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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1978, Section 2, p. 7

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Councillors Get Lesson in Conservation Ian Chovil, of the Community Conservation Centre, gave the town's planning committee a brief lesson in conservation last Tuesday night. This week is Energy Conservation Week, and aided by Councillor Ted -Woodyard, left, Mr. Chovil explained some of the problems and solutions of conserving energy. Here, Mr. Chovilbas a diagram of a solar heated house and the air conditioning in a tree. (Intended for Last Week> Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Boyd, Bowmanville were Saturday callers witb Mrs. Charles Briggs. Mrs. Gordon McLean was a weekend visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Boyd and Stacey were Monday evening visitors, Mrs. McLean return- ed home with tbem. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare, of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors. Other recent guests were Miss Florence Fair and Miss Elleen Fair, Richmond Hill and Mr. Harry McLaughlin, RR. Nestieton. Friends,-are pleased that Mrs. Lorne Lee returned home from Port Perry Hospi- tailon Friday. Wednesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mcneely 're Mr. and Mrs. Vivian .ilbumn, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clelland, Miss Elizabeth McDonald of Milngavia, Dumbertonsbire, Scotland, Reverend and Mrs. Bob Chapman of Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison were recent mid-day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elliot, at Leaskdale. Mr. and Mrs. David Elliot and son Donovan, of Uxbridge were Tuesday evening visitors of is grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Davison. Tracey Crawford,, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Crawford, Osbawa bas spent the past two days witb ber grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crawford. During this time ber motber presented ber witb ber little sister, Sarah. Mr. Jim Jobnston, Peterbo- rougb, was a Thursday caller witb Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tbompson and Friday luncheon guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wonnacott of London. Mrs. dorothy Cbapman, of New Liskeard, bas completed tbe Librarians' Training at London and is spending a few days witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers and brother Earl and otber rela- tives. Jeff , Ryan and Lisa are also bolidaying witb relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers, Mr. Wilfred Wilson and Mrs. Saulter of Ornemee visited recently witb Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson at Tyrone. Mrs. Marilyn Cooledge, Toronto was a Friday and Saturday, visitor witb Mrs. Lawrence Cooledge. Other Saturday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morris and family, Seeley's Bay, Mrs. Florence Thompson, Toronto, and Mrs. Hunter, Aurora. Sunday evening callers were ber grandson, Roy Morris and friend of Toronto. Miss Jane Groves, of Rose- neatb, bas been vîsiting witb ber sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vivian and Adam. Congratulations to Adam WiIson's Gigantic August Furnituro Clearance sale! *BUY NOW AT DISCOUNT PRICES. *BUY NOW BEFORE THE TAX INCREASES. *ENTIRE STOCK SLASHED FOR QUICK SALE. *UP TO 50 PER CENT OFF. WANT tOS-AVE DOLLARS? LET WILSON'S DO IT! DOOR BUSTER! Uphostered SLIPPER CHAIR $19.95 DOOR BUSTERI Sol id Foam MATTRESSES FROM...$ 29.95 JUST ARRIVEDI 4 PIECE LIVING ROOM GROUP WITH 10VES EAT. Velvet covers. Sofa, loveseat, chair, ottoman. SENSATIONAL CLEAROUT PRICE.. $ 599.00 REPEAT 0F A WINNERI COCKTAIL TABLES By Electrohome. Al wood. R eg. $159. LET WILSON'S DO IT! $59.00 PINE FINISHED 5 PIECE BEDROOM TRIPLE DRESSER with hutch, mirror, 5 drawer chest, 60" head- end and 2 night tables. AUGUST SALE,.. $679.00 Pine Finished colonial style spindle bed august special.$ 78.00 9 x12 NYLON SHAG CAR PETS AUUTReg. $156 SALE, $100.00 3/ SIZE QUILTED MATTRESS Mis-matched covers. WHILE THEY LAIT... $58.00o DOOR BUSTERI DECORATER TOSS CUSH IONS ags TABLE LAMPS AT HALF PRICE Clearance of store samples Value $49.95 to $99.95 YOUR CHOICE HALF PRICE CEDAR CHESTS Clearance of complete store disolav. Some mrarked or scratched. CLEARING FROM.................. $ 199.00 FRENCH PROVINCIAL COLOR T.V. ByPhilips. 