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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1978, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanville, October 11, 1978 On Monday, October 2, the annual meeting and pot luck diiner of the area Senior Citizens was held at the Town Center. Everyone enjoye d a, AVAL FINANCING W@R EAL TY LT D.B ROK ER 123 KING ST. W., NEWCASTLEj 98-736343 OPEN HOUSES Saturday and Sunday 1 - 5 p.m. King City Homes $54,900 Features: Aluminum soffits and e aves, oughed in fireplace, 4 po. and 3 pc. bath, 11/2 car gareige, rolled doors, facilities for central vacuum, large kitchens - separate dining, some models with walkoufs, large lots, choice of, flooring and cabinets, as low as 5%/ down - 10140/% financing. Directions: Hlwy. 35 f0 Conc. 4 Manvers, just north 0f Ponfypool, watch for signs on right. Announceme nt Gord Barnes, manager of Family Trust Corporation Realtor is pleased to announce the association of Ruby Ingleton to the company's Bowmanville office. Ruby has been an active member of the Real Estate profession serving Durham Region for 61/ years during which time she furthered her know- ledge by successfully completing courses in appraisal, Real Estate Iaw, Rural Real Estate and Mortgage financing, and will continue to provide a conscientious and thorough Real Estate service to the residents of this area. Ruby may be reached at the office 623-6622 or her residence 623-2627. REALTOR S623-4428 181 Church Street REAL ESTATIE LIMITED Bowmanville OPEN HOUSE Saf., Oct. 14 and Sun., Oct. 15, 1,- 5 p.m. At $38,500.00 lets take a look af this older 11/2 storey 2 bedroom home in good condition on large lot. Upper storey lends itself f0 large bedroom, or family room. Directions:N. on Waverley Rd. f0 the end, turn righf for one block f0 corner of Kng St. and Chapel Sf. in Bowmanville. $42,5001o0 For this dlean 3 yr. aid 3 bedroom semi with dining area and 1 1/ baths. Patio doors from large living room f0 back yard. Paved drive. Basement panelled. In Bowmanville. THREE NEW HOMES! n privafe court, very desirable area of norfh end Bowman- ville. 4 bedrooms, family room, fireplace, aftached garage. Asking $65,900.00 for 2 models and $67,900.00 for the other mode]. Term&. $43,900.00 An excellent starter or retiremeni home in Bowmanville. Lots of closet space in this 2 bedroom home. Weil worf h lookinq at. WANT A GORGEOUS INGROUND POOL Ail beautifully landscaped with a country sidesplit? We have if. Lisfed af $85,500.00, the fireplace in the family room is impressive. Double garage and drive. Ail the extras. 1.6 MANICURED ACRES Creates the setting for this attractive rancher in Orono. Family room on ground f loor and a finished games room n basement. Cal f0 see this counfry property today. $48,900.00 Privafe lot nearly 1/2 acre with mature trees in central Bow manville. Home has large formai dining room, large cef-dar sundeck off eat-in kitchen. Newly aiuminum sided, this san attractive property at an attractive price! Sympathy is extended fromý the'cormuinity to the familyý and friends of the late Thomas Hodge who passed away suddenlv last week. anne's sîster and family, Ray and Sharon Major, Jeff, Mike and Brian from Windsor for .he holiday weekend. Ron and Ellen Martyn and son Luke of Sudbury were wveekend guests of parents Hlarold and Dora in Black- stock. feast of Fish and 'Chips from Ceasarea and a wide selection of fancy desserts. Officers of the past year were asked ta resume their posts: president - Burt Gibson, secretary - Susie Harris, and treasurer - 1ElIa Venning. Tuesday evening card party winners were: 1 - Edith Anderson 101, 2 - Marg Byford 85, 3 - Dorothy McDiarmid 80, 4 - Belle Werry 80, 5 - Harold McDiarmid 78, 6 - Ross Alsop 78, and low - Harold Burgess, out of 19 tables. There was a shout of joy from the Harold McLaughlin home on Wednesday morning when news reachaed the household that