ftecipe Supplement of the Canadian Statesman, September 27, 1978 Page 3 Ktchen "ITlaIk Food Sense in Canada be no limit. Sýndwiches range trom delicately decorated faldavers te submrarines several teet in length. For every country in the world there s' e faivourte sandwich tilling that s enoyed natiena lly. The Japanese, for example, mnake sandwviches et seeweed, the English like "chip but- ty", f rench tries between twe sices of breed. The Greek fuli their bread with gi'illed meat and salad. "Althniîgh peanut butter and jelly is an aillim e favour fite ot younger Canadiens," Joan 'Fieden points out, "there are meny ether fillings that are more nutritiaus for the family. LIVERWURST, HAIM and RAISIN, BEANS and ROAST, CHICKEN ALMOND and the famous TRIPLE DECKER are just a few ways that a sandwich maker cen use hie or her imagination ta create a lundi or mi eal. The varîety of send- wiches served cen be easily extended by usîng- dîtterent knds of breeds lke cheese, rye, pumpernickle, whole wheat, enriched white breed, buns and relIs," Liverwurst (Fi/ing /or2-3sendwiches' 1 cup meshed Liverwurst 4 tablespeens mayonnaise 2 teblespoons minced pickle 1 teblespeion minced persley 1 teespoon mnced enion 1/4 cup minced celery Combine ingredients, season te teste and chilI untîl reedy te use. Ham and Raisin (Fî'/ing for23 sandwichesý) 1 cup minced coeked hem 1 teaspon chepped sweet 1/ CuI p sediess raisins pickles 11 1/ CUp) cream style cottage cheese 1/4 cup mayonnaise Mix ingredients and season ta teste, and chili until reedy te use. Beans and Roast (FiIing for 23sandwiches) 1 cup baked beans, dreîned and mashed, 1/4 cup bean liquid (or eneugh te moisten I 2 tablespoons piccallili WHOLE WHEAT OR WHITE? "For meany yeers nutritionists have tried unsuccessfuily te get pee'ple ta eat wvhoie wvheat breadl," says Joan Fieldeýn, Bakery Council et Canada nr)ýition consultant. Whie white bread enriched wiýth B vitamirine and ren es goad for you and wîdeiy purchased, nutrition authorîties are cleîming thet whole wvheat bread is even better Whether a persan prefers white or whole wheat, there are only about 60 caories ina 28 gramn I1 oz.I suce. Toay, mare and more peeple are buyîvng wolne wetbreed. The reason could be beceiuse of the trend today ta get beck te eerthy, naturel toads. Contributîngý tao s the tact that meny m oreý people are traveiing ta Europe.on hoidey and wvhile over there are ecauiring, a teste for the dlarker bread. "This is greet1 beceuse wvhoie wheet bread s an excellent source- et nutrition and is goed eione or whvlen acco-mpanied] by other breads. Enrîchedwihite bread and whoie wheet bread complement eech ther n bath tasta and colour. HAM SALAD SANDWICHES, CîNNAMON ROLL-UPS and ORANGE FOLD OVERS, fer exemple, meke an attractive andf nutrtious displa," says Jean Fielden. Ham Salad Sandwiches (Serves 65) 2 cups diced cooked hem 'Acup mayonnaise /2cup fineiy diced ceiery 1 teblespeen prepared mustardl 1 paund grated onion 12 slce woie- whe&ýt bred Bend hemn, ceiery, anion, maonieand musterd together. Spree-,d on six suices et bread and top\ wth ether siue Cinnamon Rol-Ups (Serves 8) 4 tablespoions butter or margarine 8 slîces white bread /2 cUp) brown sugar 1 teaspeen cînnemon Ben d butter or margarine, brewni sugCar and cinnamon in a bowl. Triin cruets f rom breed slîces and spread wvith butter mixture. Roll up the bread, buttered sîde in, and place on a cookie sheet, Brush wth meîted butter and beke in a 425*F oven fer 10 minutes or untîl toasted. Orange foId-Oversl(Serves 4-6) 1 4-ounce package creem cheese 10 slîces white breed t/2 cup orange marmlade Mix creai'n cheese and mrmaiede in a bewi. Spreed on 10 slîces of breed and foid diegonally, sealing the edges. Place on e ceokie sheet, brush with creem and sprînkie with-ceceout and suger. Bake t 40e~F for 10 minutes or untîl toasted. SANDWICH HISTORY "Sandwiches are gret,"' says Jean FîeýIden, Bekery