26" Modular 4. List $999. AUGUST SPECIAL ... $669.00 BE D-C HEST ERFI ELD By Serta Velvet cover, foam cushions. Double size mattress. SPECIAL .............. $ $334.00 QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS WITH MATCHING BOX S PR ING. $188.00 TALL BACK' SWIVEL ROCKE RS. Velvet cover, foam cushion. AUGUST $ 80 Vivian wbo is two years old today (Monday, Aug. 7). In bonour of tbis happy occasion bis parents bosted a birtbday supper on Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Les Reid, Vicki and Pam, Port Perry, Mrs. Cooledge (Nanna) and Jane Groves (Adam's aunt). To complement a lovely occasion the cbocolate britb- day cake was sbaped like a panda bear. On Sundy evening the Vivians bad a pleasant even- ing witb otber members of tbe C.B. Club at the home of the presi dent, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Giroux, Scugog Island. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Vivian and Adam, Jane Groves and Mrs. Cooledge visited Mr. and Mrs. Ricbard Groves, Roseneatb. They also called at "The Golden Beach Restaurant" on Rice Lake where Mr. Gordon Cooledge is proprietor. Miss Dorotby Bulmer bas returned from a delîgbtful vacation witb friends in Scot- land. M-s xeta NMason, P.ort Boîster, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill, Enniskillen were Sun- day afternoon and evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams. On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trick in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison bad Sunday evening dinner with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Davison, Scott and Neil, Lakefield. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sutton, Lynda and Scott bad a lovely weekend drive to Manitoulin Island. They enoyed the boat trip from South Baymouth, Manitoulin Island, to Tober- mory on tbe mainland. Mrs. Ian Scott, Charles and I WILSON' S PE CTACU LAR I I 7 PIECE ELECTROHOME DINING ROOM SUITE Buffet, hutch, table, 4 chairs. List $1269. FLOOR MODEL $788.00 MODERN 5 PIECE BEDROOM SUITE Genuine Walnut Triple-'door dresser, 5 drawer chest, 60" head- end and 2 night tables. $895 value. AUGUST $690 5 PIECE COLONIAL DINETTE SUITE. MaÊple finish. F loor model. ON EON LY, AS IS.................. $ $2188.00 Maple Finished STUDENT'S DESK. Reg $99.95 THIS WE EK ONLY ...$78,00 1 BUNK BEDS Complete with quilted mattresses and posture boards, guard rail, and ladder. $348.00* Jennifer, Corbyvil le have re- turned home following a vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler. SMr. and Mrs. Howard Lee and Clifford and Mrs. Lorne Lee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lee, Debbie and David at their cottage north of Bobcaygeon. Ronald Lee who bas been staying with bis Uncle Neil, returned borne with them. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. John Arbuckle and Jennifer visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee and Clifford. Mr. Delton Fisher, West Hill was a Tbursday visitor with bis mother, Mrs. Milton Fish- er, Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Fisher, Leanne and Susan, London were Sunday dinner guests. Mrs. Jean Hooper, Willowdale was a weekend visitor and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Fisher were Monday evening dinner guests. NESTLETON WOMEN'S INSTITUTE On Wednesday afternoon members of Nestleton Women's institute met in the Community Centre for. the August meeting with welcome visitors attending. Following the opening "Ode" and Mary Stewart Collect -with, Mrs. Grant Thompson at the piano, the president,1 Mrs. George Heaslip extended a warm welcome for all. She read an interesting article taken from the 1972 Home and Country when Mrs. Noblett was presi- dent of F.W.I.O. Mrs. Noblett gave impressions of a first meeting with the "Mary Stewart Collect" as the theme. There may be two, faces and two standards, but we must make an honest attempt to live up to our ideals. Minutes and correspon- dence were read by the secretary Mrs. M. Firbit. Several "thank you" notes were read and the Training Scbool on Needle Point Octo- ber 10-11 was discussed. This was lef t over to the September meeting. The roll caîl, my favourite part of the "Mary Stewart" collect was well answered and proved an interesting topic for discussion. Mrs. Richard Davison, Con- venor of Education and Cul- tural Affairs presided for the programme. Readings were given. by Mrs. Bruce Heaslip and Mrs. George Wolfe (a visitor from Blackstock). Mrs. Davison spoke to the motto "A closed Book is but a Blot of Paper." Reàding is an educa- tion as well as a pleasure. No T.V. show can equal a good book. She spoke of becoming "booked" on special series. One, of these is the Jaîna Books. Sonie books have endings at the beginning and some have no endings at ahl. They leave that to your own imagination and you are disappointed. Poetry in the "Home and Country" is being missed by its readers. Writing is a gift and Mrs. Davison told of a fourteen year old boy, Gordon Korman, who had three books published. One is about adventure in a boarding school. This is al imagination as he had neyer been in such a school. 