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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1978, p. 5

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The Canadian Statesman, BowmanvilleA ut2,17 5 Hydro ops Of ransmission Tower Near Newtonvil The first of a long sertes of transmission towers for Ontario Hydro's 500 KV line are already becoming landmarks in the area just south of Newtonville, in Newcastle and in the Bowmanville area. These photos show the three stages of construction which complete the upper haif of a. tower. The large photo directly above shows the first set of arms installed atop the base of the tower. Having finished the first Section, the four men.on top of the structure wait for the second section to be llfted up. The remaining six photos show the other two parts of the tower being lifted into place to complete the job. About mne hour elapsed between the Urne the first photograph and the last photographs were taken. It is estimated that Ontario Hydro crews can top off two to three towers per dlay depen- ing on the conditions they have to cope with. The operation is difficuit on windy days and when e wds are inthe 20to 25 mph range the operation is cancelled. The tower ini this particular photo stands about 177 feet high and weights approximately 20 tons. It takes a crew of eight men to assemble the structure. This tower was being completed last month in a field southwest of Newtonville. Bases of the tower are built first; then the upper arms of the structure are lifted into place. The next step in the construction of the transmission lime will be the stringing of wires. For this operation, helicopters are used. Pout Office Hours For Civic Holiday The following Postal Services will be cancelled on the "Civic Holiday" - Monday, August 7th, 1978. The Post Office will be closed ail day Monday, August 7th. Wicket service nil, letter carrier service, nil, rural route service, nil, street letter box collection, nil, lock box lobby, ail, mail receipts,' nil, mail despatches, nil. Normal services will: resume on Thesday, August 8th. Last Monday, Mr. and Mrs. F. Henderson visited Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Henderson at Camipbellford, after which they drove on to Belleville where they attended the Tammy Winette Concert in the Arena. Mrs. Bea Jones and Mrs. Mary Jones enjoyed an afternoon of Bridge at the home of Mrs. Audrey Turner, Bowmanville, last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Savery and Carol have been holiday- img on a trip to the West Coast and in their absence, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Savery of Oshawa have looked after things on the farm. The name of Mrs. Iva Farrow, should have been included in the list of passengers on the Institute Bus Trip last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woolley of ýBowmanville were visitors here with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher. Glad to hear Rev. and Mrs. Aubrey Tizzard and Michael have returned home after their holiday in Newfoundland. Our- church service will resume, here, next Sunday morning at the regular hour of 9:45 ï.m. Let's have a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- son have been looking after their two granddaughters, Stephame and Deanne, while the latters' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Henderson have been holidaying in the U.S. 'the funeral of the late George Kimbali was held in Newcastle United Church on Friday afternoon, with a large crowd of relatives and friends in attendance. Rev.' David Spivey conducted the service, paying tribute to George's fine character an dependability while Mr. Fred Graham's music at the organ was also appreciated. T he beavers were all close relatives; Bll Kimbail, Bob Kimbali, Doug Cooper, Ted Cooper, Fred Graham and Phil Gilmer. Interment was ini Lakeview Cemetery, Newton- ville. Sympathy of the entire community is expressed to Mrs. Kay Kimbaîl, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Norton, and all the other relatives. Mrs. Irene Burley of Bow- manville was a weekend visitor with Mrs. Lena Clysdale. iss Carol Henderson and friend Miss Karen Rose of Kingston, spent the weekend here, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ton were back North, over the weekend. Mrm. Mary O'Neill of Port Hope was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill on Friday. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher, included Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fletcher of Downsview and Mr. David Fletcher and son, David of Morrice, Michigan. Visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer included Mr. A. Ton, Mrs. D.ora DeSmit, Mr. Bill Kimbaîl and Vicki, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer of Port Hop)e. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gilmer of Islington, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbaîl, Lakeshore. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones attended-the service in Grace Mi=sonr Church, Port Hope on Sudymorning. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen, with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne, attended the outdoor service at Weston Bannister's at Garden Hill, Sunday morning, where Mrs. Henry Marsh took the service. Mrs. Bea Jones and her granddaughter Diane were among those attending the Sunday morning service at Kirby Church.' Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'neill were visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bennett, at Belleville. Last Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lane of Port Hope with daughters Heather and Wendy, and the latter's frîend, Desmond Harding," were aIl dinner guests with Mrs. Leone Lane. This was a sort of "Going Away Dinner" in honor of Wendy who is leaving this week on a "nine months' Educational Miss Heather McGill has returned from a ten day holiday in Aberta. She flew ta Calgary where she visited her uncle, Mr. Fred Rusk, then motored with friends ta Banff, Lake Louise and Edmonton where she visited Miss Pamela Stinson. Heather was much impressed with the' beautiful scenery, the traditional western friendli- ness and hospitality and the numerous employment opportunities available. Other local residents holidaying in western Canada include Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jennings who went by train ta Winnipeg, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sisson, Laurie and Shelley who went by plane ta Edmonton and plan ta motar, by rented car, ta the west coast. Miss Sharon Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Palmer, Peterborough and formerly of Bethany, is happy ta have found employment in Quesnel, B.C. Dr. and Mrs. G.M. Longfîeld, Brampton, have been spending a few days at their summer home near Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Wright, Peter- borough, were dinner guests with them on Saturday evening. Mr.-and Mrs. W. MeMahon recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Lowery, Lindsay and were delighted ta find the 89-year-old Mr. Lowery looking very "chipper." 1Mr. and Mrs.' Leslie Johnston and Beveriy are enjoying a week's camping near Minden. We regret that Mrs. Weston Hutchinson and Mrs. Ernest Program"' sponsored by the Government. This includes three months in Quebec, three months in Prince Edward Island and three months in the Yukon. On congratulations and best- wishes for this enterprising young lady! Mr. and Mrs. David Hlender- son were supper guests Sunday wîth Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Henderson and boys. Mrs. Leone Lape was a supper guest Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lane and family, Orono.' Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer and family were at Chemong, over the weekend. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray and Shelley with Mrs. Leone Lane, visited at Campbellford and Norwood. Shelley 'Gray is holidaying here with her grandmother, Mrs. Lane, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brignal and girls of Bowmanville were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Iva Farrow and Mr. Reg Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer of Cameron visited Mrs. Agnes Burley, after calling to see his mother in Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. D. Vinkie. rNotice of Public Hearing OttaWa, JuIy 24, 1978 ISSUE NO. 4 HULL, QUEBEC SEPTEMBER 12, 1978, The Canadian Radia-Television and Telecom munfications Commission will hold a Public Hearing beglnning on September 12, 1978 at l'Auberge de la Chaudiere, 2 Montcalm Street, H-ull, Quebec to consider the following: ONTARI'O REGION APPLICATIONS INVOLVING THE TRANSFER 0F EFFECTIVE CONTROL 0F CANADIAN CABLESYSTEMS LIMITED AND 0F ITS LICENSEE SUBSIDIARIES AND THE BROADCASTlhNG UNDEgRTAKINGS OPERATED BY THEM, AS SET OUT IN THE FOLLOWING: Applications for approval of the indirect transfer of effective contrai of. a) Canadian Cablesystems (Metro) Limited, licensee of cable television systems servlng Parts of Metropolitan Toronto (781387600) Part of Mississauga (1) Applewood (781388400) Part of Mississaug a <2) F leetwood (781389200), Part of Burllngton (781390000), Part of Hamilton (781391800), Ontario. b) Canadian Cablesystems (Ontario) Limilted licensee of cable televisian systems serving Brantford, Paris and surrounding area (781392600), Cornwall (781393400), Kitchener, Strafford and area (781394200), Part of London {781395900), Newmarket, Holland Landing and Bradford (781396700), Oshawa, Bowmanville and Whitby and surrounding area (781397500), Ontario. c) Chatham Cable TV Limited, licensee of the cable television system serving Chatham, Ontarlo (781398300). d) Kingston Cable TV Limited, licensee of the cable television system serving Kingston, Ontario e) Cammunity Antenna Television Ltd., licensee of the cable television systemn serving Calgary, Alberta (781400700). and of the broadcasting undertaking s operated by them through the acquisition by Rogers Telecom munications Limited ("Rogers") of common shares of Canadian Cablesystems Limited ("CCS"). One or more subsidiaries of Rogers currently benef icially own approximately 25.6 per cent of the common shares of CCS,ý and Rogers now proposes to acq uire a further 24.4 per cent,' principally f rom Heco Securities lnc. (a Company beneficially owned by Edper lnvestments Ltd.). Rogers, a company controlled by Edward S. Rogers, indirecly controls cable television undertakings servIng tarts ot Metropolitan Toronto, Bramp~ton and Leaming- ton, Ontario as well as radio stations CFTR and CHFI-FM (Toronto), CKJD (Sarnia),' CHYR and CHYR-7 (Leamington). These applications propose change ln the degree of concentration of ownership and control of licensed broadcasting undertakings, particuîarly cable televIiion undertakings, ln Southern Ontario. At the hearing the Commission will therefore wish to explore fully withall lnterested parties the implications of the roposaIs for the Canadian broadcasting system