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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1978, p. 11

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Editors: Hazel and Jack Crg We editors arrived home Monday noon from an enjoy- able five days' rest on the shores of beautiful Lake Nipissing at North Bay. Every few blocks on Lakeshore Drive in the city, there is pâilie access to the beach wth parks, sofinething sadly missing in our own village. *Mr. and Mrs._Charles AI- ldred, Fenelon Falls, were guests last Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. William Lake, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bombard, Kingston were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Lake. Also enjoying Sunday supper with the Lakes were Mr. and Mrs. William Lake Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown, Bowman- ville. Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa, Mrs. Roy McKay and Mrs. Lina Bowen, Bronte. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred,, Oshawa visited on Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baîl, Orono. On Sunday, Aug. 13, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pearce entertain- ed the family in honor of son Michael's sixth birthday. At- tending were Mr. andI Mrs. K ;E N :Kendal United Chiurch Wo- ien met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David, Skerratt for the August meeting and the annual picnîc. Mrs. Elliott opened the meeting. The devotional was taken by Mrs. J. Stapleton. The minutes of the June meeting and finane- ial reports were read and approved. It was decided* to have the bus trip to Black dreek Village and Participa- ý n House, Markham -Mr. and Mrs. George Brew- er have returned home after visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Dale Ulrich in Manitoba.. Mrs. E. Williamson of London is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brewer for the past couple of months. Sympathy is extended to Rev. Norman McKenzie who were at their cottage at Kendal on the weekend, on the death of his mother at a nursing home at Binbrook, Ontario. Mrs. Alva Swarbrick of Oshawa spent this past week with Miss Catherine Stewart anxd vîsited many of h ler friends around Kendal. Dr. and Mrs. Jim Stevens and family of Guelph spent a few days this past week with his mother, Mrs. Stevens and last Thursday they visited with Miss C. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. John McMil- ian of Thornhill were at their cottage in Kendal area on the weekend. 'Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hoy of Oshawa had supper Saturday 6~ening with Mr. Jas. Hoy. 1 Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lýeonard Hoy and girls last Wbek were their two nieces Karen and Cheryl Ashby ot Mort Hope. ~Mr. and Mrs. Kim from 1lolland left on Tuesday after v.siting their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Minnie Thybenga and family for the ] Emil Varga, Leslie, Julie and Warren, Peterborougb, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pearce, Viki and Kirk, Betbany, Mr. and MIrs. Rick Pearce and family and Mr. - and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hockin and grandson Paul, Oakviiie and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pearce, Orangeville were Saturday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and attended the Rickard famiiy picnic at Orono. Miss Judy Powell, Stayner and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle, Alyssa and Andrew, Scarborougb, were weekend visitors witb their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell and were attendants at the Rickard family picnic. The Newcastle Lions chant- ered a bus on Sunday and a bus load of members, wives and friends enjoyed the Blue Jays bail game at Exhibition Park. Recent visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Symons were Judge E.R. Lovekin, Bramp- ton; Professor J.P. Lovekin, Thunder Bay; Russell Love- kmn St. John's Beaumont Scbool, Oid Windsor Park, England and Mrs. Douglas Cunningham, Toronto. DAL past six weeks. Recent visitors with Helen- Boyd were Mrs. Bernice Martin, Rebecca, Gary and friend of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pimento of New Market, also Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boyd and ber mother of Whitby and Kelly Boyd wbo stayed for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Eiiiott and John of London spent tbe weekend witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott and on Saty.rday Mn. and Mrs. Neil Elliott, Karen and Christine of Mlapie Leaf, Mr. and Mrs. H1arland Elliott, Danny and Allen Webster, Mr. and Mns. Harry Boudneau and Brian, also Susan Boudneau of Osha- wa were thene for dinnen. During the afternoon, Rev. and Mrs. Tizzard came and Brian