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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1978, p. 13

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n, Bowmanville, August 9,1978 13i FOR CLASSIIFIIED Tues, ,12. noon 623-3303 -ë'C -a Ev,.t - --~7Jt ~ - - - - 7 'PMr., and Mrs. William Kloster, of Newtonville, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of Michelene Hris, da ughter of the late Boyd Harris and Mrs. Kloster, to Randy Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Budd Smith of Newvtonville. The wedding wil11 take place Saturday, Septem- ber, 16, 1978 at 4 p.m. in Newýtonville United Church. 32-1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Rahm of rono are p leased to announce the forthcoming maraeof their eldest daughter, Allison Ruth to Mr. Rand aIl Walter Neale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neale of Kaladar. The marriage will tale place in Orono United Church, September 23rd at 2: 30 32-1 VAN DYK-TEN BRINK: "The Lord has done g reat thirigs for us; wve are glad." Psam 126:3 We MARGARET VAN DYK and GERRY TEN BRINK anfounce our intentions to pledge ourseives to each other in marriage. This wedding celebration will take place, D.V., Au g st12, 1978, at 2p .m. i n the Maranatha CR C of Bowmanville, Ont. with Rev. J. Nutma officiating. The larents: Marteni and liabeth Van Dyk of Bow- maniville, Ont. and Jan and Gertruida Ten Brink of Corn- wall, Ont. Future address: R. R. 2, Cornwall, Ont. K6H 5R6. 32-1 BUGELLI - HOOPER Mr. and Mrs. F ran k Hooper, Bowmanville are pleased to announce the marriage' of thefr dag hter Julie to John, son of MT. and Mrs. Paul Bugelli, Oshawa on Saturday, August 5, 1978 in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bowmanville. 32-1 Grace and Frank Hastings will be at home to their friends on Sunday, August 2Oth on the occasion of their 4Oth Wedding Aniiiversary f'rom 2 to 5 p.m. 389 Bl9elow St,, Port Perry. A twishes only. 32-2 PATERSON - At her resi- dence, Nash Road, Wednes- day, August 2nd, 1978, Etta Paterson, agod 82 years, wifo of the late James Paterson, dear mother of Gladys (Mrs. Robert Phillips), Earl, Arthur, Milton, Francis, Lewis, Roy, Jamie, Raymond, Phillip and Claude, loving grandmnother of 50 grand- chldren and 43 great- gran dchildren. Service was edin the Morris Funoral Chapel, Bowmanville on Fn day atternoon. Interment Upper Kent Cemtory, New Brunswick. 32-1N> QUINNEY-At Bowmanvillo Hospital, Monday, Au gust lth, 1978, Alice May Quinney, Newcastle, wifo of the late Cyril Quinney, loved mother of J une (Mrs. W. Sellers), Margaret (Mrs. T. Evans), Bernice (Mrs. H. Partner), Ada (Mrs. M. Adams), Cyril, Howard, and Fred of B .C., also survivod by grand- children and great- gran dchildren. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville. Service on Wednes- day at 4 p.m. Info.rment Bowmanville Cemetery. Donations to the charity of your choice would be ap- preciated. 32-1iN KOWAL - Ruby. In loving memory of a daughter and sister who passed away Au gust1l, 1967., So Xy the leaves of memory fal Gently we gathor, treasure them ail Semay forgt now that yu're gone Some wi r roobr no matter -Remembgerod by mother, sisters and brothers. 32-1 The family of the lato Jessie Nimigon of Pontypool wish to express their cieepest ap - preciation to relatives, f riends and neighbours for flowers, donations, cards and for the many acts of kindness in the recent passing of a loving mother, grandmother and fgreat-grandmonther. Special thanks to the Pontypooî U.C.W. for the lovely lunch served for the family and friends, also Dr. Chambers and nursinq staff of Peter- boroug h Civic Hospital, to Rev. T. Smith, Father Frank Mlhelic and the Morris Funeral Home of Bowman- ville. 