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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1978, p. 13

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CM11BERS - Peter and Ladel are pleased ta announce the arrivai of a baby girl, weighing seven pounds, two ounces, in Newmarket General Hospital, on JuIy 22, 1978. Mother and daughter doing well. 30-1 COWLE - Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cowle, Vegreville, Aberta are pleased ta announce the birth af their son, Daniel Bucktan, July ?0, 1978, weighing 7 lbs. 14 azs. -- Brother- for Keri. Grandson for Mrs. Edna Er rgainger, Lavay, Aberta and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowle, Bowmfanville. 30-1 FICE - Brian and Lyia (nee Osborne) are happy ta announce the birth of their son Chrietopher Cale an JuIy 12, 19781' weighing 6 lbs. 1/2 oz. ProOd grandiparents are Mr. and ýMrs. Harold Osborne. Courtice and Mr. and Mrs. CarlÏ Fice, Oshawa. Great grandmathers, Mrs. E.W., Oisborne and Mrs. A. Veenhof bath of Oshawa. Special thanks ta Dr. Siemaon and staff of Memorial. Hospital, Bow- manville. 30-1 HILTS - George and Janice are happy ta announce the birth of their daughter, Alison Sara on JuIy 23, 1978. 30-1 POWE LL - Rkick ana' Sharon (Piper) are pleased ta an- nounce, the birth of their son, Jamie Richard, 8 lbs. 91/2azs. on June 30, 1978 at Memaorial Hospital', Bowmanville. Proud gr andparents are Mr. and Mrs . Russell Powell, New- castie and Mr. and Mrs. Kari Piper, Bowmanville. Speclal thanks to Dr. Anfossi, 'Dr. Ewert and maternity staff. 30-1 Mr. and Mrs. Andy Devries are pleased ta announce the forthcomng marriage of their daughtr Rose Mary ta Harveyoatsma, son of Mr. an d M John Lootsma af Bowmanville. The wedd in cereny wil11 ta ke place D. V. Au uut 19, 1978 at 5 p.m. in the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Churcèh of Bowmanville. Reverend Anthony De Jager off iciating. 30-1 Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Heard, R.R, 2, Oshawa wish ta announce the engagement of their daughter, Gale Catheene ta Myran Ian Coburn, son of Mrs. and the late Ralph Coburn of Oshawa. The wedding wiII take place Saturday, Au gust 26, 1978 at 4 p; m. in Zion U nited Church. A Trousseau Tea will be heîd at the home of the bride f rom 2-4 and 7-9 August 19, 1978. 30-1 N Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Stapieton are- pleased ta announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Carol Louise ta Gary P. Krton son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kirton. Wedding ta take place in NeWtonviîîe United Church, August 26, 1978 at 4 p.m. CROWTHER -James Austin. At St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough on Saturday, July 22, 1978, James Crowther, husband of the late Ethel Crowther. Dear father of Mrs. Ross Duncan (Barbara) of -Newcastle in his 69th year. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Cremnation. Memarlal service will be, held in England. 30-1iN "Flowers ISay it SBest" DAI LY Delivery t. .. Oshawa - Bowmanvillo Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanville HOSPITAL andà SYMPATHV ARRANGEMENTS%~ 0 Fîowering Plants and CutF lowers 12-tf floral Creationas "Flowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sw'days and Hoidays 5ev. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 BROUWN - In Ioving memorý of a dear husband, father anc grandfather, Tom Brown whc passed away August 1, 1966. Gads g reatest gift, memem brance. - Loving Iy memembemed bý Betty and famlly. 