Mr. Volney Moore, Ohio and bis brother, Mr. Lyle Moore, California, were Tuesday afternoon visitors with Mr. Charles Cowan. Sympathy is extended to friends and relatives of Mr. Wilfred Wood whose funerai was last Tbursday afternoon. Miss Dorrene Powell, Lake Shore, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coulter, Kevin and Keith, Toronto. Mr. Ralpb Cobbledick is a patientin Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville and Mr. William Cail is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haass and family, Peterborough, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. The Westiake Family of Kitchener bad dinner recently with Miss Marjorie Clemence on tbeir way home after bolidaying witb friends at tbeir cottage in the Kingston district. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Oshawa,, also visited witb them ail, and have since lef t on a bus trip to the Maritimes. A very pretty wedding was solemnized in Newcastle United Cburch on Saturday, August 19, 1978 when Lorie Mae Darling and Peter Thomas Smith were married, with the groom's father, Rev. Thomas Smith, assisting Rev. David Spivey in performing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Seidon Parker, Oakwood, were Saturday evening callers with Mr. and Mrs., Stanley Powell. We extend congratulations to Mr. Harold Powell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell, wbo was recently promoted to Manager of the Restaurant Division of Campbell's Soup, Toronto. On Sunday, Mrs. Albert Pearce and daughter-in-law, Marilyn Pearce, attended a trousseau tea at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Porter, Willowdaie, in honour of theîr daugbten Shirley Porter, bride-elect of James Hockin, son of, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hlockin, Oakville. Mrs. Raye Friediander, Toronto, visited on the weekend witb ber daughter and son-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Garrod Jr. Mrs. Hattie Bailey, Extendicare, Oshawa, was a supper guest Wednesday evening with Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin and family, Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mns. C. Griffin, Coboconk. Saturday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ferguson were their daughters and families, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and Brian, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rutsch, Toronto and Mn., and Mrs. Donald Sykes and boys, Prescott and Mrs. Florence Ferguson. Mr. Lyle Moone, San Gabriel, California, and Mr. V.K. Moore, Ohio, bave been guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Storks while they have been visiting their oid territory, gatbering history of the village district. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Barr and family on the deatb of her father, Mr. Benn. Mrs. Janice Milis, Ottawa, visited last week with ber family, the R. Brenton Rickard's. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elascbuk, Oshawa, entertained ber family to dinner iast Thursday evening. Attending were tbe Brenton Rickand family, Mr. and Mrs. Hiarve Bonathon, and Misses Rutb and Mary Margaret Bonathon. Attending the trousseau tea in bonour of Miss Carol Stapieton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, Port Hope, were Mrs, Mary Burley, Mrs. Amelia Lancaster, Mrs. Kay Kimbali and Mrs. Joan Norton. Miss Linda Wood, Orono, is G spending a few days with bier C grandmother, Mrs. Wilfred r Wood. r Birtbday greetings to Mrs. C Clara Rickard and Miss r Debbie Pruner. SI Mrs. Klaus Zulauf is making N satisfactory progress in C Wellesley Hospital where she F is undergoing skin graft for a bier burns. 2: The Newcastle Bowling Alleys have been refinished E and will be reopening a September lltb with the saine E managers Gladys and Merrili I Henry.c Mr. and Mrs. Willnrd a Lockhart, Mesa, Arizona,2 visited for a week witb Mr. N and Mrs. Sidney LancasterN and other relatives and a friends of this area.j Mrs. S.R. Nicholis and Mrs.1 Percy Greenfield, Bowman-( ville and Miss Allie Bragg, St.E Catherines, were Friday1 evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster. 1 Miss Cathy Hockin and friend, London, spent the1 weekend witb ber grandmother, Mrs. Rose Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago attended the Crago family picnic in Orono Park on Sunday, August 20. Tbîrty- tbree attended the reunion, the youngest being Sarah Elaine Woods, Hampton the oldest Mr. Norman Metcalfe, Bowmanvihle. Mr. and Mrs. Welsey Lane, Pickering, were congratulated on their first wedding annlversary. It was decided that the picnic would be held next year on the third Sunday in August -at Orono Park. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rowe, Annette, Donna and Barry while tbey holidayed 'at a cottage at Wasaga Beach. Mrs. Margaret Rudman bas returned from a enjoyable vacation in Saskatcbewan wbere she visited bier brothers and their families, Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Joli, Glidden, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Joli, Eatonia and also friends in Eston. 1Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reid, Belleville, were overnight guests recently with her sister and brother, Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred visited on Sunday evening witb Mr. and Mrs. Don Duncan, Brooklin. The Newcastle Horticultural Annual Flower and Vegetable Show At the Newcastle Community Hall on Tbursday, August 17, 1978, tlýe Newcastle Horticultural Society beld its Summer Show. There were 235 entries, witb prize-winners as follows. Section A - Gladiolus Class. Clîss 1 - Basket of Glads lst W. Patterson, 2nd Louise Jose, 3rd Madeleine Buckley. Class 2 - Glad Tidings - a modernistic arrangement with glads predominating, lst Jean Goode, 2nd Madeleine Buckley. Class 3 - Crescent arrange- ment for buffet, lst Jean Goode, 2nd Be rtha Gibson, 3rd Marie Gibson. Ciass 4 - Single Spike Class (a) white lst Louise Jose, 2nd Wmn. Patterson, 3rd George Buckley, 4th' Madeleine Buckley, (b) yellow lst L. Jose, 2nd Wmn. Patterson, (c) light -red lst L. Jose, 2nd Madeleine Buckley, 3rd George Buckley, (d) dark red lst Wm. Patterson, 2nd Louise Jose, 3rd Madeleine Buckley, (e) pink lst L. Jose, 2nd W. Patterson, 3rd M. Buckley, 4th Mr. A. Witmee, Mf mauve lst George Buckley, 2nd Louse Jose, (g) purple lst Louise -Jose, (h) bi-colour lst Wendy Freethy, 2nd Louise Jose, 3rd M. Buckley, 4th Narda Hoogkamp, (i) >one spike not listed lst L. Jose, 2nd Bertha Goode, 2nd Margery Freethy. Class 13 - Perpetual Motion, a mobile made of plant material, lst Jean Goode. Class 14 - Scrambled Egg, niniature arrangement in egg shell lst Jean Goode, 2nd vlargery Freethy, 3rd Phyllis Clarke. Class 15 - Country Roads, wild flower and weed arrangement, lst Jean Goode, 2nd Margery Freethy, 3rd Jicki Lesnick, Class 16 - Black Beauty, f ree class arrangement ist George 3uckley, 2nd Narda Hoogkamp, 3rd Jean Goode. Class 17 - Ryoanji, an Oriental arrangement lst Jean Goode, 2nd Narda Hoogkamp, 3rd William Patterson. Class 18 - Walking Tali, vertical arrangement for hall table lst Jean Goode, 2nd Narda Roogkamp, 3rd Vicki Lesnick. Class 19 - Bijou, a front view arrangement using jewellery ist Margery Freethy. Class 21 - Three Tuberous Begonias lst M. Buckley, 2nd Donna Wallis. Class 22 - Patio Planters and Window Boxes, lst Jean Goode, 2nd M. Buckley, 3rd V. Lesnick and Nellie Brawley tied. Class 23 - Best Flower Border, ist George Buckley, 2nd Rana Sinou, 3rd Vicki Lesnick. Section B Class 1 - Asters while, lst Jean Goode. Class 2 - Asters pink, lst Jean Rickard, 2nd Jean Goode, Class 4 - Asters purple, list G. Buckley, 2nd Jean Rickard, Class 5 - Carnations lst Carol Rowley, 2nd M. Buckley, 3rd Jean Goode. Class 6 - Cosmos, lst Jean Rickard. Class 8 - Dahlia, cactus, lst Mrs. Wbitmee, 2nd Mr. Whitmee, 3rd Dorothy Trenwith. Class 9 - Dahlia Pompom, lst Jean Goode, Class il - Geranium, lst Rana Sinou, 2nd Margery Freethy, 3rd Mr. Whitmee, 4th Wendy Freethy, Class 12 - Gloriosa Daisy, lst George Buckley, Class 13 - Lily 1977 Option, Margery Freethy,. Class 14 - Lily, lst M. Buckley, 2nd G. Buckley, 3rd M. Freethy, Class 15 - Marigold double African, lst L. Jose, 2nd V. Lesnick, 3rd M. Buckiey, 4th Rana Sinou, Class 16, - Marigold French, lst Rana Sinou, 2nd Jean Goode, 3rd Vicki Lesnick, Class 17 - Petunia, single, lst Phyllis Clarke, 2nd Rana Sinou, 3rd Margery Freethy, 4tb Vicki Lesnick, Class 18 - Petunia, double, lst V. Lesnick, 2nd M. Freethy, 3rd M. Buckley. Class 19 - Petunia single ruffled, lst Sylvia Vandermale, 2nd Phyllis Palmn. Class 21 - Hybrid tea Rose, lst Margery freethy, 2nd Rana Sinou, 3rd George Buckley, 4th Charles Cowan. Class 22 - Rose floribunda, lst May Burley, 2nd Donna Wallis, 3rd Margery Freethy. Class 23 - Salvia, lst Mrs. Whitmee, 2nd Mr. Wbitmee, 3rd Vicki Lesnick. Class 24 - Snapdragon, lst Jean Rickard, 2nd George Buckley, 3rd Madeleine Buckley. Class 25 - Stocks, lst Rana Sinou. Class 26 - Sweet Peas, lst George Buckley, 2nd M. Buckley, 3rd Jean Goode. Class 27 - Tuberous Begonia, lst Vicki Lesnick, 2nd Carol Rowley, 3rd Louise Jose. Class 28 - Zinnia, lst Vicki Lesnick, 2nd Mrs. Whitmee. Class 29 - Zinnia pom-pom, lst, Mr. Wbitmee, 2nd Louise Jose, 3rd Mrs. Whitmee. Class 30 - Celosia, lst George Buckley. Class 31 - Miniature Zinnias 1978 Option lst Jean Goode, 2nd May Buriey, 3rd Donna Wallis, 4th Jean Rickard. Class 32 - Collection of named annuals, lst Margery Freethy, 2nd Jean Goode. Section C - Novice Class Class 1 - Coffee table arrangement lst Mr. Haldenby. Section D. Vegetables Class 1 - Beets, lst Candy Storks, 2nd Donna Wallis, 3rd Carol Rowley. Class 2 for gladiolus and aster exhibits, Donna Wallis for zinnia, Jean Goode for dahlia and Margery Freethy for rose. The most outstanding exhibit was shown by George Buckley. Mrs. Jean Goode earned the most points in the show with Margery Freethy and Rana Sinou tied for second and George Buckley a very close third. Mr. and Mrs. Kari Atweli, Omemee, were judges 'for this annual show. We bave a sad foot-note to add to this report. Miss Candy Storks wbo won several prizes ln the vegetables classes and won first prize on ber harvest basket, was most disappointed that this entry was lost, misplaced or stolen. The wicker basket belonged to Candy's grandmother, Mrs. Deline, and for sentimental reasons, Candy and her mother would like it returned. Sureiy someone knows the whereabouts of the basket and if it is returned to the Storks, no questions will be asked,. Anglican Church News Regular services are beifi conducted at 8:30 and 11 a.m. at St. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle. United Church News Fiowers 'in the Newcastle United Church on Sunday, August 20, came from three, different occasions, the Smith- Darling wedding and from the funeral services of Mr. Wilfred Wood and Mr. Richard Wilson. Rev. David Spivey's sermon deait with temptation which can be defeated when Christ is the centre of- life. Mrs. Catherine Jeanes, daughter of rago Telephone 987-4201 organist Mrs. Dorotby Payne, rendered a beautiful solo. The Prayer for the week is Lord, in weakness make me strong, in fear give me courage, in temptation,, let Me see the possibilities of life that Christ holds out to me. Amen. Members of the Orono Pastoral charge are sharing worship at the Newcastle United Church during the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stotesbury, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wannamaker, Mr. Adam, Sharp went out for supper at the Heritage Restaurant, Bowmanville recently. We welcome Rev. and Mrs. Harold Kempling back from their holidays. Mrs. Russel Stainton and Mrs. F.W. Werry celebrated their 6th consecutive mutual birthdays on August il. Mrs. Nora Waiker, Brooklin also attended their party. "Congratulations ladies." Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holdstock, Norland, Mrs. Lloyd Aldred,., Tyrone attended the funeral of their nephew, Melvin Beckett, Stratford on Friday. Sympathy goes to Mr. and lil loi Immdh A lhÀI Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stotesbury, Southampton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wannamaker, Seagrave, were recent visitors with Mr. Adam Sharp, they ahl visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pascoe for an hour. Mr. Tom Williams of Bradford, Mrs. Lou Griffin were Sunday dinner guests of' Mr. and Mrs. Waily Grif fin. Mr. -and Mrs. George Marshall and family, Barton, Nova Scotia are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and boys. A very successful workshop was held last week at Trent University. Over 250 students and teachers attended. Mr. Joe Sweet was one of the representatives from National Year Book. LEditors: Hazel and Jack Cr ENNISKILLEN The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 23, 1978- il Mrs. Floyd Beckett and the Orchard, Bowmanville. rest of the famiiy. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor Mrs., F.W., Werry visited visited on Sunday with Mrs. f riends in Huntsville and Courtney Graham, North Bay recenlty. Biackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett Mr. and Mrs. James were guests at the wedding of Piggott, Bowmanviile, visited bis nephew Mr., Brian Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott Beckett and Miss Kim Coty at and family on Saturday. Ebenezer Church' Saturday 11 Church News and the dance at the Lions Our joint service was held in Centre in the evening. Mrs. Tyrone Church on Sunday. Gorden Dudlley and Neil were Next Sunday, 10: 30 a.m. the Monday night supper guests of last joint service of the Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott summer season will be held in and family. Tyrone United Church. On Mr. and Mrs. AI Martin, subsequent Sundays, we will Bowmanville, were Sunday return to the regular service supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. sehedule and timnes. Sunday Ralph Virtue and family. school will resumne on Mr. and Mrs. Allen September lOth. ý Drunnfand, Peterborough, Advance notice: Tuesday, were recent visitors of Mr. August 29th 8:00 p.m. lst and Mrs. S. Pethick. Enniskillen 'Scout Group Todd McGill, Mississauga, Committee will meet in the' is holidaying with Mr. and Church Hall. AIl parents and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Judy and friends interested iu the future Laurie and Mr. and Mrs.: of this group are urged to Harvey McGill. attend as well. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lead- beater attended the Harding - (Leadbeater) Mitchell wedding in Ottawa on Saturday and spent the, remainder of the weekend with cousins in Ottawa. Master Neil Dudley was Friday afternoon visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin were Sunday evening cailers bave a of Mr and M rs. M ilton a é s m e Stainton and Miss Elva fes m r