22,000 coffies have been sold. She spoke of "The Hooples of Hoople Creek" by Elizabeth Hoople. This was of special interest as the Hooples lived east of Nestieton on the property now owned by Mr. Michael Brod. A picture of the BE A FRIEND Volunteers in Bowmanville needed for an Outpatients Social Program,. Tuesday Evenings in Bowmanville. For Information please contact Alayne Metrick,' Co-ordinator of Volunteer Services. Whi tby Psychiatric Hospital 668-5881 Ext. 323. 30 minute passport service availablel E ATO N'S PORTRAIT STUDIO I OSHAWA CENTRE, UPPER LEVEL I STORE I4OURS: Open Mon., Tues., Sat., 9:30 a.m. Io 6:00 Wed.,Thurs., Fri.9:30a.m.,to9:OOp.m. . original log bouse is in the Nestietôn Tweedsmuir His- tory Book. Mrs. Davison, followrng ber splendid talk, introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Don Milne, chief librarian at Scugog Public Library in Port Perry. port Perry is a member of Central Ontario Regional. Library (C.O.R.L.) since 1968 and the l4th to be organized. Port r library was built in 1934 wt public funds and with assistance from I.O.D.E. it is open every day except Wednesday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and fromn 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday. With the increased population in the expanded Region of Scugog the Provincial Grants have tripled. A truck gives service every day between each centre. Oshawa is the centre for this area. Whitby is the Section Two The Canadian Statesman, 'Bowmanville, August 16,1978 7 new Aduit Library Centre. tioýnal Geographic, 1978-C-ars, ed a "thank lyou". to Mrs. Mississauga is the centre for Buggy Guide, "How to Fix It", Mil, Mrs. Davison and Miss foreign language and Kitche- Cooking Moments, "Honest Proutt for a splendid meeting. ner the mid-western centre for Ed's Store", Our U.F.O. supplies and film. Books recommended are NESTLETON Mrs. Milne gave a compre- "The Okanogan Valley", In-, SUNDAY SERVICE hensive talk on cataloguiflg credible Mrs. Chadwich", PRESBYTERIAN and indexing. Books, not in Tempest Tossed", "No Life stock, can be easily procurred for a Lady", "The Hiding In the Presbyterian Church in two or three days with this Place", "The Cameroon' s", on Sunday morning Miss inter-library truck service. "Women of the Well". This Dorothy Bulmer,, Deaconess Periodicals, newspaper maga- lists only a few. read Luke 9:57-62 from Holy zines and paperback books are There is a special section for Scripture. Many people start on band. Magazines and cbildren and children's story the Christian life in a flurry of periodicals are kept for one time. emotion and excitement. year and are then sold. Books Mrs. Davison extended a There is nothing wrong with in large print are available. A sincere thank you to "Mrs. that as long as some solid, ho- doctor's certificate is required Milne fr her excellent and nest thinking is done, We must to obtain books on tape interesting talk in "Books" be obedient to Christ with our (talking books). Films may be and presented ber with a gift iwhole mind as well as our obtained but for a specific film as a tangible token. Mrs. whole beart. If we have it is wise to order two weeks in Heaslip also expressed her offered our heart and not our advance. appreciation. mi, then, it is easy to grive Mrs. Milne brougbt and Following "O Canada" and up when our mood changes or showed samples of Picture the W.I. Grace, Miss Ruth disappointment cornes into Book Geography, Canada, Proutt's group served lunch. our lives., Heart and ming are Greece, Better Homes, Na- Mrs. Grant Tbompson extend- inseparable. SAV UP TO $3.5 Galon, TOP QUALITY EXTERIOR PAINTS BY BENJAMIN MOORE NO MATTER WHAT SURFACE YOU WISH TO PAINT, OR WHAT FINISH YOU DESIRE, WE HAVE THE RIGHT PRODUCT AND FREE EXPERT ADVICE FOR YOU. MooRL GALLON *SPECIAL COLOURS HIGHER UN PRICE ABEiRNETHY'S Point adWallpaper PAINT S 55 King Street West 623-5431 " WllE REAILLY DO KNOW OUR PAINT!"7 NESTLETON NITE TABLES $38.00 N Il m --I List price $21 .25 ATq ABERNETHYS * ONLY 17 Imm M

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