30-1 N CU RSON - ln lovlng memorv af aur dear father and grandfather James Cursani Who passed away July 25th, 1977. Ho left us quietly His thoughts unknawn But Ieft us a memary W. are proud ta own Sa treasure hlm Lord ln your ga rden of rest For when on earth H-e was one of the best. Ever remembered by Doris and Jack Hartwick, Diane and Barry Hodgson, Dave and Susan Banton, John Michael end Stephen. GILHOOLY <Piper) - ln Ioving memfory of a dear sister, Oillie, July 24, 1977 and a dear father and mother Nelson and'Elizabeth Piper. The ones we love can neyer be More then a thought apart And as long as there is memary The1'lilive On in the heart -A a.30-1 HIRCOCK - ln loving memary of my dear daughter Helen who died July 29, 1974. My thoughts are always with hem Herp lace no one can f111 ln Ilie I loved hem deanly ln death I love hem still. - Sadly m issed. by hem mother, Flossie Camemon. 30-1 MOFFATT - Allen E. In Ioving memory of a dear husband, father and grand. father, w;ho passed away JuIy 26, 1970. Gad takes the best for reasons divine, But memries last 'fil the end of time. - Lovingly remembered by wife Meta-and famly. MOSEË- - In Iovinq memory Of my mother Lilian who passed away August 3rd, 1977. Gone are the days we used ta share But in aur hearts yau are always there. - Qui.efly remembered by daughter Peggy and Ron. 30-1 MCG ILL - In loving memary of a dear husband and father Lamne Sydney who passed away July 26, 1976. -l No farewels were spoken No time ta say goodbye You were gone before we knew knew But God alone knaows why Our hearts still weep with sadness Secret tears sf1 11 f 1Iow For what it meant ta hase you No one wiIl ever know. Each timo we ses your photo. You seem tasmiîe and say eDn 't Cry I'm only sleeping 1eI meut' again sameday.' - Lovingîy remembemed by wife Marrie, daughters Brenda, Lamna, Joan, Shirley, and familles. 30-1 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanviîle Mail 623-3365 -PROM PT, COURTEOUS SERVICE FOR ~ ALL YOUR FLORAL NEEDS MANTLE - In lav-ing memary of a dear husband, father and g randfather Joseph wha passed away J uy 30,1977. His sudden death surpmised us 1 ail Dearer ta memary than words can tell The loss of a husband and dad we loved sa well. -Sadîy missed by wife Edie, sans Gardon, Jack and families. 30-1 MCMAHON - In Ioving memary of Arthur McMahon who passed away J une 23, 1970 and his wife, GIad is, July 30, 1975. Their memomy is aur keepsake Wlth which we'll neyer part; God has them ln his came, We have them in aur hearts. - Fondiy emembered by son Wesley and daughfer-in-law Jeanne. 30-1 YOUNG - Lily. In loving memory of m y ife who passed away July 27, 1977. Ihave lost my souls companio A life linkedowith my own And day by day I miss her more As 1 walk through life alone. - Ever remembered by husband Stewart. 30-1 YOUNG- Lily. ln loving memomy of a dear mother who assed away Juiy 27, 1977. Mther you are not forgotten Thaugh on earth yau are no mýore tiiin memory you are with us - Lovingly rerembered by daughter Evelyn and husband Emnie. 30-1 Ca r The family of the late- Walter Vaneyk would like ta thank friends, neighbours and relatives for y aur enquiries, visits, dards, f iowers and acts of kindness during his iliness andi at the time of bereave- ment. Spedial thanks ta nurses and staff of Oshawa Hospital, 6th Floor, G. Wing; Dr. Sproull, Dr . Rowseil , Dr. Chiîu; nurses and staff of Bowmanville Hospital, lst Floor; Dm. Murphy, Dr. Stephenson; Rev. H Kemp- ling; Marris Funera Chapel; Tyrane L.0. B.A.. 1244 and Long Sault Club 50. sincerely, Mrs. W. Vaneyk and family. 