-Umm;i B RAYLEY - Arthur and Kathy (Hooper> are pleased to einounce t he safe arrival of their first child, a son, Jason Roy, weighing 7 lbs. 4 ozs. He riýade his debut June 20. 1978. Proud grand parents are Mr. aâid Mrs. E. R eader, M r. and Mrs. Art Hooper and Mr. Jarnes Brayley, ail of Bow- manville. Proud great grand- pa rents are Mr. and Mrs. Ray liunter of Dorchester and t rs. Arthur Bra y ey of hawa. Special than k to Dr. Ewert and Dr. Anfossi and rbaternity staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 27-1 SMr. and Mrs. R. Finnson L nee Phyllis Emmerson) kondon, Ontario, are pleased fannounce the birth of their aaughter, Jessica Ann on June 20, 1978. A sister for SalIy. G rand parents are Mr. and Mrs. E FnnsnRosseau and Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Emmerson, Oshawa. <27-1 T IERNEY -.Dennis and Norah (nee Roche) are pIeased to announce the birth of their second daughter, ;>anielle Yvonne, 6 lbs. 10 ozs. on June 1, 1978 at Memoriai Hospital. A sister for Michelle. Many thanks to, Dr. Hubbard -aprd maternity staff. 27-1 Mr. andlM-rs. Alert Adams are pleased ta announce the forthcoming marriage of their c1f uahter. Lenore Anne to Edvvard James Wubbolt, son- ol Mr. and Mrs. C. Wubbolt all o< Bowmanville. The rriarriage will take place ýàturday, August 5, 1978 at 4 o'cldock in Rehoboth Christian Fýeformned Church, Bowman- lle, 27-1 SMr. and Mrs. Donald Parker ce pleased to announce the frthcoming marriage of their ughter, Mary Viola, to ames Howard, son of Mr. and IVrs. Douglas Wright all of Newcastle. Wedding will take fflace at Newcast le United ýhurch, September 2, 1978 at 3 P. M. 27-1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stackaruk and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weir, Oshawa, ý nnounce the forthcomi;ng niarriage of their chiIdren Darila Lynn t o Kim , Robert at redardaie Uited Church in Qshawa on Saturday, July 29, Suddenly at her home, 2 Nelson St., Port Hope, Saturday, July 1, 1978. Florence H. Russell, beloved wife of Rosario Bedard, dear mnother of Elsie (Mrs. -Rowland Spencer) Bowmian- Ville and Marie (Mrs. William Berrili) Oshawa. Sister of Elwood Russell, Part Hope, Percy, Charlie, Dick, Joe,- George, Jennie, Alice, ,Eleanor and the late Emma. Dear grandmother of Allan and Kathy Spencer and Kimberîy and Joseph Berrili. ,Requiem,ý High Mass was held I n the church of Our Lady of ,Mercy, Port Hope, Monday at '2 p.rm. Interment St. Mary's ,.Çrmetery, Port Hope. 'Donations ta the Canadian '.Cancer Society would be ~appreciated. 27-1 HÀLLOWELL - At Memorial ~ l~kpi 6l Bowmrna n v e, -1rsday, June 29, 1978. Lloyd HllJowell, R.R. 1, Orono aged 77 years., Dear brother of Gardon, Mount Forest and 'H elena (Mrs. E. Shier) ,Toronto. Service was heid in 'the Marris Funerai Chapel, -Bowmanville on Saturday 'atternoon., Interment Welcame Cemetery. 27-1 N 'MAHER- At Sunnybrook 'Medical Centre, Toronto, ' 'Sunday, July 2, 1978. ~Raymnond J. Maher, Main St. ~,rno, aged 53 years. Beloved iiusband of Irene Wood, dear father of Garry, Orona, ~Wayne, Oshawa, Gregory '(Armed Forces, Germanv). 