32-1 I would like to thank my friends, neighbors, relatives and family for cards, flowers, ~ fts etc. Also special thanks fo staff of the Intensive Care and Drs. Long and Semon for care during my stay at 'Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Dan Black 32-1 The family of the late Thomas Lewis would like to take this opportunity to ex- press our sincere thanks and appreciation to ail relatives, friends and neighbours for their sympathy, floral tributes, donations to the Heart Fund and many acts of kindness received during the sudden sad loss of our loving husband, father and grand- father. A ver y special fhanks to Rev. Basil L ong, Rov. Keith Henderson, The Canadian Legion Branch 178, the Barlow Funeral Home and the Heather Rebekah Lodgo 334. Jean Lewis and family. DUSTAN - At Oshawa General Hospital, Sunday, AtIg ust 6th, 1978, Helen IC, choel of Bowmanville, low of Thomas A. Dustan, ,ýr 87th year, doarly loved ar of the Reverend ýas M., of Deer Lake, Terence G. of Bowman- Patricia Macillan of wa, William H. of Cal- ,, and Margaret K. of imanville, loving grand- her of thirteen grand- dren and one g roat- ndchild. Resting a t the ris Funeral Chapel, Bow- nville. Funeral service in John's Anglican Church on ýdnesday at 2 p.m. Inter- .nt Bowmanville Cemetery 32-U. ERSON - At Hillsdale fnor, Oshawa, Tuosday, igust 8th, 1978, William ert Everson, in his 69th ar, son of the late Franklin d Mary Julia Evorson. ,rvived by four first cousins, iss Evelyn Gay, Oshawa, ber Snowden, Courtice, Miss ýona Morrow and Mrs. Ima Mac Kinnon, both of ricouvor. Friends may cal ,he Morris Funeral Chapel, wmanville, after 2 p.m. ccdnesday. Service on iursday at 3 p.m. Interment benezer Cemetery. Dona- ons to the charity of your ~oice would be appreciatod. 12- N rMorris Fune rai Chapel ~#Z~NNSTABLSHED 1881 4 DIVISIONST BOWMANV ILLE6235480 TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS xNiW#utt iElrntt rHOLIGHIFU LN ESS CONCERN SE RV;CE Service to your needs .. ou r f irst con cern . So that you wiII be relieved fromn worry -and detail. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 1'76 73 Ontario Street êê . Port Hope, Onta rio WORKMANSHIP QUALITY LIA 3W3 High Qua lty at I. Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 Homne 88 5222 24-ti My sincere thanks f0 dear friends and relatives for their lovely cards, gifts, visits, prayers and phono calîs whilo I a a patient in S.Jsp' HospitalI. Special thanks to Rev. Dorsch, Drs. Johnston and Beamer and nursing staff. Mrs. Frank White 32-1 Thank you to Dr. Kestle and the nurses on 6G Oshawa General Hospital, ail who visited and sent cards, f lowers and gifts while I was in hospital1 Mrs. G. McMullen 32-1 We wish to thank our relatives, friends and neigh- bours for ail their he p, kindness and support in the recent sudden loss of a dear husband, father and grand- father, Glenn Virtue. Special thanks to the Northcutt E lliott Funeral Home for their kindness, Archdeacon Gracie and Capt. Lewis for their conforting words, and the Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion, whoso help was much app reciated. Joan, Pat, Robin, Sherry and Randy. 