Boudneau was christen- ed at their home in Hope Township. On Sunday, Mrs. Irene Dunbar and Misses Margaret and Clae Seens al of Peterbonough visited witb the Eliiotts., Word bas been received Mn. Richard Wilson, one of the older residents of Kendal area passed away in Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowmanviiie on Saturday nigbt. Sympatby is extended to the Wilson and Boyd families. There was a veny good attendance at cbuncb Sunday monning. Rev. A. Tizzand's sermon was entitied 'Good'. Mrs. Fern Foster and the Peacock brothens sang 'In tbe Garden', with Miss Helen Wood accompanying tbem on the piano. There were four ladies from Garden Hill at church too. Mrs. Eleanor Foster retunn- ed home last, week aften bolidaying around Burks Falls and at Woodstock. David Elliott of Maple Leaf is spending this week with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mns. R. Elliott. 1 unb epieub eut Telephone 987-4201 Àê Mr. Harold Powell and Mr. Art VanDolder, Toronto, visit- ed Harold's parents on the holiday weekend and enjoyed the Harbour activities. Mr. Ivar Brawley now enjoys a weekend pass from Oshawa General Hospital en- abiing him to come home every weekend with his wife, Nellie. Thursday visitors with Mrs. Louise Jose were British Columbia friends Miss Hilda Cryderman and Miss Nancy Jermyn. Dinner guests on Thursday also inciuded Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryderman, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe, Solina, Mrs. Blanche Bush, Trenton, Mrs. Boddy, Hamptonand Mr., and Mrs. Howard Cryderman, Bow- manville. On Friday evening, August llth, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hoimes hosted a party in honor of her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Clemence, Bowmanville, on tbe occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Attend- ing were brother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clemence, Ot- tawa, sister Mrs. Mary Gra- ham, Pontiac, Michigan, sis- ter Isobel and husband Bob Sacerty, Sarnia, and sister Mabel and husband Ray Goode, Orono. The Jack Holmes family were also in attendance, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holmes, Streetsville, Mr. and Don Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sandercock and their children. We extend congratu- lations! On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes and three other family couples, motored to Buffalo wbere they attended the golden wedding anniver- sary reception of their uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tobin, Dale and Wayne, Newbury Park, California were Satur- day visitors witb ber cousins, Mr. and Mdrs. John Scott. Mrs. Tobin's mother, Mrs. Ada Carson and Wilson, Newton- ville were Saturday visitors also. Miss Cindy Scott has return- ed from an enjoyable vacation in England and Scotland. Birtbday greeting to Marg- aret Wind, Debbie Niklaü5, Jean Rickard, Bent Nikiaus, Fern Brunt, Ray Brown 'and Clîntoli Brown. For ail the flower loyers, the Newcastle Horticultural Soc- iety is holding its annual fiower and vegetable show this Tbursday, August 17. We are pleased to report that Mr. Walter Hagerman returned home from Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday. Daughters Wanda Woods, Niagara Falls and Mary Stutt, Don Milîs have both been visiting their mother while Mr. Hagerman was hospital- ized. Mrs. Bette Queener, New York, bas now arrived to cheer ber fatber while be convalesces. We extend sympathy to the Murray Paterson famiiy on the death of bis brother and to friends and relatives of Mr. Harry Mercer wbo for severai years resided on Church Street South in the Village. Mr. Wilfred Wood passed away in Collingwood Hospital, Monday, Aug. 14, 1978. Mr. Everett Jenkins is lThe- Book Mili G;radle1 text in stock. 31 King Street West 623-4606 Bowmanville convaiescing at home after surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Win Collier have returned from an enjoy- able vacation in British Co- lumbia visiting bis sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carter of Sardis. Mr. Ralph Cobbiedick is a patient in St. Michael's Hos- pital, Toronto and bis condi- tion remains unchanged. Anglican Churcb News Regular churcb services were held in St. George's Anglican Church on Sunday, August 13, with Holy Com- munion at 8:30 and Morning Prayer at il a.m. Rev. Allan Haidenby preacbed a sermon on Jesus' Visit to bis home- town of Nazareth. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Linton recently attended a Youth Leadership Conference at Aurora. United Cburcb News Members of Orono Pastoral Charge attended the 10:30 Morning Service ifi Newcastle United Church aiong with the Newcastle worsbippers. This wili be the arrangement for th'e month of August. On our return trip we calied on Mr. and Mrs. Alan Crago and son Ryan and daughter Lindsay at Bracebridge. NE WTON VILLE ivn', ana Mrs. Antnony Ton spent the holiday weekend at Lakohurst where they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. John Ton of Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ton of Newcastle. Miss Darlene Elliott and friend Mr. Jeff DeJonge of Orono attended our church service last Sunday and we were interested to hear that both are entering Queen's University this faîl. Our best wishes to them. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mark returned recently from a trip abroad, where they visited Austria, Germany and Swit- zerland. One purpose of their three weeks' holiday was to join the reunion of kindergarten teacb- ers, held in Karinthia, Aust- r. Mrs. Mark, who was a former kindergarten teacher, informed us that 22 of the original 33 teachers attended this reunion, so that was a very good average after 35 years. Incidentally, it was in Karinthia, Austria, that Mr. and Mrs. Mark were married, some 33 years ago. Miss Laura Love, of Toronto was a cailer on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sansome of Toronto were over night guests at the Manse. Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer were Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster, ac- Man The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. August 16,1978 i companied by Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lockart, from Mesa, Arizona. Mrs. Pat Gilmour was a Friday caller here with Mr. Raymond Bruce, Mrs. Bea Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Low at K asbabog Lake. Saturday visitors with Mrs. Bea Jones, included Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stinson of Kingston, Mrs. L. McKenzie of Coîborne and Mrs. Rosemary Byers of Cobourg. Mrs. Irene Burley, of Bow- manville was a weekend visitor with Mrs. Lena Clys- dale, and Sunday visitors with the latter were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burley, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stapleton. Sorry to hear Mr. Wilfred Wood is a patient in Colling- wood Hospital following a recent heart attack. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery! Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer and family accompanied by Michael and Danielle Peele, of Newcastle were at their Che- mong cottage, over the week- end. The two boys, Ken and Danielle, caught a good sized Muskie - unfortunately it was too clever for Mike and made its "Get Away"! Mrs. Margaret Elliott and Mrs. Bea Jones were the Greeters at our cburch door, Sunday morning and the Vinki. Clnton rUwn loveiy flowers at the altar were placed there by Mrs. Janet Paeden. Rev. Tizzard's message was entitled "Good" and as usual gave us ail food for tbought. Violet Gilmer was at the organ, in the absence of Myrtie Kloster -and Dora DeSmit sang an enjoyable solo, "Arnazing Grace"., We were pleased to see several visitors at our service including Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lard Lockhart, from Arizona, with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster. Also Mr. and Mrs, Gerry Adams and son, Scott, of Toronto, with Mr. Jim Adams. Mrs. Bea Jones with Mrs. Fae Cornish, of Orono, attend- ed the annual Merrîli family picnic Sunday, beld at Pin- nacie Hill Park, at Centreton. Cailers through the week with Mrs. Agnes Burley were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, of Newcastle and Mrs. Jim Stark, Starkviile. On Saturday Mrs. Eva Burley and her brother, Cecil Vannatto, of Bowmanville, Miss Catharine Stewart of Kendal and Mrs. Swarbrick of Oshawa. Sunday cailers were Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Lancaster and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lockhart, from Arizona, Mrs. Madeline Creighton and Mrs. Mary Gordon of Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clark of Deep River were Wednesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don nier insulate and weatherplroof your hmenow. No matter how hard you wish, OId Man Winter is not going f0 pass you by. He'il soon be here, howling around the house, blowing cold icy windsand piling up the snow. But, you can have the iasf laugh, if you get f0 work now insulating and weafherproofing your home. Proper insulation wiIl keep warmn air inside your home and keep OId Man winter outsi -de where he belongs. It's a onetime job thaf s easy to do yourself, and it means permanent fuel saving and home comfort ben- ef ifs. We'l be happy to advise on the type of insu lation that wilI do the besf job for you and we have a handy insfruction bookief that wiIl make if easier than you think. We also have aillyour other wea.fherproofing needs - storm windows and doors, weatherstripping, caulk and caulking guns, furnace filters. Everything