'Diane, (Mrs. J. Grady), Darlene and Denise ail of ,brana. Laved grandtather of ,$even grandchildren. Rested ~at the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanviiie, funerai mass ,,vas held in St. Joseph's ~Ro-an Catholic Church on ýrielt Bowrnanville&rnetery. :CARNATION, FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bownianville 623-7141 HOSPITAL and SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS " Ftowering9 Plants and Cut F lowers r 12-tf "Flowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Halidays Bey. 57 9-5021 Ruth 623-7259 BOTHWELL - In lovin g fter Y of a dear husban fahrand grandfather, David Jr. who passed away Juiy 4, Then came the tirne for you fa go We ail know you suffered long The Good Lord knew that it was best When he took yo ,u home with hirnm to rest One year has passed since you have gone Though we were left ta carry on. We miss you more than words acan say Bu1 know we wiii meet again some day. To y ur resting place we visit And place the flowers with care But no one knows the heartache When we turn and leave you there. - Dearly loved and sadiy missed by wife Bernice and farnilies. 27-1 BOTHWELL- David W. In loving memory of a dear father and qrandfather who passed away July 4, 1977. A million tirnes V've needed you, A million times V've cried, If love could have saved you Dad, You neyer wouid have died. Things we feel most deeply Are the hardest things ta say,' My dearest Dad, I loved you, In a very speciai way. If I cou idhave one lifetime wish One drearn that could corne true, l'd pray f0 God with ail my heart, For yesterday and you. - Dearly loved and sadly missed by daughter Barbara, Son-in-law Fred and grand- children Jimnmy, David and Michelle Hogarth. 27-1 GRAY - n iaving rnerory of aur dear mother, and grand- mother, Lucinda Jane, who entered into rest, July 2, 1969. Mother, who gave us the best years of life, Who cherished aur secrets; aur sorrows, our strife, Who taught us ta love and taught us ta pray Dear Mother in* Heaven. God biess you today. Your life was unseIfish for others you lived, Not for what you received but for what you could give, Just a ioving thou-ght, lust a sulent tear, Beautif ul memor ies of mother s0 dear. - Sadiy missed and iovingly reiem bered by her famiiy. SHARP = In loving rnerory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, Gertie who passed away Juiy 4, 1976. As time unfolds another year, Mernories keep her ever near. Silent thoughts of tirnes together, HoId mernories that wilI iast forever. - Lovingi rernembered by Adamn and fariiy., 27-1 STACEY - In loving rnerory of a dear husband and father Hubert John who passed away July eth, 1975. The rolling streamn of lite rolis an, But stili the vacant chair RecalIs the love, the voice, the sm ile 0f the one who once sat there. - Lovingly rernerbered by Margaret, farnily and grand chu diren. 27-1 bTACEY - In Ioving rnemory of a dear dad and poppa, Hubert John Stacey, who passed away, Juiy 8, 1975. Tao dearly ioved ta ever be forgot ten.* -Lovingly remernbered and sadi1y mnissed by daughter Jean, son_,in-iaw Ralph and grandchiidren Paul and Leanne. 27-1 STACEY -in loving memory of a dear father, Hubert John Stacey who passed away July 8, 1975. ln tears we saw you sinking We watched you fade away Our hearts were aimost broken You foughf sa hard ta stay. But when we saw you sleeping Sa peacefuily free from pain We could naf wish you back To suffer that again. - Lovingly remernbered and sadly missed by son Peter and daughter-in-law Barbara. Thanks f0 the nurses in the special care unit and f0 the medicai staff. Also to Drs. Sylvester and Long. To those who sent cards and flowers during rny stay in hospital my sincere appreciation. Ab Piper 27-1 The family of the late Clifford Russell Hudson wish ta express their thanks and appreciation toalal relatives, friends and neighbors for their sympathy, floral tributes, donations ta the Heart Fund and numerous other acts of kindness received during the sad loss of aur loving husband, tather and grandfather. Special thanks ta the Kaye Funeral Home and Trinity Church, The Marsh Wornen's Auxiliary. 