Linda Brad- burn had given birth ta Matthew Jay in Port Perry Hospital. Wednesday afternoon Becky Harris celebrated her 5th Birthday with friends; Laura Gilbank, Amy Sleep, Jill Van Camp, Halie Vogle, Brandie Waldriff, Kyle Russell, Wayne Edgerton, and Joel Schryburt. The monthly meeting of the Evening Unit U.C.W. was, brought to order by the president, Joanne Lee, at the home of Norma Traquair on Wednesday evening. Joanne outlined many events coming up in the near future; the two pancake breakfasts in October and in November at the Recreational Centre; Auction sale in October and a 5Oth wedding annîversary, party to be held at the church on November llth to honor Mr.' and Mrs. Russell Larmer. Memnbers of the church, moth- ers, and fathers of Sunday School children-anjd visitors are invited ta share in the so- cial timefollowing the church Anniversary on November l2th; sandwiches and cookies will be served. Donna Kyte led the group in devotion, on the beauty of Autumn as expres- sed through an artists spect- rum of color. Everyone comn- pleted a letter jumble of a Thanksgiving Prayer and then read the Prayer in unison. Tallya, Moore introduced Karen Lomax who demon- strated the correct way to apply makeup. Several girls (we won't mention any naines) had a face lift and then Joanne Lee was made up as a fashion-two-twenty-two model. After the hast, Norma, served a delicious lunch the girls with faces lifted called it another interesting night. Roy and Edith McLaughlin and Eileen and Harold Me- Laughlin attended the Annual Ploughing Match, the last weekend of September in Wingham. They ail stayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Mairs in Brussels. Roy and Harold competed la the Annual Doubles Horseshoe Pitching contest and brought home the lst place trophy. Joel Schryburt entertained five school chums on the event of his 5th birthday on Thurs- day after school; lunch guests were Kyle Russell, Amy Sleep, Becky Harris, David Andrews and Wayne Edger- ton. Ponderosa Steak House pro- vided the setting and the cake for Karen Kyte's loth birthday party with family and friends Rhoda Williams, J. J. Lee, Debbie McLaughlin, and Ron Vice on Friday, October 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Werry (Cindy Van, Camp) are on route to Manitoba after their ceremony of Holy Matrimony in Blackstock on Saturday. Larry and Beth Schrybùrt and family enjoyed the coin- pany of Larry's brother Les from Ottawa over the week- end. Bob Hattfield of London spent the weekend at the Merrili Van Camp home as a guest of Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mow- ers entertained severai cou- responsible for organizing and activities for the day. Thanks- giving Day was organized by Mrs. Strong. Everything from the place mats to the centrepieces were handmade by the students. Each, class was responsible for making a dessert. The rest of the chores, such as table setting, cleaning the vegetables and p eel ing 16SiceSt. N.,t Oshaaw 728-7328 Ontarlo St. - Land 60' x 69, priced fo seil. $45,900 - 4 bedroom semi, immaculafe condi- tion and on large lot. A must f0 inspect. $49,900 - 4 bedroom 21/2 sforey older home, inside decor beaufiful, large family kitchen. 50 Acres Vacant Land - hardwood and pine bush. Terrific financing on this property, cail 728-7328. Buy and SeUl With Confidence Nationwlde Referral Service gBowmanville -623-3911 BOWMANVILLE - 4 level back-split semi with broadloom, 11/2 baths, Hollywood kitchen, sunken dining room, rec room, and fenced back yard. Excellent condition, asking $46,500. BOWMANVILLE - New 3 bedroom back-split bungalow with full basement, broadloom and cushion floors and sirigle garage. Close f0 school and park, asking $57,900. potatoes were divided among the grades. "The social experience for the students is really super," says principal Wally Pitt. Some students who have always been a littie difficuit