12 Home Improvemnent, Supplement of The Canadian Statesman, Wedniesday, October l8tb, 1978 Don' payfor someone else 's mistakies: hire a professional Few people have the time or desire to be experts in ev- erytbing. W%ýhen somieone's, aiuto isn't running rigt, for example, be usuiiy takes it to a mechanic be can trust. Wben your home needs îmi- proving., it's a question of finding a remodeler you can bave confidence in. But il isn't aiwxays eatsy to find a professional, reliaible contractor. Most home îmi- provement contractors a're reputable and do good work. After al, mucb of their busi- ness depends on recomi- mendations fromi previous customers. But there are some -fly by night" opera- tors wbose office is the glove compartmient of their vehicle. Tbey sbould be avoided. 'if the contractor xho re- miodels your home is not qiified," advises Ntional Home ImIpr-oveml-ent CounIcil President EÏdwavrd A. More, 1 you paIy for is mistalkes.- W z c ILI To avoid the disappoint- mient of a poorly done home r-emodeling job and to assure getting full value from your inivestnt, More suggests following these basic rules: - Hire a contractor witb an, established place of busi- ness, preferably someone in your iocality wbo bas been in business for severai years. * Make sure he bas ade- quate financial references. Get the nlames of baktiks and suppiiers he uses. - Giet from hi m the inames of previouIs customners for whom ble bas done work and be sure to foliow' up w\itb a visit or a phone caîl. Cbeck himi out witb th-_ local Better Businiess Bureau, the Chambher of Commu]erce, or conitact the local chaIpter of- fice of the NHIIC to deter- mine if he is a mremuber in good standing. * Get at least threce bids from comupeting cuntractor, Winterize equipment, for a powerful spring!1 PORT WASHINGTON, put away tbeir powered walk- Wis.-As tbe lawns of Nortb bebind lawn mowers. America go into hibernation Hopefully, the equipment for the winter, their owners bas been winterized, wicb is COLLIN~, TROISTER, LANARK, r You Pay Only 4% Tax ai WiIson's,'- (WE'LL PAY THEm DIFFERENCE) until October 31 st. 1978.z~ lu DELIVERY MUST BE TAKEN BY « N OV. 30, 1978. m1- Mattress Clearance Speclals QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING. HUNDREOS 0F COILS. WILSON SPECIAL ..$199 3e DOUBLE SIZE QUILTED MATTRESS .......... $68 1; 39" CONTINENTAL BEDS. 6 LEGS........... $99 to 3/ SIZE MATTRESSES FROM........ ...... $58 M>1 FOAM MATTRESSES FROM...... ..... $34.95 ~ 36" AND 39" MATTRESSES FROM ..... $48.95 - DOUBLE SIZE OUILTED MATTRESSES < with malching Box Springs from ........... $1381 m LUSCIOUS LIVING ROOMS < AT SALE PRICES 2 PIECE TRADITIONAL SUITE IN BROCADE Q COVER. Foam cushions, comrfortable, padded back mn cushions, rolled arm, valance. WILSON SPECIAL ....................... $478 but be sure ail are bidding on the samne plan, §pecifications and quality of mnaterials and wýor-kmainship. - If plans are required, in- sist that you okay themi be- fore work proceeds. * Get a con tract in writing. The contract should state that the contractor wiii pro- vide labor and mate rials; that hie has adeqiuate insurance coverag-,,e; that he will secure ail necessary permîits; that starting and completion dates are designated; that final paymient wili not be due uintil final approval of the job by the onr and that cleanup and remnoval of ,vaste mnateri- ls is specified. NHIC also advises homie- owners flot to bargain w'ith the remodeling co)ntractor over the price of materials or labor rates. The NHIC memiber contractor is a pro- fessional wvho knows his bu1Siiess and wanýilts yours. a good practice that contrib- utes to tbe reiiability of its operation the following sumimer and belps a'void need for more expensive mainte- nance later. Now is tbe time, as the winter is just beginning, to do a tborougb preparation for cold weatber storage, ac- cording to the Simnplicity Manuifacturing Co. bere, a manufacturer of powered lawn and gar-den equipment. Cold weatber is bard on stored equipment, particu- larly if it is stored dirty. You don't need to be a mecbanic tLo wînterize your equîpment nor do you need more than two or tbree bours. Just follow these, steps. 1. Witb the engine off and the traction control in the disengage position, remove tbe bigbi tension wire fromt tbe sparkplug. Drain the gasoline according to instruc- tions in tbe manuai. Fuel lefI to stand becomes gummy. 