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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1978, Section 2, p. 3

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A total of $4,055 was pledged at the first annual Ontario Humane Society Ride-a-thon held' Sept. 23 on the Great Pineridge Tail. The Ride-a-thon, organized by the staff of the Durham Region OHS branch on Thickson Road, Whitby, was deciared to be an unqualified success. Branch President Mike Burgess expressed his gratitude to the branch staff who organized the Ride-a-thon, Mrs. Shela Weaver and Head Warden Hubert Coghîll, and 'to the many participants and sponsors who helped to make it the success it was. The Ride-a-thon officially kicks off "Be Kind to Animais Week", Sept. 23 to 30, which culminates with the annual tag day, Sept. 30. Mr. Burgess urges feilow animal loyers- to visit the shelter on Thickson Road North and join the over 500 members of thebranch and to give generously when called on by taggers. AIl proceeds from these fund-raisîng events will go to further the work of the Ontario Humane Society in the interest of animal welfare. A total of 48 sponsored riders took part in the Ride-a-thon. Led by warden Steve Head in his wheel drive Jeep the riders set ont at 10 a.m. sharp and the rear guard was manned by Clint Weaver in his pickup truck. Both vehicles on the ride had CB radios and were able Juggler Jacques Smitd tries out a few of his magie tricks on this young lad who volunteered to act as Mr. Smitd's assistant during a performance at the Lions Club family night dinner held Monday, September 25. Mr. Smitd has been a juggler for 27 years and bas performedd, in 42 different countries. H1e has also made 18 appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show. D hauWest Dsrc 1 Mrs. M. Bryant of Hampton, President of Durham West -W.!., held an Executive, Meeting at her home on Thursday, September 21st. The purpose of the meeting was to plan our Fun Fair, whicb comes up in October. The following ladies were -present - Newtonville Branch - Mrs. S. Lancaster, Mrs. S. Buttery and Mrs. Fletcher. -Maple' Grove - Mrs. H. Bradley, Mrs. M. Prescott. Kendal - Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Dykeman. Hampton - Mrs. Bryant. Blackstock - Mrs. Shortridge. Nestleton - Mrs. Wygerde. Bowmanville - Mrs. M. Wiseman. Solina - Mrs, W. Ashton, Mrs. F. Watson, Mrs, R. Fraser and Mrs. W. Yýellowlees. So each branch of the district was represented. Mrs. Bryant called the meeting to order and we sang the Ode. Mrs, Bradley Sect. Treas. read the minutes of our iast -executive meeting. This led to discussions .on the plans for this coming Fun Fair. The following branches will- provide numbers for the program., Kendal, Maple Grove, Solina and Blackstock. Each branch is asked to bring an article valued between $1.50 and $5.00 for the draw prizes. Discussion on paying rent for the Hall resulted in à decision to pay $15. fromi the District toward this. The District also pays for -the tea, coffee, milk and serviettes. We are asked to wear our W.I. name tags. The afternoon tea is provided by ail branches - Each is requested to give 1 loaf of bread in sandwiches, a relish tray and 2 dozen tarts, squares or cookies. At the door will be Mrs. B3ryant, our president and the Newtonville President. In the country store, almost anything can be given from each branch - from baking, knittinïg, sewing, plants, fruit and vegetables etc. at least 5 items from each branch. Please price your donation. There will be a display of Christmas Crafts suitable for, gifts. These may he sold for the individual if she wishes. Something from each branch again. On the Registration will be Marjorie Prescott and Marlon Wiseman. Draw ticket sellers - Mrs. Elliott and MIrs. Wygerde. Country Storeý - Mrs. Dykemnan, Mrs. Shortridýge, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Ashton, Mrs. Bradley and Mrs. Yellowlees. In charge of lunch - Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs. Lancaster, Mrs. Winnacott and Mrs. Buttery. We felt that our Fun Fair had been successful financially as well as socially in the past. If you want an enjoyable afternoon find ont fromn your W.I. Branch as to time and place. Mrs. Bryant concluded the meeting with us repeating the Mary Stewart Collect. She then served a deliciouis lunch, whicb ail enjoyed so much, I'm sure they wouldn't need 'much for supper. A vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Bryant for her hospitality. Knight's Apple Do'n Frut Ltde Coîborne, Ontario Announce the opening of a Sf rvn Juice-loading Facility, St rvn complete with sca les i at Waverley Road. Bowmanville tml Apples will be picked Up in 400 bushel roll on - roll off containers. Cail Collect 355-2510 or 349-2521. NOTICE 0F A PUBLIC o%-MEETING A Public Meeting of Council will be held ai 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 4th, 1978 in the Council Chambers (Court Roomn 1) ai 132 