30-1 N Our sincere appreciation ta ail aur friends, neighbours and relatives for their expressions of sympathy, floral tributes and memorial donations in the loss of a beloved wife and mother Lucille McMuilen. Many thanks aiso ta those who helped through visits and kindinesses during her last weeks in haspital. Special thanks ta Drs. and nurses on 4th flbar Civic Hospital the Rev. Domsch and Mackey Funeral Home, Lindsay, also the ladies of Ballyduff Cammunity Hall. Thank you one and ail. McMullen family. 30-1 N I wouid like ta thank the doctars and nurses at Bowmanviile and Oshawa hospitals who laokcd after me. Thanks ta f riends, neighbours and aur family for their help. Ministers for visits and kind- ness, everyone for fiowers, visits and thoughtf ulness. Harold Quarry 30- i wish ta thank my dear friends, neîghbours and relatives for their cards, phone cal Is and goodies sent ta me since I broke my ankle. Everything was greatly appreciated. Frances Jackson 30-1 1 would like ta say-"thank you" toaai my friends, neighbors and relatives for their nice cards, calîs, fruit, etc. during my short stay in Civic Hospital. Thank yau. Pete Borrow. 30-1 We would like ta express aur thanks and appreciatiom ta aur brathers and sisters of the Adams family for the lovely surprise picnic party gîven ta us on the occasion of aur 4Oth wedding anniversary, also ,many thanks for the lavely gifts and best wishes af friends, also special thanks ta sisters Dorothy and Ruth who nat only planned it but spent much time other. ways ta make it a lovel y, iayful family get-to-gether. E verythîng was really apprediated. May God bless yau ail. David and Mar iorie Gray, Carol and Allen 30-1 Unattached lady, 40, would like ta meet a sincere unattached gentleman for companianship. Write P.O. Box 951, Cabaurg. 30-1 EAR PIERCING 1$8.00 (no appointment Necessary> Plus 10 per cent off f irst purchase of earrings with release slip. Hooper's Jewellers Lt. 29 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-5747 23-tf N BE A BIG SISTER! Volunteers are needled in this area ta be a friend ta girls aged 7 - 17, who are in need of sulpportative relationihips. CALL SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE at 728-7525 26-tf N YOUNG girl desires ride between Newcastle and Ontaria St., Oshawa, five days a week ta be in Oshawa 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Phone 987-4081. 30-1 N COUPLE with 2 chiidren want 3 or 4 bedroom house for September 1. Can supply references. Do not drink or smoke. Phone 623-6482. 30-2 daims ROOM and -board available. Young' man preferred. No shift warkers. Phone 623-3265. 30-1 Morris Funeral ChapelI GARAGE Sale, Saturday, July 29th, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 26 Bradshaw St., Bowmanvilie. Furniture, household effects, odds and ends. Couple moving ta apartment. 29-2 GARAGE Sale, July 29th, 9 a.m. tii 3 p.m. Acme Quebec heater, Sultan (Guelph cookstove), 4 mag wheels and belted tires (fîts Chev., Dadge or Ford), antique cash register ($75 firm). Many more articles will be on dispiay. One mile north of lights at Newcastle. Watch for signs. 987-5065. 30-1 N YARD SALE J uIy 29th 89 High St. BOWMAN VILLE One antique rocking chair. 30-1 FzINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Loak for this sea - 1 lt's vour STAFF-ORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel N EWCASTLE Hi- Rîders Fr, and Sat. J uIy 28-29 Dancing 9-1 30-1 N BINÔO N EWCASTLE COMMUN ITY.HALL Tues. Aug. 8 Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 inPr izes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by Newcastle Lions 30-1 N 1978 Eastern Ontario STEAMAND ANTIQUE SHOW FR1., SAT., SUN., MON., Aug. 4, 5,6, 7 NORWOOD FAIR GROUNDS Norwood Centennia I Homecoming Weekend 30-1 N INSTALLATION Seminar and Clinic at the Newcastle Community Conservation Centre, 26 King St. E., Bowmanivilie, Wednesday, August 2nd. Movie and guest speaker. 