27-1 We would like ta thank our family and relatives for the ioveiy party they gave us ta celebrate aur Sth Anniversary on June 24. We also thank our relatives and friends for gifts, fiowers and cards and thase who called an us ta make the day a memorable occasion. Ray and Alice Brock 27-1 We would like f0 thank family and friends for their warrn wishes and gifts. Speciai thanks ta Edith and Laverne for organizing the surprise -party at their cottage. You ail1 made aur 25th anniversary a very special and happy occasion. Týhank yau. Ron and Glady White 27-1 I wish f0 express rny deep appreciation ta everyone wha made my Retirernent Tea such a mernorable occasion. Many thanks for the numerous flowers, cards and gifts. Special thanks to the pupils who made decorations, ushered and served and also to the staff of Newcastle Schaol. Helen Nesbitt 27-1 1 wouid like fo thank mast sincerely the staff of the Ernergency Departrnent, nurses of third floor, Dr. McKenzie and Dr. Singal for the kind and efficietnt care I received while a patient in Mernorja I Hosp ital, Bowmran- ville. Also ta tlhik the mnany friends. relatives and Newcastle Choir for cardà, gifts and visits whiie i was ai patient there..1 Glenn E. Aluin 27-1 We would like ta thank friends, relatives and famiiy for cards and gifts on the occasion of aur 5th anniversary. Frank and Madeline Dewell FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mall 623-3365 PROMPT, COURTEOUS> SERVICE FOR " ALL YOUR FLORAL N EE DS ÎINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARK ERS Laok for this seal. It's your guaranter-,0o permanence. STAFF-ORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E.- Wh itby Phone Whitby 668-3552 J" r4utt Ell3}iat THOUGHI FULNESS - CONCERN SE RV; CE Service to your needs ... our fi rst COfcern. So that you wiII be relieved from worry anvd detail. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 -- Morris Fune rai C'-hapel ESTABLISHED 1881 4 DIVISION ST. BOWVMANVI LLE oL3e5480 TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS BE A BIG SISTER! Volunteers are needed in this area te be a friend ta girls aged 7 - 17,,who are in need of supportative relationships. CAL L SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE at 728-7525 26-ff N EAR PIERCING $8.00 (no appointm'ent Necessary) Plus 10 per cent off f irst purchase of earrings with release slip. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. 29 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-5747 23-tf N MEMi There wil11 be no Bingo at the Leg ion Hall the last two weeks in July and the firsttwo weeks in August. 27-2 i wiil no longer be respans- ible for an% debts incurred in rny nameb y Berie Shirk. Carman Shirk 27-1 The winners of the Br. 178 Leg ion Lottery for the 24th weekly draws held at the Legion Hall on Wednesdlay, June 28th- are shown hereunder: - 1sf Prize - $750.00 - Ticket no. 2236, Cec. J. Engel, 35 Wynfard Heights, Toronto; 2nd Prize- $1 50.00 - Ticket no. 1948, Norrn C. Gibson, 18 Jackman Rd., Bowmanville; 3rd Prize - $100.00- Ticket no. 1868, Ran Harvey, 2020 Meadowview Rd., Peterborough. The tickets now seil for $26.00 each - with 26 weekly draws left, one ticket will give the holder 78 chances ta win prizes in the series 0f draws totalling $26,000 between now and December 27th, 1978. 