Church Street,, Bowmanville. The purpose of the meeting is, to discuss the Traffic Operations Study fôr downtown Bowmanville- which deals with traff le operation def iciencies. lnterested citizens are invited to attend to hear the study report explained by Town Council, staff and consultants and have their, questions answeredand Lobse rvations"no ted.u G. B. Rickard, Mayor J. M. Mcllroy, Town Clerk to keep in touch with the base which wvas the school house property in Burketon, generously loaned by Jack Jacobson Construction Company, Ltd. The ride took the form of a figure eight, the riders arrîving back at base for lunch at 12:30. Lunch was provided by the branch. The second haif of the 25-mile ride started ont promptly at 1:30 p.m., minus several riders who retired their horses as they felt the animais were too tired. The ride concluded at approximately 4 p.m. at which time three very handsome trophies, donated by Shur- Gain Feeds Ltd. and gif t vouchers donated by Picov Horsemanship Centre (Whitby) were presented by Inspector John Kirkland. The youngest rider to complete the ride was Mike Connelly, 12, of R.R. 4 Port Perry. The oldest rider was Howard Brandt, 65 of 20 Elgin Street,- Ajax and the rider with the most pledges was Ron Statulak, 2360 Birchmount Road, Scarborough, who collected named 'pledges, of $820. Each received a trophy. Mrs. Weaver, who originated the idea of the ride-a-thon, lef t the Whitby ORS branch after five years on Friday to take up her new position with. the Fenelon Falls Veterinary Hospital. Men bers of the branch wil miss ber and her good work, said Supervisor Carol Lang. Leadership SkilIs Semi*nar for oe A leadership skills seminar especially for women will be held at Durham College October 26, November 2 and 9 and will highlîght assertive- ness training in its first session. Linda Christensen, seminar co-ordinator, states that assertîveness training is a very sought after course in the Durham Region. "Women and men are prornoted to a large extent for their ability to handle people in stressful situations. Assertiveness provides the expertise and confidence nede y womeun Who maust dem onstrate t hoe leadership abilityý." Mrs. Christensen says that women have been labelled with adjectives sncb as "6nuturing, caring and excitable." To overcome this stereotyping and to dispeil the belief that women cannot be assertive when such action is necessary, assertiveness training is reqnired. This is an important part of the communication skills session of October 26. The November 2 sessions will deal with job placement. Tbey will cover the importance of conducting and participating in employ- ment interviews. This programn will belp women prepare a resume, which will allo v them to be considered as a serions candidate. It also provides women with values clarification so that the wisest career choice can be made. The final sessions on Novem ber 9 will assist women iný anaging both personal an 'o imeý. According to Mrs.~ rstenenmaking tiefor comibining famnily responsibilities witb the demands of a career requires jndicious time, management. She states that these final sessions will also demonstrate the benefits of good personal leadership styles -and the ability to be an efficient group member. Helen Lafountaine and Joyce Denyer of Women Entertains Lions Club at Family Night o't z..........,- 0m on Associates are the resource persons for these seminars. l3oth are widely acclaimed as workshop leaders, conducting seminars for'major corpora- tions across Canada. Joyceî Denyer is a consultant with the Ontario Wonien's Bureau andý acts as an advisor to the Ministry of. Colleges and Universities. Helen Lafountaine owned her own business before helping 'to establish Women's Associates. Her recent assign- mnents have. included a national attitudinal survey on women, a report in communi- cation for the Ontario Govern- NOTrICE NOTICE 0F APPLICATION to The Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act for approval of By-Law No. 78-82 passed on the 28th day of August, 1978. A copy of the by-law is furnished herewith. A note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law and stating the lands affected thereby is also furnished herewith. ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, within twenty-one (21) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of, the Town of Newcastle notice of objection to ap- proval of the said by-law or any part thereof and shaîl indicate that if a hearing is held, the objec- tor or an agent will attend at the hearing to state the objection. ANY PERSO N wishing to support the application, for approval of the by-law may within twenty- one (21) days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle notice of his support of approval of the said by-law together with a request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving also the name and address to which such not- ice should be given. