agency Limited 24 King St. E. Bowmanvil le For al lvour insurance needs Nesta Akey or Doug James Ct 623-4406 Accountancy WILLIAM C. HALL' B. Comm. Charfered Accounfant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON 212 Liberty Sf. North Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 62317950 Residence: 623-7308 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 67 King Sf. East, Suite 2 623-6555 JOHN P. WINTERS Charfered Accounfant 20 Col borne Sf. W. Oshawa, Ontario Phone 579-5659 or 623-5828 WM. J. H.'COGGINS Chartered Accounfant 115 Liberfy Streef Soufh Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 Chiropractic LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chropractic 270 King St,. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofc:Chiropractor 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appoinfment LEONARD JAY, B. Sc., D. c. Doclor of Chropractic 96 Queen Sre-t Bowman vil, Phone 6,'3 9297 Dental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D. D. S. 26-Frank St., BowmanvllIe (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. f0 9 p.m. including Safurday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg. Office Hours: Weekdays 9 -5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy 623 4731 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 36 King Sf. W. Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fni. 8:30'tiI 5:00 County - Anita Hartford, Roseneath, Dianne Poole, Hastings, Cheryl Chapman, Coborne and Angelie Hay, Campbellford. The Conference highlights speakers, discussion groups, a special fitness program, a career panel, interest groups, campus tours and much more. The girls are sure to be fine representatives for Durham and Northumberland Counties. Council Appoints Town of Newcastle Council on Monday, dune 5th appointed its representatives to the board of directors of Memorial Hospital. The four residents who were appointed were: Olive Cobban, Lloyd Down, Jim Stutt and Gary Brunton. Ail have been members of the board in the past. SALT Et BUTTER, CHEESE. SAL t VINEGAR., BARBECUE OR SOUR CREAM Ib UNION FLAVORIEU Noilson's Pop Corn Plus REGULAR OR WINTER FRESU Colgate Toothpaste GILLETTE Foamy Shave Creme KINGSFORD Charcoal Briquets HIGH LINEËR, FROZEN, FAMILY SIZE Fish in Batler. Fish Portions or Fish Sticks FROZEN. E-PACK Alora Cheese Pizza Schneider's Cheese$ Farmers, Brick or Colhy PK.3 MAPLE LEAF Tenderfke Pure Lard CARTON 590 Northumberland County Rej ects Restructuring There will be no restructur- ing of Nothumberland County and the legislation which would have bnought it about will die. In a vote last Monday night, the county council voted overwhelmingly, 29-16 against the restnucturing and the Ministry of Treasury, Economnicsand Intengovern- mental Affairs, sponsor of the bill, bas stated it will go along with the local government's decision. Advocates of the bill had hoped it would have received second reading last week, third reading before the end of the summen, and the restruct- uring take place by danuary 1. Now, the futu re of the townships involved and the bill in uticlear. 11 "Local government1 has spoken and nestnucturing will die," said Dancy McKeough's assistant. "It was a pnetty marked reversai of opinion. The case for restnucturing was appanently not made or not wanted. Anyway, the province is not going to force it down anyone's throat. It would only have gone ahead with the fui) compliance of local government and the vote was veny decisive." According to published reports, most of the council meeting was spent debating the amendments made by the province as requested by the county two weeks ago. Although most of the amend- ments were acceptable to the counciliors, it became evident during the meeting that more amendments would be necessany in order to make the bill acceptable. The amount of debate over the boundary issues led to the confrontation over restructur- CAAAN. RD 7 PRODUCE F U.S.A. PeaChjàesa LB. ONTARIO GROWN q Mdushrooms L. PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. CANADA Nu. 1 GRADE Corn-on-the-Cob PRODUCE OF REPUBLIC 0F SOUJTH AFRICA S CANADA FANCY GRADE FOR M Granny Smitli Aples PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. Bunch Carrots L 67, BUNC 390: ing. Hamilton Deputy Reeve J.A. Emond proposed that the council quit 'dilly-dallying', vote on the restructuring and stand on the decision. Jack Heenan, Mayor of Cobourg, stated that while he wais fot surprised by the vote, he was surprised at the overwhelming rejection. Speculation around the vote seems to indicate that there could be annexations in the near future for areas in the county. Hope Township Deputy Reeve, Dave Gray, who supported the restructur- ing said that now there was a good chance that parts of Hope township would be annexed by Port Hope. He stated that he was not against such a move as long as the boundary changes were the same as written into the restructuring bill. Major issues of contention in the hi)) included: planning, waste disposai, water and sewage and votîng representa- tion. NEWTOINVILLE Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer and Lynn of Port Hope, son Jeff, home from Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Carm Trizzino of Cobourg. Callers with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer, Sunday morning, included Mr. and Mrs. Phîl Gilmer and Kim and in the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Allun Osborne and Mrs. Marcela Villarica, of Morrish and Mrs., Elva Osborne of Canton.' Mrs. Bea Jones was, a supper guest on Sunday with Mr. anfd Mrs. Carman Cornish, in Orono, after having attended the anniversary service at Shiloh. PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., J UNE 21, TO SAT.. JUN E 24, 1Î78. WE RFSFRVE THF RIIGHTTFn I MIT QUIARITITIES. xPREMIUM D QUALITY Attention Farmers! K-I Why PIy> ~ ~ t More? Save on Premium Quality GASOLINE - DIESEL FUEL MOTOR OIL and FUEL OIL -PROMPT DELIVERY - Outff-town calis, please calt collect. REASONABLE PRICES DXO&À 0IL 668-3381 D q 1517 Dundas St. E. Whitby I W BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1WIN FACE 9 0F 2 t 50-MIXU TUBES il OZ. AFRO. TIN I. 1 10-LB. $c 32Z $259I 17O.$ 1.70 OPEN DAILY MON., TUES., SAT. 9 a.. -6 p.m. WED. - FR1,' 9 aI.m. - 9 p.m. SUN. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Delivery in Town 623-4161 wý "L nlUrl 1 IU LI IVIII UUAFVI 11 ;tà. DX