ta handle were showing a great deal of responsibility, he added. Rev. H. Kempling and canagregation welcomed Miss Nancy Knox, Hampton, as guest speaker for the Thanks- givîng service at Tyrane United Church' on Sunday, Oct. 8, 1978. Nancy is a candidate for the ministry in, the United Church of Canada, in hier second year theology at Emmanuel College. Nancy gained the immediate atten- tion of lher audience with a children's story ta, which all the kids could directly relate. The sermon which followed did nat back away from any of the dilemmas which face us all in aur world at this time of Thanksgiving, yet left us with a point of focus for the givîng of thanks. The choir sang with enjoyable harmony, led by Mrs. Elinor Brent. Mr. Roly Coombes was guest solaist, singing "God Hath Not Pro- mised". It was a pleasure ta welcome Roly, Wilma and family back ta their old home church. Nice ta welcome also Mrs. Pat Kerr, husband Bob and family, who is better know ta some of the young people as Miss Knox, a farmer teacher at Tyrone Public Schoal. It was a pleasure to see the students home fram their variaus schaols and several other visitors with us. The Senior Citizens Penny Sale and Bazaar was an overwhelming success on Wednesday afternoon, by bath the support of donations and patranage. Lots of fellowship, fun and prizes was enjoyed. 4The draw for Afghan and Cushilôn was.,won 'by Mrs. Ethel Gibbs and -a second afghan was won by Ivy Coverly. Twenty tables of euchre were in play on Friday evening with the following results: lst Bruce-Ormiston 2nd Maxine Brock, 3rd Meta' Swain, 4th John Broome, sth Margaret Watson, 6th Ann English. Ladies low Hazel Murphy, Men's low Tva West- lake. 50 - 50 draw Vi Cook. 4-H News The Tyrone Terrific Taste Testers held their third meet- ing on October 3rd in the C.E. Wing. The meeting opened with the 4-H Pledge and ral caîl; "What is my favorite breakfast? " Since the food being prepared needed a long time ta cook, Susan Siemon and Caroline Craig started the demonstrations of White Sauce (using two different methods), Creamy Ham and Mushroom Supper, and Susan Pleasance demonstrated Pot- ato Cheese Chowder. After the demonstrations, we talked about what made a good lunch, how toadd variety toaa brown paper bag lunch and which fillings froze well. At this time we tasted Peanut Butter and Carrot filling. Nobody enjoyed this sandwich filler- We --also discussed safety measures that should be used in the kitchen. Recause the food took so long ta cook, plans were made for Our party. The Tyrone 4-H members cordially invite members and leaders of the past five years to a Halloween party. Dress up and corne out on October 24, 1978 at 7 p.m. ta the C.E. Wing at Tyrone Church: Food,. fun and games will be supplied. Do net bring yourself - corne as something or somebody else. R.S.V.P. ta Kim Vanevk. R.R. 5. Bow- manville, LiC 3K6, or phone, 263-846. See you there. We hope that Mr. AIf Milîson and Mrs. Carol Byam are now feeling better in hospital. Dunwoody Llmlted Trustes In Bankruptcy Suite IA 57 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa LiH 7L9 Phone 576-3430 P.O. Box 516 FAWIL-TRUST OPO.RATINR EATR.. e DON'T FREEZE Whîle building a home on this 25 acres. Use the 20 x 16 sulated and heated building plus bake over bairbeque. Hydro and welI. North east Newtonville. $44,900. Cail Ruby Ingieton 623-6622 or 623-2627. "FEELING CLOSEDgIN" Now you can afford f0 move to the country. Superbly decorated, 3 bedrooris, huge landscaped lot. An ideal place for kids. Price just reduced fo $46,900. Try an offer. Owners have boughf. Cali Gall Churchill 623-662? or 986-5618. BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 ORONO 983-9547 GUNTER LAKE - MADOC AREA $12,500. Excellent cottage building lot. Phone and hydro availabie. Permits. Weil maintained access road year round. Superb snowmobiling and fishing country. Take your firsf sfep f0 a dreamn retreat today. Cali John Shewchuk. BOWMANVILLE - COMMERCIAL LOCATION Ideal corner property 163' x 66' adjoining 2 fast food ouf lets. 2 road f rontages. This property is priced to seil af $79,000 wifh terms. Cali Bill Morrison Jr. or Ron Hurst. 