32-1 NG ;sary) ffirst ;with Ilers EAR PIERCII $8 .00 (no appointment Nocess Plus 10 per cent off purchase of ,oarrings rolease slip. Hoopený's Jeweil Ltd. 29 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-5747 BE A BIG SISTER Voluntoors are neededi area to bo a friend tog agod 7 - 17, who are inr of supportativo rolatiori CAL L SIMCOE HALL, SETTLEMENT HO' at 728-7525 CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanville 623-7141 HOSPITAL and mp SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS vcD Flowering Plants and Cut F Iowers 12-tf FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mall 623-3365 PROMPT, COU RT EOUS SERVICE FOR ' AIL YOUR FLORAL N EE DS à "Flowers ~ilFay it I est" VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery to.. Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf 1B80v's Floral Creations "Flowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Holidays Boy. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 ÎINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Look for this seal. It's your g uarantee of OF STAFI-ORD ~EE LTD. Stafford Brothers Mon u ments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E.- Whitby Phone Whlby 668-3552 C.N.E. Special, August 17, through Septemnbor 3. Grand- stand and-or transportation. Best seats available. Contact TERRIFIC TICKETS, 885- 6581, Port Hope. 31-4 -Daily Vacation Bible School wiIllbeheld at REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH August 21 -31 9 -11:45 a.m. SING SONGS, BIBLE STORIES and CRAFTS If transportation needed ploaso cal623-2365. 32-1 DON'T FORGET THE Travelling Puppet Show at, Bowmanville Public Library Aug.*17, 2: 30 p. m. Phon e 623-7322 32-1 DECORATION DAY SERVICES PONTYPOOL CEMETERY Chartered Bus to Black Knights Parade Stirling, Ontario August l2th Leavp Rnwmanville 9 a.m. Alsowill pick up Tyrone and Kendal. $3.50 Adults Children under 6 FRE E For reservations phono 623-4289 or 623-6158. 31-2N APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NEWCASTLE ,',White li ne" Fr. and Sat. Aug. 1l - 12 D lancing 9 - 1 3- Al f lower loyers are invited to the Durham Region Gladiolus and Dahlia Show on Saturday, August l2th at the Memorial Park Clubhouso from 3 - 8 p. m. Alil blooms will be auctioned at 7:-30 p.m. 32-1 * Holiday and Chevron Traines WHITE ÎS Large solection of truck caps f rom $259.00 insta lied. T.V. TOWERS Casotrie Towers, UHF, VH 1F Ca Salesral Repairs Highways 115 & 35, Newcastle ~76-5606 Phone 987-5174 E. WHITE ~ ~ COURTICE A~ALLISCHALMERS LAWN AND GARDEN EOLIPMENT FREE Eîectric Edger ($79.95 Value) with purchase of new 10 h.p. Allis-Chalmers tc Tractors with mowers in soc at SALE PRICES House of Amben rei - à-:£&fOPF reqipmnt Sun., Aug. 2th, 1978 (forth end Hampton Village) Fr qimn at 2: 30 p. m."îcesdSo BLACKSTOCK 32-2 1 nJrsedShp986-4283 BINGO NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., Aug. 15 Early Bird Gamnes 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes 23-tf N PLUS $500 JACKPOT 23-tf NSponsored by ______ Newcastle Lions 32-1iN t! BOWMANVILLE HORTICULTURAIL in this SOCIETY girls need Annual Flower and nships. Vegetable Show USE Wed., August 9th f rom 4unti19 p.m. MEMORIAL PARK 26-tf N CLUBHOUSE312 Tuesday 9 to 5p.m. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9 to9 p.m. Saturday 9 to 5 p.m. Sunday and Monday by chance only. August Feature 10 per cent off round curio ca binets with brass trim, 2 sizes. ALSO 20 per cent off a Il brass and copper items and Bronze limited edition sculptures. 