and t h'e communities served by the licensed undertakings involved. Locations where the applications may be examined: Canadian Cablesystems (Metro) Limited carrying on business under the name of ME rR CABLETV- 2nd Floor, 254 Airdrie Road, Toronto, Ontario. Canadian Cablesystems (Metro) Limited carrying an business under the nameof METR CABLE TV ;Apt. 101, 3105 Queen Fredrica Drive, Mississauga (Applewood), Ontarlo. Canadain Cablesystems (Metro) Limited carrying on business under the name of METR8 CABLE TV Apt. 201, 1867 Bloar St. East, Mississauga (Fleetwood), Ontario. Canadian Cablesystems (Metro) Limited crynon business under the name of MET2n CABLE TV 3115 Park Gate Crescent, Burlîngton, Ontario. Canadian Cablesystems (Metro) Lim ited carrying on business under the name of HAMI LTON CO-AXIAL 1120 Main Street East, Hamilton, Ontario. Cavano are again patients in Civic Hospital. Also the victims of the garage fire, Mrs. Helen Henderson and her brother are stili undergoing treatment for their serious burns. Improved health is aur sincere wish for ahl of them. The village has been. noticeably quiet this week as a group of aur most energetic residients, namely the Golden Star Senior Citizens, are enjaying a week's holiday at Deer Lodge,. Lake Kashaga- wigamog (hope they can pronounce it when telling their friends about their holiday!) Mr. and Mrs. W. McMahon were entertained Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Armstrong, Fraserville, when the Millbrook 'segment' of Jeanne's piano class, accompanied by their parents, staged a surprise party in honour of her retirement from teaching. Fallowing a sumptuous buffet dinner, Jeanne was presented with a beautifully engraved wooden scroll in recognition of her many years of teachne. Plan Dog; Show A dog show will be held at Memorial Park Playground on Friday, August 4. Registra- tion at Park - 9:30 a.m. ta 1:00 p.m. Friday. Entry Fee 10 cents. Dog must be on leash. Prizes Caore for - dog with longest tail, dog with the shortest tail end tallest dog. A special guest will be, Spiderman. There will be music, fun games and refresh- ments. Children and adults will be welcome as spectators. Sponsored by the Memorial Park Playground. Canadian Cablesystems (Ontario) Limiled carrying on business under the name of JARMAIN CABLE TV 23 Harris Avenue, West Malil Business Centre. Brantford,,Ortarlo. Canadian Cablesystems (Ontario) Limited carrying on business under the name of CORNWALL CAB LEVISION 517 Pitt Street, Cornwall, Ontario., Canadian Cablesystems (Ontario) Limited carrying on business under the name of GRAND RIVER CABLE TV 85 Grand Crest Place, Kitchener, Ontario.> Canadi.lan Cabiesystenis (Qntario) Limited, carrylng on businesunder the name of LONDON CABLE TV 800 York Street, London, Ontario. Canadian Cablesystems (Ontario) Lim ited, carry ing on business under the name of JARMAIN CABLE TV 20 Gladman Avenue, Newmarket, Ontario. Canadian Cablesystems (Ontario) Limited ca rrylng on business under the name of PIN E RIDGE CA BLE TV 1353 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. Chatham Cable TV Limited Richmond Malil, 491 Richmond Street, Chatham, Ontario. Kingston Cable TV Limited 335 King Street East, Kingston, Ontario. Community Antenna Television Limited 3003 MacLeod Trail, S.E., Calgary, Alberta. The attention of those persans interested in examining tse ppcain is drawn to letters from, the Commisson dated June 12 and July 6, 1978 and related correspondence <ail on the public file) cancerning the fiIlng of these applications and procedures propased to be foîlowed at the public hearing, and specificailyt he fact that the Commission has esfablished two deadline f iling dates for the filing of additional materlal in cannection wlth these applications as fol lows: s..efor the filing by CCS of any supplementary material relating to the application or to be relied upon at the public hearing which It considers relevant; i asMtrefor the filing by Rogers of any supp lementary materlal ln reponse to.he f iling by CCS but no otherwise. GENIERAL INFORMATION, How to Intervene Anyone wlshing to comment on an application must submit a written intervention which should contain a clear and concise statement of the relevant facts and the grounds upon which the intervener's support for, opposition to, or proposed modification of, the application Is based. It should also state whether or not the intervener wishes to a ppear at the hearing. Deadine for rece fltrenpons ptiecommissi8on ad walhthe Applicant: To be sent by reg istered mail or personal delivery ta Applica nt and CRTC Ottawa, Ontario KiA 0N2 with proaf of service. Interventions must be actually received onthe specifiled date, not merely posted on this date. Examination of Applications and, Documents At local address gven in this notice and, at the Commissioni, Central Building, Les Terrasses de la Chaudiere, 1 Principale Street, Room 561, Hull, Quebec. Rules of Procedure Further Information is outilned ln Rules of Procedure avallable for the sum of 35 cents from: The Publlshing, Centre, Printing Centre, Printing and Publishing, Department of Supply and Services, 270 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario. IU9,gEWtioD.L Write ta CRTC or phone 819-997-1027 or Lise Oulmet, Secretary Genera I. Canadian Radio-television L 'Commission *U~ and Telecommunications CRTC - Public Notice 1978-99 Conseil de la radîdiýftusion et des télécommunications canadiennes NEWTON VILLE BETHANY' JF

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