30-1 MAGIC SHOW Thursday, JUIY 27 2 p.m. ADMISSION FREE EVERYONE WELCOME Bowmanvi île Public Library 62 Temperance St. 623-7322 29-2N Kinsmen T-Bal Final Games MEMORIAL PARK (NORTH DIAMOND) Saturday, JUIY 29 10.m Hot dogs, pop, and sweaters 30-1 GOODYEAR RECREATION CLUB GONG SHOW and DANCE Saturday, Septem ber 9, 1978 Gong Show 7-9 p. m. Dance 9-1 a. m. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL WA NT ED. Acts for Gong Show Prizes: lst-$25, 2nd- $10, 3rd,,$5 ALSO A PRIZE FOR THE WORST ACT Please write: Goodyear Recreatian Club 45 Raynes Ave., Bowmanvilîe, Ont. or phone: 623-2591 ext. 202 Deadlune for entries August 25th. 30-3 à COATES Iran tireman with adapters, ciood. $150. Power unit Hercules 2-5/" x 3", 4 cyl. with rad. on skids. $200. Steel box 9' with tailgate loader 30" steel sides. $800. Single wire stretcher, new. $20. Empire tractor, 4 wheel, 1945, hi gh and Iow range, power take off, beit pulley, rebuilt engine. $1500 open ta offers. 1968 GMC 930 aïns tan tow,% truck, 4 speed, helper springs, 750 X117 tires, eauiaoed with Holmes 400 wrecker with tow sling, needs rebuilding, $1500. Ph8ne 263- 8172. 30-1N YAMAHA stereo, 25 watt receiver, YP66 turntable, 50 watt speakers, 8 track. $700. Phone 623-5220. 30-1 1978,HONDA XL2SO'S, 600 km with plates, 11/ months aid, $1350 . Phone 579-7255. 30-1iN 1973 STARCRAFT hardtop, 2 burner stove, !ce box and canopy. A-i condition. Phone 786-2877 after 5. 30-1 ONE Case Combine, 6 ft. cul, motor driven, ciood condition. $250. One self propelled forage wagon, 16 ft. 3 beater, good condition. $2250. Phone Welcome 753-2540 after 9. 30-i N BLACK sheers, good condition, 16 x 8 and 7 x 9. Phone 623-5082. 30-i N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf IWHITE'S T.V. TOWERS WTowers, U HF, VHF Aerials, Rotors& Repairs 576-5606 E. WHITE CORTC 1975 HONDA, CB 360T, excel lent condition, low mileage. Phone 623-4217. 30-ilN EGGS, fresh brown. rangg eggs. J. Goid, Concession St E,623-2730. 27-TF 1972 650 BSA, chopped 14" oversized, custom painted tank, Harley rear whesl. $800. Phone 623-2708 or 1-885-8900. 29-2N IDADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.s and stereos and aiso used furniture and appliances. WiII accepttrade-ins. Paddy's Market, Ham pton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf OSHAWWA SCREENED SAND GRAVEL &STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT FILL Phone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 Mile North of Hwy. 2 4 'h.p. EVINRUDE outboard motor, new. 2 hall trees. 1 bookcase 30" x 3'. Phone 728-2538. 30-11 '71 EXPLORER tent trailer, hard top, as is, needs minor repairs. $250. Phone 623-6517. 30-1 FIREWOOD FOR SALE' $80.00 A CORD Availabie at any quantity Lawn Gardens Hwy. 2, Newcastle Phone 987-4670 49-tf N FREEZER, 8 du. ft. Phone 623-2883. 30-1iN POTTERS Kiln with automatic shut-off, also treadie potters wheel and assorted supplies. Soid as package or separately. Best offer. Phone 987-5289 or 987- 5493. 30-1iN 77 HONDA XL350. Excellent condition, low mileage. Must seli, best offer. 987-5289 or AI R conditioner for sale. Good condition. 6000 BTU 3 speed. $160.00 Phone 623-6792. 30-1 PICNIC table and four benches with two small tables. Chrome padded step stool, baby crib on casters. Reason- able offer accepted. Phone Orona, 983-9362. 