20 We Remember When, Supplement of The Canadian Statesînan, Wedne-sday, June 21,1978 lont Ou 'lienew ChevmletMalibu. Evervtiqwe ve said hm our ads is lrue'. Butyou ve gat ta drive it ta befieve it, We're askling you to swal1low a lot. The new standard at foot level. It combines with-newv openlng rear vent Mailibu, compared to last year, Is over 600 pounds w vindows to draw f resh air through the car, even wvhen llghter, almost 18 inches shorter. And yet many interior stopped. dimensions are larger. Standard engine on Malibu is a compact V-6 which, So we're issulng an invitation. Come ln to your wlth less weiglit to pull, can mean better fuel economy. Chevrolet dealer. Take a test drive. Check the back seat A compact V-6 engine with available automatic and check the front. Your owvn sense of comfort tells you transmission that delivers 38 kmi/gai. city, 54 km/gai. th-at.Malîbu is bigger inside, smalier outside. As a matter highway, 44 km/gai. combined based on approved of fact, rear seat hiproom ln the 4-door Malibu sedan is Transport Canada test methods. (Remember these fuel as wlde as ln the ful size Chevrolet sedan. economy figures are esti mates wbich may be subject to Now feel the ride. lnstead 0f c¢rating on the revision. The actual fuel economy you get wili vary Iength, we've concentrated on the suspension. The new depending on the driving you do, your driving habits, Mý,ai bu gives you ride quaIlties assoclated wlth cars of a your car's condition, and availabie equipment.> In longer wvheeibase. engineering, styling, roominess and efficiency, Maibu Even thetrunk wiii amaze you. l-elped ln part by can offerthe resale value people traditionally look for in GMP/!s newcompact spare tire, I: actuaiiy offers more GM c a rs. cubic feet o! space than i ast year. The dash is divided i nto We began by asling you not to believe our ads functionai sections that can be removed for easier until you drove our cars. Because after you drive the new servlcing. A two-Ievel power ventilation systemn on the Mialibu, we think you wili be the best adivertisement wre've sedan and wagon selects cool air for face level, wvarm air got. Buylng or lIeasing? See Vour Chevrolet, Deaie-r soon. Somne of the equlnment iillstrateu is avallable at extra cost, Malbule g o nner Space. 'T i 4 4 ~1 v s- 'T 'T