263-2981 31-2 Tirkets and transoortation available for Canada JAM at Mosp ort, August 26. For details contact TERRIFIC TICKETS, Port Hope, 885- 6581. 31-4N GOODYEAR RECREATION CLUB- GONG SHOW and DANCE Saturday, September 9, 1978 Gong Show 7-9 p. m. Dance 9-1 a. m. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL WANTED: Acts for Gong Show Prizes: 1lst-$25, 2nd $10,ï 3rd $5 ALSO A PRIZE FOR THE WORST ACT Please write: Goodyear Rocreation Club 45 Raynes-Ave., Bowmanville, Ont., or phno 623-2591 ext. 202 Doad l=n o entries August 25th. 30-3 YARD SALE SATURDAY and SUNDAY AUGUST 12 and 13 from il1 to 5 2 miles east of Bowmanville on No. 2 Hwy. 32-1 YARD SALE Used fluorescent lights, light fixtures; odds and ends. Saturday, Aug. 12 Bert Snowden Eîectric Maple Grove Road, North, f ifth house north of Maple Grove School. 32-1iN GARAGE SALE (Friday and Saturday) August 1 lth and l2th ,519 Sunset. Blvd. Newcastle Village (f irst wost of MilI1 St., north of 401) Home of David Smales, rorietor of Toy Box. House- hold items, few toys, some delivered sin ce fire. Items inclucjo Blue Jay T-shirts, Logo, AFX race car sets. Al at less than 1/2 price. 32-1iN YARD Sale, August 12, 10 a.m. f - 5 p.m. at Bob Hancock's, Main St., Orono, opposite bank, Fire Hall driveway. Many antiques and other things. 32-1 GAR AGE SALE Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Aug. 10, 11, 12 Nine to Five On Base Lino Road, three miles west of Waverley Road, third house on south atter tracks. Small dresser (white), fancy iron bed, small washstand, large pife trunk, two oak p'ressback chairs, chrome table and chairs, lamp table, cannister set, tablecoths (new), steak knives (new),1 bookshelves, ornaments, wall. fîxtures, reading lamp (new),' bathroom curfains (ne w), floor coverlng (new>, ceiling tile, doors, att ic vents (wal11), insulation, electric lawn mower, steel lawn. fenclng, 1etc. Prices reduced Everything m ust be sold. 623-7490 32-1 YARD Sale - Aug. 12 and M3. Foot' pump grinder; boIt driven buzz saw; used lawn- mowers, used winter clothes, humidifier, sealers, bicycles, grls' and boys; stop bumper. Many othor items. three miles east of four. corners, New- castle, north side, phono 786-2308.32N 321s 10 First St., Bowmanville FRIDAY and SATURDAY\ tIri Augut i an 12R.R. 3Bowmanville 10 a. m. - 5 "HORSEMANSHIP" 2IIIVItK LM V r Two piece chesterfleld, dresser, baby needs, dishes, pots and pans and much more. 32-1 N YARD SALE 64 Ontario St., Bowmanville Saturday, Aug. l2th 9 a.m. 4 p.m. Electric stove, lamp s, mirror, long bench, smalI windows and other articles. 32-1 Monday thru Friday JULY and AUGUSI For Registrat ion or Informaition TE LE PHON E 623-7336 YOR KSHI1R E boars and gilts, R.O.P. tesfed, low back fat and low days to market. Thomas V . Pleasance, R. R. 5, Bowmanville. 263-2719. 32-2 32-1 N RECONDITIONED gardon tractors with mowors in stock, from S5 - 16 h.p. Trewin Farm Equipment, Blackstock. 986-4283. 32-1 N USED furnituro and ap- 1iances. Paddy's Market. ~amp ton. 263-2241. 33-tf PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and.,i also used furniture and appliances. Will accopt trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phono 263- 2241, 33-tf '77 XL250 HONDA, $500 miles., bost offer. Phono 623-7626. 32-1 N SADDLE - Beautifully tooled western saddle, leather covored stirrups,' like new. $75. f irm. Also brand new saddle bags ,,$45. Inquire Ken's Men's Wear, 35 Temperanco St. 32-1 N EUMIG "Zoom-Reflex" movie camera, Super 8, 1.91 Ions. Value $269. Sale $140. 