10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Octoher 18, 1978 1EDITORIAL Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there was a :§mall school whicb consisted of five portables, two class rooms, and a small gym sbared with the. elententary scbool next door. The name of this small but friendly school was Durham Christian High Scbool. That school still exists today but like most tbings it has changed. It seems like a long time has passed since the days of the portables, but actually it hasn't been more than two years. It is amazing how much can change in such a short time. We've came a long way. For some of us the portables are a fond memory of what Durham used to be. Students in grade eleven and especially grade twelve remember going to school in the portables as a time of anxiously awaiting the long promised new school. It is true that in'those days when you walked tbrougbi the school you couldn't help but hear complaints. There were comn- plaints about. the portables being too hot in the summer and too cold in winter. The lockers were too small and crowded, purses were being mutilated ahl over the school, and for the sports fans the gym was too small and there was neyer enougb equipment. But between the complaints there was a feeling of close- ness and companionship that could not be feit in very many schools. Everyone was work- ing together for the new Durham. Everyone partici- pated in tbe work-a-thons to raise money. Now that we have finally seen the dream came true, having our own beautiful building, we can look back at the old school and know that those old portables played a very important part in the istory of DCHS. The port- ables are the bistory of DCHS. Something was lef t in those portables that couldn't be brougbt to the new school. The new school is a whole new beginning, and people wbo experienced the portables can certainly feel it. Now instead of walking on a small sidewalk from class to class you can walk on soft carpet, in your sock feet if you want. What an improvement. Not only bas the building .cbanged but the people bave also taken on a different spirit. There is still the odd com- plaint about this or that but scbool life in Durham is certainly better. The school is very rapidly growing as anyone can see. Recently we heard tbat the ministry wants us to change our name if we incorporate. The change of our name, "Durbam Cristian High School", to a new one seems to be appropriate considering the other changes we bave made. PROPERTY FOR SALE Prime bidnlot nte Village of Newcastle. Cal the office of Mr. Ewert at 987-4735. PRIVATE N EWCASTLE AR EA 5 yrs. aid 3 or 4 bedroom home, 1 1/2 bathraoms, tirepiace, partially finished rec room, double garage, lot 100 fi. x 150. Asking $58,500.00. Telephone 987-5278 afier 5 p.m. PRIVATE SALE 3-bedroom ranch style detached home on quiet court, municipal water and EXCEPTIONAIL VALUE Three bedraam, 2-storey semi with finished family raam. Assumnabie 35-year- morigage ai 81/4%./~ Good location, many extras, $42900. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER 728-4678 DCHS may have changed in many ways but it stili cannot be matched by any ather scbool. DURHAM COMMUNITY ORGANIZES JAMES WARD CONCERT The major entertainment event of the first part of the '78-'79 scbool year at Durbam is caming up on October 3th. James Ward, vocalist, pianist, and composer, will be in concert at Bowmanville High School. Ward is tauring south- ern Ontario, and Barbara Siebenga, Barbara Nieuws- ma, Gardon Blyleven and Sylvia Vanejenhuis are argan- izing the Bowmanville con- cert. James Ward is 28 years old and lives with bis wife Beth and daughter Katy in Chat- tanooga, Tennessee. Two of his aider brothers are now teacbing at Durham. Ward. bas a B.A. degree in music from Covenant College. He bas produced twa albums: "James Ward Himself" and "To the Glary of Gad". In 1975 he farmed a jazz-rock group called Elan whicb toured the States and Canada until 1977. He'is now perfarming solo. James Ward is a very gifted pianist witb a pawerful and well'cantralled vaice. He ap- pears ta enjoy bis audience, and by watcbing bim perfarm you can tel be means every note and word. His sangs show a lot of jay and hope. Two examples of such sangs are: "Isaiab 53" and "He Shaîl Be Satisfied." Referring ta bis sangs on bis album "James Ward Himself", he writes, "I am nat preaching. These sangs are Christian attitudes. I have nat arrived but I trust I am learning. " Travelling witb Ward for the first time in Canada, is Michael Blanchard, vocalist, pianist, and guitarist. Blan- chard bas been an active perf armer in the United States since 1967 