30-1 Foliage Plants 3 for $1.29 (Reg. 99 cents each) See our SpecialIs on Craft Items CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St. Bowmanville Phone 623-7141 427 COCKSHUTT self pro- pelled combine, new overhaul lob. Phone 1-985-3709 after 6 p.m. 29-3N USED furniture and ap- p liances. Paddy's Market. Hampton. 263-2241. 33-tf Holiday and Chevron Trailers Large selection of truck caps fmomn $259.00 insta lied. Ca msport Trailer Sa les Highways 115 & 35, Newcastle Phone 987-5174 's CEDAR posts and pales, all 3-sizes. Phone 1-786-2261. f 28-8N SAND & GRAVEL.SUPPLY Dr. Keith Bilîett's office wiIi be cîosed from JuIy 29 ta August 13 inclusive. 30-2 DON FREW & SONS LIMITED R. R. 1, Nestieton wiII be receiving WINTER WHEAT for the Ontario Winter Wheat Marketin'g Board 986-5568 or 986-5238 30-1 N Winners of Newcastle Arena Fund draw July 18, 1978, $500.00 Bob Dwyer, New- castle, No. 2278. $250.00 Wm. Andrews, 411 Anderson St. Whitby, No. 2237. $100.00 Mike Anderson, 941 Simcoe St. No., Oshawa, Na. 1562. 30-1 Winners Branch 178 Leqian Lattery, 1sf prize - $750 - No. 1034 - J ne Jones, 112 Duke St. 1JOwmanviIIe. 2nd prize - $150. No. 2342, Harry Gay, Courtice. 3rd prize - $100. No. 2305, Fel x Yde, 29 Meredith Cres., Cobourg. 30-1 I will nat be respansible for any debts incurred in my name by Kathy Canlin. Jim ConI in NOTICE 0F SALE UNDER PROPERTY: 3 Bedroom dwelling situate on 7 acres located in Lot 13. Concession 1.» geographic township of Clarke in the Town of- New- castle in the Regional Munici- palityof Durham. Pursuant ta a f irst Mortgage bearing instrument number 76920 and whic- is presently in default for the requisite period, and notice of exercis- inq Power of sale under the provisions contained in the mort ga.g e having been served on ailithose entitled, and the time period having elapsed, the first mortgage William J. Stapleton, by his attorney Bert 1Stapleton hereby advises that the said property 15 being of fered f or sal1e. Sealed offers ta purchase the above property will be received by Mervyn B. Kelly, as solicitor for the mort gagee at his office at 28 King Street West, P.C. Box 159, Telephone 62-44in the Town of Bowmanvilie, Ontario, until four o'clock in the afternoon of Friday-the '25th of 'AugU st1, -1978 for the purchase of said real property. Th e affer ta purchase must be made in accordance with the standard form of agree- ment of purchase and sale and must cantain a legal descrip ton of- the said real property which will be supplied 'by the undersigned upon req uest. Offers must b e ac- companied by a certified cheque payable ta William J. Stapleton for ten percent of the amount offered as a good faith depasit which wili be returned if the offer, is nat accepted. The date of comple- tion of the sale wiii be on the thirtieth day after the accep- tance of the offer ta purchase. Arrangements ta inspect the property may be made by contiacting the undersigned. The highest or any affer shall not be necessariiy accepted. Acceptance shahl be expressly conditional upon themre being no redemption before ciosing date. William J. Stapleton by his solicitor Mervyn B. Kelly P.O. Box 159 28 King Street West Bowmanvii1le, Ontario 2- ONE year aid, short haired calica cat. Good at catching mice. ideal for farmn or country home. Goad with children. Phone 263-8889. 30-1 N FREE ta good home, 7-week- aId kitten, litter trained. La Joy's Poodie Cîipping and Groom ing (Also Smnall Breeds) BY PROF ESSIONALS Please caîl: 623-6676 16-tf N 8-WEEK-OLD puppies, f ree ta good home, affectionate, autdaar dags. 2 maIe, 2 female, calle mother. Phone 1-983-9632. 