107 Lawrence Cresent, Bowman- vil le, 623-7684. 32-1 N WEDDING dress and veil, sizo 9-11. $75. Phono 623-4959. 32-1 N 1975 PUCH Bombardier Moped, white, excellent condition, new clutch, good brakes, lights, horn. Phono 263-2260 aftor 7. 32-i 300 M.F. COMBINE with cab, grain table only. Cut only 200 ,acres. Morton's Farm Supply Ltd. R. R. 2 , Bowmanvi île, Ont. 416-623-2279. 32-1 N UNLIMITED quantities of dlean filI Ioaded into your vehicle. Phono 1-786-2552. 32-2 N 1975 BELLVUE travel trailer, 18 ft., fridgo, stovo, furnace, toilet, shower and hot water heater. Sleeps 6, good condi- tion. Remainder of seasonal site included in solling price of $3300. Phono 623-6576. 32-1 N MASSEY Ferguson 17 run seed fertilizer and grass drill, excellent, John Deere 8' cultivator on rubber, hydraulic lift, reconditioned. Phono 723-1308. 32-1 N DISMANTLING a boat, all p arts for sale. 25 Elto Out- board Electric Start, six volt battery, gear shift and throttle control, steering wheel. Phono 623-2717. 32-1 Pick Your Own Fnesh Vegetables FRED EYMAN FARM COU RT ICIE From Hwy. 2 take l3th lino north one block. Phono 725-8288 FIREWOOD FOR SAL.E $80.00 A CORD Available at any quantity Lawn Gardens Hwv 2 Nwastle Phone 987-4670 PICK your own Trans i Apples. BrowviewF Newcastle. ATTENTION antiquers: year old large Stoc square piano - Rosewood req ures refinishing. ReE tion ossi ble. Make besti Replies to Box 249 Bow vilýe L IC 3L-1 for details TALISMAN FLEA MARKI ANTIQU ES 3o Dea lors. Lots of Pari Free Admission. Antiques, stam ps, jewel weaving, pottery, b knitting, crafts, refinis open 9 am. -6 p.m SATURDAY, SUNDA and HOLIDAYS 987-5021 or 349-2605 11/2 mi les north of NewcE f rom Hwy. 2 J and M TIRE Servic Michelin tires, your on( radial centre. M9 Dean Oshawa. 576-1220. CEDAR posts and poleE sizes. Phone 1-786-2261. MOVING SALE ON VIEW SATURDAY, AUGUST l2th KENMORE DRYER - Value $299 -SALE $185 17 CU. FT. 2 DR. SELF DEFROSTING REFRIGERA COPPERTONE -Value $649- SALE $360 MATCHING ELECTRIC RANGE, CONTINUOUS CLE OVEN - Value $629 -SALE $260 THE PAIR FOR $600 18.9 CU. FT. CHEST FREEZER - Value 5349-SALI TEAK BUFFET, 80" x71" -Value $699- SALE $37 AAID~lIA~~ PICLÀ.4AA-wrohfn. LARGE CAVITY PF-ý i1ýÇ22!£- ÇYÇjLE - Value $529 -SALE1 107 Lawrence Cescent - Bow--manvil 623-7684 OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY SCREENED SAND GRAVEL &STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR ., Q DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL &DIRT FILL Phone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA R D. N.- u11 1 Mile North of Hwy. 2 ~ rir- màrrLIr' FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CALI MARGWILL FUR' FARM Ha mpton\263-272 i Port Hope 885-5274 MALE dog, part Collie, tan and brown, answers to "j o@y", lost north of Bowman- ville, Reward. Phono 623-9482. 32-1 N SIX rnonth old female part Collie dog. Sandy color. Phone 623-9284. Lost Wavorloy Garden area. 32-1 OSHAWA, Obedience Association announces fal classes. Novice and Show Handling classes start September 5th in Bowman- ville. Novice and Open classes start Se ptember 6th in Oshawa.F or further informa- tion cal 623-6258. 31-5N La Joy's Poodîe Cîipping and Groom ing (Also Small Breeds) BY PROFESSIONAILS Please caîl: 623-6676 16 tf N FREE to qood home, 7-week- old kitten, litter trained. Phono 725-3947. 30-4N FREE to good home, long haired white kitten, litter box trained. Phone 623-4834. 