27-1 Dr. A.F. McKenzie's office wili be closed July 1-9 inclusive. 26-2 Ontario Hydro's Darlington Generating S tation Information Centre is openl Tuesdays tram 9 a. m. to i p. m. and Thursdays tram noon to 5 p.m. Telephone 623-7122. The Centre is at the corner of Hait Rd. and the South Service Rd. 23-7N Monte Carlo Draw and Night which was ta be held on JULY 15 in the new Orono Arena and Community Centre, has had to be POSTPONED UNTIL August 19 due ta delays in campletion of the facility. Orono Amateur Athietic Association 26-2 N SCRAP PAPI Suitable for hamework, writing, grocery note end of newsprint railss for making patterns, shelves and drawers, ping china, etc. Alui plates 24 x 36 suital insulation, craft pro jeci tectian of young treE STATESMAN OFFI 62 King St. W. Bowmanville YARD sale, July 8, T Road. 14 mile east Dar and Clarke Township lir Orono. Phone 983-9107 oul drumns, trailer, live ducks, cedar posts. LCQa "F1 v Say iBes- 'ER .s etc., Defendant uitable NOTICE 0F SALE 0F BROILER FARMS îining 1. Pursuant ta the Judgrnent made in this action there will be wyrap. ottered for sale by public auction in two parcels the-lands and minum remnises presently having brolier chicken quotas as ble f or ýereinatter set out, by Master Dunn at his Chambers, Room No. ,ts, pro- 226. 145 Queen Street West, in the City of Toronto at the hour of ,s etc* 12: 00 o'clock noon, on Monday the 17th day of July, 1978, subject ýICE to the Conditions of Sale dafed May' 31sf, 1978. 2. TMhe properties ottered for sale are as follows:- PROPERTY A Lot 7, Concession 5, Clark Township, Regional Municipality of Durhamn, in the Village of Newtonville, 40 Acres, trame house and two fuily equipped broiler barns. (present broiler quota of 17,Cocesio 4PROPERTY B Lot17Cocsin4 Darlin gton Township, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, in t he Village of Hampton, S acres, aunton trame house and two tully equipped broiler barns. (present lington broiler quota of 22,008). re near 3. The properties offered for sale may be subject ta 7.Hay, mortga ges which the purchaser rnay be eh g ible ta assume. No geese, warran yiseÀten ded to the pu rchaser astotheeligibiiityto hold 27-1 N or approval by any governrnental agency of any transfer of the ____present broiler quota on either properfy. 4. The purchaser shaîl pay down to the véndor's solicitor on the day of sale S per cent of the purchase rnoney by cash or certitied cheque and shahl pay the balance of the purchase money by cash or certified cheque into Court withoui interest on vers or befo're the lSth day of Auaust, 1978. 5. Further information on either property may be obtainedi by contacting Wayne P. Cipoone, Phelan, O'Brien, Shannon e APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NEWCASTLE Ramblin' Men Fri. and Sat. JuIy 7 - 8 Dancing 9 -1 27-1iN Blackstock Tractor and Truck Pull Saturda y, J ul1y 15 Beginning 11:30 a. m. Pull wiIllfeature STOCK FARM TRACTORS 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRACTORS 4-WHEEL DRIVE TRUCKS SPECIAL FEATURE "Powder Puff Pull" Adults $2.00 Children under 12 $1.00 Contestants contact, Mrs. G. Kelly, Blackstock 986-4257 DANCE 9 P.mn. in Blackstock Rec. Centre Music by Rick Johnston's Band $2.00 per persan 27-2N FLEA MARKET To be held in the DARLINGTON SPORTS ARENA HAMPTON, ONTARIO Arts, Crafts, Antiques, Bric-a-Brac July 8th, 1978 7a.m. -9p.m. Spaces still available PHON E 263-2906 or 263-2113 25-3 N Holiday and Chevron Trailers Large selectian of truck caps f rom $259.00 i nsta 1led. Ca msport Trailer Sa les Highways 115 & 35, Newcastle Phone 987-5174 The lOSth reunian of the Werry-Wright-Philp clan wili be he Id at Biackstock Recrea- tional Center, Saturday, July 15, 1978. Pot iuck dinner at 12 noon sharp. Sports to follow. Corne and enioy a visit. 