30-1 N FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 E E_ - Ze PUREBRED Hostein heifer by "Kemp" due f irst 0f August ta "Admirai Citation". Heifer is tall with excellent udder. Phone 1-786-2965. 30-1 TE N pigs, age 10 weeks. Lloyd Brown, one mile west of Pontypool. Phone 705-277-2363. 30-1 In the Estate of Elsie Louise Rowe, late of Town of New- castle, Ontario. AIl persans having dlaims against the estate of Elsie Louise Rowe who died on or about the 9th day of J une, 1978 are hereby required ta send full particulars of such dlaims ta the undersigned on or before the 28th day of August, 1978 after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed having regard onîy ta dlaims that have then been received and the undersigned wili not be lhable to any persan of whose dlaims she shaîl not ihen have ýnotice. Dorothy Payne, Executrix, by her Barristers and Solicitors Ewert, Fordhamn &MacGregar Box 9, Newcastle, Ontario. 30-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of MARKUS LOUIS ROENIGK, deceased. AIl persans having dlaims against the Estate of MAKUS LOUIS ROENICK late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regianal Municipality of Durham who died an or about the 29th day of. December, 1977 are hereby notîfied ta send particulars of same ta the undersigned an or before the 2nd day of August, 1978 after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard anly ta the dlaims of which the undersigned shal then have notice, and the, undersigned wiII nat be liable ta any persan of whose dlaim it shal nat then have notice. DATED at Toronto this 7th; dayaofJuîy, 1978. MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY, Executor, by its solîicîtor, Bernard M. Kelly, Q.C. 401 Say Street, Box 74, Cottage in,, Planning a Vaci bedroom cottage, from sea, acrom golf course. F boating. For furil tion caîl Tir evenmng BOWMANVILLE 4 roams and ba cabie TV, f reE Available now. plus hydro. PhanE 140 0" SQUARE feet warkshop- or starage, 200 amp wiring, heated, reasonable. Phone 983-9502. 30-1 PASTU RE in Newcastle area, appraximately 65 acres, plenty af water. Phone 987- 4097 after 6p. m. 30-1 BOWMANV!LLE, ane bedraom basement apart- ment, $195. monthly everything încluded. Phone 263-2643 a fter 4:30. 30-1 AVAILABLE August lst, one and two bedroam apartments, $230 and $260 includes ail utilities. Concord Apartments, 99 Phili ps Raad, Poart Hope. Phone 885-6580. 29-4 LARGE three bedroam, front street, stave and fridge, $300 manthly. Phone 987-4793 ar 623-7587 or 263-8362. 30-1 N ïiOWMANVILLE, ane bed- raam 'apartment, heat and p arking incîuded, first and laqt month's rent in advance. Appl1y at 623-4387., 30-1, HARDTOP trailer, sleeps four, wîll rent by weekends, week or month. For more 'information caîl 623-6342 anytime. 22-tf ONE bedraom basement apartment, partially furnished. Mature single persan preferred. 623-4217. 30-1 N LARGE two bedro om apart- ment, Newcastle, heated and water. $220. Phone before Saturdlay or on Manday ATTENTION: l'Il set. an honest persn up in a high incare sales and' service business for motorists. This business repeats year after year. No money required ta start. Car required. Aply ta Mr. Charles A. T. Ce, 38 Taunton* Rad, East, Oshawa, Ontario. Phone: 579-1906. 28-3 Need Extra Income Workdays, evenings or take arders, where you work. Set yaur haurs, set yaur incarne 9oal in your own business. For interview cal1 Mrs. Green 623-9302 between 4 and 6. 23-tf N RESPONSIBLE, mature lady over 21 needed ta babysit infant in ur home Mnday ta Friday. Must have awn trans- portation. Cal 623-2213. 