you need for warm, cozy comfort. Do it Yourself blown* in insulation Fibergias Insulation Nà ý for every application and now at a special price! Insulate now! Its a MUST investment for your home. A one- time job thats easy to do yourself, with permanent fuel saving and home comfort benefits. Merely instali the insula- tion batts between wall studs, ceiling or floor joists. Friction holds them snugly in place. A depth of six inches is recom- mended for effective attic insulation protection. Anything less in your attic and you'll be paying unnecessarily high fuel bills this winter. Fiberglas insulation is light, easy to handle, won't rot, settle, or develop-odors. It also has good sound proofing value and increases the fire resistance of wood frame walls. Today, more than ever before it is vital ly important to oe sure your home is properly insulated. So, be sure! Ask your Buildaîl man to help you choose the Fiberglas insulation thickness that is best suited to your specific needs. You'Il earn big savings in the long run. Friction fit batts 15" x 48" R-8-23/4 f" 140 sq. ft. $13e60 BdIe. R-i12-31/2 9 90 sq. ft. &169 Bd le. R-20-611 50 sq. ft. $12o69 BdIle. LHENRY ITE ForConvenient Self-Serve Locations Shop in Complete Indoor Comfort Up. your Chargex or Master Charge or openî a convenient revolving charge account IT'S CHEAPER TO INSULATE THAN KEEP WASTING FUEL .. AND YOU DO ITONLY ONCE Now, for the f Irst time, you can Instail your own "biown-in" Insulation and savel inadequate insulation costs you moneyl Expensive heat escapes, unwanted coid air slips in . your furnace works harder, burning more and moreé fuel. USE THE BUILDALL BLOWING MACHINE AND SAVE! The Buildali blowing machine is easy to use and clean because 100 feet of flexible hose means you can leave the machine outside. The remote controi cord aliows the operator in the attic to control the flow. The machine is easily portable. Get your neighbours together and save on the daily rentai fee. Fibre-Thermn cellulose insulation is C.M.H.C. approved and it's fire retardent and pest resistant and covers approximately 72 square feet at 2 inches thick. Cash and carry basis -p Delivered, 1 - 24 bags -$.7 Delivered, 24 -49 Bags- $6-50 Delivered, 49 and up - $60.25 (one bag wilI cover 43 sq. ft. 4"" thick) MWicaFil Insulation requires no special tools ... pours easily and reduces heat Ioss in the attic. Easy-pouring MicaFil insu- lafion makes adding extra insulation ta your atfic simple, dlean and econom- cal. MicaFil flows freely into aIl nooks and corners for complete protection 3 DAY LEFTOn Fuel Saving YS L15% Storm Windows' T SAVE and Doors. Machine Rentai $15000day (our regular price $35.00) easily f0 creafe a uniform insulafion barrier that con- serves household warmth and precious fuel dollars. Made of expanded mineraI vermiculite, MicaFil is dust-free and light-weight for dlean, non-irritating in- stallation. And if won't burn under any circum stances. With MicaFil, insulating the attic is a one-time job that any do-if-yourselfer can OSHAWA 100 Bond St. West Mon. to Fri. 9:00 Sat. to 5:30 728-1617 WHETBY 223 Brock St. N. Mon. to Wed. to 6:00 Thurs. & Fri. to 9:00 Sat. to 5:30 668-6821 When you finish, just sif back and enjoy the comfort and the savings. Bag One bagwill cover 10,sq. ft. 4"" thick COURTICE Bloor St, E. of OSHAWA Mon. to Wed. to 6:00 mhurs. & Fri. to 9:00 SMt. to 5:30 728-1611 PORT HOPE 116 Peter St. Mon. to Thurs. to 5:30 Friday 'tii 9:00 Saturday 'tii 4:00 885-2423 Mrs. June Hierrington and her father, Mr. Ken Ware were callers, Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones. The Newtonville Women's Institute will hold a picnic at Darlineton Park on Wed.. Aug. 23, at 2:30 p.m. Pot iuck. Mrs. Mary Wade of Barrie was a weekendý visitor with Mrs. Leone Lane. Mr. and Mrs. David Hender- son of Oshawa have returned from their visit to Lethbridge and were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Hen- derson. After attending the Sunday Decoration, the, following members of the Farrow fam- iiy beld their annual picnic at the Ganaraska Conservation Area, Sunday afternoon - Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Glen and Jan, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farrow and son Bruce of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Farrow, Sharon, Tera, Don and friend Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brignail, Melissa and Angela ail of Bowman- ville, Mr. Reg. Falls and Mrs. Iva Farrow. Mr. and Mrs Fred Henderson attended the bail games in Kendal, Saturday and, in Newcastle Sunday afternoon., Our felicitations to the, foilowing members of tbe Birthday Gang - Joe Radznik- ynas, Laurence Gilmer, Philip Gilmer, Mrs. Winnifred El- liott, Mrs. Deane Redknap and r

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