110W MUCH VALUE CAN ONE HOME OFFER? Spaclous open concept makes fhis home a must for the large famiy. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, atfached garage. A family room wif h fireplace for cold winter nights and fenced land-, scaped lot adds to the value. Ail this for $55,900 in Bowmanville east end. Cail Mary Pike. INCREDIBLE BUT TRUE For $46,900 you can be the proud owner of this 4 bedroomn backsplit; semi in one of Bowmanville's better areas. Beautifully decorated with ail levais finished. Exfra large rooms and 2 full baths. Large 1sf mortgage makes il easy for you f0 own. Ask for Mary Discoli. DETACHED HOME IN BOWMANVILLE For $48,000 this listing has a lot going for if with 3 bedrooms, large sunny kitchen, broadloomed and decorated f0 perfec- tion. Large lot, above ground pool and detached garage are jusf some of the extras f00 good ta be true. Seeing is believing. Cali Mary Pike. 96 ACRES - $69,500 2 ra frontages. 70 acres workable. Excellent soul. Siightly rolling. Close f0 Mosport. Cali Bi11 Turansky. ORONO - $35,900 Overlooking ravine 3 bedroom bungalow on beautiful 66' x 264'1lf. Detached garage, paved drive. Ask for Bill Turan. sky. JUST LISTED - EXCELLENT LOCATION n Bowmanville. 3 bedroom sidespiit with aftached garage, kitchen overlooks family room which features wall f0 wall fireplace and walkouf f0 patio with gas barbeque. Many ex- t ras at only $65,900. For appt. caîl Barb King. REDUCED TO $50,600 Newcast le bungalow with 3 bedrooms, plus . .. Finished rec room, paved drive and great back yard. For further details cali Merne Vella. Coas to Cas( Real Estate Ser-vice BLACKSTOCK This Grade One student at Mitchell's Corners Publie Schôol is helping to prepare the vegetables for the school's Thanksgiving Dinner. School Prepares Thnanksgiving 'Dinner TY*,RONE SALES REPRESENTATIVE: KEITH D. BARR NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO M. H. Burgess Realty Ltd., 54 John Street - Port Hope, Ontario P.O. Box 274 Li A 3W4 PRICE REDUCED ... OWNER ANXIOUS TO SEL Lovely three bedroomn bungalow on nice lot in Newcastle village with beautiful family room with fireplace . .. price is $64,900.00. lnterested persons contact Keith D. Barr af §87. 5229 or987-4202. EXCELLENT BUY Excellent location 1 acre approximately, with bungalow and barn on property. Property must be seen to appreciate possibilities. Asking price $98,000.00. Property located near Oshawa. Contact Keith D. Barr at 987-5229 or 987-4l202. COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Several commercial properties for sale in Bowmanville and east areas. lnterested persons contact Keith D. Barr at 987- 5229 or 987-4202. Note: We need mare listings. Please contact Keith D. Barr if you are thinking of selîing your home, business or farm. Thanksgiving camne early for students of Mitchell's Corners Public School. Last Friday ail 125 pupils sat down ta a full-course turkey dinner which, they prepared themnselves. Friday was the first of a' series of, days lai which the entire school participates' in the celebration of special occasions. Each teacher is OPEN HOUSE 73 Alonna Ave. Bowmanville Sat., Oct. 14 From1 - 4 p.m. 3; bedroom 2 storey semi, large L shaped living and dining room wifh walkout. Large kitchen with many cupboards. Den on main floor or 4fh bedroom wifh bow win- dow. Tool shed, stone bar- beque, built in sheives and cupboards. $42,900.0(). Directions: Waverley Rd. north of 401, turn west on Base Line Rd. and north on Martin Rd. f0 Alonna. Vour Hostess Nancy Obst Lloyd Meicaif Real Estate Ltd. 40 King St. E. 728-4678 Oshawa

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