30-1 FULL TIME FRONT DESK RECE PTIONIST Some Nights - Some Days 2 Weekends a Month Pleasant Persona lity Good Appearance For interview 623-3373 FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR INN 30-1 Legal Secretary Required lrnmediately. Persan experienced in estate, corporate, commercial, litigation matters, need only apply. Please send ýin resume stating qua ifications, experience a nd expected sal1a ry ta: J. Kingsley Van Nest, P.O. Box 145 Bawmanville, Ontario LlC 3K9 , 30-TF N o MIVD24 28- CLEANING lady eured ane 283day a week in Bowanviile. ~ Write advertiser 768 c-o The Canadian Statesmnan, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3K9. 30-1 Jamnaica TYPIST with goad typewriter ,atian? Three ta type pedigrees for a Stud , three blocks Book. Cali 416-797-2357. s road fromn 30-1 N Fish -inu and her informa- lm 576-6683 CLASS "A" mechanic, for Igs. bs workshop, gaad candi- 29-4 tions, top rates of pay. Many -- --1 7benefits. App ly John Twiner, -apartmnent, Cowan Pant lac- Buick, Bow-- )ath, heated, manvilile. 623-3396. ?e parking. 30-1iN Rêasona'bTe ie 623-7523 or THE Stonegate. Very nice 1 and 2 bedraom apartments with view and many' features in Port Hope - 885-6500.4-f U-HAUL trailer wanted. Phone 623-9481. 30-1N VACANT land, prefer mostly bush, some wafer, raad frontage not necessary, if access by easement, private. Advertiser 765, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ont. 27-4 The Northumberland and Newcastle Boarmd of Education Invitesapplications for the fallowing osit ion BOWMANVILLEHIGH SCHOOL 1 - Teacher of French, Grades 9, Il &12. (This is a term appaintment f rom Septem ber 5 - Novem ber 20, (1978). Please a Pp'y in writing stating qualifications and experience ta: Mr. E.W. Wolff, Principal, 49 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvil1le, Ont. LI C 2 L8 30-1 MANVERS Community Centre and Arena, Highways 7A and 35 require persan ta assist and relieve in operating arena. Shift work. Apply ta F. L. Marshall, 1-705-277-2191, R. R. 1, Janetviîle or G. W. Smith 1-705-277-2713 Bethany. 29-2N TWO sales Positions. Salary Plus bonus. Free trip every three-months. Rapid advance- ment for ambitiaus people. Car essentiaL For interview Phone 623-4668. 30-2N STOP BOTH DIRECTIONS F 01RA SCHOOL BUS SCRAP PAPER Suitable for homewark, letter- writing, grocery notes etc., end of newsprint rails suitable for making patterns, lining shelves and drawers, wrap. ping china, etc. Aluminun- plates 24 x 36 suitable for insulation, craif pro jects, pro- tection of young trees etc. STATESMAN OFFICE 62 King St. W. e wmaantl iSED Fumniture and Ap- ýliandes. Paddy's Market, Samptan 263-2241. 26-tf CASH for glsîlver, coins, g uns, cdo c'ksý, iewellery, dishes, furniture, cracks, rainfings, sealers, appliances. Friend ly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Ya rd 'l623-5756 Residence -623-7112 45-tf ESTABLI SI- Veib lED 1881 4 DIVISION ST. 6 3*5 8 BOWMAN VILLE 6 35 8 TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS THOUGHTFULNESS -CONCERN -SERVICE Thoughtfuî selection of cemetery sites, for varlous reasons a concern to many people. . .often far in advance of need. We have available information on ail local cerne- teries, simply on request. This Is part of aur service to the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITE O Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Stret --. ' Port Hope, Ontario WOUKMANSIIP » QUALITY LIA 3W3 High Quality at I Roasonable Prices J Phone 885-5216 Home M8-5222 - -P 1 M

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