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve - f t he said by-law but before doing 50 it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the by-law will be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection or notice of support and, who have Ieft with or delivered to the Clerk undersigned, the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent. THE LAST DAY FOR FILING OBJECTIONS wili be October 19,1978. DATED at the Town of Newcastle this 27th day of September 1978. J. M. Mcîlroy, A.M.C.T. Cîerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 EXPLANATORY NOTE 0F THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BY-LAW 78-82 The purpose and effect of By-law 78-82 is to amend the special provision affecting the subject lands in the Bowmanville Zoning By-law to remove the prohibition contained therein against parking in the exterior side yard and to permit the location of one parking space for every 2000 square feet of building area in the front yard. The affected area las hown on the attached key j Plan as "Subject Lands". *10 S-a-rn - iii~ IL_ w -j ~XTf/'r 0F ejecr £~f#¶'bJ TNIV e- in t, e- - b i - i -. i. - __IL 1- Il w' I.' r<l v "I Z - BAGE LI1NE ItAI) THE CORPORATION 0FTHE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE BY-LAW, NO. 78L.82 A By-law to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 15870of the former Town of Bowmanviîle WHEREAS the Council, of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 1587, as amended, of the former Town of Bowmanvilîe; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows: 1. Schedule "B" to By-Iaw 1587, as amended, is hereby further amendea oy deleting Section 1.7 of Special Condition 7, and replacing tlheref or the following section 1.7: 1.7 Parking 'Notwithstanding any provision of Section 7.16 to the contrary, the minimum parking requirements for industrial uses in the defined area shah b. one space for every 750 feet of gross f loor area of ail structures or buildings erected on the lot, and no portion of any parking area in any front yard or exterior side yard shaîl be dloser than 5 feet to any front lot line or exterior side lot line. Not more than one parking space for every 2000 square feet of gross floor area of aIl buildings and structures Iocated on the lot shaîl be located in any front yard". 2. This By-law shahl come into effect on the date hereof, subject to receîvlng the approval of of the Ontario Municipal Board. BY-LAW READ a firsttime this 28th day of August, A.D. 1978. BY-LAW READ a second time this728th day of August, A.D. 1978. BY-LAW READ a third time and finally passed this 28th day of August, A.D. 1978. G. B. Rickard Mayor J. M. Mcllroy Cierk Section Two The Canàdian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 4 1978 3 ment, and the co-authorship of available). Enroliment is Bowmanviile. The whole route a report on "The Effect of limited to 20 participants. For has not been fully mapped ont Sexism on the Career further information cali Linda yet. For further information Development of Teachers. " , Christensen at 576-0210 contact Carson Elliot at 62V. Anyone interested in attend- (extension 240). 5668 or Barb i-cks at 623-6364. ing Durham College's Leader- P-Uhlie-Meetg ship Skills Seminar for ' A public meeting to discuss Women, should caîl the 11.1 n u the town's traffic operations College at 576-0210 (extension study, completed this past 236) during the daytime hours, 0',ede summer, will take pIace to be mailed an officiai ]BAi e IS tonight at 7:30 in the council registration form. Cost of the chambers (court room No. 1) three day seminar is $150.00 Walk-a-thon at 132 Church St. and includes luncheons. Council was advised by 1 Liquor By-law Registration can also be made letter last Monday night that a Coundil authorized the town in person at the Colege "Walk-a-thon for Splash" will manager to draft a by-law weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4:45 be held Saturday, Oct. 14. The prohibîting the possession of p.m., or the day the seminar 20-kilometre walk will begin at liquor in local stadiums and begins (if space is 'stili 8 a.m. at the Lions Centre in arenas. The Zg "The Waaod misers", * 12 haurs bumripaon one load of waod * firebrirk ined * 10i year puaraniee * 5 radeis ta bhoao ram (ai on aii spla ) Ailer he fire gaes out glass daars make sure the heet daesn'f eergy saianî rd sale * dailabie in rrany finishos ta nuit pour decor e standard or custolm ies Patented, controîîed, heat-circulating system Mark 123C0 s bath a real fireplace and auxiliary healing system in one unti Can be ducled te help warm one or twa roms. Fan Kit Available. OVER 25 % EFFICIENT,(This i furhe r increased e lb additioof flaw ,vai'an[e io i eca cr VISIT OUR SHOWROOM TUES. - SAT. for a ,compl, t; ecr ion ot cocs tu lie li doo rs and acres,-rien IDp 900l H pkîrrs at Burns Fîreplarer" UHf 68-319' ýC-, - - 1 --1 1. -1 -, ý >- 1

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