32-1 49-tf N dwolling sîtuate on 7 acres - located in Lot 13, Conceqinn 1. arent geographic township of ,amClarke in the Town of'New- arms2 castle in the Regional Munici- 312 pality of Durham. Pursuant to a first Mortgage s100 bearing instrument Inumber )ddart 76920and which is presontly in i case default for the roquisite of- period, and notice of exercis- g . nower of sale under the vman- provisions containod in the 5. mortgagehavingbeen served 31-2N on aIl tose entitled, and the timo poriod having elapsod, the f irst mortgage William J. Stapleton, by his attorney Bort Et Stapleton horeby advises that the said proporty is being offered for sale. king. Sealed offers to purchase the above property will be el lery, received by Mervyn B. Kelly, brass, as solicitor for the mort gagee lshing. at his office at 28 King Street 1. West, P.O. Box 159, TelIephono AY 623-4444 in the Town of Bowmanville, Ontario, until four o'clock in tho afternoon of .astle Friday the 25th of August, 1978 for the purchase of said real 31-4N pro perty. - The offer to purchaso must ce for be made in accordance with lestop the standard form of agree- A ve, mentof purchaso and sale and 46-tf must contain ,a legal doscrip- J i on of the said real property s, ail which will -bo suppied b y the undersigned upon request. 28-8N Offers must bDe ac- companied, by a certif led choque payable to William J. Stapleton for ton percent of the amount offered as a good faith deposit which will be returned if the offer is not 'TOR accepted. The date of comple- tion of the sale will be on the .EAN thirtieth day after the accep- tance of the offer to purchase.- Arrangements to inspect the E $200 property may be made by 75 contacting the undersigned. y The highest or any offer S$360 shaîl not be necessarily lIe acceptod. Accoptanco shaîl be expressly conditional upon there being no redemption 32-1 N before closing date. William J. Stapleton byhissolicitor Mervyn B. Kelly P.O. Box 159 28 King Street West Bowmanville, Ontario 29-4 LlC 3K9. FURNISHED rooms for rent. 623-7071. Ask for Fred. - 32-1 FOUR room self containèd heated apartment in New- castle, suitable.for couple, available lst Sept. First and last month's rent required. Phono 623-5274. 32-1 BACHELOR apartment, one bedroom, small living room, kitchen and dinette areas, bathroom, located in central Bowmanville, close to bus and school. Upstairs in small quiet apartment building. Quiet tenants only. $175 a month includes, heat, tridge and stove. Pay own hydro. Phono 623-4805 after 4.-3 1 HARDTOP trailer, sleeps four, will rent by weeken ds, week or month. For more information caîl 623-6342 anytime. 22-tf FIVE bedroom brick home, 2 tireplaces, swimming pool, one milewestof Bowmanvllle. Possession Oct. l5th. Phone 623-3090. 32-1 N THE Stonegate. Very nice 1 and 2 bedroomn apartments with view and many features in Port Hope - 885-6500. 4t '72 FORD van, Econoline 200, 70,000 miles, V-8 automatic. Phone 623-5577. Asking $1395. 32-1 1973 BUICK Le Sabre, 2 door hardtop, vinyl roof, power steering and brakes. Good condition. Phone 623-7318. 32-1 N '78 CHEV truck, 4-wheel drive, with new snow plough, asking $8500. Phone 1-986-5090 evenings. 32-1iN 1969 CHEV Impala, good working condition, certi fid, $600. Phone 623-2643. 32-1iN '74 PONTIAC four door hard- top, one owner, best offer. Phone 623-5783. 32-1 N '65 PONTIAC station wagon, 283 automatic, one owner. Asking $200 or best offer. Phone 623-2962. 32-1 '68 DODGE Polara 500, as is, $200. Phone 1-983-9442. 