Councîl of Canada nutrition consultent. "They meke a nutrtious nibbler et coftee break or an attractive centerpiece t a dînner perty. The art et sand- wich meking, however, hescocme a long way sînce it wes popuiarîzed n England in the mddle 1700's. John Mentaque, the fourth Eerl et Sandwich, Se cretary 0 f Steteý and trst Lord ot the Admîrelty had e passion for hem sandwýiches whîch he ordered in great supplies. His preterence for fthe sandwiches beceme se femeus that when the Engish explorer James Cook dîscovered! a cluster of islands in the Pacîtîc Ocean he named t1hem the Sanrdwich Islands atter Mr. Monta- que. Today, they are krîown as the Hawaiien Islands. At the tîme, the choice et sandchvhes was limted te hem, beet or cheese bjetween two suices of breed. Tocday, however, there seems te 1 teaspoon mînced mnon 4 slîces cold lettover beet, tongue or Idiib 4 slces buttered breed rain bak ed beens, reserving the luice. Mesh beans and s*tîr i enough reserved juice te moîsten ta the rîght spreadîng censîste-ncy. Mix wîth rernmîing igredients and sýeason te teste. Chicken and Almnond (Fiig [cr23 sandwiches) 1 cup ground cooked chicken 1/ cup minced ceiery or green grapes 2 tableepoons fînely chopped toasted eimonds 1/4 cup mayonnaise until ready ta NU iiisndw,,iche-s Triple Decker (Serv'es4) 1/ pound diced Canadlian cheddar 12 sices of bread, toasted cheese 8 suces of tomate 1/ CuIP mîlk or beer 12 suces of crisp bacon> dash icayen ne Meit ',,2pauind of diced Canadien cheddar cheese over simmering water and gradutaliy stir in 1/ cup milk or beer. Cook, stirring, until sauce is smooth. Stir in dash of cayenne. Toast and butter 12 suices bread. Ar range 2 slices ntf tata on eech of the 4 suices toast. Caver each wlth enother sice of toast and an this arrange 3 sices crisp bacon. Top wvith the third sice ofi toast and pour cheese sauce over e-ach sanidwich.ý Garnish wvith piekie stelks and radish roses. The Monster 1 large fresh Kaiser Sesame seed roll, spilîtî n hit Lt ter both sIsi and1layer wî'th: a leat of crsp ltuce e sîle e processed chieese e ring 0f green pppeý(r 1 or 2 slices of salami a su ce of tomate Tep with a pncke, a sprîg et parsley or a sprînkling et grated Parmesan chee Se- Grilled Cheese-Egg Sandwiches (Serves 4) 8 slices process Canadien Cheddar cheese 8 slces enriched breed 4 teaspoons soft butter or margarine Place 1 suice cheese on haIt of bread slices; top each wîth haîf a sliced egg, another slce ef cheese and breed. Spreed 1/2 teaspoon butter over top of ech tandwich, tomn and spreed another %A teaspoon but- ter over other side. Place sandwiches on medium-hot grilli until browned; turn and brawn other sîde. Se-rve het. Chioken Salad Sandwiches 2/13 cup fieked bonred chieken 2 teblespoons chopped celery '4cup chapped pecans or 3 tabiespoonýs mayonnaise nirsalad almonds dressing 3/4 cup dreined crushed almonds leaves ofettUice Combine chicken, pecans, pineappie, celery and mayonnaise. Spread on 9 buttered pieces 0f bread et yaur choîce. Place leaves of lettuce an top and caver with buttered breed. Cut in haif and serve. Rickaby's Upsiairs, Shop Has Ail Cooks In Mmid- -Beginners and Experts COOKBOOKS - Dozens of! COPCO COOKWARE - Ask about our special. OVEN-TO.TABLE COOKWARE- Stoneware, clay,' microwave-proof. UTENSILS - ln wood, aluminum, stainless steel, melamine. MIXING BOWLS - Pottery, copper, melamine. MEASURES - New Metil, and OId Stand-by! CHOPPING BOARDS - Ail shapes and sizes. KNIVES - Carving, paring, slicing, - sharpeners too. And why nlot treat yourself (or someone else!). to one or more of our newly-arrived "COMESTIBLES FOR- THE GENTRY95 MUSTARDS -Whole Grain, MiId Honey, Robust. CHUTNEY -Apricot! VINEGARS- Tarraagon, OId Reserve Red Wine. PRESERVES - Aprocot Almond and Sherry, PIum Walnut and Brandy, Black'Currant and Rum. TRADITIONAL MARMALADES - Vintage, Orange, Pineapple, Lemon. AII by CRABTREE AND EVELYN 0F, ENGLAND. ~1