- z*- 1974 JAVELIN, 360 cu. in., cam headers. Offenhauser high rise, 650 Holley caru., excellent condition. 1200 miles, mags, Hurst 4 speed. Caî11723-2456 a fter 5. 30-1iN 1964 GMC ONE ton van, converted into camper, newly decorated, sleeps four, has table, sink, cupboards, and closef, 6 cyl. rebulit 1969 engine, four speed transmission and new paint lob. Phone 623-6483. 30-1 69 ACADIAN 350, 6 cyl. As is. Phone 623-7028. 30-1 1962 CHEV for parts, (or whoîe car) $50. Phone 263-2019. 30-1 N '67 BEAUMONT, super de. luxe, $800 as is. Phone 263-2687. 30-1 N '73 VENTURA, automatic, radial tires, 48,000 miles, excellent condition. $1595, certified. Phone 623-7387. 30-1 N 1976 GRAND LeMans, 6 cylinder, excellent condition, 19,000 miles. Phone 623-4516. - 30-1 1966 OLDS F85, radial tires, driven daily, dlean and rellable. $850. Phone 623-2536. 30-1 J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., OShawa. 576-1220. 46-tf VITALIZINGI Phone 723-1155 for Rustprootin g on new or, used vehicles. Written war- ranty. Durham Vifallzing, phone 723-1155. 47-ff AN DE RSON~ INSU LATION 623-5181 or 579-2060 Blown Cellulose Fibre for Attic and RAPCO FOAM for Wa ls. CITY and COUNTRY HOMES 7-tf N OdId Jobs 'Ferson with truck requires work. Scrap, yard dlean up, etc. Phone 623-5340 .30-4N NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs to ail makes. Harvey Parfner, Orono 983-5206, Bowmanville, 623-301.35-tf N RESPONSIBLE mother will giÎve day -are for pre- schooler. Phone 623-6118. 30-1 Bowmanville Glass 143 Wellington St. 623-3410, Speciaîizin.g in Cash & Carry, gla ss',mirrors, -aluminum products (siding and doors) Ackerma n Septic ServicE PROMPT SANITAF SERVICE REPAIRS and NE' INSTALLATIONS Phone 1-786-221 GORD SIMPSC Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry Remodeîîing General Repali Interior ExtE I Ref rigeration ar Appi ance Servùc Commercial and Domest Refrigeration - Milk Coole PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-! Nights .............623-ý Lander Hardwaî and ELECTRIC MUTTON MASONRY AIl Typesof Cernent Worý Brick, locks, Chimnney,e SPECIALIZING IN CONCRET'E FLOORS 623-5981 14- ,REYNOLDS- Don Brooks & Son MIN ER'S Auction Sale U PHOLSTE RING Geniera I Contractor EXCAVATI NG Saturday, JuIy 29 Modern, Traditional and and Custom Builder FOR TRENCHING, Th at 11a.m. Antique, EXCAVATION ANDO hestate of Mrs. D. Nokes,, Freepicku panddelivery. Phone 723-6176 SPI AK at Glen Major, 7th Concession. FREE E STIMATES NeSoeadtinatr-PE ECAS.LE of Uxbnidge Township, 2 miles PHONENew ones,addtrooms, galraesE EWASLE north of Balsam. Complete 263-132 piirsofalîtypeos,gaes,97495household furniture and 26-12rpiso l yeec25-tf 9749 antiques. Terms cash. No R. R. 1, Hampton No Sunday Calîls reserve. Property sold. Earl 48-trN BI 17-tf Gauslin, auctioneer, 640-3079. ROR~ ___________1 30-1 N William Grootendorst Lt. BRICK BLOCK STONEWORK Specia lizgi FIRE PLAC ES FREE ESTIIMATES 623-3966 19-26N LAWN CARE We Specialize in Shrub Pruning - Sod Laying - Weekly Maintenance - Compete Landscaping Newtonville .........786-2308 24-tf N M. Brooks CARPENTRY MOUNTJOY EO LIN BACKHOE GENERAL REPAIRS SE RV ICE Phone 623-5566' SEPTIC TANK AND 10-tf TILE BED INSTALLATION TRENCHING, BASEMENTS, All kinds of WATERLINES, SCREENEID BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS STONE, CRUSHED auoiI GRAVEL, SAND, TOP SOI L P O PHONECONSTRUCTION PHAKSOE 149 Scugog St. 986-47T37 KBowmanviîle 986-4737623-2756 Paul's Home Improvement SPECIALIZING IN ALUMINUM SIDING, SOFFIT, FASCIA, SEAMLESS EAV ESTROUG H and STORM DOORS and WINDOWS C1ARGEX 623-6296 14-tf N T&C SmalI Engine Repair Service Lawn Mowers, Roto Ti lers, Mott Mowers, Snowbîowers, Garden Tractors R.R. 1 HAMPTON Phone 263-8469 29-5N 13-tf WATER Wells bored, 30 tile. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Ha rry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemasons Ltd. (Our fireplaces do flot smoke) Orono 983-5606 Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry, Renovating AIU General Re pars REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf D. Beers & Sons Peter Sutherland CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Alumninum Prod. 1,Rec Rooms BowmavilleRepairs of a Il types. Siding - Soffit 623-226 Fascia - Trough 63223 20 -tf Shutters - Windows Doors -Awnings JACK BURGESS 623-4398 OIL BURNERS - FURNACES FOR FREE ESTIMATE. CLEANED ALSO HANDLING PLUMBING REPAIRS VINYL SIDING PHONE HAMPTON 3-tf N GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon. - fri. 8:00 -5: 00 Sat. 9 -12noon Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mimrons Patteined and Coîored Glass and Glazing. 9-tf N 28-tI'N D & R CUSTOM FENCING :e CUSTOM CHAINSAWING RY ~Phone rono W 983-5005 or 983-9627 il-tf !61 SANRIDGE 28-8N Sand & Grave I L. GILBANK Blackstock, Ont. - 986-4962 SERVICES I SAND - GRAVEL TOP SOIL AGGREGATES BULLDOZING rs LOADING - TRUCKINGr erior 2014 14-tf MONTE H EN NESSY 623-6629 Carpentry and Renovating Roofing Aluminum Siding - Fencinq id and Concrete Work -p FREE ESTIMATES 27-tf ALL-TYPE ROOFING Shingles new or Reroofing Flats hot or cold process. Al roof andchimney repairs. FREE ESTIMATES 623-5038 15-tf Robert Van De BeIt PAINTING (Intenior and Exterior> ODD JOBS 10-tf GENE RAL REPAIRS and Maintenance 1Odd Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-9132 117-tf N ;tic lers 5774 3177 2-tf etc. -tf N INSTALL an Esso funace, bolIer, h um idifier, heater an air cleaner. Combination wood and ail.* Financing ava il- able. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service policy. Cal Harvey Partner, y aur Esso service dealer .F ree esti- mates. Orono 983-5206 or Bowmanville 623-2301. 24 hour service. 35-tf N 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43- Bowmanville 30-tf Ackermnan Excavating If watem is your problemn, water is aur prod uct. Phone 1-786-2261 28-8N Ron's Flooôr Ca re Commercial and hoùsehold cleaninai. Dry foamn rug and carpe? shampooing. Wax re- moval, wali washung. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf BOOKKE EPING, ACCOUNTING and MISC. CLERICAL Can work at aur premnises or mrine. FR E Estimates. K. D. SLOAN Phone 623-6957 28-3 ODD JOBS YARD and BASEMENT CL EAN UP RUBBAGE REMOVAL LIGHT MOVING PAlINTING Have truck wi Il move. Phone AndY 623-9379 22-tf Stevels Furniture Shop Furniture Refinishing Dining sets to occasional pieces. We do upholstery. FREE ESTIMA TES R. R. 1, Orono 983-9630 Steve Johnson 8-tf DARLINGION MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf, Installation and Repairs Precision Air Systems, Heating and Air Conditioning. BEST PRICES IN TOWN 623-4360 or 623-3662 nom CorneilI's Auction Barn Friday, July28th at 7p.m. 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on Lindsay-Little Britain Road. 9 piece din ing room suite, wash stands, Pl atform rocker, mpebunk beds, freezer, wikrsewing baskets, wicker chairs, coal1 ail lamps, wicker baby carniage, brass jardiieres, piano stool, parlour tables, spool bed, pine cupboard, fern stands, antique china doil, quantity of picture frames, quantity of china and class, 1968 Ford 1/2 ton with farm racks (not certifiled) plus many more antiques, furni- ture, household items. Don Corneil, auctioneer, R. R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. 30-1 N Auction Sale Ju1y 29 1:15 P. M. Bannister's Auction Hall, Bewdley. Consisting of apart- ment size fridge and stove (like new), sectional chester- field, Tappen counitertop stove, chairs, tables, dishes, g lassware, ail lamps, lady's bike, portable T.V.'s, carpets, radios, record players, and other items stil11 being consign- ed.* Roger Bannister, auc- tioneer 416-797-2651. 30-1 N Auction Sale Antiques and Collectibles Monday evening, July 31 7 p. m. Bannister's Auction Hall, Bewdley. Consisting of oak sideboard, china cabinet and buffet, drap leaf table, Victorian side chairs, rocking chairs, gate leg table, cran- berry glass, pressed glass, Victorian Iamps, picture, frames, kitchen cupboard, oil lamp.,:, wood box, and other items still being consigned.' iRoger Bannister, auctioneer 416-797-2651. 