2. Reconnect the bigb ten- sion wire and start the engine, using the small amount of gasolitle stiil in thie carburetor, letting idle until it stops. Let the angine cool and disconnect the bigb ten- sion wire once agifl. Drain the crank.case, mak- ing sure to reseal il to prevent diri entening the engine. Be- fore sealing, add one ounce of new oil and crank the engine a few times to distri- bute tbe oil, preventing internai rust. 3. Clean the mower. Wîth the high tension wire stiil dis- connected, tip the mower on; its side and remove any diri or grass clippingý that may be sticking to the housing by spraying it with a garden hose. Scrape out any grass tbat water will not remove witb a brusb or paint scraper. You m ay find that the underside of a steel deck needs a new paint job to prevent rusting. (Simpiicity bas magnesium decks.) 4. Check the blade fas- tener and blade for general condition and sharpness. If tbne blade requires servicing, foilow the blade maintenance procedure in tbe operator's manual . Make sure tbe blade is ha- lanced before it is installed and tben properly tigbtened according to tbe manufactur- er's specifications. A simple way to balance a blade is by putting a screwdriver tbrough the center bole. If tbe blade tips, grind off a little metal from tbe "low"* side. Rotary lawnmower biades sbould always be sbarpened on tbe upper surface onlY. 5. Witb tbe mower rigbt side up, cleaîn dirt, grime and grass clippings from tbe ex- ternal parts of tbe engine, sbrouding and top of tbe mower bousing. Give special attention to tbe cylinder head fins and blower housing, wbicb must be completely dlean for proper air cooling. 6. Now service tbe spark- plug. Witb the cylinder bead dlean to insure tbat foreign matter does not faîl into tbe cylinder, remove tbe spark plug, dlean il and re-gap it or replace it witb a new one rec- ommended by the manufac- YOU DON'T NEED TO BE AN EXPERT to do a proper maintenance job on your walkhehind power lawn mower, according to the Sîmplicity Manufacturing Company. Most of the instructions are found ini own- ers' manuals. Simplicity is an Alis-Chalmers company. turer. Replace britie or gashed wire. 7. After a season's use tbe air cleaner generally be- comes quite dirty. Air cleaner -Iements used on to- day's mowers are most commonly made of a polyuretbane or sponge rub- ber material. Wasb the elemnent in a liq- uid soap detergent and warm water solution. Dry the ele- ment (avoid twisting it wbicb could cause it to tear) and saturate it witb oil. Then squeeze tbe excess oul out of tbe elemnent and reassemble tbe air cleaner. 8. Rotary mowers are aI- ways subjected to a great deal of vibration tbat migbt cause parts to loosenl. Cbeck and tigbten aIl cap screws, boîts, screws and nuts. Cbeck wheels, too, ad~. tîgbten as needed. If anY Part is damaged, repair or replace it. 9. Refidll the crat1leo*L$e witb tbe recommended oul to its proper level. Caution sbould be taken not -to over- fil the crankcase as engine damage or starting diîff'cu'ltY could result. Lubricate and grease other parts of your mower as rlec- ommnended in the operator' s manual. 19. Locate rusty spots. Clean these and paint with a rust înbibiting paint. Cover the mower to protect it fr-om- dust and diii, tbent store it in a dlean dry place. Mop up bathroom spills quickly To make bathroom clean- proportions. ups easier, why flot keep a For bard to reach areas sponge and your preferred (i.e., a tub bidden behind slid- cleanser close at hand at A ing glass doors), a sponge on times. Then, wbenever mes- a long handle wiil work won- ses occur, tbey can be wiped ders, and save you bours of up before tbey reacb epic bending and stretching. Introducing HMîB There's neyer been an easier way to instail the natural beauty of, real brick for floors and walls, U o special tools needed . . . No footing or support required. *Exclusive self-spacing edge. designed to make accurate evenly spaced rows automatically *Strong enough for the heaviest foot traf ftic *Perfect for indoors and outdoors Weather-proof. Fire proof. Fade proof. COLOU RS TERRA COTTA RED, OLD TOWN BRICK AND ANTIQUE WHITE. I I d U 164 Base Line Road mi Bowmnanville 623-6345 623-6341 If You're Bulding Anything .- Ask Us Abouti t. DURHAM BUILDINO SUPPLIES