32-1 J and M TIRE Service forý Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofin g on new or used vehicles. Written war- ranty. Durham Vitalizing, phone 723-1155. 47-tf Dr. A.F. McKenzie's office wiIl be closed August 5 - 13 inclusive. 31-2 Starting August l6th bingo will be held again at Legion Hall. 32-1 NOTICE 0F SALE UNDER POWER 0F SALE TENDER PAINTING CONTRACTORS Exterior repairs and painting to Kiwanis House and Gymnasium at the Pine Ridge School, Bowmanville, Ontario. Tender No. LIN-78-063 - P67272 Sealed tenders will be receiv-- ed until 2:00 p.m. LOCAL TIME, AUGUST 22, 1978. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the, Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Lindsay Regional Office, 322, Kent Street West, P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE; For further informa- tion regarding this tender, f' leasecaîl Mrs. E. M Nealeat he aboveaddress. Telephone: (705) 324-9188. The lowest or any tender not necessarilv accepted. ® UMinistry Of IV Government Services The Rogional Municipality of Durham Tender for RENTAL of CAB and CHASSIS for WINTER MAINTENANCE WD 40-78 Seale-d tenders will be rocelv- ed by the Rogional Clerk until 2: 00 p.m., Tuosday, August 15, 1978 for the Rentai of Cab and Chassis for Winter Maintenance. Specifications and tender forms may bo secured from the office of the undersignod. Lowest or any tender not necessa.rily accepted. D. P. Thurgarland Manager o f Supp ly & Services 605 Rossland Rd E. Whitby, Ontario LlN 6A3 31 -1 INTERIOR SEATING for the ,, VILLAGE of NEWCASTLE ARE NA for the CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE SEALED PROPOSALS, plain- ly marked as to contents, will be receivedby Mr. A. Gulor,- Town Manager, Town of Newcastle, until 12:00 Noon, locail ti me, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1978 for the construction of the interior seafing for the Village of Newcastle Arena. Spocifications mai' be obtain- ed from the office of the Consultants after August 4th, 1978 on receipt of a refundable desposit of $25.00 per set of specifications. A One Hundred Percent (100 per cent) Performance and a Fifty Percent (50 per cent) Payment' Bond may be requlred. The Town of Newcastle ro- serves the rlght to, reject any or ail1 proposa Is. Totten Sims Hublckl Associates Llmlted, Consultants, 1500 Hopkins Street, WH ITBY, Ontario.' Li N 2C3. Mr. Albert Guller, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Town Manager, Corporation of the T-own of Newcast le, 40 Temperance Street, BOWMANVILLE, Ontarlo. Li C 3A6. HOUSE in Bowmanvlle, near schools, references required, tenant willing to look after small repairs, lst and last month's rent. $260. Available September lst. 32-1 THREE bedroom flouse in Bowmanville, fireplace in living-room, fenced yard, paved driveway,* $350.7 per month. Phone 623-5715. 32-1 N ONE bedroom basement apartment, utilities supplied, near hospital, adults pre- ferred, available September 1. Please reply to Advertiser 769, c-o Cana dian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 32-1 BOWMANVI LLE apartment, 4 rooms and bath, heated, cable TV, free parking. Available now. Reasonable plus hydro. Phone 623-7523 or 1-705-696-3361. 28-TF TWO bedroom apartment on Lamb's Lane, available September lst. Phone 623-5888. 32-1 N Cottage in Jamaïca Planning a Vacation? Three bedroom cottage, three blocks f rom sea, across road from golf course.. Fishing and boatinéi. For turther informa- tion cal TiM 5668 32-tf -f N a m %0 %J 9 .0

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