39-1 N 'Wednesday Evening Auaust 2nd Auction sale of furniture, antiques and miscellaneous items. The property of St. John's Anglican Church, Orange Corners. (4 miles east of Omemee on Hwy. No. 7 and 11/2 miles south to, Orange Corners. Picture frames, o Id dlocks, dishes, bush horse sleigh, good fishing rods, travelling bags, Croton plant, other plants, used electric organ and I4ench, end tables, hair dryer, good black and white television, floor polish- er, B.B.Q., many other items. If weather is inclement, sale will be held indoors. Bake sale, rummage sale will be held at time of sale. Refresh- ments available. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 6:30 p.m. sharp. Carl Hickson, auc- tioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705- 324-9959. 30-1 Auction Sale Saturday, Evening, 7 p.m. J uly 29th Selling at Pethick's Auction Barn, Ha ydon, one mile east of Enrtisk illen, chesterfield and chairs, odd chairs, dinette set, china cabinet, drawing board, and chair and sman articles. Terms cash, Keith McGill cashier, Henry Adams clerk, Cliff Pethick auc- tioneer. 30-1iN Auction Sale AupgS5at 12:30 p.m. Sharp' Sel lig for the estate of the late WilIbur Toms, 2 miles south of Blackstock and 1 mile west on the Pur p e Hill, Shirley Road. AIlU is farm machiner y and some house- hold effects. A complete list of articles in next week's paper. This sale will include several antique pieces from the house and barn. No reserve, Terms cash. This sale will start on time being a large sale. Cliff Pethick auctioneer, Lawrence Harris clerk. 30-1 N Auction Sale Thursday, July 27th ýa? 6: 30 p. m. Claremont Community Hall. Antiques and collectible items, press back chairs, wash stands, copper tea kettles, duck decoys, round table, antique organ, number aof antique dishes and glassware, cranberry hanging lamp. Over 250 items. Terms cash, no reserve. Earl Gauslin, auctioneer. 640-3079. 30-1 N Auction Sale Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonville, July 28th Friday, 7: 00 p.m. Selling the contents from the home of Mrs. May Morrison, Ontario St., Port Hope,> including frid g , stove, kitchen set, smalFIappliances, glass, dishes, newly covered old 3 pc. chestertield suite, lamrps, Upright radio, tredie sewcr, stereo console, semi and plant tables, arm chairs, beds, dressers, chesis of drawers, mirrors, trames, book case, garden bools, also bed chesferfield and mafching arm chair, platform rocker, kitchen cabinet, auto clothes washer and a large variety of other articles. Terms cash. Auctioneers: Stapleton Bros. 786-2244. 30-IN Wednesday, August 9 Auction sale of real estate and household contents p roperty of Dan Gallagher. Lof 1, Con. 2 Manvers twp. in the village of Pontypool first house east of garage. Large 3 storey cement block house on approx. 122' x 200' lot, 4 bedroom, family room on 3md forseparate dinfingraom, attachd gara ge, ney drilled well, ail f urnacesold subject to reserve bid, terms 10 per cent cash day of sale. Remainder in 60 days mortgage can be arranged open house August 3 and 8 5 p.m.ta 8 p.m., Magnus eiectric chord organ, reg ulation size, ping pong table, 2 dressers, aval chrome table, coffee table, combina- tion stereo and T.V., exercise bike, assorted- chairs, bicyclÉs, Bosch food mixer, 1970 Yamaha snowmobile, 1971 Skidoo, 10-15 dard, tire wood, approx. 100 cedar posts. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale 6 p.m. House sale 7 p.m. Arnot Watten Auctioneer, R.R. 1 hampton. 416-263-2583. 30-2 Saturday, J uly 29, il a.m. Estate of late Bessie McQuade, Aima St. Omemee, a n tia ues, a P Plia n ces, furnit une, garden tiller, power lawn m fower, dishes, electrolux with _power head, neanly new, Quassar 26" console colon television, 2 yea rs aid, large freezer, good Beatty winger washer, automatîc, dryer, 30" automatic electric range, Frigidaire 2 door nef rigerator, chrome set, dry sink, oak dining table, pîne 1lift top desk, drap I eaf table, trunk, antique store scales, wooden ra ke, ceilers, rocking chair, magazine rack, reclin ing chair, modern chesterfiel c, swivel rocker. books, new Singer stylîst 514 desk model sewing machine, antique whatnaught, lamps, lange, extention duncan ph yfe tabl[e, sideboard bookcase and china cabinet, pariaur table, 2 wall fnanféed m ýtr,ili tee, oid box, snow shoes~, antique dressers, chests, porta bie television, good beds, antique wooden chairs, wearever set, silver tea service, treadie sewing machine, cane -bottom chair, fan, miniature hand made chest, cedar chest, 8 pa ce settng of dishes, silve- wa re, cooking utensils, dishes, nmailappances and many col lectîbles . Note time Il a.m. No reserve. Estate sale. Orval McLean auctioneer 324- .2791 on 324-2783 Lindsay. 