but is new in Canada. He attended Berklee College of Music in Boston for four years. Blanchard bas produced twa albums: "Can- ticle" and "Quail". He bas 1 also written the music for the music drama "Gamaliel" and thesoundtrack and script for the animation "Lazarus".' Many of Blancbard's songs bave bumoraus, stary-type lyrics describing everyday events. He also takes different Bible stories and retelîs tbem in a comical up-to-date way that belps us identify witb people like Abraham and Daniel. James Ward describes bim in this way: "His namne is Mike Blanchard, and ... bis concerts are a spellbinding weave of hilariaus and inti- mate explanations of bis sangs, followed by the tune itself, delivered with polisb and masterful articulation. THE DURHAM CHRISTIAN IIIGH SCHOOL THING Editor: June Brinkman Durham Christian Higb bas had a newspaper for eigbt years naw. It is caled The Durham Thing. Wben we were asked if we wanted a column in The Canadian Statesman, we decided we wauld keep The Thing as aur naine. I hope you enjay aur column and begin ta learn wbat Durham is ail about by reading it. DCHS Breaks Enrotiment Record This year Durham bas its higbest enrolîment ever, witb 153 students, compared witb twa years age when the tatal was 88 students or so. The student population bas almost daubled. Since last year the school bas bad appraximately a 25 per cent climb in enrolîment, and campared ta two years aga an almost 100 per cent gain. If we were ta bave a steady increase af 25 per cent, in three years we'd have approximately 300 stu- dents. By that time we wauld need a bigger staff, a larger student lounge , and maybe an addition ta the, schoal Students Plan Work-a-thon Many arganizatians bave walk-a-tbons ta raise money. Instead of walk-a-thons, Dur- ham bas been having work-a- thons for several years. The students go out and work for other people wbo pay us wbat 62 JACKMAN ROAO BOWMANVILLE, ONT. LiC 2C9 (416) 623-6023 W. H. Clipperton& Associates Ltd. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS for Mortgages - Capital Gains Tax Purchase and Sale Expropriation - Estate Values Investment Analysis Canada Savings Bonds WOOD GURNDY, LIMITED announce the appointment of GEORGE WEEKES, as sub-agent Phone Bowmanville 623.7345 PAMILY TRUST ~JCORPOçlATION REALTOR ATTENTION ANTIQUE LOVERS! OPEN HOUSE Beautitul century home situated an a large treed lot in central Bowmanville. Features 4 bedrooms, 3 bathraoms, double car garage. Excellent finàncing. This property may be seen durieg Open Hause on Sunday, Ociober 22, 1978 tram 2 p.m. 105 p.m. or by appointmeni. Cali Ruth Veness at 623-6622 or 623-6562. To wn Attempts to Accommodate Sign At Chieken Villa The Dur-h8m Tin Durham Christian High Sehool Bowmanville, Ontario Director of Planning, Leslie Kristof said in order ta conform witb the existing by-law Scott's must eitber re-locate its existing street sign or remove it and put one on the front of the building instead. "Just because the sign is in the wrong location does not warrant two signs. If they're saying it cant be seen then they should move it, said Mr. Kristof. It was pointed out that the sign must be set back 10 feet therefore it can't be moved forward any furtber. Chairman of the committee, Bob Dykstra said something sbould be done about the by-law since council bas bad to deal witb problems arising out of its restrictiveness on at least tbree different occasions since he bas sat on council. Councillor Don Allun recalled the purpose of the by-law in the first place was ta do away with the clutter of baving too many signs. The committee decided to refer the matter back ta staff requesting it ta give due consideration to allowing tbose businesses wbicb have met setback criteria ta have identifying signs on their buildings as well as on the street. edIvano REALTY LTD. BtROKER M2 KING ST. W., NEWCASTLE 987~4733623-4439 $55,900 4 year aid backsplit wîth 3 bedraoms, well finished rec raom and attached garage. Situated an quiet raad near Newtanville. Cali today for appointment ta view. HOUSE PLUS BUSINESS Neat 3 bedroam brick bungalow plus stone building presently operating as gas station. On large lot 150 x 208. Hwy. 2 location makes this a gaad buy at $58,900. 2 BEDROOM - $29,900 New addition, wiring and plumbing plus a full basement on a good lotinl Newtonvilla. Won't last long ai ibis price. SMALL BARN goes with this 3 bedroom home on large lt in Newtonville. Country kitchen has Franklin ti!replace. Asking $42,900. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Village of Newcastle, tor details cali E. Vanhaverbeke. Banner Passant Real Estate Limited Member Broker 104 Waverley Road, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-6121 NEW HOMES - 2 ta choose tram, one Iwo storey in Eowmanville, one sidesplit in Orono. Asking $63,900.00. HWY. NO. 115 NORTH ORONO - Living quarters are included with this restaurant and gas station. Asking $89,900.00. TOWN HOUSE - 11'/2 year old, 3 bedroom, broadloom throughout, full basement, 10114/% first morigage. Asking $40,900.00. BOWMANVILLE - 3 bedroom brick and aluminum sidesplit, main floor laundry room, family roomn with fireplace, 3 washrooms, double garage with paved drive, immediate possession. Asking $69,900.00. COUNTRY LIVING - 5 room older aluminum sided bungalow on large private lot with mature trees. Asking $42,500.00. $3,000.00 DOWN - Older 2 storey semi in Bowmanville, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, detached garage, immediate possession. BOWMANVILLE - 4 bedroom 2 storey brick and aluminum home, fireplace in family room, paved drive, garage. Asking $54,900.00. LOTS AND ACREAGE - 18 and 30 acre parcels and 2 building lots priced f rom $10,900.00 to,$55,900.00. BOWMANVILLE - 2 storey, 3 bedroom, brick and aluminum semi, finished rec room, tenced rear yard, 83/% first mortgage. Asking $43,900.00. NEWCASTLE VILLAGE - 4 bedrooms, newly decorated kitchen and living room, fireplace, rec room, large lot with pool. Now only $45,900.00. W~ere ereFor ]YRL I Each offfice is independently owned and operated. REAL ESTATE LIMITED 623-4428 181 Church Street F.IREPLAC.E AND HEATEU POOL!, are just twvo of the features of this 4 bedroom bungalow here n Bowm-anville. Theres a large tinished rec room with bar and still lots of room for that warkshop, or childrens playroam. Priced at $65,900.00. Caîl nawl ON PRIVATE FENCED RAVINE LOT s this 3 bedraom home with double paved drive, single at- tached garage and large kitchen. Close toalal conveniences. Asking $49,900.00. SOLID BRICK 2 STOREY n Bowmanville, this home features 4 large bedroams, covered back parch, country sized kitchen and compplete separate one bedraam main f baor apartment. Ail on huge lot 69 x 322, right in town. A must ta, see at $73,900.00. DON'T LET THE WINTER AHEAD phase you t ram enjoying the ingraund pool and yard area. next summer. Clean 3 or 4 bedraam 11/2 storey aluminum home, separate dining room, games room for pool and table tennis. Only 20 min, tram Bawmanville. Asking $44,900.00. See it now. ONLY $25,000.00 This home needs work but has passibilities. An addition ta the home has been started. Large lot 132 x 132. In Pan- typoal. PRIVATE YET CLOSE On country sized lot is this 3 bedraom backsplit with Franklin fireplace in finished rec room. Fully fenced yard backing on- ta farmland for yaur privacy. AIl schaals are handy. 7 mi, east of Bawmanville. Reduced ta, $53,500.00., VERY DESIRABLE AREA 0F BOWMANVILLE Spaciaus 2 yr. aid 2 storey brick and aluminum home with 3 bedraoms, 2 bathraoms, family roam with fireplace and glass sliding patio doors in kitchen. Double garage and double paved drive. Near schools and shopping area. Priced ta selI at anly $63,500.00. Terms. Rluamnnvlllp 6- -ÇIO111 BOWMMAdVILLE - 4 bearooms, 11/2 b 'ates, inter-com and central vacuum sysiem, broadloom and cushion floors, rec room, sliding doors ta sundeck. Choice nartb area court, asking $69,900. SCUGOG PON'T - winterîzed and partly turnished, 3 bedrooms on large L shaped corner lot. Road open year round, asking $32,900. VENDORS ANXIOUS. 52 King St. West, Bowmanville 623-2453 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION - 8 room tfaily home at an affordable price; near schooi; nice lot; front sunroom; in good condition thraughout. Asking $44,900. Terms available. The town's planning and development committee is trying hard to accommodate a request by Scott's Chicken Villa to erect a sign on the front of its building in- addition to the one on the street. A representative of the Chicken Villa said, the restaurant needs additional identification because its existing sign is blocked by trees and the sign of the business next door. He said this municipality's by-law concerning signs is the most stringent he has encountered. The sign by-law permaits only one identification sign on an interior lot in a commercial zone. The only times when two signs are allowed are in the case of a corner lot or a building with multiple uses, for instance a shopping centre. Mayor Garnet Rickard said he considers such a by-law somewhat discrimin- atory. they think the students are worth. Those students work- ing for older or disabled people have been sponsored. Durham is having another work-a-thon on October 26 and 27. Our goal is $7,500, s0 if you see one of the Durham students on your door step, don't turn hlm or ber away. BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 ORONO 983-9547 BOWMANVILLE - HANDY LOCATION To new shopping mail. This 3 bedraom bungalow with attached garage bas a dining raom and rec roam with a log burning tireplace for oniy $53,900. Terms. Cail Kay Brown ta inspect. BEAUTIFUL BACKSPLIT - SEMI Located in a neighbbrbood of good homes in Bawmanviiie. 