27-2 N McRea's Cernetery Decora- tion Day Service wi il be heid Sunday, July 9 at 3 p.rn. Guest speaker Rev, Haldenby. 26-2 JULY SPECIALS 1at House of Arnber Antique and Gift (31/2 blocks north of Hampton Village Church) -Save 20 per cent on al1 wrap- L ing paper frorn Spain - ve 20 per cent on alI paper guest towels, hasti-notes, writjn g paper and serviettes tram West Germany, Great Britain, Switzerlan d and the Orient -Ail siik flower arrangements for ail occasions made "LABOR FREE 0F CHARGE" SHOP HOURS: Tuesday thru Satuday 9a.m. - 5p.m Sunday and Manday by chance on Iy. CALL HAMPTON 263-2981 26-3N Red C'ross Swimming Classes Heated Pool JULY and AUGUST Morns and tots (children must be at least 3 years of age), Pre Be ginners, Begin- ners, Juniors, Aduits. July Sf0o Juiy 28 and July 31 ta August 24. Fee - $18 per course. Moms and Tots - $30. DIRECTIONS: north sideof Hwy. 2 - 5 houses west of Solina Rd. JACQUELINE RUNZA 576-6220 26-2 ,For the best music for ail occasions bïy a D.J., cail "Danny" cal I ct 623-2026. 26-4 N INDIAN MASK MAAKING WORKSH.OP Friday, July 14 2 p. m. Ages 6and Up PLEASE REGISTER AT THE LIBRARY BY JULY 10. ADMISSION FREE. Bowmanville Public Library Q Temperance St. 623-7322 IN THE SUPREME COURT 0F ONTARIO JOHN ANTHONY DE WITT -and- ROBERT WALTER McPHEE and OLLIE ANNE McPHEE AND BETWEEN: ROBERT WALTER McPHEEand OLLIE ANNE McPHEE -and- Plaintiff Detendents No: 3150-75 Pla int if fs VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery ta ... Oshawa - Bowmanvile Area Phone 623-4441 4 MONTH old big dog, light 43-t beige. Phone 623-2915. 27-1 SIMPSON MEMORIALS Monuments - Markers - Inscriptions 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope ~lU. 885-6434 jyj HOME APPOINTMENTS GLADLY ARRANGED RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street . - . d Part Hope, Ontario WORKMANSHIP - QUALITY LiA 3W High Quality at Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 [ Home ffl-5222 41-1 R.R. 3 Bowmanville "HORSEMANSH IP SUMMER DAY CAMP Monday thru Friday JULY and AUG UST For Registration or Information TE LEPHON E 623-7336 , 2 6 -4 ROUEN ducks (Maliot). $3.50 each. 12 laying hens. Phone FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CALL MARGWI LL' FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 2I-tf Port Hope 885-5274 A i 12 ACRES of standing mixed hay. Cali after 5. 786-2635. 27-1 N BARN beams, boards, metal roofing, rails, bushel baskets. 263-2613. 27-1iN 25 ACRES of standing hay. Phone 623-5756. 27-1 N LIKE new, Trophy Olympic Medallion 35 foot park model trailer with living room tip out, sofa bed in living room plusdouble bed in bedroom, six foot full G.E. refrigerator, plenty of cioset space. See at the Bowmanviile Zoo. Contact Skip Ferguson, 623-3353. $9,500 or closest offer. 27-1 N BALED hay, new, no rain in barn, mostly aifalfa. 75 cents. Phone 263-2511. 27-1 N CHESTERFIELD and chair, turquoise, good condition. Phone 623-7275. 27-1 HAY for sale, mosti y grasses, about 500 bales. Calil 728-6128 after 5p. m. 27-1iN USED furnîture and ap- p iances. Paddy's Market. Harnpton. 263-2241. 33-tf VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 far Rustproofin g on new or used vehicles. Written war- ranty. Durhamn Vitalizing , phone 723-1155. 