30-1 N Thursday night, JuIy 27 7 p.m. at Orval1 Mc Lean Auction Centre, Lindsay Highway 7 at County Rd. 4. Antiques, excellent funnitune, appliances, properity of Jim and Ellen Hall, indsay and others. Antique walnut tea wagon, round oak table, buffet pressback chairs, freezer, 20" tolor television, like new, bed chesterfield, modemn bronze chesterfield set, console sterea- radio-record pia yer, olattorm rocker, lange h all mirror, sheif and console hold- ens, 6 bar back chairs, large gate leg dining table, chrome suite, like new, 2 door auto defrost refnigerator, good automatic eledtric range, Zenith desk model sewing machine, wooden fiiing cabinet, humidifier, polishen, 400 day dlock, record cabinet, double vanity desk, 54" bed with pratdiy new chiropractic box spring and mattress, Hoover spin washer, good electrid dryer, wicken sewing basket, love seat, recliner, baseboard heater, bookcase unit with light, sump pump, other fumniture and smali items. An excellent sale. No reserve. Owners moving Orval McLean auctioneer, 324-2783 Lindsay. 30-1 N Wednesday Evening August 2at 7:30 p.m. Hoîsteins E.B.l. Annîversary, Sale heîd at Napanee Faim Graundi, Napanee, Ont. From Hwy. 401 take exit into Napanee. 60,head --30 head fresh or close1 to1 cal1ving, severai bred heiters, junior yearlings and sen ior calves suitable for the show ring, 5 Very Good cows including 2 by "Rockman" due at sale time, a Very Good "Kemp" 3 yr. aId, a tresh V.G. 4 yr. old ready for the show season, several big stmong bred helfers from dams wl th over 200 B.C.A. A loveiy "Senaton" helfer due at sale time, her V. G. dam has 7 y 364d 23131 m 943f 4.08 per cent (170-176). A fancy show, 2 yr. aid by Penseus Leader" tram a V.G. "Rockman" wlth 6 lactations ail over 4.5 percenl. Another feature is a senior caîf by North Croft Admirai Citation fmrom the 1977 Northumberland Caunty Grand Champion Cow. Alsoaa fancy '-Nort h Croft" senior caîf eady for the shows. All cattie biood tested, several fnom listed herds. An excel- lent opportun ity ta buy summer miik and beeding stock. Sale managed and sald b Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Lfxbridge, 416-852-3524. 29-2 Tuesday, August 1 6 p.m. Property of Mr. Cliff, 130 Bloor Sf. E., Mississauga f0 be held. af Stirfevanf's Auction Hall, 27 Hall St. Oshawa on Tuesday, Augusf 1 af 6 p.m. Refrigerator, electric stove, 6 piece Teak diningroom suite, kitchen suite, drap leaf table, white vinyl table, wine cabinet (modern), 3 piece bedroom suite, 4 piece bedroom suite, chesf of drawers, dressers, inlLazy Boy chair, dlock raini ght tables, 2 hait moon fables, 2 Spanish rugs, large, coffee and end fables, wardrobe, cedar chesf, sewing machine, camplete mie of kitchen ap pliances, tools, dishes and silIver. AIl furniture in very good condition. Terms cash. No reserve. This is a large sale. Plan fa attend. Sales every Tuesday and Thursda y a t 6 p.m. Salesroom open Monday ta Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. als 6 to 9 p.m. Myles King 725-5751. 30-1 Thursday Evening, JuIy 27 7: 30 p. m, Hoisteins July consignment at the Malmont Sales Aena, Neil Malcolm, proprietor, Black- stock, Ontario. The July sale feafures several fresh and sprining cows and heifers, bath registemed and grade. Some nice springinq daughters of "Emperor',_ "Ned", etc. A good apport uni- ty ta build your summer milk supply. Also selling 2 service age buils. AIl cattle are blood tested. Lunch available. Lloyd Wilson, auctioneer, Uxbidge, Ont. 416,852-3524. 