4 bedrooms, separate dining room, Hollywood kitchen and' finished piayroom. The mortgage is anly 93/41/o. Asking aniy $48,900. Cail Kay Brown. NORTH-EAST BOWMANVILLE - 3 ACRES This 3 bedroom home feature,%stone fireplace, new 4 pce. bath, sewing room. Would yowu believe ail this for oniy $48,500? Cail Bill Whyte to-day. NEWTONVILLE - 71/4 ACRES' And just $30,000 down for this picturesque property with a lovely 3 bedroom brick home, 2 tireplaces, new wood/oil turnace, double car garage, cement block horse barn with water, plus many mare extras. Asking $109,01J0 with terms. Cail Charlie Reid. FOUR APARTMENTS- $81 ,90ô n Bowmanvilie and close ta downtawn shopping core. Each api. bas 2 bedroams. This triple brick building is kept in excellent condition. Look ta the future and see your invest-, ment grow. Cali Bill Whyte. DO YOU WANT VALUE? Here tl s for only $35,900. 3 bedraom home on 66' x 264' lot ln Orono with detacbed garage, paved drive. Perfect loca- flan. Cali Bill Turansky now. BOWMANVILLE AREA We are ottering an ideal building lot just 3 miles tram Bawmanville. Enbanced by its quiet country setting this praperty is perfect for yaur dream bouse. Asking $28,500. Cail Bill Morrison Jr. THE BEST 0F BOTH FOR $44,900 BOWMAN VILLE, On the edge of town is this 3 bedroom bungalow with large country kitchen witb a view for miles, yet onty minutes t ram town. Large lot with aboya ground pool. Well decarated, tinished basement. Priced ta sali. Cail Jean Driscoîl. GREATLY REDUCED - $50,500 Bungalow le Newcastle witb 4 bedroams, 2 baths, tinished, rec room, office and mare. Vendar wants this home sold immediateiy. Cail Jean Driscoîl., "THE MANSE" An exquisite centre hall home with country kitchen, separate dining room, music room-and parlor. Cus 'tom built glass wail in Florida room looks' ouita private garden. Located in Newtanvilie and asking just $84,900. Cali Jean Driscol tor details. FAMILY ROOM - $68,500 With fireplace ln this huge Bowmanville sidespiit with full basement. Graund floor laundry, aluminum soffitt and fadia. Terms. Caîl Merna Vella or Dianne Farquhar. -a- Coast (o Coast Real Estate erncc COZY - frame bungalow near Ontario St. School. Has family raom, Hollywood kitchen, bright living room plus a playraam for the youngsters. Ideal home for growing family. Neat as a pin. Priced ta sali ai $48,500. Terms. ECONOMY - 5 room home on- small lot - centrally located - commercial zoning - asking $36,900. Terms may be arranged. AFTER H OURS J. A. BARTON.......... *.............. ... 623-3098 PETER KOWAL JR................. ... 623-5868 GORD BEECH........................... 623-5265 The Oshawa & District Real Estate Board on behaif of the Membership, proudly announces the introduction of is new MVLS COMPUTER PHOTO BOOK as of October 3,1978, featuring: 1. Weekly updates of ail residential MIS Listings 2. Special sections with 10 & I (Industrial, Commercial and Investment) properties and farm and vacant land MLS Listings. 3. Weekly reports on ail MLS sales 4. Up-to-date mortgage informat ion 5. Maps of the jurisdictional area af the Oshawa &District ReaIEF-statê&-Boardwhicineudeï;: AjaxiPickering Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville - Newcastle Port Perty - Scugog 6. Compete regional information; Heaith Units, Day Care Centres, etc. 7. Location and addresses of ail schools and churches in Durham Region This much impraved system wilI flot only assist the Real Esiate Board Members greatly, but affers a more complete Multiple Listing Service ta vendors and a better method for purchasers to select the home of their choice. "Cali your favorite Real Estate Office for a look at the new Computer Photo Book" 137 KingSI.Phone 13 East SA E 623-7694 Bowmanville ,...623-7661 REALTORI 4BEDROOM - trame and insul brick homne localed onr Lake' Ontario, tool shed included ln price. FULL PRIGE NL '$31 ,900. Try your otter. 1.6 ACRE LOT - with this 3 bedroom ranch style bungalow, 2 - 5 pc. hatbs, well treed lot, double car garage, finished rec room with irepiace, on No. 2 Hwy. NEWCASTLE TRAILER PARK - mobile home, monthly rentai tee of $75.OC includes water, hydro, parking and garbage pick up, sun porch, many more extras. VEMbOR ANXIOUS. -;,", ;.%Ûàîmmmllbk m