47-tf WH ITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, V HF Aerials, Rotors& Repairs 576-5606 25-tf TEAKWOOD and Rosewood Scandinavian furniture, bed- room suite,- 8 pc, dining room suite- 9 pc., chestef eid and chair, etc. Ail Brand new, reasonable. 1 -247-4377. 3t BOXED plants, summier price at 50 cents. Good sel èction inicluding fibrous and tubraus begonias, also impatiens, hanging baskets $3, $4, and $5. Sandy loam top soli, laad yaur car $1. Orono Garden Centre, 983-9308. One mile west of hwy. 115 on Taunton Rd. Open 7 days a week. 26-2N HAY for sale. Baled and stooked in the field. High percentage alfalfa. Phone 416- 797-2616. 27-1 N TENT trailer, sîeeps 4, includes mattresses, built-in drawers, canvass in good condition, $225 or best offer. Phone 263-2074. 27-1iN BARN, 100 x 30', steel roof, to be demoiished and removed. 31/2 miles north of Pontypool, west side of 35 highway. Will consider best offer. Clare McCul lough 416-576-3060. 27-2N HAY, baled at Myrtie and No. 12 Highway. T.A.B. Phone 1 -985-8444. 27-1 N NEW lumber, oak, 3 x 12, 4 x 12, suitable for fireplace mantie. White pine 4 x 14, inch boards 12-16". Some 2" cedar. Phone 263-2511. 27-1 N 30" VIKING electric stove, good condition, $125. Phone 263-2684. 27-1iN 1973 HARDTOP camper, sleeps six, hydro equipped. Phone 1-983-5276. 27-2N COLONIAL dinette set, $160. Phone 725-8054 after 6. 27-1 PAIR of Marantz, HD 77 speakers, one techn ics RS630T front ioading cassette deck. 4 months old. Phone 1-983-5169 after 5. 27-1iN WOODS tent trailer, soft top, sleeps six. Phone 623-2886. 27-1iN EGGS, fresh brown rang.e egs. J. Gold, ConcessionS!t. .,623-2730. 27-TF 13 FT. PYRAMID house trailer, fully equipped. Best reasonabie ,offer. Phone 623- 6089 between 5and 6. 25-TF N PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also used furniture and appilances. Wili accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf 8N f-UKL) tractor, manure loader, 3 new tires, good condition. $1400 or best offer. Blackstock 986-4678. - 27- 1N FRESH GARDEN PEAS Shelled, washed, blanched and flash trozen. A special variety of young tender peas for y aur freezer. Available in 10 lb. boxes at $4.75 or 50 IL bags at $21.25 by mid-July. 'ORDER NOW MacMillan Orcha rds f ,EOODTELEPHoNE WHITBI FOR SALE 668-5031 $80.00 A CORD 2 Avaulable at any quantity 2 5 Lan Gadens J and M TIRE Service Hwy. 2, Newcastle Michelin tires, your one-., Phone 987-4670 9tN radial centre, 299 Dean A 9-fNOshawa. 576-1220. BLUE JAY ITEMS FR EE Blue Jay Frisbee with purchase of any of the following Chîld T-shirt.................. Youth T-shirt ................. Children's hats................ Adult's hats ................... Sun Visor..................... OFFER GOOD UNTIL JULY l5th 67 King St. E. THE TOYBOX Oe&S HAW A SCREENED SAND GRAVEL &STONE L IME STON E PRODUCTS T ALL SIZES FOR L2- DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL &DIRT FILL Phone Oshawac 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 Mile North of Hwy. 2 SAND & GRAVEL SI . .....s. VACANT land, prefer mostiy bush, some water, road fronfage not necessary, if access by easement, private. Advertiser 765, c-a Canadian Stafesman, Box 190, Bawrnan- ville, Ont. 27-4 Yar Res CASH for gold, sil guns, cdocks, dishes, furniture, Paintings, sealers,a rilendly Flea Mark( West, 725-9783. USED Furniture plianlces. Paddy's -Iamrpton 263-2241. Cars, Trucks, Tractons, Motorcy Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKEI rd6 sidence6 'y -3N for -top kve., 46-tf ..$4.98 .... 