29-2 Saturday, JuIy 29 at 10: 30 a.m. Farm Sold Hoisteins, Quernseys, Machinery Clearing auction sale for Bail Bras., R. R. 4 Bowman- ville, Con. 2 Lots 3 and 4 Darlington Twp. ( 2 miles east of Liberty St .N., Bôwmanviile on Concession Street.) Cattie: 80 head, 25 Guernsey, 1/2 registered, 1/2 , rade, 55 Hoisteins, 30 registered, 25 NAl.P. grades . Entire herd-by unit sires. D.H.l.A. tested. 40 mîlk cows, 10 bred heifers, balance open heifers and calves. This is a herd bult through many 'years of culling. Herd has listed status. Machinery: 165 M-F diesel tractor (good), 65 M-F diesel tractor, 35 M-F gai tractor wvith Ali o1, erand2- buickets, M-F 35 P.T.O. combine, N-H 268 Hayliner balen, 1964 Chev No. 30 truck - 12' piatform with stock racks - as is, M-F 4 furmow plow, M-F 21 tooth cultivator, M-F double disc with hydraulic cylinder, M-F 17 run g ai1n and fertilizer seed drill (goodc), Int. 7' mower, Calsa weed sprayer, 3 grain gravity boxes on carniages, N-H side rake, N-H 512 manure spmeadem - new, Case hammer miii and beit, mubber tired wagon (like new), cuiti- packer, 40' AiIied grain auger, 32' hay elevator, New t .D. snow bl owem, N-H 404 hay conditioner, garden blade, 2 row Ford corn planter, qu. hay and straw, teed grain, wagon ioads - miscelianeous, plus many other articles. Wagon loads and machinery seil at 10: 30 a.m. Caffle seil at 1 p.m. Lunch availabie. Sale manag- ed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auct ions Ltd., Uxbrîdge, 416-852-3524. 28-3 Canada Pension Plan What benefits can I expect from the Canada Pension Plan upon retirement? Benefits payable under the Canada Pension Plan include Retirement Pensions, Disabîlity Benefits, and Survivors' Benefits.' The following, comments are confined mainly ta, the Retire- ment Pension Benefits. Persans are entitled ta receive a Retîrement Pension once they have fulfilled two criteria. First, they must have reached 65 years of age and second, they must have made the required contributions ta the Plan for at least one year during their contributory periad. The contributory period begins January 1, 1966 or at age 18, whichever is later, and normally ends when a persan reaches 65 years of age or when a Retirement Pension becomes payable. A Relire- ment Pension becomnes payab)le between 1 ie ages of 65 and 70. Ai age 65 eligible persons mnay start receiving a lletiremnent Pension even if stilI working or they niay posl poile I-cec-i vi ng beiwefits in or<ier tIo continue con- fribl)i lot o the lPlan ta agçe 70 Io possibly increase the miînllly pension benefit which would commence at a taier date. Before setecting such options, the contnribulor mutsI consider wlîether thle iieccssary contributions have been miade ta qualify-spouse and-oî' dependent childi-en for SuiViors' Benefit s. Ret irem cnt Pensions payable under the plan do not Mein automalically ai age 65. Ili aIl] cases, applications miust be submitted in writing ta the liange-s played with great teamn spirit - ta fie Orono 4-4 last week. Playing with persistance tlhe leam ably led by Tommny McLaughlin's thiree goals the team almost won however Orono tied the garne-l the l-ast minute of play. The Canadian National Exhibition's Dog Swim, celebrating its 4th year, will take place Sunday, August 20. The swim, sponsored by Master Pet Food, features more than 100 dogs competing against each other in a unique swimming event staged in Lake Ontarioý Dogs leap into the water at the sound of a starting whistle and must swim a distance of 100 to 150 yards. The race is open to all dogs (except professional e 'nter- tainers) and entrants are placed in heats according to weight. There are two classes - children's (dog owned by youths 16 years of age and under) and an open class. A final Grand Challenge Championship determines 1978's top dogs in, the two classes. Dogs must complete their swim in a straight line, not impeding the progress of eacVL- other. Each dog must be accompanied by two people, one at the starting gate and one. in a rowboat who eoaches or coaxes the swimming dog. No artificial means of coaxing is allowed, including the use* of whistles, cats or other inducements for 'the dogs ta complete the course more quickly. "The rule about coaxing was established", sayd CNE Sport