4 Home Improvement, Supplement of The Canadian Statesman. Wednesday, October 18th, 1978 Storm windows will' slash fuel bilis and add comfort 'Another cold winter is predicted and fuel pnices may soar again, 50 it's time to consider energy-saving meas- ures. One of the most practical is to instail aluminum-framed storm windows and doors, because they reduce heating loss through the windows by as much as 40 percent and add to your comfort. According to the National Bureau of Standards, old un- protected windows and doors can be the single biggest cause of energy loss in our homes. Together they account for 70 percent of the heating loss. 1Room heat works its way out through the glass and cold air leaks in around the framres, causing drafts. A storm window is de- signed to provide a second window over the original glass and its low- maintenance aluminumn frame helps reduce air leak- age around the perimeter of the prime window. To be miost effective, there should be an air space of one inch or more between the two windows because it is this air space that acts as insulation. The window should fit snugly, but not too snugly, so that there is sufficient ai- lowance for "breathing'" to the outside to reduce con- densation on the window panes and sîli. Today's most popular type of storm window is the "trip- le track" aluniin um--framed window with self-storing screens which slide easily into place in the spring. Storms come in mîlI, anodized and painted finiishes or cani be paînted to match any decor. 'ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS can reduce heat loss through the windows as much as 40 per cent because they create an insulating air space. Worker tightens screws on frames whieh have multiple tracks to make both stortu sash and screens self-storing. Photo courtesy: the Aluminum Association. Standard shapes and sizes fit a wide variety of windows; including doubie-hang, two and three-lite sliders, single, double and triple horizontal and vertical picture win- dows, and even patio doors. They can be customr-cut where necessary. Before you add storm win- dows, be sure your prime windows are in good condi- tion. If not, repair them by caulking or weatherstnipping or consider new aluminum replacement windows. Shop around for storm sash before you buy and compare the quality of the various windows available. The joints should be neat and strong, and the heavier the frame and general construc- tion, the stronger and more durable the window. -The best windows have thick weatherstripping and glass that weighs at ieast 18 ounces per square foot. Lnistalling storm windows can prove to be an econom- ical investment that may pay for itself within three to six years. In a home in- Detroit, for instance, which has a 6200 degree day climate, a family heating with oul at 490 a gallon could save approximately $105 a year by adding storms. If they use electricity they could save considerably more;, with gas somewhat less. For a free booklet on selecting storm windows, write to the Alurminum Win- dow Information Bureau, 250 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019. For comfort and safety be careful around lit hearth <The fireplace exudes warmth in a very real sense, and is therefore a natural as an entertanng conter. For centuries, families and their guests have gathered around the hearth of an evening, chatting and enjoying eacb other's company tili bedtime. Today, with the re- surgence of interest, in work- ing fireplaces, A of this is possible once again. In City apartments, as weIl as com- fortable country places, fireplaces that have been long bricked up are being opened and rendered usable, and fireplaces are being in- stalled for the first time where none were befoère. 0f course, there are somne rules to.observe when using a fireplace, to ensure both the maximum in pleasure and the maximum in safety. First, make sure the~ flue is open before ighting fire and, once. open, that it is flot blocked up inl any way. If it is open and clear, you should be able to feel a draught corn- ing down it. When you build your fire, direct your logs toward the flue to allow for easy escape of smoke. Be sure to build your tire as far back in your fireplace as you can. Use twigs, if possi- ble, to start your fire. If flot, wadded up newspajper around your logs will work just as well. To prevent sparks from fly- ing into the room, make sure, to set up a screen in front of the fire. And make certain, if you intend to do any c ooking over your fireplace, even roasting mnarshmallows, that you are using natural firewood, and Dlot one of the chemically formed logs. Then, sit back and enjoy yourself as a winter of warmn and cozy nighits stretcbes ahead. MAKE MINTER GREAT- PARTICIPA TI Fîtes, In your heart you know it's right, YOu CAN DO U T ..: .. .., ,,,,YOU RSELFI OUR TOP QUA LITY PAINT AND WALLPAPER' PLUS TOP QUALITY EQUIPMENT MA KES THE JOB EASY! COME IN TODA Y AND LET OUR QUA LIFIED. STAFF HELP YOU, IN EVERY WAY! LB ETHY' S PAINT &WALLPAPER 55 King Street West, Bowmanville Phone 623-5431 r CUSTOM KITCHENS Manufacturers of Kit chens, Bathroom Cabinets and Custom Cabinets. Buitto your measurements. WE ALSO SPECIALIZE IN STEREO WALL CABINETS Visit Our Showroom 486 Waterloo St. Phone 723-1123 Oshawa