5.95 .... 2.99 ...3.99 .... 2.99 '72 FORD LTD, 2 door hardtop, power brakes and steering, vinyl top, radia' tires, good running condition, good body. Seli as is. Phone 623-6249. 27-2N 1976 DODGE1/ ton, 6- cylinder stick shift, step bumper, heavy duty, 29,000 miles. Certified. Phone 725-5618 or 728-6609. 27-1 N '78 FAIRMONT, 2 door. 30 M.P.G. Very roorny. Owner moving . Caîl Henry Lise. Phone 623-7806. 27-2 N 73 MALIBU 2 door hardtop with power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, tinted glass, vinyl top. Certif ied. $1500. 623-5868. 27-1 75 DUSTER, trailer hitch, undercoated, good condition, six automatic. Cail after 8 p.m. 623-9165. 27-1 1969 IMPALA, 2 door hardtop, certif ied, $495. Phone 623-2775. 27-1 76 MALIBU Ciassic, 4 door, 23,000 miles. Perfect condition. Asking $3850. Phone 623-7641 af ter 6 p. m. 27-1 N '74 PONTIAC, 4 door hardtop, one owner. good condition. Phone 623-5783. 27-1 N 67 BEAUMONT, super deluxe, 283 automatic. Phone 263-2687. 27-1, 1972 CHEV Brown wagon. One owner, 55,000 miles, radial w-w, many extras. No trade. nine-tenths of a mile east of Highway 115 on Concession 4 at "Hidden Acres" sign. Demonstration Saturday and Sunday only. 27-1 71 PONTIAC Catalina, $1000 certified. Phone 623-9383 between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 27-1 N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf 74 CHECKER car - 8 passen- ger. $3500. Phone 576-0192 between 9 a.m. - 12 noon. 6 ROOM for rentlady or man, home privileges available. Phone 623-6636. 27-1 ONE bedroom apartment, sto ve, fridge, and heat included, centraliy located in Bowmanville. Available September 1. Cail 987-5206. 27-1 N LArýGE 3 bedroomn apartment ln Orono, fuIly broadloomed. Phone 1-983-5337 or 1-983-9165. 24-tf N OFFI1CE space on King St. in Bowrnanville. 600 sq. ft., carpetted, immediate occupancy, leasee moving, assume sub-lease. Phone 623- 6555. 25-TFN RENT Hardtop Camper Tent Tra iler new stove, refrigerator, sîeeps six. 1-986-4264 26-2 N EXECUTIVE office, suitable lawyer, general insurance, presentiy accountantIs office above Four Seasons Travel, 600 sq.- f t. Phone 623-7664. EASY living, 1 and 2 bedroomn apartments with stove and fridge. Ail utilîties paid. Now available. $230. and up. The Concord Apartments, Port Hope. 885-6580. 24-TF 63666 THE Stonegate. Very nice 1 27-2N with view and many teatures in Port Hope - 885-6500. ')4-tf N JPPLY TWO bedroorn apartrnent, available August 1, central, heated. $175, 1sf and last rnonths rent. No pets. Phone 623-5598. 27-1 S PACI1OUS, new four bedroom ranch home in Kendal HuIls, large wooded lot., Caîl 1-797- 2231. 27-1 N 2 BEROOMapartrnent. Phone 623-432 1. 27-i BOWMANVI LLE apartment, 4 rooms and bath, heated, cable TV, free parking. Avail- able now. Reasonable plus - r- hydro. Phone 623-7523.15T rnROOM, 11'6" x 12 ', zoned commercial, private ent rance on King St. Utilities supplied. Cal 623-7694 ask for Donna. Iver, coins, 2- jewellery, HUE 7i cracks HS, secluded country appliances. executive style home, on 50 et, 23 King acres of woodland and trout 9- fstream, S bedrooms, electronic air cleaned an-d other extras. $400. rnonthly. and Ap Phone 263-2737 (Hampton). Market, 26-tf HARDTOP trailer, sîeeps tour, will rent by weekends, week or month. For more 'dles information cai 623-6342 PASTURE in Newcastle area, approxirnateîy 60 acres. Phone 987-4097 after 6 p.m. UPSTAIRS apartment, 2 bedroorns, kitchen, living raom, bathroorn, large hall, ,heated. 175 Liberty Street North. 27-1 RS 623-5756 623-71 12 45-f