tEditors: Hazel and a k Crago, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart and daughter, London, Ont- ario, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lowery and cbildren, Scar- borough, called on Mr. Char- les Cowan on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hendry and Melissa, Orillia, were weekend visitors witb his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hendry. We extend congratulations to ýMr. and Mrs, James Murray on their 42nd wedding anniversary this week. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Mur- ray, Oshawa were Sunday visitors witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Murray. NEwra0 Ut Birtbday greetings to-Ruby Murray, Miss Rowena Bragg, Neil Spivey and Kelly Powell. Glen Scbmid and Brad Reid enjoyed severai days camping at Bancroft last week. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mc- Grath and family, London, were weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. David Foote and Lindsay. Her many friends will be pleased to know that Miss Susan Miller returned borne on Monday after surgery in Oshawa Hospital. SMiss Annette Pacey, Osh- awa, is visiting ber cousins Misses Audrey and Edna Pacev. Mr. Lloyd Burley, Cobourg was a Wednesday supper guest of Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clarke. Mr. Pete Wirstiuk and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hughes, Ham- ilton, visited last Tuesday to Thursday with bis sister and, brotber-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gray and famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes are on their way to Switzerland for a year. Miss Candy Storks, Scar- borough was borne for the weekend. On Monday Mrs. Alice Quinney passed away in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Sympathy is extended to friends and relatives. As the resuit of a water- skiing accident, Mr. Ralph Cobbiedick is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto.' Corporal and Mrs. James Scott, Cbris and Jason, Syd- ney, Nova Scotia, visited for a week witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Weekend visitors with the Scott's were his sister and brotber-în-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Newton, Hamilton. Miss Cathy Scott, Toronto, bas also been visiting at home. We are pleased to report that Mr. Lorne Johnson re- turned home Friday from Cobourg District General Hos- pital. Mrs. Myers remains a patient in Cobourg Hospital. Aunt and cousin, Mrs. Lois Rini and Mrs. Irene Haas, Detroit Michigan, were Sun- day vîsitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Storks. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Baird, Baltimore, were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walton, Brampton, visited relatives in the village on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle, Alyssa and Andrew, Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. AI. Rowland, Toronto were Sunday visitors with ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couch. Mrs. Alice Rowe and grand- son, Dayrell Rowe, have returned from three weeks' visit with relatives in Eng- land. Mr. and Mrs. R. Brenton Rickard recently held a 25th wedding anniversary party in bonor of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farr, Thornhill. Mrs. Vi Osborne and Mrs. Dorthy Thompson, Bowman- ville, have eacb visited their sister, Mrs. Althea Laking. Mr. and Mrs. William Cal attended a family picnic on Sunday at the home of Wayne and Violet Rudder, Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wrigbt and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell enjoyed the Norwood Steam and Antique Show on Sunday. Mrs. Rena Megit enjoyed the weekend in Oshawa with Mi lia Ge we Bo Po hii lai pa H( tir on an ag ad th, Saturday be would not have to go to the CNE! Mrs.,Klaus Zulauf, of Coun- try Boy Restaurant, is a patient in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto with extensive burns received while cooking. Our thought and prayers are with ber. Anglican Church News Holy Comipunion comme- morating the 'Transfiguration