Manager, Doug Gerrard, "because at the first race in 1938 owners held out steaks and cats ta induce their dogs ta go faster. " The result, he said, was chaos with boats being swamped and dogs generally becoming snarled up. is is the first year that Master Pet Food has sponsored the Dog Swim. The Toronto Daily Star sponsored theevent for some 30 years. neare st District or Local Office of the Canada Pension Plan for approval. Failure to, apply promptly could result in a loss of one or more monthly benefits. In general, pension benefits are calculated as 25 per cent of the current value of con- 'tributors' average monthly pensionable earnings during the entire period in which they could have contributed to the plan. Persons retiring in 1978 at age 65 who contributed at maximum level for their full contributory period would receive a maximum monthly pension of $194.44. Persons who contributed at maximum level but for haif their full qontributory period, and likewise, persons who contributed at haîf the maximum level for their full contributory period, may receive haîf the maximum monthly pension or about $97. Persans who cantributed at haîf their maximum level for haif of their full contributory period may receive a quarter of the maximum manthly benefit or about $48.50. Persons entitled ta pension benefits are not expected ta calculate their own manthly retirement pensions. These calculations are quite correctly made by the Plan. Pension benefits are subject to annual increases based on current cost-of-living data ta maintain their purchasing power. You can verify your u n adj us t ed p en s io na b1e earnings by wrîting to, The Director, Canada Pension Plan, Department of National Health and Welfare, 333 River Road, Ottawa, or by asking your local CP.P. office for the self-addressed form, C.P.P. 1005, completing same and forwarding ta fhe address just noted. An exception ta the general rule for calculation of pension benefits occurs when a person's full contributory period is shortened when ,aother pension plan operates .a provide retirement before âge 65. In such cases, the plan zan apply a 'drop-out' provision which reduced the requîred number of yearsthat would make up the full .ontributory period. This contributory period can -be reduced by up ta 15 per cent. PAs a result, the persan will receive a monthly pension benefit at age 65 which is larger than lie would have received if hie had retired early and not been able to apply the 'drop-out' provision. The plan maintains a Record of Earnings and on request will inform contrib- utors of the pensionable earnings credited to, them. Each contributor is limited to, one request per year. All persons can direct specific inquiries ta their nearest Canada Pension Pian District or Local Office. O"%BITUAR.KY MRS. EMMA FLORENCE HARRIS A former employee at Woolco Department Store, Mrs. Emma Florence Harris of 540 Mary St. Unit Four, Whitby died Saturday, July 15, 1978, the resuit of a car accident on Westney Road, Ajax. Born Nov. 5, 1928, in Athol Township, Ont., she was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Emorey. Educated in Whitby public and high schools, she was married in 1963 in Almond's United Church ta Gordon Richard Harris who pre- deceased hier in 1975. She was a member of St. Mark's United Church, of Almond's Euchre Club and of the Whitby Historical Society. She is survived by hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Emorey, of Whitby; three sisqters, Mrs. Albert Mitchell NOW IN STOCK MONTMORENCY CHERRIES CRISP, ONTARIO HEAD LETTUCE 39c EACH HOME PRIDE CHAPMAN'S 240OZ. CRUSTY WHITE BREAD ICE CREAM 2/195C $1 2 Itr CASE 24 PEPSI COLA CANS$45 WE CUT Al STEER BEEF ONLY THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL LEAN, BONELESS STEAK ROAST $2019LB VISIT OUR DELI COUNTER FOR FRESH STORE SLICED COLD CUTS, CHEESE and SALAD WEEKLY SPECIALS ONE WEEK ONLY FRICO BRAND MILD GOUDA19 WHOLE or HALF 1-B. DXKSTRAES KS PARKING DELICA TESSEN OFF FOOD- MARKETQEN STREET 73-77 KING ST. WEST 623-3541 [DEADLINE hFO7R LASSIFIED Tues.,l 12 noon Phone 623-330,3 CON.E. Dog Swim RUM NO. i BANANAS 1 9c U