of Jesus Christ was celebrated Gâve Yourel loter Oddet Orono Area Ciamber of Commerce in Orono WEDNESDAY, AUG. l6th ON ALUMINUM SAVE15%STORM-WINDOWS and DOORS. Order before August 19 and save now and for years on fuel, buis. 15 % Off Custom Mode STORM WINDOWS Choose the right style, bring in your opening measurements and we'Il have your fuel saving storm windows ready for you in a few weeks.' Natural Finish, White or Brown Select f rom - Side Slder Style - Vertical Sliding - Double Hung - Picture Units Suitable for any loc'atîon, Main Floor, Upper Floors and Basements. Prices start as low as S Mill Finish - Classic Double Hung, less than 50V. 1. n I 15% Off, Stock StormWindows 2 popular sMes in Mill Finish Aluminum with picture windows. 3M" Wide 23"Hligh 4 9 39"1, Wide 23"*ý High $17 7.49 Nieed A New Prime Window? Save 15% on custom suze side slidingstyIe that can be made to fit just about any opening. Bring in your measurements. Speclal As Low As M Four Convenient Self-Serve Locations Shop in Complete Indoor Comfort Up. your Chargex or Master Charge or open a conmement revolving charge account 15% Off Aluminum STORM DOORS Heavy 11/4",thick, our most- popular style, available in natural, aluminum, white, brown or black. Look at these features: - Safety Glass - Self-Storing - Heavy 11/4" Frame - Heavy cast corners - Adjustable Wîndow - Box Expander - Fast'Easy InstalIlation - Weather Stripping Alil doors complete with hardware, safety chain, pnieumnatic dloser. Sizes: 32"x80" f0 36"x84"' Plain Aluminum White, Brown or black $55.20 $65o40 OSHAWA 100 Bond St. West Mon. to Fr. 9:00 Sat. to 5:30 728-1617 WHITBV 223 Brock St. N. Mon. to Wed. to 6:00 Thurs. & Fri. to 9:00 Sat. to 5:30 668-6821 COURTfICE Bloor St. E. of OSHAWA Mon. to Wed. to 6:00 Thurs. & Fri. to 9:00 Sat. to 5:30 728-1611 PORT HOPE 116 Peter St. Mon. to Thu rs. to 5: 30 Friday 'tii 9.00 Saturday 'tii 4: 00 885-2423 Telephone 987-4201 Sidewalk Sale Photos ORDER 6 WINDOWS OR MORE IN WHITE OR BROWN AND SAVE AN EXTRA $4.00 PER WINDOW Extra Special, Save,$40.OO, imperiai trilite self storing storm dloor, brown finish. 32x80 and 34x80 Our Regular $134.88 Special $ 4 B Special Order Doors~ 15% Off Choose from white Juliana (cross buck style) or one-lite interchangeable * (for maximum vision and summer ventilation) standard sules. *White or brown A9M BS Our Regular List $119.88 SpecilY The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 9, 1978 11 er daughter and son-in-law, at each service at St. George's r. 'and Mrs. Robert Wil- onl Sunday, August 6th. ams. Mrs., Vivian Martina, Mr. Terrance Dawson is reorgetown, also spent the organist at St. George's for the reekend with the family. first three Sundays in August. Grandson Guy Pollard, United Church News ýowmanville. spent a week's On Sunday, August 6, mem- iliday with Mrs . Rachel bers of Orono and, Kirby ollard. United Churches attended Mr. AI Pollard, Oshawa, and Newcastle United Church.* .s mother Mrs. Rachel Pol- Based on perfect love casts rd enjoyed visiting friends out fear, Rev. Spivey told the rid relatives. in Lindsay and ebjîdren about camping ex- finden last Wednesday. periences when nature res- Mr. Walter Hagerman is a ponds when others care. Rev. stient in Oshawa General Spivey's sermon was title II to lospital. the Hilis'. Mrs. Lloyd Ayre Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mar- rendered a beautiful solo. The in and family enjoyed the prayer for the week is: Lord, eekend at the'Ellis Cottage each new day is your gift, ýn Belmont Lake. given in the faith that I will Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred take it and live it to your glory. isited last Tuesday with Mr. Help me so to do. Amen. ýnd Mrs. Jim Gibbons and Banns of marriage between amily at their cottage on Lori Darling and Peter Smith ennesis Lake. were. publisbed. 1 Beautifl weather encour- Flowers in the church were ged, the shoppers to take fromn the funeral of Thomas dvantage of the Auction and Lewis, Orono. Sympathy is he Sidewalk Sales. Neighbor extended tO the friends and ferhie Paeden deciared on relatives. m'Il A7 -l- $23 e33